Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 344: World War [6] 1 enemy 8

   Sumi Mountain, in the palace.

   Luohu sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-rank extinct black lotus, and beside him was standing Wang Shu.

   "This is the end of the matter, isn't it possible that my palace can't take action yet!" Wang Shu looked at Luo Hui and asked.

   Luo Hui did not speak, because Luo Hui now understands one thing, that is, when a woman is angry, what you say is wrong.

   The atmosphere in the Zizai Palace is very tense. The seven passions and desires who were waiting here have long gone out of sight. They are not stupid, and staying for a while will lead to fire.

   Wang Shuqi enters the palace of freedom, where there will be any good things.

   "Luo Hui, do you still remember what you said and the rules you made!" Wang Shu asked Luo Hui.

   "One time and another time." Luo Hui said lightly.

   "If your disciple betrays, what shall you do?" Wang Shu was really angry, otherwise, she would not use Luo Hu's disciple as a metaphor.


   Luo Hui was a little angry, but was suppressed again, he knew that this was Wang Shu's unintentional remark.

   Luo Huo's most taboo thing is betrayal. If his disciple betrays, then there is only one result. Luo Hu will never let him stay in the world for a moment!


   Luo Hui said coldly.

   "What about Xihe?" Wang Shu asked in a deep voice.

   "Kill...but not now." Luo Hui said helplessly.

   "What are you waiting for? Di Jun has already appeared, what is the use of Xihe?" Wang Shu looked at Luo Hui and asked impatiently.

   Luo Hui wanted to blurt out, but he had to bear it down. It would be better to know one less about Daojun Lu Ya.

   The reason why Luo Hui didn't let Wang Shu do anything was because he was worried about the cause and effect of Lu Ya Daojun and Wang Shu.

   When Daojun Lu Ya was reincarnated, he was seriously injured. Even so, his breath was above Luohu and Hongjun!

   This is also the reason why none of them thought about killing Xi He, because they were worried about causing cause and effect with Lu Ya.

   Luo Hui is very powerful, but not invincible. There are many realms above him. He is not an ignorant mortal, but a superior demon ancestor.

   "The life and death of Xihe is still hard to say, but this time, she may perish, but you must not kill Xihe with your own hands!" Luo Hui looked at Wang Shu and said firmly.

   Luo Hui didn't want Wang Shu to be in danger, so when he was not strong enough, Luo Hui could only choose to make Wang Shu suffer some grievances.

   After all, that is a scum to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, Luo Hui wants to kill him by himself, let alone Wang Shu.

   "Chang Xi was killed by her again, this palace will definitely kill her!" Wang Shu left after speaking.

   Luohu's spiritual thoughts were released. When he saw Wang Shu flying towards the back mountain, he was relieved. He was really worried that Wang Shu would kill Xihe in anger!

   Now this Xihe is still a relatively difficult existence. There are Lu and Daojun, and there are many things that Luo Hui and Hongjun can't interfere with Xihe.

   If you have a cause and effect with that kind of power, I am afraid that you will never be able to improve your cultivation!

   Watching Wang Shu leave, Luo Hui set his sights on the Taikoo Battlefield. When he saw the current situation, Luo Hui couldn't help but exclaimed.

   One against eight!

   What a shock this is, it is difficult to know that in a realm, not to mention one enemy eight, even one enemy two.

   "The ancestor of Destiny hasn't told Taiyi yet, alas!" Luo Hui sighed.

   Taiyi still doesn't know, his master and destiny ancestor has helped him decide everything.

   Above the ancient battlefield, Taiyi looked at the eight ancestor witches such as Dijiang, and his eyes showed a strong fighting spirit.

   Neither of them will cast a large formation at the first time, because they have to wait for the opportunity to at least see that one of the two armies has the upper hand.

   "Dijiang, let's go on with the eight of you!" Taiyi said majesticly.

   Standing in the void, carrying his hands on his back, his eyes showed arrogance, as if he was looking at some ordinary people in the posture of the Emperor of Heaven.

   But these ancestral witches are not ordinary people, they are powerful and powerful, and they are all prestigious and famous.

   "Taiyi don't waste your words, even if you don't say it, eight of our brothers will come together." Tian Wu said bluntly.

   is not afraid of being laughed at by the great powers because of the eight battles.

   At this time, all face is not important, what really matters is victory in battle!

   Once they win, they will be in charge of the future in the future. At that time, who would dare to speak out against them?

   Nothing to say, Di Jiang waved his hand, all the ancestor witches moved, they all performed the most powerful attacks, and fought Taiyi.

   Of course, they have no physical bodies, but use their own unique weapons.

   Tai waved one by one, and the Chaos Clock appeared. The quaint big clock exuded the supreme aura, turned into a thousand feet, and stood in front of Tai Yi.

All the attacks from    were followed by the Chaos Clock.

   It's just that the chaotic clock at this time seems to be dumb, and there is no sound.

   Taiichi knew that it was not that the chaotic clock did not ring, but that under heaven, the chaotic clock could ring for the last time. Once it rings for the last time, it indicates that the war is over.

   But now, the real war has just begun.

   "Zhongzhen chaos, boundless sky!"

With a loud shout, the Chaos Clock flew high into the sky, and when it flicked, a barrier that could be seen with the naked eye appeared. This was a barrier condensed by sound and quickly pressed down on the eight ancestors, this At that time, Dijiang and the others all showed the true form of the ancestor witch, each of them was holding the world, trying to break this barrier.

   Taiyi's full use, this sky is powerful, indescribable, if you know the power of Taiyi, but even the ancestor Kunpeng dare not face it.

  Even the ancestor of the Nether River, he was not sure to defeat Taiyi. This was still under the condition of getting the magic wand.

   Without a magic wand, Ancestor Styx would definitely not be Tai One’s opponent.


   Eight ancestral witches were crushed underground by the sky, half of their bodies were in the soil, but the power of the sky was also exhausted.

   But Taiyi would not give up this opportunity, and with a move, the Chaos Clock slammed into Zhu Jiu Yin.

   "Time stopped!"

   Zhujiuyin yelled loudly, struggling to unleash the power of his whole body, bringing the surrounding time of hundreds of meters to a standstill.

   But this is just a breath.

   But it was enough, the other ancestor witches had time to help.

  The eight ancestor witches threw their fists together and knocked the chaotic clock away.

   Then they hit Taiyi together.

   "The battle of the flesh, the courage of the man!" With one mouthful, the sun **** fire appeared.

   This is a flame stronger than the real fire of the sun. Even the body of the ancestor witch can burn and turn into ashes. This is one of the most powerful flames in the world!

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