Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 347: World War [9] Du Tianshen fights against Zhou Tian

The strength of the dead wood ancestor cannot be underestimated. Although it is slightly inferior to the Kunpeng ancestor, it is also a top-notch great power, otherwise it will not stand firm in the middle of the flood.

   Among the stray cultivation group, the dead wood ancestor is regarded as the top existence, and also a representative figure in the scattered cultivation.

   "Xing Tian, ​​don't blame me for being ruthless!"

   Originally planned not to engage in evil with the Wu clan, so he was in a stalemate, but Xing Tian had already launched an attack. Withered Wood Ancestor was also a figure with a face, so naturally he couldn't sit still.

   Otherwise, where can he raise his head in the casual cultivator group in the future?

   In the next instant, an object appeared in the hands of the dead wood ancestor, which was a scepter symbolizing the law of death.

  The dead wood ancestor practiced the law of death, which is why the dead wood ancestor was neither a profound door nor a magic way.

   The law of death is an evil law, but from another perspective, it is also a noble law.

   With a wave of the scepter, a strong force of law appeared, first a cloud of death, and then it spread to a great radius.

   Xing Tian danced his worries, entered the cloud of death, and felt the spirit and spirit in his body madly passing by.

   "Huh, Pangu Wuji, immeasurable borrowing!" Xing Tian is not an ordinary witch, he is the ancestor of the wizard!

   If it's about fighting power, some ancestral witches are not his opponents.

   Wizardry is passed down by the demon ancestor, and its power cannot be underestimated and cannot be imagined.

  In an instant, a protective shield was formed around Xing Tian, ​​which seemed to be formed by an extremely mysterious magical power.

   Withered Wood Old Ancestor Guan was shocked, and he did not expect that the brute force Xing Tian would have such mysterious magical powers.

   With a wave of the death rod in his hand, a black dragon roared and bit towards Xing Tian.

   Xing Tian yelled and turned into the real body of the great witch, a body as large as a thousand feet, ignoring the black giant dragon, and the giant axe in his hand slashed directly at the dead wood ancestor.

   The black dragon bit on Xing Tian's right arm, causing Xing Tian's axe to break down extremely slowly.

   "Evil dragon, dare to be rude to me!" Devilish energy poured out of Xing Tian's body, and it instantly enveloped the black dragon.

   This is the magical power of the dead wood ancestor, how can it withstand the Nine Nether Demon Qi passed down by the Supreme Demon ancestor.


   The Death Rod blocked the front and collided with the giant axe, producing a strong aftermath, making the surrounding thousands of miles into nothingness.


   After this blow, Bu Zhoushan trembled.

   And at this time, the heaven on the top of Mount Bu Zhou also trembled, which made the movement of Qi in the heaven sway.

   The heavenly army on the Taikoo battlefield suddenly weakened by one point.


   "Xingtian Dawu seems to have acted!"

   "This time, the heaven will be destroyed!"

   Many great witches in the Witch Clan camp showed joy, and for a while, the whole army rose in momentum.

  Even the great witches in the war showed joy one by one, because Xing Tian shook the mountain of Fuzhou, causing the Qi movement in the heavens to shake.

   Some people are happy and others are worried. Taiyi looked at the smiles of Dijiang and other ancestor witches, and his anger rose in his heart. He did not expect Xing Tian to go to Bu Zhou Mountain!

   Xing Tian must not let Wu Zhou Mountain turbulent anymore, otherwise, the heavenly luck will really begin to flow away.

   After a while, Heaven's luck was no longer turbulent, and Tai Yi became even more worried.

   This is obviously because Xing Tian has the upper hand, so Xing Tian must not be allowed to have the upper hand.

  In anger, Tai started to criticize this dead wood ancestor for being too weak, and joining hands with Bai Ze, it even made Bu Zhoushan turbulent.

   is really useless!

   "Dijiang, you want to use Xingtian to shake the foundation of the heavenly court, huh, I won't give you a chance."

   Taiichi said, his eyes showed firmness.

   Dijiang's eyes flashed with helplessness, but he didn't expect Taiyi to start using the big formation now.

   But also, Bu Zhou Shan is already in danger, if Tai Yi doesn't use Zhou Tian's star battle array, then the heaven will really be slowly wiped out by the Wu Clan.

   For a while, the heavenly powers who fought against the ancestor witch stopped their hands, and both sides held each other in a tacit understanding.

   "The battle between heaven and earth determines the sovereignty of the primordial land. This battle depends on whether the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Array is stronger or the Zhoutian Star Dou Array is stronger?"

   Taiichi said majesticly.

   Yes, Tai Yi is ready to use Zhou Tian's star battle array, now he has no choice, Xing Tian is in Bu Zhou Shan, which makes Tai Yi very uneasy.

   Xing Tian is heavier than an ancestral witch in Taiyi's heart, because Xing Tian not only knows the magical powers of the witch clan, but also the magical powers.

   and it is also the magical power of the demon's lineage.

   "The twelve capitals of the gods and evil spirits are passed down by the **** Pangu, Taiyi, you are fighting against the sky!" Dijiang said coldly.

   "Even if we are fighting against the heaven and the earth, I will break the heaven and the earth!" Tai Yi sighed heavily.

   "Your Majesty, do you use the big formation?" Ying Long asked Taiyi's side.

   nodded too much, and then he gave an order: "The star gods follow the order, the Zhoutian Star Dou formation is coming to the Primordial Battlefield!"

   Taiyi's voice spread into the starry sky. In an instant, 36,000 star gods and three hundred and sixty star monarchs all heard Taiyi's voice.

   In the next moment, the stars of Zhou Tian flashed on the Taikoo battlefield.

   The entire predicament dimmed, but a little bit of starlight appeared.

   Now, all the creatures above the prehistoric state know that this is the Heavenly Court using the Zhoutian Stars Array.

   Over the long river of time, there is a lot of discussion.

   "Is the real battle going to begin? The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array has already come to the forefront. I am afraid that the Twelve Capital Tianshen Array will also appear!"

   "The ancient battlefield, the space that even the three clans couldn't break during the First Tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, this time I am afraid it will be broken."

   "I'm afraid it's more than that simple. The two big formations are equivalent to a battle of saints. The Primordial Continent is afraid that it will be affected."

   "The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array in the Heavenly Court and the Twelve Capital Tianshen Sha Array in the Underworld are the keys to this battle."

   These great powers are very concerned about the battle between heaven and earth, but they are more hopeful, both lose and lose, and it is best to perish all!

  Because they are all casual cultivators who have no power, even if they do, they are still small powers, and they can only survive under the heavens and underworlds.

   The dark sky was illuminated by stars, and the Zhoutian star formation descended on the Taikoo battlefield, which plunged the entire Taikoo War into peace.

   The army on both sides of the heaven and earth have stopped fighting.

   Watching the arrival of the star battle array this week, they knew that a crucial battle was about to begin.

   The big battle is the hole cards of both sides.

  Countless heavenly soldiers and generals discovered at this time that they had lost so many brothers, looking at the corpses on the Primordial Battlefield, although there were also witches.

   But the Wu clan does not have as many heavenly soldiers and generals. After the war has lasted for so many years, there have been no less than one billion heavenly soldiers and generals.

   The Witch tribe army has also suffered heavy losses, and nearly 200 million troops have been lost. This can be said to hurt the vitality of the small number of Witch tribe!

   "Heaven will win!"

  Countless heavenly soldiers and generals shouted loudly. They saw the great formation of Zhou Tianxing, and their hearts were filled with unprecedented confidence.

   And they also want to end the battle as soon as possible. After all, they are also afraid of death. So many heavenly soldiers and generals will fall. If such a battle goes on, how many will survive?

   "The Witch must win!"

   Countless witch tribe army also shouted, they are not afraid of life and death, because in their eyes, even if they die, they will return to the embrace of Father Pangu!

   The big star formation in the sky of Zhou came, Tai Yi returned to his place, occupied the position of the sun, and stood side by side with Xihe.

   The ancestors of Kunpeng, Fuxi and Ying Long have all entered the big formation, and they all fought in the pre-set star positions.

   Holding the star flag, he became a star, and the Zhoutian star-fighting formation was running, and the huge power was approaching the Twelve Ancestor Witches, making them all breathless.

   This is not worse than the breath of a saint!

   "Brothers, the cloth twelve capitals of the gods!" Dijiang shouted!

   The twelve ancestral witches immediately stood in their positions, uniting the power of the twelve earth evils, condensing blood, and laying down the twelve capitals of the gods!

   The entire prehistoric land began to tremble, because the endless earth evil began to condense on the Primordial Battlefield.

   A strong evil wind appeared in every place in the prehistoric land. This was the full force of the Twelve Du Tianshen Array, which affected the entire prehistoric continent.

   There was also the remnant thought that exuded the pangu aura, which began to condense at this moment, and on the top of the mountain, the only remaining remnant thought flew towards the Taigu battlefield.

   You must know that Pangu's remnant thoughts on the prehistoric land are all talking about a trace, but not on Zhoushan, but there is a thread. This shows that Zhoushan is a symbol of Pangu.

   Xing Tian, ​​Withered Wood, Bai Ze and others in Buzhou Mountain all looked at the flying away Pan Gu Cannian, and their expressions were deep.

   The battle against each other is about to begin!

   The real battle is about to begin.

  Countless evil spirits gathered, coupled with the power of blood, a huge figure appeared on the Taikoo battlefield.

  In an instant, a 100,000-zhang body appeared, exactly Pangu's body.


   Shout out!

  In an instant, the Taiji diagram from Taiqing Daozu and the Pangu banner from the original Tianzun began to tremble.

   Their faces are all hesitant, whether to let the treasure go away, if they leave, it will fall into the hands of Pangu's flesh.

   Then there is no suspense in this battle, and it will become a big victory for the Wu tribe.

   "Big brother?" Yuan Tianzun looked at Taiqing Daozu.

   Taiqing Daozu pondered for a moment, and finally said: "This battle, the saints must not intervene. Since these two treasures are already ours, they cannot appear in the Primordial Battlefield."

The meaning of    is very obvious, that is, they will not release this Taiji diagram and Pangu banners, because they are also worried about the punishment of Daozu and Mozu.

   In the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, the chaotic clock in the Universe was about to move, but with the suppression of the Zhou Tianxing Dou formation, this chaotic clock could not leave Tai Yi's body.

   Finally, the pangu axe appeared in the hands of Pangu's flesh.

   Pangu's flesh body saw the phantom in his hand, unexpectedly showing a look of helplessness, obviously there was a real emotion.

   Zixiao Palace, Mount Xumi, Ziweixing, the three prehistoric top existences, all could not sit still, one by one appeared above the Taikoo battlefield.

   Pangu's physical body had an independent consciousness, and it was still so rich.

   "Daoist, what's going on? Isn't the Pangu God dead?" The Fate Ancestor looked at Luo Hui and Hongjun.

   I can't help but be shocked at this time!

   How powerful Pangu Great God was, with one enemy three thousand, and it was effortless.

   But in the end, he didn't see Pangu fall with his own eyes and entered the newly opened world.

   Hongjun Daozu looked at Luohu, because Luohu knew more secrets.

   "Daoist, what is going on? Do you know?" Hongjun asked.

   "Pangu is not dead, isn't it better?" Luo Hui is not interested in Pangu's death. The reason why he came here was to see if he could communicate with Pangu God.

   The last time he communicated, he was only communicating with Pangu Great God's remnant thoughts, it was not Pangu Great God's true consciousness.

   And this time, the expression is completely independent of consciousness. If it is really Pangu consciousness, if you can communicate, then it will be infinitely useful!

   "The heart of fellow Daoist is really big. If Pangu is not dead, do you think he will let us these Chaos Demon Gods?" Fate Ancestor said in an angry voice.

   Luo Hui smiled indifferently: "Friends, you are too pessimistic, what kind of existence is Pangu, we are just ants in front of him, would you care about a mortal?"

   Luo Huo’s words made the face of the ancestor of Destiny even more ugly, because Luo Hu compared him to an ant.

   Although Luo Huan also likened himself to an ant, the ancestor of Destiny never admitted that he was an ant.

"This battle must be over quickly. Pang Dao must see if this is Pangu's true consciousness!" said Hongjun Daozu As Hongjun Daozu's words fell, the whole Hong Huang's calamity began to become rich, and it also became violent.

   For a time, the entire prehistoric creatures fought into battle.

   The two armies on the Primordial Battlefield also had blood red eyes, and they fought together instantly.

   Luo Hui saw this scene, he knew that Hongjun Daozu had already intervened in the heaven and earth duel, but he did not stop it, because Luo Hui was also very urgent to communicate with Pangu's body.

   The violent calamity has already affected the Star God who arranged the Zhoutian Star Dou formation. For a while, the Zhou Tianxing Dou formation became violent.


   One by one, the Zhoutian Star Dou Array became operational.

   A huge star hit Pangu's body.

   Looking at the formation of the attack, Pangu's body did not show the slightest fear, but a smile of relief appeared in his eyes, as if seeing such a formation in his own world, very pleased!

   With a big wave of his hand, he fanned out the striking stars and crashed into a sacred mountain in the Taikoo battlefield, instantly razing the mountain to the ground, forming a vacuum zone in a radius of thousands of miles!

   "The starlight is shining, really dead!"

   Too big yelled, the Big Dipper, the seven eternal stars shot out seven rays of light, turned into a sickle, and sliced ​​away at Pangu's flesh!

   This time, Pan Gu's body showed a solemn color, because it already threatened him!

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