Although the book was sealed for just two hours, it was like two years in Xiaoguang's heart.

Perhaps this is how life is like years.

Many book friends joined groups for this reason and asked about the loss of the book.

Thank you for your concern, we have already come out, Luo Hu will not end, now is just the beginning.

In the future, Xiaoguang will not write that kind of messy content, and the book friends in the province worry.

Talk about the reasons for the loss:

This time, because of the chapter of "Luohu's Magical Ventilation", it was reported many times before being sealed. Xiaoguang deeply reviewed it.

In the future, Xiaoguang will be positive, support the core socialist values, actively respond to the party's policies, and write books that are valuable and positive to society.

I also hope that book friends will support Xiaoguang and support genuine reading.

Book Friends: 1016136796

Talk about the feelings of "Law Hou Asking the Dao"

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