Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 19: Free Emperor Division

   "Friends of the Seven Emotions, do you know what the so-called Demon Ancestor told the poor Dao to go to?" Zhen Yuanzi looked at Seven Emotions and asked.

Although    is a boy, it also depends on whose boy it is. For example, the status of Qiqing can already be respected by Zhen Yuanzi.

   And aside from the identity of Qiqing, the cultivation base of Qiqing alone can also be ranked among the great powers.

   The early cultivation base of the quasi-sage, this is an absolute power level for the current prey.

   "Friend Zhenyuan, I'm just a boy, how can I know the thoughts of the devil ancestor." Qiqing smiled.

   Although there are some doubts in his heart, and even a bit of cold behind his back, Zhen Yuanzi definitely does not dare to think that he can't give birth, because even if he escapes, he can't escape.

   "Then I don't know who is in the Zizi Palace?" Zhenyuanzi still asked a little worried.

  Although I must go, I still have to know what to do, and guess what the Demon Ancestor wants me to do.

   "All the senior brothers and sisters are here, I am also very curious, why the master will let you go." Qiqing said suspiciously.

   Zhen Yuanzi was taken aback, and stopped during the flight. All the disciples of the Demon Ancestor were there. This was obviously an internal matter. How could he be an outsider called?

   Is it really going to kill yourself?

   Thinking of this, the cold sweat behind Jin Yuanzi went down even more!

   "Don't have so many doubts, fellow Taoists, or hurry up, don't let the master wait for a long time."

   "Yes, yes, yes." Zhen Yuanzi said yes three times, and flew to Mount Xumi with Qiqing quickly.

   Not to mention the suffering of Zhen Yuanzi on the way, but to say that in the Xumi Mountain Zizai Palace, the two disciples of Luo Hui have already had an argument.

   is the Taishang Mozu and Nuwa Empress.

   The human race is going to a new civilization. This is no longer a secret in front of the top power of the prehistoric people.

   And the civilization of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors was naturally known by all the saints, and they all began to calculate the position of the human emperor.

   But Taishang Mozu was not only interested in the position of the Master of Human Sovereign, he also saw the position of Human Sovereign.

   "Big brother, the human emperor of the human race must be the human race, and the human emperor is determined by the human race's will, and cannot be done by human resources." Nuwa looked at the Supreme Demon Ancestor and said firmly.

   "It's just a human race, even if the seat is placed on a single emperor? Don't you have three emperors and five emperors?" Taishang Demon Ancestor said a little impatiently.

   Above the 12th-Rank Destroyed Black Lotus at the top of the Zizi Palace, there is no figure of Luo Hui, otherwise such disputes would not happen in the palace.

   "Which throne of human do you want, then?" The Lord Tongtian asked faintly.

   "The three emperors are the best, among them, the emperor is the most. This emperor has the benefit of this seat." Said the Supreme Demon Zu.

   "Then the big brother is going to let who reincarnation be the emperor?" The Master Tongtian asked again.

   "Naturally it is Xingtian." The Supreme Demon Ancestor said naturally.

   is the same, after all, the Taishang Mozu is a disciple of Xingtian, even if he wins the position of the emperor, he can only Xingtian reincarnation.

   "Big brother, do you know that Xing Tian is the ancestor of the wizards of the Witch Clan, and is also the current leader of the Witch Clan. If he abandons this status and becomes the emperor, is this beneficial or disadvantaged for Xing Tian?"

   The words of the Master Tongtian made the Taishang Demon Ancestor ponder for a while. Xing Tian's current status and cultivation level can be ranked in the top five under the sage.

   If there is a reincarnation, let alone the loss of cultivation, what will happen to this status in the future is still unknown!

   "Big brother, you are the punishment of heaven. The three emperors and five emperors of this human race have no interest for you, so why bother to fight?" The Master Tongtian continued.

   Taishang Demon Ancestor took a deep look at the Lord Tongtian.

   "The second brother is right, these three emperors and five emperors are really useless for brothers, but I am afraid it will be of great use to the brothers and brothers!" Said the Taishang Mozu.

   "It can increase the luck of the great teaching, but the younger brother didn't think about getting the throne. This time, he can get the position of a master of the emperor." Tongtian guru was very direct and said his purpose frankly.

   Tai Xuan also nodded, because Tai Xuan, like the leader of Tongtian, wanted to get the position of a master of the emperor.

   They are all people who have established great teachings, and they all seek merit and luck for their disciples.

   "The human emperor of the human race is determined by the will of the human race. As for the teacher of the human emperor, the palace can ignore it." Nuwa also expressed her attitude.

   Luo Hui hasn't appeared yet, and these disciples have all stated their purpose.

  Of course, among them, Queen Mother West, Xiong Ba, and Patriarch Styx didn't say anything, because they didn't want any position.

  Especially the ancestor of Styx, he still knows himself, and the Asuras are not suitable for teaching the emperor.

   "What are you doing with so much nonsense? When the master arrives, you can't talk about it anymore." Xiong Ba was even more direct, not afraid to offend people at all.

   Although Xiong Ba is not a saint, he is a disciple who stayed with Luo Huo, and his status is equal to that of a saint.

   "The fifth brother is right. When the master arrives, it will not be too late to discuss it." Queen Xi nodded, expressing agreement with Xiong Ba.

  Tongtian Guru was embarrassed for a while, and said nothing, but Taishang Mozu coldly snorted.

   At this moment, two people came in from Zizai Palace, it was Qiqing and Zhenyuanzi who came here.

   "Pan Dao has seen you fellow Daoists." Zhen Yuanzi looked at these great abilities, as if it was a salute.

   If there are no saints among them, then Zhenyuanzi naturally doesn't need to give salutes, but there are five saints!

   "Zhen Yuanzi? What are you doing here!" The Supreme Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice.

   Zhen Yuanzi was startled, he could feel the demon ancestor Taishang's rejection of him, he had long heard that the demon ancestor Taishang had entered the ruthless robbery, so he would not say anything.

   "Big brother, the master asked Taoist Zhenyuan to come." Qiqing said quickly.

   After all, Taishang Mozu is the chief of the Demon Dao. Although Qiqing is Luohu's close boy, he dare not neglect it.

   Taishang Demon Ancestor heard that it was summoned by Luo Hui, and said nothing more.

   Above the hall, because of Zhen Yuanzi's arrival, it became quiet again.

   After all, their affairs can't be disputed in front of outsiders, they can't afford to lose this face.

   Suddenly, Luo Hui appeared on the Twelfth-Rank Black Lotus without warning.

   All the disciples below all knelt down quickly.

   "Meet Master (Mazu)."

   "Well, get up." Luo Hui waved his hand, causing the disciples and Zhen Yuanzi to stand up.

   Jin Yuanzi is fidgeting at this time, he is now worried about his life.

   I'm not afraid of death. It's all said to be heard by children. The longer you live, the more afraid of death.

   It's just that the higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to die.

   "The ban has just been lifted, and you saints can't keep their breath." Luo Hui smiled.

  "Master, the disciple didn't feel uncomfortable, the disciple just wanted to see the result, hehe~~" Xiong Ba smiled.

The meaning of    Xiongba couldn't be more obvious, that is, he wanted to see a joke.

   Luo Hui was speechless. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with letting that bear bully stay by his side. Such a character is no longer upright, but a big nerve. It is easier to offend people than the Lord Tongtian!

   If this is released, it will definitely make it difficult for the Taishang Mozu to calculate.

   "Master, the human race has gone through three plagues and nine disasters. This amount of heaven smiting shows that when the human race is prosperous, there are three emperors and five emperors. I am waiting here to ask the master to show the emperor's teacher." Tongtian said respectfully.

   Zhen Yuanzi was stunned when he heard this. Heaven said that he didn't know, and then he thought that he was just a quasi saint, not a saint.

   Doubts in his heart, Mo Dao talked about the matter of the Master of Human Emperor, why did he come here?

   "Human Race has experienced three plagues and nine disasters, and then became a great prosper. This is what I say. Now that the three plagues and nine disasters have passed, the new calamity has opened, and the human race will be prosperous." Luo Hui said lightly.

   "Master, this emperor..." Nu Wa wanted to say something in her heart, but Luo Hui raised her hand to stop it.

   "Tongtian, which emperor do you want? Luo Hui looked at the leader of Tongtian and said lightly.

   The Lord Tongtian was stunned. He didn't expect Luo Hui to even want to ask him, after all, he still had this great demon ancestor above him.

   Not only the Master Tongtian was stunned, but even the Taishang Demon Ancestor was stunned. This is a bit of a play out of routine!

   "Master, only need the teacher of the earth emperor." said the Master Tongtian.

  , thinking in the heart of the Master Tongtian, after all, there is a great demon ancestor, so you can't ask for the emperor's teacher in any way, otherwise, wouldn't this be a problem with the great demon ancestor?

   "Yeah." Luo Hui nodded and said: "Then the Master of the Emperor will give it to you."

   "Thank you, Master." The Master Tongtian said joyfully.

   But then, Luo Hui said again: "Not only will I give you a master of the earth emperor, but you will also give you three positions as a master of the Five Emperors. The premise is that you can grab it. UU Reading"

   Master Tongtian was overjoyed immediately, and said firmly: "Master, rest assured, disciples will not let Master down!"

  Tongtian Guru understands what Luo Yu means to snatch, it is nothing more than snatching from the hands of Xuanmen.

   He has this confidence, his cut-off teaching is known as a whim.

   "Tai Xuan, do you want that emperor teacher?" Luo Hui looked at Tai Xuan again.

  The Master Taixuan first glanced at the Taishang Demon Ancestor, he found that the Taishang Demon Ancestor's face was a bit ugly, so naturally he didn't think of the Emperor's Master.

   "The disciple chooses the emperor's teacher." Tai Xuan said respectfully.

   "Well, this is the emperor's teacher for you." Luo Hui said lightly.

   Taixuan knelt down and thanked him quickly.

   The position of the emperor that the saints fought for was divided in a moment in Luohu.

   After giving Taixuan the emperor, Luo Hui was not talking, which made the Taishang Demon Ancestor a little anxious.

   After all, he was thinking about the position of the emperor at first, but now that he hasn't even got one emperor, he is naturally a little unwilling.

   "Master, disciple..."

   "Okay, you all retreat." Luo Hui gave up.

   Taishang Demon Ancestor was astonished, but he didn't dare to disobey Luo Huan's meaning, even if he went down with the other disciples.


   "Nuwa and Jin Yuanzi stay."

  :. :

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