Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 346: World War [8]

   Above the precipice, so far, the war has been going on for nearly a hundred years.

   In these nearly a hundred years, on the prehistoric continent, I don't know how many creatures have fallen.

   Not long ago, the Human Race lost hundreds of billions of creatures and shook the entire prehistoric land, but now compared to the entire prehistoric land, the Terran tribe seems insignificant.

  100 billion? Trillion? Trillions?

  Above the prehistoric lands, how many creatures have fallen, there is no great power that can be said clearly, unless the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor say it.

   But judging from the vitality above the prehistoric land, now, the entire prehistoric life has been reduced by half, a little more.

   According to this level, if it is converted into a quantity, then at least a few trillion, or even ten trillion!

   There are countless creatures in the entire prehistoric land, but because of the Lich War, it has now been reduced by half.

   This hasn't stopped, because the number is still rising sharply, maybe it won't take long, the entire prehistoric creature, I am afraid that there will be no more than one Chengdu left.

   The calamity has filled the entire prehistoric land. This has made countless creatures no longer have the will of themselves, and there is only one thought in their hearts, that is to kill!

   Outside the Primordial Battlefield, there are battlefields everywhere, but it is no longer a battle between heaven and earth, but a melee.

   "The entire prehistoric war has been hit, and countless creatures have fallen. Couldn't the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor come forward?"

   "It's not worth the demon ancestor and Dao ancestor to come forward. The fierce beasts that the demon ancestor slaughtered were more than a trillion?

   "After all, that is a family of fierce beasts, this is a great race, it can be said that the great races are almost all the disciples of the magic road and the profound school."

   "So what? The great ancestors of the great and wild, how can they care about the life of the ants, even if the great creatures are destroyed, they will create other races!"

   Speaking of this, each of the great powers is thinking of Nuwa who created human beings, and the demon ancestors and Tao ancestors are far more powerful than Nuwa. How can they not create other creatures?

   Over time, these powerful people are talking, and on the other side, the primitive saints are also talking.

   This is not a trivial matter. If this continues, I am afraid that the entire predecessor will be destroyed.

   "I don't know if the Demon Ancestor has a decree?" The voice of the original Tianzun sounded over the long river of time.

  In an instant, the original talking voices stopped, and they all listened carefully to the conversations of the saints.

   "Does Daozu want to stand by?" Nu Wa's voice rang.

   For the original Tianzun, Nuwa is very unwelcome to see, it can be said that it is very disgusting, the last time it was the original Tianzun and the immortal ancestor Dong Wang, who blocked her way.

   Although this can be regarded as the achievement of the human race, when the hundreds of billions of people of the human race are destroyed, Nuwa feels inexplicably irritable.

   "If the demon ancestor has instructions, then I will go all out, of course!" said the Eastern Prince.

   These saints are all worried about the destruction of all the prehistoric creatures, but they dare not intervene because the karma is too great.

  Although Taishang Demon Ancestor, Tongtian Guru, Taixuan Guru, Nuwa, etc. can all display magic powers and absorb karma.

   But it is not endless absorption, it depends on the size of karma.

   How dare they absorb this kind of karma that has affected the entire great wilderness?

   If one is not good, they will explode directly. At that time, even Luo Huo can't save them!

   "If Dao Zu has an order, I will do it later!" Tai Shang Mo Zu directly replied.

   Obviously, they don't want the war to continue.

  The battle between the two groups of Lich, they can ignore, but they want to stop the battle of other races.

   It's a pity that neither Demon Ancestor nor Dao Ancestor gave orders, and they didn't dare to intervene, so they could only watch that way.

   For a while, all the saints were silent, obviously not daring to take the lead, because this is a matter of absorbing karma, and they all know that saints are only Taoist fruits, not cultivation bases!

   There is still this realm above Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, once they are taken into the body by this karma, it is difficult for them to go further!

   Mount Xumi, Hongjun Daozu came to Luohu's dojo.

   Luo Hui came out to greet Daozu Hongjun, and smiled: "Do you think fellow Daoists are here for the sake of the ancestors?"

   "These races are all disciples of you and me. If they are all extinct, it will not be good for me."

   Hongjun Daozu looked at Luo Hui and said lightly.

   Luohu didn't care, and said indifferently: "The most indispensable thing is the ants, even if it is extinct?"

   Hongjun Taoist ancestor was startled. He didn't expect Luo Hui to speak like this. He shook his head helplessly and said, "If this is the case, then the poor Dao will leave."

   "Doesn't Taoists go in and sit down?" Luo Hui gave in politely.

   But this accelerated the pace of Hongjun Daozu even more.

  Because he has been fooled once, no, not once, every time he arrives at Mount Xumi, he has to lose something!

   After Hongjun Daozu left, Luo Hui muttered to himself: "So many races will only become a burden to the Dao of Heaven. It is precisely this time that the Dao of Heaven can hope to be upgraded."

   Heavenly Dao advancement is a good thing and a bad thing for Luo Hui.

   Because of the current situation, Luo Hui is not in harmony with the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao is powerful, which will only make Luo Hu passive.

   But when the predecessor becomes stronger, it is more convenient for Luo Hui to act, and Da Zi Zaitian can also advance!

   and the underworld can also advance!

   You must know that the netherworld is now the middle-thousand world, once it becomes the big-thousand it will become a true six-way reincarnation independent of the prehistoric world.

   As for Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​it can completely absorb the power of the prehistoric to replenish itself. At that time, the demon ancestor of the sky will also be upgraded.

   On the top of the mountain, Xing Tian fought against Bai Ze.

   But how could Bai Zeyou be Xingtian's opponent? If the dead wood ancestor had not arrived in time for the last time, I am afraid that Bai Ze would have been beheaded by Xingtian.

   Taiyi's calculations are wrong, they are all wrong, absolutely unexpected, it is Xingtian in Bu Zhoushan.

   "Xing Tian, ​​I don't want to fight with you. As long as you stay still, we can sit down and wait for the results of the Taikoo battlefield."

  The old ancestor withered wood doesn't want to fight Xingtian. Once the fight starts, then he is in danger, and he will not let himself fall into a dangerous place.

   "Withered Wood, you shouldn't have come. You have been to the Witch Clan at the beginning, and you have had a acquaintance with me!" Xing Tian said while looking at the Old Ancestor Withered Wood.

   It’s just that Xing Tian’s status last time was still very low, and it was not enough to talk to the dead wood ancestor, but now it’s different, Xing Tian’s status is very high.

   The last sentence is good, Xing Tian still said kindly, but after the next words, Xing Tian's voice became cold.

   "If you insist on intervening in the world war, then I can only do it against you."

   As soon as the voice fell, Xing Tian danced to grief and hacked at the dead wood ancestor.

  The dead wood ancestors dare not care, but Xingtian's combat power is obvious to all in the prehistoric!

  :. :

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