Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 337: Xingtian arrangement


Fengdu Imperial Palace.

"Brother, give the order!" Gonggong said anxiously looking at Dijiang.

At this time, the Heavenly Court had already begun to operate, and the underworld was not ignorant, so Gonggong was so eager.

This can't help but not worry about working together!

If the heaven is given the opportunity, then their ancestral land, that is, the land of the celestial poles, is afraid that they will suffer a disaster.

At that time, the Wu clan's luck will flow away, causing the power of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods to decline.

"Big brother, what are you waiting for?" Zhu Jiuyin looked at Di Jiang, and he discovered what Di Jiang's eyes were looking at.

I think I am waiting for someone, but the battle between heaven and earth is imminent, and the heaven has already begun to be arranged, and even a large army has been sent!

Who is so important to make Dijiang wait so much?

Above the main hall, the eleven ancestral witches are extremely nervous, and outside the hall, there are more than 500 great witches standing, and they are extremely nervous!

Because they knew that when Dijiang gave an order, then the prelude to the world war would begin.

"Report~~~ Da Wu Xing Tian, ​​please see you!" A Tian Wu came in and said respectfully to Dijiang.

"Let him in!" Di Jiang said with joy in his eyes.

After that, Xing Tian slowly walked into the hall, watching the nervous ancestral witches in the hall, naturally knowing why.

"Xing Tian has seen twelve ancestral witches!" Xing Tian bowed and saluted.

Although Xing Tian is not an ancestral witch, he must bow down when he meets the ancestral witch, but Xing Tian has another identity, that is, the ancestor of the wizard clan!

This identity is the same as the ancestral witch, but because the ancestral witch is the supreme existence of the witch clan, Xing Tian also needs to do a half ceremony when he meets the ancestral witch.

"Xing Tian, ​​what's wrong?" Di Jiang asked quickly.

"The land of the celestial pole is headed by a ghost car, so it shouldn't be a worry, but Buzhou Mountain is the guardian of Bai Ze, the head of the ten great demon saints. I need to go personally!" Xing Tian said solemnly.

"Who should go to the extreme place that day?" Di Jiang asked, looking at Xing Tian.

Although the highest head of the underworld is Dijiang, Xing Tian is proficient in calculations. In this matter, Di Jiang still has to ask Xing Tian's opinions.

"You can dispatch Jiuying and Fengboyu Master. If the three of them go there, they will definitely be able to kill the ghost car, and then there will be time to go to the Primordial Battlefield."

"Okay, just in Xingtian's words." Di Jiang said loudly.

After that, Di Jiang walked out of the main hall, other ancestral witches followed close behind, and Xing Tian finally left the main hall.

Looking at hundreds of great witches, Dijiang was full of vigor. In this world war, the Wu clan will win!

"Jiuying, Yushi, Uncle Feng listens!"

"I'll wait for the ancestor witch to dispatch!"

At this time, all the great witches had seen the ancestral witch appear, and they knew that they were about to give orders.

The war between heaven and earth is about to begin, and a battle that will determine the future of the wild is about to begin.

Dijiang said majesticly: "Ling'er and others led five million witches to the celestial land to protect the ancestral land, and beheaded the invading enemies, remember, to wipe them out!"

"I will definitely complete the ancestral witch's order!" Jiuying, Yushi, and Feng Bo all said loudly.

After that, the three top witches all left the Fengdu Imperial Palace and went to the Yin Bingsi, where the witch army was located.

"Where is Chi You!" Di Jiang shouted.

Chi You, who was standing behind Dijiang, stood up and bowed his hand to Dijiang.

"Chi You is here!"

"Let you lead hundreds of millions of witches to the Taikoo battlefield, and you will win the first battle!" Di Jiang said majesticly.

Chi You took the order and turned and left. Although Chi You was an ancestor witch and wanted to form the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Array, this first battle must be led by the ancestor witch!

One is to improve morale, and the other is to win, not to lose!

Although Di Jiang didn't know who Taiyi sent to the Taikoo battlefield, he understood that this was just a vanguard battle. The real battle was behind.

Because at that time, Dijiang will lead all the witches and follow behind.



"Let you lead five million Wu Clan to Buzhou Mountain, it is bound to make Buzhou Mountain tremble!" When Di Jiang said these words again, his heart felt like a knife cut!

Because Buzhou Mountain represents Pangu's figure in the prehistoric land, but now, they are going to shake Pangu and disturb Pangu because of the world war!

"Father God is on the top. This is the time when the Witch tribe is in danger. Please also God Father can forgive the Witch tribe's sins!"

Xing Tian prayed a lot, after all, as the ancestor of wizards, there are some things he needs to do.

"Xing Tian leads his orders, he is bound to kill Bai Ze and shake the mountain!" Xing Tian strode away from the Fengdu Imperial Palace.

"Jiu Yin, you arrange to gather all the witches, gather the ghost gates, three years later, use the background of the Ping Xin Empress to go directly to the ancient battlefield!" Di Jiang said.

"Brother don't worry, younger brother must make arrangements!"

Di Jiang turned around and entered the hall. He needed to recover. The two crucial people in this battle were Taiyi and Although Taiyi’s combat power was strong, Dijiang was The cohesion of the Witch!

The two of them are in the war, and any mistakes they make can affect the battle!

The witch race is far less powerful than the monster race. Even so many years have passed, there are only billions of people. Fortunately, every witch race is a natural warrior and can go to the battlefield.

In comparison, the monster race has a large army, and there are tens of billions of heavenly soldiers and generals, all of whom can join the battlefield.

Whether it is Heavenly Court or Netherworld Palace, they are all busy dispatching troops at this time.

Said it is a battle that sets the world.

Not an exaggeration.

"Master, why don't you capture Dijun and force the demons out?" Nuwa asked suspiciously while looking at Luo Hui.

Luo Hui smiled and shook his head. Nu Wa knew too little about demons, and she didn't even know what kind of person a demons was.

How could a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death appear in front of Luo Hu because of Emperor Jun.

You must know that at the time of Longhan's first robbery, it was just Luo Hu's breath that had already scared the evil spirits to abandon his teammates and escaped from the world.

Now I am afraid that it will not appear in front of Luo Hu.

"Don't say that an unimportant emperor, even with ten grandeur and purple auras, can't lure him." Luo Hui sneered.

In the eyes of the demons, Di Jun is just a puppet, how could he put himself in a dangerous place because of a puppet.

But what made Luo Hu curious was that the evil demon's method of controlling Emperor Jun was very good, and he didn't even notice how to do it.

"Will the existence of that Emperor Jun cause the result of the heaven and earth war?" Nu Wa still wanted to let the human race become the protagonist of the heaven and earth.

If Emperor Jun came out to take revenge, wouldn't it lead to the defeat of the Heavenly Court and the victory of the Underworld?

At that time, how could Human Race become the protagonist of heaven and earth?

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