Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 18: The spread of the human race

   "Big Brother!" Yuan Tianzun watched Taiqing Daozu leave, and immediately shouted.

   At this time, Primordial Tianzun was a little anxious. Although he wanted to get involved in the human race, he never thought of letting Taiqing Daozu leave Kunlun Mountain!

  The two saints are in Kunlun Mountains. Although the ancestral line is a bit unstable, it can make them very strong, but now Taiqing Daozu has left.

  He will act alone in the future, so he has to worry about a lot of things!

   wants to chase, but Taiqing Daozu has disappeared!

   "Pan Dao just wants to get involved in the human race, and still assist your human education, how can you abandon Kunlun Mountain, don't you care about the brotherhood for many years!"

   Primitive Tianzun looked in the direction where Taiqing Daozu left, and felt a little angry!

   away, this is still Hongjun Daozu's decree, if he wants to get involved in the human race alone, it may be his fault, but even Hongjun Daozu has given him the position of a human emperor!

   Is it possible that even Hongjun Daozu was wrong?

   Primitive Tianzun became more angry the more he thought about it. He felt that the Taiqing Taoist ancestor was entirely because of the human race and abandoned the feelings between their brothers.

   "Hmph, let's go, let's all go!" The anger in the heart of the original Tianzun was violent.

   No matter what, the original Tianzun's heart has firmly established the idea of ​​getting involved in the human race.

   Taiqing Daozu left Kunlun Mountain. He missed his brotherhood for so many years and did not stay in Kunlun Mountain.

   Because Taiqing Daozu was really afraid and couldn't help it, he fought against the original Tianzun. This is a naked calculation!

   This didn't put his big brother in the eyes at all, how could he endure such calculations.

   actually counted where Hongjun Daozu!

   When the Eastern Prince left, Taiqing Daozu had already guessed that there would be such a day, so he had already found his own foothold.

   That is the Shouyang Mountain in the wild south. This mountain is transformed by the qi of the wild Yuanyang, and it is a rare mountain.

   "Taiqing, you must not leave the dojo within three thousand years. Have you forgotten the decree of being a teacher?"

   A question appeared in Taiqing Daozu's mind.

   In an instant, Taiqing Daozu stopped, this is the sound transmission of Daozu.

   "Master, Kunlun Mountain cannot accommodate two saints, so the disciple went out to find another dojo, and I ask Master to forgive me."

   If it is said that Taiqing Daozu had no opinion on Daozu Hongjun in his heart, that would be a strange thing. After all, this was the teaching who helped the original Tianzun suppress him.

   Daozu's voice did not ring again, Taiqing Daozu also continued to fly towards Shouyang Mountain.

   However, in the Zixiao Palace, Dao Zu pinched and calculated that it was impossible for Tai Qing Dao Zu to leave for no reason.

   After this calculation, Dao Ancestor naturally knew everything in his chest, and suddenly a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

   Primal Tianzun actually used his words to run against Taiqing Daozu. No wonder Taiqing Daozu will leave Kunlun Mountain.

   But Dao ancestor was not entangled in this matter. Kunlun Mountain could not accommodate two saints. Now it is just the beginning. If Tai Qing Dao ancestor does not leave, sooner or later he will turn his face.

   It’s good for everyone to split up earlier now.

   Above Xumi Mountain, Luo Hui retracted the Kunlun Mirror, and he saw the scene of Kunlun Mountain just now.

   If the Kunlun Mirror is in the hands of a saint, it is impossible to see other saints' dojo, but it can be placed in Luo Hui's hands.

   "Magic Ancestor, what exactly is the position of the holy emperor and the throne of the emperor mentioned on the top of the mountain?"

   His Royal Highness Amitabha looked at Luohu and asked inexplicably.

   When Luohu returned to Mount Xumi, Amitabha also followed him, and he had a lot of puzzles.

   "The position of the holy emperor and the throne of the emperor are actually the teachers of the human emperor. In the future, there will be three emperors and five emperors in the human race, all of whom are human emperors. If they can be their masters, they can gain merit."

   "That's the case, thank the demon ancestor for giving the Buddha a master of the emperor." Amitabha thanked his hands together.

   "It's okay. Buddhism and Taoism are in its infancy. There are many ways to go. Don't be impatient. Buddhism and Taoism will have a great time in the future," Luo Hui said.

  In Luo Huan's plan, Buddhism and Taoism were in great prosperous times, that's why Luo Huan said so.

   "Then borrow Mozu Jiyan, I won't bother Mozu Qingxiu, and say goodbye." Amitabha put his hands together and gradually disappeared into the Palace of Freedom.

   There is a difference between Demon Buddha, Amitabha Buddha should not stay here.

   The primordial land should have three thousand years of stability, and Lu Ya should have three thousand years of emperor aura.

   If it were the Lu Ni in Luohu's previous life, then there would be absolutely no such three thousand years of the emperor's aura. The reason for it is because of Lu Ni!

   When Lu Ya Daojun reincarnated, Luo Hu and Hong Jun had their destiny in their eyes.

  The aura after being seriously injured is far stronger than them, even now they are not opponents!

   So how could they possibly kill Lu against Lu, naturally they also have three thousand years of emperor aura.

  Three thousand years is short-lived for the prehistoric, especially for the prehistoric which is waiting to be reborn.

   The heavenly court has only recovered a little bit during these three thousand years, and the number of heavenly soldiers and generals is hundreds of thousands.

   As for Da Luo Jinxian, only one more was added, while Taiyi Jinxian recruited five.

   Compared with the peak of Heavenly Court, how much difference is there by hundreds of millions of miles?

   After three thousand years, Lu Ya's cultivation base had not made any progress, which made Lu Ya both distressed and angry.

   When he went to heaven several times in a row, Lu Ya was inexplicably furious, which made all the gods tremble.

   "It has been three thousand years. Not only has my cultivation level not improved, but it has actually declined somewhat. Why is this?" Lu Ya looked at the Taibaijinxing in front of him.

   "It shouldn't be! Your Majesty is the emperor of heaven, with heavenly aura on his body, so his cultivation base should be soaring!" Taibai Jinxing was also confused.

   "Is something wrong, too white, did my uncle ever have this kind of situation?"

   "The first emperor did not have such a situation. After becoming the emperor, the cultivation base of the first emperor advanced by leaps and bounds." Taibai Jinxing said truthfully.

   Hearing this, Lu Ya felt even more uncomfortable.

"How could this be!"

   Tai Bai Jin Xing looked at Lu Ya's face, he found that Lu Ya's face had begun to change, and he might be furious again.

   Immediately, Taibai Jinxing said: "Your Majesty, how about you go to the Emperor Wa and ask about Empress Nu Wa."

   Lu Ya nodded, and then shook his head again. He was the escaped Emperor Wa, I am afraid Jin Feng thought he was cultivating now?

   If he is known that he has come to Heaven to be the Emperor of Heaven after returning, I am afraid that he will be scolded.

   But if he doesn't go back, there will be no way to solve the matter of his cultivation base.

   At this moment, a **** servant hurriedly walked into Yaochi.

   "Your Majesty, the Emperor Wa is here, call your name to let your Majesty go out."

   Lu Ya was startled, and asked quickly, "Who is the one who came?"

   "It's Nuwa Empress..."

   Hearing this, Lu Jian's legs softened, and the Nuwa Empress was his master, and they have all found here. He might be punished.

   "It's the Fairy Jinfeng, the mount of Empress Nuwa."

   "Yu~~~" Lu Ya let out a sigh of relief, but he was still a little nervous, because the fact that he had escaped from Emperor Wa had been revealed.

   "Take me there." Lu Ya said majesticly.

   "No need, this fairy is here." Jinfeng appeared above Yaochi, looking at Lu Ya with cold eyes.

   Because of Lu Ya's departure, Jin Feng was severely scolded by Empress Nuwa.

   "Sister Jinfeng." Lu Ya hurriedly saluted.

   "Lu Ya, you not only escaped from the emperor Wa, but you also came to this heaven to be the emperor of heaven. Do you know that this is a land of cause and effect, and this is what the empress hates most!" Jin Feng shouted.

   Nüwa Niangniang's elder brother Fuxi was for the death of the heavenly court, but Jin Feng knew what Nuwa Niangniang thought.

   Lu Qian had the majesty of the Emperor in front of the gods, but in front of Jin Feng, he was just an obedient junior.

   "Hmph, I will meet the Emperor Wa, see how the mother punishes you!" After finishing speaking, Jin Feng waved his hand and the picture of Jiangshan Sheji appeared and directly included Lu Ya.

   "Nvwa Empress's decree, Taibai Jinxing takes it!" Jinfeng looked at Taibai Jinxing and said.

   Taibai Jinxing was already dumbfounded. Hearing this, he immediately became energetic and immediately bowed down.

   "Taibai respectfully listens to Niangniang's teaching."

   "Lu Ya was playful for a while and mistakenly became the Emperor of Heaven for three thousand years. Now he has been discovered by the palace. The farce is over. From now on, Lu Ya will no longer be the Emperor of Heaven."

   Jinfeng finished reading the decree of the Nuwa Empress.

   Tai Bai Jin Xing was extremely speechless in his heart, and the dignified Emperor of Heaven became a farce in the mouth of the Nuwa Empress.

   But where did he dare to have any dissatisfaction, he said hurriedly: "Please follow the edict of the mother."

   Jinfeng turned into a golden light and disappeared above the heaven.

   Taibai Jinxing looked at all this silently, what is this!


   "Disciples pay respect to Master!" Lu Ya respectfully said.

   Nuwa's face was as cold as frost, watching the landing pressure, she said in a cold voice: "You are so brave, can you do this for the emperor? A small big Luo Jinxian."

   "The disciple is the nephew of the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi, so he can naturally inherit the position of the Heavenly Emperor, and the Taibaijinxing and other heavenly gods are also willing to make the disciple the emperor." Lu Ya said weakly.

   "Hehe, Heavenly Court is a primitive orthodoxy, when will a quasi-sage and some Taiyi Golden Immortals say it?" The Nuwa Empress was extremely disdainful.

   Lu Ya is not talking, he knows it's useless to say anything.

   "Do you know why your cultivation hasn't made progress for three thousand years? And why has it fallen a bit?" Nuwa looked at Lu Ya and said.

   "The disciple is also very puzzled. I heard that Taibai Jinxing said that when his uncle became the emperor of heaven, his cultivation base was advancing by leaps and bounds, but the disciple didn't advance and retreated!" Speaking of this, Lu Ya was inexplicably angry.

   "How did you become a great Luo Jinxian in the early days of the great emperor? If you haven't been backlashed by the heaven's fortune, it is considered your fate." Nuwa said without angrily.

   Lu Ya listened for a while.

   "Jin Feng brought him into the Jiangshan Sheji Tu to practice. Without the decree of this palace, he must not leave the emperor's heaven for one step." Nuwa said to Jinfeng.

   "Please follow the edict of the mother."

   After watching Jinfeng and Lu Ya go down, Nuwa stood up and looked at Honghuang.

   The saint’s three thousand years of forbidden time has passed, and it is time for her to go to Mount Xumi.

   At this time, not only Nuwa left her dojo.

   The three saints of Buddhism and Taoism are basically out of their own dojo.

   These three thousand years are short-lived for Honghuang, but long for Human Race.

   The human race has gradually recovered its original vitality during these three thousand years, especially the number of human races, which has reached tens of billions.

   Of course, the number of authentic human races has not reached tens of billions, and among them are the Jiuli tribe.

   The Jiuli tribe is a tribe formed after the human race and the witch race merged.

   With the Jiuli tribe, the number of Wu tribes has been greatly increased, because as long as the blood of the Jiuli tribe reaches a certain level, it will be picked up by the Wu tribes.

   Only those with impure blood will stay in the Jiuli tribe.

   But even so, the human races of the Jiuli tribe are all sturdy and powerful.

   Within three thousand years, the Jiuli tribe was the first to leave the Valley of Origins to explore new areas in the wild south.

   After all, the Valley of Origin is so big, it is impossible to accommodate so many human races, not only the Jiuli tribe, but also some tribes have left the Valley of Origin.

   During these three thousand years, the human race gradually formed signs of occupying the land.

   Because of the proliferation of the human race, a region was occupied by the human race.

   Although the human race is weak, but the current prehistoric is no longer the time before the war between heaven and earth, and there is no race within a million miles of the prehistoric.

   So this also shows the spreading trend of the human race.

   But the human race is still too weak, and there are many human races, because they strayed into the territory of other races, the entire tribe was directly destroyed!

   The human race also has monks, but they are all mysterious immortals, and the golden immortals are only three or five. They are not opponents of others at all. To avenge is to die!

   The aloft saint, this time has seen the future of the human race from this moment.

   The Lich retired, and the human race showed a tendency to spread wildly, and currently no race can compare to the human race.

   Especially if you occupy a region, you can get a part of the air luck. Now the air luck of the human race can be said to be in full swing.

  Qi Luck Golden Dragon has reached three thousand feet. If this continues, I am afraid that the human race is weak and can dominate the predecessors.

   Wanshou Mountain, Wuzhuang View.

   Zhen Yuanzi’s spiritual thoughts have enveloped the entire Origin Valley, and these human races are now showing a trend of spreading and predominantly.

   If the human race has great power, then this will be a great thing, but the strongest human race is just the golden fairy.

   As for the three ancestors of the human race, they have been forbidden by the Nuwa Empress in the ancestral land of the Origin Valley ~ suppressing the human luck, it is impossible to protect the human race.

   "If Human Race wants to truly rise, it needs to have a stronger power than the third ancestor of Human Race." Zhen Yuanzi muttered.

   A neighbor who has been sitting for so many years, Zhen Yuanzi's reputation in the human race is also a huge religious group.

   Although the human race no longer depends on the fairy gods for survival, they still have faith.

   such as Nuwa Empress, Terran Taiqing Taoist ancestor, this is a huge religious group in Terran.

   There are many people who believe in Zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal, and it can even be said that there are many, second only to the third ancestor.


   At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi's body was shaken, and he quickly walked out of Wuzhuang Temple and into the air.

   "I don't know what is the so-called Seven Love Boys here?" Zhen Yuanzi asked.

   This person who came here is Luo Hui's boy, Qiqing!

   It is precisely because Qiqing came, Zhen Yuanzi's heart was a little nervous, because Qiqing can't come for his own business, he has no personal relationship with Qiqing.

   This must be the decree of the demon ancestor!

   Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi was guessing in his heart. What he worried most was that Yang Mei's ancestor's affairs would involve him.

   "According to the order of the demon ancestor, come and invite fellow daoists to Mount Xumi." Qiqing said lightly.

   "The Demon Ancestor let Poor Dao go to Mount Xumi!" Zhenyuanzi was a little surprised. Why did he feel a bit cold behind his back?

  :. :

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