Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 25: Mozu speaks the Bible

Luo Hui walked to the side of the Sanguangshen's pool, sat down, and looked at the reflection in the Sanguangshen's pool.

In the deep eyes, all things reincarnation and the stars fall, as if there is an era change in this eyes.

At this moment, the space next to it fluctuated, but two figures walked out slowly.

These two figures are the devil ancestor of the sky and the Taoist monarch of the beginning.


"I saw the Demon Ancestor in the first time."

Luo Hui didn't look back, but looked at himself in the reflection. Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye he had been in the wilderness for endless years.

Thinking back to his previous life, he was still a very ordinary mortal, and in a blink of an eye he became the demon ancestor of the prehistoric admiration.

Everything seemed to be in an instant, but Luo Hui knew that all of this had a long experience.

"Second brother, look at the changes in the three-light divine water." Luo Hui said lightly.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor didn't dare to neglect, he quickly walked to the Sanguang God Pool, squatted down beside Luohu, and looked at the reflection in the water.

After some observations, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor did not notice any difference, it was still the same as before!

"Brother, the Three Lights Divine Water hasn't changed much!" said the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

Luo Hui shook his head, sat cross-legged on the side, reached out his hand and touched the Sanguang Divine Water, a little ripple spread, dispelling the reflections of Luo Hui and the heavenly demon ancestor.

"Now?" Luo Hui looked at the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

The Celestial Demon Ancestor looked at the reflection in the ripples, the reflections of him and Luo Hu were blurred, but they could still be seen.

"Brother, the only change in the Three Lights Divine Water is because of you and me." The Heavenly Demon Ancestor said solemnly.

"It's been countless years. At the beginning, we were still striving for survival in the prehistoric land, but now we are standing on the top of the prehistoric land. Second brother, did you say that we have changed, or time has changed?" Luo Hu said with emotion.

At the beginning, Luo Hu was still struggling to survive. He was very worried about the battle between Dao and Demon, because according to the memory of his previous life, he would perish in that battle.

Now, not only has he survived, he has also become the most powerful existence in name.

"Brother time has changed us." The Heavenly Demon Ancestor was also a little emotional.

Hearing this, Luo Hui stood up, his eyes became firm, and a powerful momentum surged from his body.

This aura has no oppressive force, but it infinitely amplifies Luohu's breath. At this moment, it seems that Luohu is the sky.

"Time has changed us, which means that we are still ants. When one day even time can't change us, then it is detached!"

Luo Hu's voice was like a giant hammer, and heavily bombarded the hearts of the heavenly demon ancestor and the Taoist monarch in the beginning.

When they were still thinking about how to improve their cultivation and become an existence like Luo Huo.

And Luo Hui is already thinking about how to break through the time limit.

Luo Hu also understood the law of time, but even if the law of time comprehend Dzogchen, it did not mean that he could break through time.

Because above the law of time, there is order, this is a prehistoric order!

If it is truly not limited by time, then you can appear at any point in the prehistoric time!

This is impossible in Honghuang, even if it is Luo Hu's existence, it is impossible to arbitrarily appear at a certain point in time.

If not, with his current cultivation base, he appeared directly at the time of the Dao Demon Controversy, wouldn't it be possible to directly kill Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

So the current Hongjun Daozu no longer exists.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor firmly believes that Luo Hui will definitely break through the time limit, so that time cannot change them.

At the beginning, the Taoist monarch didn't think so much. He thought that Luo Huan was nothing but fantasy, and time could not stand still, and it was impossible to stand still forever!

As for what Luo Hu said, this is no longer a question of time being static, but breaking all the order of time and exceeding time.

"If you don't practice in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​how did you come out?" Luo Hui looked at the devil ancestor of the sky.

Although this is just a ray of incarnation of the Heaven Demon Ancestor, it also affects the cultivation of the Heaven Demon Ancestor.

The current situation of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is not suitable for lack of concentration.

"Brother, when the Chaos Gourd was taken away by Taichu, just a while ago, a strange sight happened in this Chaos Gourd," said the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

Luo Hu smiled, he knew very well what Chaos Gourd was, because at that time he also made an order to let the superior person retrieve Chaos Gourd.

But suddenly there was a Taichu who took away the Chaos Gourd, and Luo Hu could only give up.

"Show me the gourd." Luo Hui said lightly.

Taichu hurriedly stepped forward, took out the Chaos Gourd, and handed it to Luo Hu.

Luo Hui waved his hand, and a wisp of beginningless devilish energy entered the chaotic gourd.

"How did the demon ancestor know that this chaotic gourd was not refined by this seat?" Daojun was surprised at the beginning.

Because Luo Hui's move is to fully understand that the chaotic gourd is still unowner, otherwise, such a devilish energy will be bitten back.

"The chaotic gourd is a world of its own, and it is a strange treasure. You can't refine it." Luo Hui said bluntly, without giving any face to Taichu.

At the beginning, Daojun looked embarrassed, he couldn't refining after obtaining Chaos Gourd for so long, and he was a little bit embarrassed.

Under the infusion of the beginningless devilish energy, the chaotic gourd instantly became a million feet.

Luo Hui stepped out and plunged directly into the chaotic gourd.

In the early days, Daojun glanced at the Heavenly Demon Ancestor and said, "Fifth Brother, should we also enter?"

"Let's take a look!" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor also wanted to enter and have a look, after all, he didn't expect Chaos Gourd to be able to do this.

Obviously Luo Hu knows more secrets.

In the chaotic gourd, the scene here is like endless chaos, and chaotic air currents everywhere.

However, these chaotic air currents were one level lower than those in the chaos, and they did not do much harm to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Brother, look there!" The Heavenly Demon Ancestor and Taoist King of the Beginning walked to Luo Hui's side.

At the location pointed by the Demon Ancestor of the Sky, there was a huge oval sphere.

Looking at the chaotic gourd from the outside, it is only ten thousand meters in size, but when you enter it, you can find something else, this chaos is infinite.

The elliptical sphere made Luo Hu fall into contemplation, which was somewhat different from what he thought.

He knew that Chaos Gourd, this treasure will eventually evolve into a world, and it is the kind of world that can be advanced.

As long as the chaotic gourd is completely refined, even a pig or dog can flow over time and become a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo!

"In the beginning, the mutation you said was this dome?" Luo Hui asked lightly.

"It is this giant egg. Since I got this gourd, I have been thinking about how to refining it. It has been unable to refining it until now. A hundred years ago, this gourd madly swallowed the aura of Da Zi Zai Tian.

This caused half of Da Zi Zaitian's aura to enter the chaotic gourd, and then this oval sphere was formed! "

Facing Luo Huzhi's question, Daojun said in the beginning, not dare to conceal anything.

"Well, you two will go back to Da Zitian!"


Daojun was startled at the beginning, so he went back now? But Chaos Gourd is still here!

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor didn't think Luo Huan would **** the Chaos Gourd from the Early Daoist, when even he pulled the Early Daoist away from the Chaos Gourd.

The Twelfth-Rank Destroyed Black Lotus appeared under Luo Hu's seat, and then Luo Hu sat cross-legged, spitting out the Dao Mantra.

"In the beginning God created the world, the earth was emptiness and chaos. The abyss was dark. The spirit of God was running on the water.

God said that if there is light, there will be light.

God saw that light was good, so he separated the light from the dark.

God called the light day and the darkness night. There was evening and morning. This was the first day.


A line of Dao Mantra was uttered from Luo Huo's mouth, but this dim chaos did not change around him.

There is no light, and heaven and earth are not separated.

"You created the world, I created you, and you are also a demon!" Luo Hui said lightly while looking at the giant egg.

At first, Luo Hu thought that this chaotic gourd would form a world of its own, but now this scene surpassed his imagination, not only to form a world of its own, but also to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

This giant egg is a creature born in the chaotic gourd, and the heavenly demon ancestor and the primordial Daoist can't see what is in this giant egg.

But Luo Hu could see clearly that there was a creature wrapped in this dome.

Of course not Pangu!

It was a birdman with twelve wings, the whole body curled up, wings wrapped around him.

Under Luohu's Dao Mantra, the birdmen in the dome changed, and six of the twelve white wings became black.

"God said to bring all the gods down to the earth, so the earth has God, truth, faith, and heaven..."

Luo Hui's Dao Mantra was uttered. At this moment, Luo Hui became holy, and nine milky white halos appeared behind his head.

After preaching to this dome for ten years, Luo Hu stood up, the first thing was to smash the halo that condensed on the back of his head with a punch.

The twelve halos were broken by Luo Hui with a punch.

You must know that this milky white halo, but it represents holiness, represents faith, in the world of Rahu's previous life, the so-called God, only condensed ten halo.

Luo Hu's fist destroyed the Tao fruit that others couldn't condense forever.

"Existence is truth. In the future, I want to override time. You are a very important part."

After saying this Luo Hu left Chaos Gourd.

At this moment, Luo Hu finally understood why the legend of Chaos Gourd only circulated in the previous life, but it was not obtained by any power.

Suddenly, a black gourd appeared beside the Sanguangshen Pool, which naturally aroused Wangshu and the idea of ​​seven emotions and six desires.

When Luo Hui came out, Wang Shu hurried forward.

"Isn't this the chaotic gourd of Bu Zhoushan? Wasn't it taken away by the mysterious power?"

"Everything has reincarnation, this chaotic gourd combination should go in my hands, no matter who takes it away, it will eventually return to my hands." Luo Hui said lightly.

But the next moment, Luo Hu waved his big hand, and a powerful devilish gas poured out, flying the chaotic gourd, and finally disappeared into the sky.

"Why do you want to discard it again?" Wang Shu said quickly.

This is an excellent Lingbao!

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