Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 345: World War [7]

   The Sun God Fire is one of the most powerful flames above the primordial land. It is named after Luohu's Nine Nether Demon Fire, and it is even stronger than the Nine Nether Demon Fire in attack and destruction.

   Twelve Ancestral Witch, each body is comparable to innate spirit treasure, but under the fire of the sun god, it is not indestructible.

   Zhujiuyin's fist wrapped by the time's magical power blasted on the sun's divine fire. In an instant, the time's magical power was melted and Zhujiuyin's fist turned blood red.


   Zhu Jiu Yin groaned in pain, this sun **** fire was too powerful, even his body could not resist three breaths.

   The rest of the ancestor witches saw that Zhu Jiu Yin had suffered, and they did not use their physical bodies to bomb Taiyi, but used strange treasures and directly displayed magical powers.

  Di Jiang is a spatial ancestor witch, with a wave of his hand, a spatial blade slashed towards Taiyi.

   This spatial blade can cross the sun **** fire and directly appear in front of Taiyi's forehead.

   Taiyi did not dare to be careless. Among the twelve ancestor witches, the ones that dread him the most are Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin, because space and time are the most mysterious.

   But under this short handover, he found that the time magical powers of Jiuyin were not very powerful and could only play a supporting role.

   What really makes him feel dangerous is Dijiang's supernatural powers.

   "Time stopped!"

   Zhu Jiu Yin shouted, and the mysterious time was still around Tai Yi in an instant. Although Tai Yi could not be completely restrained, Tai Yi's movements became slow.


   A strand of hair fell.

   The spatial blade cut off a strand of Taiyi's hair. If the time magical power of the candle nine yin is so strong, Taiyi will be directly destroyed by this blow.

   The next moment, Tian Wu and other six ancestral witches attacked. Taiyi had just escaped Dijiang's attack. How could he dodge these attacks quickly?

   While dodging, Tai Yi's left arm was still seriously injured, and his body was broken, revealing bones.

How could this be?

   Taiyi thought in confusion that although his physical body was not comparable to the ancestral witch, it was not weak. How could he be so vulnerable?

   was only beaten by Tian Wu, and he suffered such a serious injury.

   glanced at the direction of the battle between the heavenly army and the Wu tribe army, and when he saw that the heavenly army had the upper hand, Tai Yi smiled.

   These are not all heavenly soldiers and generals, because in the starry sky, there are still so many star gods, because the Zhoutian star battle array still needs to be maintained.

   But now that the heavenly army has the upper hand, then the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array is temporarily useless.

   Actually, it's not that the two sides don't want to use the congenital formation, but the power of the Tianxingdou formation and the Twelve Capital Tianshensha formation this week is too powerful.

   Once set up, the battle between the two sides is no less inferior to the battle between the two saints in the wilderness.

   If this is the case, even the space of the Primordial Battlefield cannot sustain this battle, and the Primordial Continent will definitely be affected by that time.

   They all want to win and then take control of the prehistoric, so they don't want to destroy the prehistoric, so they can only try not to make a big battle.

   Taichi can perform without any worries, and the heavenly army did not disappoint him.

   "The sword is coming!"

   Tai yelled loudly, and a divine sword appeared in the air.

   When this sword appeared, the eight ancestor witches such as Dijiang were not calm, because they looked at the magic sword and felt a sense of palpitations inexplicably!

   "The sword name Tu Wu, specially prepared for you." Taiyi sneered.

   The next moment, too much hands-on, almost at the extreme speed, appeared in front of Tian Wu in an instant, holding the Slaughter Witch Sword, directly slashed at Tian Wu's head.

   "Huh!" Tianwu snorted coldly, it was too late to use the strange treasure to resist, so he could only use his body.

   punched out.

  In an instant, a shocking scene happened.

   Tian Wu cried out in pain, and shouted loudly: "Be careful, brothers, this sword can break the body of the Ancestor Witch!"

   This witch-killing sword is far more aimed at the Witch clan than the Sun God Fire, because it’s good to look at Tian Wu’s right arm.

   Guanghua's plane had no hands, it was obviously cut off by the Slaughter Witch Sword.

   But this is not fatal to the ancestor witch, and it is restored in a blink of an eye, but the hand after the restoration is no longer as strong as the original.

   "After killing so many human races, it turns out that this sword was refined. Taiyi you are much more ruthless than Di Jun." Di Jiang said in a deep voice.

   If Di Jun was asked to do this, Di Jun would definitely have concerns, but Tai Yi directly did such a thing, not worrying about the saint behind the human race making trouble.

   Taiyi did not speak, but replied to them with actions. With the Tu Witch Sword in his hand, he immediately gained the upper hand due to the disadvantage of talent.

  Because there is no ancestral witch, I dare to confront Taiyi head-on, because this witch-killing sword is too sharp.

   Unfortunately, Xing Tian is not here!

   The eight ancestral witches felt a little helpless in their hearts. If Xing Tian was here, he could completely restrain Taiyi’s Slaughter Witch Sword with Qi Qi.

   Qianqi, one axe and one shield, its power is as powerful as a set of superb innate spirit treasures, and it is also an exotic treasure suitable for ancestor witches.

  Thinking about that now is superfluous, and the most important thing is to think about how to evade the witch sword and kill Taiyi.

   The eight ancestral witches and Taiyi stalemate, for a while it might be difficult to tell the winner.

   It is the army of the Heavenly Court camp and the Witch Clan camp, gradually showing a situation in which the Heavenly Soldiers and the Heavenly Generals have the upper hand.

   But this kind of advantage is very puzzling.

   seems to have the upper hand, but the army of the heavenly camp is lost far more than the Witch camp.

   How long has the war been?

  The army that fell on both sides is no less than tens of millions. On the Qilin battlefield, bones and bones are already built into mountains.

   The Witch Clan is better, only more than 10 million, but the Heavenly Court has lost nearly 80 million troops.

   And the heavenly army has the upper hand, which seems to be a kind of irony!

   But only the top of the heavenly court knows that this is a strategy, because in terms of the overall combat power of this army, the heavenly court is not as good as the witches.

   They spent 80 million of the lives of the heavenly soldiers and generals in exchange for the next advantage, which is worth it.

   Otherwise, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals will definitely be consumed by the Witch Army, and by that time, everything will be over.

   The confrontation between the two forces is not only a confrontation between the peaks, but also a confrontation between the grassroots below.

   If all the heavenly soldiers and generals are lost, even if it is a victory, what can be done?

   Is it true that as the emperor of heaven, do you have to do things yourself?

  The fallen army, their true spirits did not enter the six reincarnations, but were taken away by a mysterious force.

   But the mighty powers in the war were not discovered at all, nor did the mighty powers everywhere in the prehistoric land.

   is not just the true spirit of the Primordial Battlefield being taken away.

   The true spirits of all the fallen creatures were taken away!

  :. :

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