Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 336: The Eve of the World War

Above the heaven, the atmosphere in the High Heaven Treasure Hall was very tense, because the Queen of Heaven had not returned to her position, which caused the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array to be unable to be fully arranged.

Wei Neng directly dropped by nearly half!

How to fight against the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Array without the Moon Stars.

"Your Majesty, the prince has already gone to the Sun Star, so don't worry about it. It will probably not be long before the prince will return." Taibai Jinxing said.

"Yes, your Majesty, when the prince is going, Queen Da Ri must return." Bai Ze also took a step forward.

At this time, they all knew that Lu Ya had returned to the Heavenly Court, and also knew that Lu Ya had gone to the Sun Star with his natal chart.

After all, it was a mother and son. If Lu Ya went there, Xihe should be back.

This is what all might think in their hearts.

But Tai Yi was very worried. These people didn't understand Xihe, but he knew very well that he hadn't returned yet, so Xihe must have trapped Lu Ya.

Not only would he not come, but he also trapped his son there!

"Your Majesty." Tian Hou Ying Long grabbed Tai Yi's hand.

Although Tai Yi appeared to be as stable as Mount Tai, his palms were sweaty, thinking that he was worried that the Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array could not be fully arranged.


As an emperor, he would never allow a defeat in this great war, he must win, and victory requires a star battle of Zhou Tian.

Without Zhou Tian's star battle formation, Heavenly Court would undoubtedly lose.

And without the star power of the Zhou Tian, ​​the Heavenly Court will also lose!

"Okay, let's not talk about it. There are still five years to be the world war. After waiting for two years, if the prince has not returned, the queen will temporarily take the position of the Taiyin star, and set up the next week of the star battle!"

Taiyi said in a deep voice, looking at the gods all over the hall.

All the gods can see that Taiyi is carrying a lot of pressure.

As a party leader, the more critical the moment, the more pressure, because they can't let their power be obliterated.

"Your Majesty, the minister has something to report!" Bai Ze stood up.

"Say." Tai Yi closed his eyes slightly, he had guessed what Bai Ze was going to say.

"The southern swamp deadwood ancestor refused to help Heavenly Court." Bai Ze said helplessly.

"Well, as expected, this person is timid and fearful, but even if he doesn't want to join the war, I will pull him in." Taiichi stood up and said with a cold voice!

At this time, the entire heavenly court felt the coldness from Taiyi's body. Normally, Taiyi's body was filled with the breath of real fire from the sun.

But now it is extremely cold and cold, making the entire Lingxiao Hall seem to have become the Nine Profound Ice Cave!

"The demon master listens to the order," Tai Yi said in a deep voice.

The Kunpeng Demon Master immediately stood up: "The minister is here!"

"Listen to my order, go to the big swamp, and finally inform the Withered Wood Ancestor, if you don't take action, you will directly obliterate him!" Taiyi said murderously.

Although Old Ancestor Withered Wood was powerful, he was still a bit inferior to Old Ancestor Kunpeng, and Kunpeng Ancestor had a very important identity.

Withered Wood Ancestor is a casual cultivator, and does not belong to the Xuanmen nor the magic way.

It can be said that once the withered wood ancestor is attacked, then there is no great power above the prehistoric will extend a helping hand.

"The minister leads the decree!" Kunpeng ancestor immediately took the order, and then quickly left the heaven.

The current ancestor of Kunpeng has accumulated all the grievances, and he knows that if it breaks out now, then it is him who is injured!

Everything has to wait until he becomes a saint!

At that time, he can return all the humiliation the One has given him back to him!

Watching the ancestor Kunpeng leave, Taibai Jinxing couldn't help but wonder, his Majesty is becoming more and more resolute!


Taiyi looked at Bai Ze, and said majesticly: "Bai Ze, you lead thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals to the prehistoric mountain!"

"Your Majesty, why go to Buzhou Mountain?" Bai Ze was extremely puzzled, because the location of the battle was initially set on the Taigu battlefield!

That is the place where the three tribes fought, why did they go to Buzhou Mountain?

Moreover, Zhoushan is under the Nantian Gate, so it can be said that this is guarding his doorstep!

It stands to reason that the character of Ether One will never be a guardian!

It should lead the army directly to the underworld, this is Taiyi's character.

"You don't need to ask so much, do it!" Taiyi said majesticly.

Bai Ze didn't dare to say anything, Dang Yi took the order, left the High Heaven Hall, and went to the Shenbing Department to order soldiers!

"Your Majesty, why do you want to guard against Zhoushan?" Ying Long looked at Tai Yi suspiciously.

At this time, all the mighties are wondering why Taiyi would do this?

Because Bu Zhoushan doesn't need to guard it at all!

Even if it is a guardian, it is also guarded by the Wu clan. After all, this is the backbone of Pangu, symbolizing the majesty of Pangu in the prehistoric!

"The Heavenly Court is standing on Mount Buzhou. The battle between heaven and earth must not let Mount Wuzhou be lost. Once Mount Wuzhou shakes, the foundation of Heavenly Court will be broken!" Tai Yi said lightly.

Next, Taiyi didn't say any more, because these great powers already understood what they meant.

If there is a problem with Bu then Heavenly Court can be said to be directly defeated!

That's why Taiyi sent heavy troops to guard Zhoushan.

"The ghost car listens to the order!" Tai Yi called out again in majesty.

The ghost car exuding a strong murderous aura came out.

"The minister is here!"

"Leading tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals, destroying everything in the celestial land, and turning a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles into nothingness!" Tai Yi said in a deep voice.

"The minister must complete the task!" the ghost car said loudly.

Then he also left the Lingxiao Hall and went to the Shenbing Division!

The Celestial Land is the foundation of the Witch Clan. If Taiyi destroys this Celestial Land in advance, then the Witch Clan must be injured congenitally. By that time, the Heavenly Court's odds of winning will be much larger.

"Your Majesty, the minister wants to lead the army in the first battle against the Wu Clan of the Underworld!" Fuxi stood up.

As the demon emperor of the heavenly court, Fuxi knew that this first battle was none other than him. It would be better for Taiyi to speak out!

"Okay!" It's so overjoyed.

"I am so relieved that the Demon Emperor can ask for a fight!"

"Your Majesty, give it an order!" Demon Emperor Fuxi made the appearance of accepting the order.

Nodded too much.

"The Demon Sovereign listened to my orders and led hundreds of millions of celestial soldiers and generals into the Primordial Battlefield, and the first battle with the witches of the underworld. This battle only needs to be won but not defeated!" Taiyi said majesticly.

"The minister followed the decree!" Demon Emperor Fuxi took the decree.

After that, he also left the Lingxiao Hall and went to the Shenbing Division.

In the heart of Demon Emperor Fuxi, he always felt that this battle was in great danger.

But I feel that the crisis can be turned into a breeze.

Fuxi couldn't tell exactly how it felt, but he knew that in this battle, you only need to win, not lose!

To prepare for a rainy day, he has already begun to lay out a plan for a world war.

At the same time, the Wu Clan of the Underworld also began to deploy one by one!



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