Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 26: Terran Huaxu

Chaos Gourd, a treasure of the Innate Supreme Treasure level, was so lost, but it was a pity.

But Luo Hui knew that this must not be left in his own hands, otherwise, it would not be in line with his plan and would disrupt the layout behind him.

He has already handed down the Bible. As to whether the birdman can figure it out, this is not Luo Hu's business, but he saw that the birdman's wings were half demonized.

Luo Hui felt comforted, and his magic seed was successfully planted.

"Do you know what it means to be willing?" Luo Hui said calmly, looking at Wang Shu.

Wang Shu glanced at Luo Huo, how could she not understand the meaning of these two words?

It's just easy, but it's hard to save.

"This chaotic gourd gave up, what can you get?" Wang Shu asked.

"This is an opportunity, but I don't know if I can seize it in the future." Luo Hu looked in the direction where the gourd disappeared.

If this is known by the great abilities of the predecessors, they must shout: Big deal!

It is the same thing to exchange for the illusory opportunity with a congenital treasure, and whether it can be obtained or not!

With great freedom in the sky, the Demon Ancestor of the Sky and the Daojun from the beginning were able to see the scene outside, especially seeing Luo Hu losing the chaotic gourd.

This made the Taoist monarchs in the beginning stunned!

What's the matter?

This gourd seems to be him!

Moreover, he was even more speechless when he heard the dialogue between Luo Hu and Wang Shu. Luo Hu completely regarded Chaos Gourd as his own.

I lost it without hesitation, and said beautifully: willing!

At the beginning, the Daoist looked at the Heaven Demon Ancestor. After all, he gave the gourd to Luo Hu to see it because he believed in the Heaven Demon Ancestor. But now that Luo Hu lost it, he naturally wanted to find the Heaven Demon Ancestor first.

"Brother must have his reason for doing this, eldest brother, let's practice!" The Heaven Demon Ancestor said seriously.

In the beginning, the Daoist was completely trapped, what is this?

But now he has followed the Demon Ancestor, even if he is dissatisfied, he can't directly say it, and he has to bow his head under the eaves!

"Well, practice!"


In the Netherworld, the battle between heaven and earth, the Wu clan retreated, some of the remaining Wu clan went to the prehistoric north, and some remained in the underground.

Since Xing Tian and other great witches have all gone to the north of the prehistoric state, the witches who stayed in the underworld have no backbone, and can only listen to the dispatch of the ancestor of the Great Nether River.

Serving as Yinsi in the underworld, his position is above the bull head and horse face.

When Nuwa came to the underworld, she wanted to send Fuxi's true spirit into reincarnation, so she naturally had to come in person.

"Senior Sister Six."

The ancestor of the Styx walked out of the sea of ​​blood and greeted Nuwa at the place of six reincarnations.

"Presumably, Junior Brother knows what Senior Sister came from." Nuwa said lightly.

Although the ancestor of Styx hadn't preached the Dao yet, Nuwa knew that, as a disciple of Luohu, she would definitely preach the Dao in the future.

And she has also heard about it. Luo Huo said that the Styx Promise Dao might leap to rank in the future and directly become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the middle stage.

"Senior Sister should have come for Fuxi Daoist friend. Since Master Fuxi has ordered, Fuxi Daoist friend should be the Emperor of Human Race." Styx walked slowly to the Six Paths of Reincarnation and waved his hand.


A special channel appeared, and the channel radiating colorful light made the six reincarnations even more mysterious.

Nuwa knows that this is the special passage of the six reincarnations, and the true spirits reincarnated from this passage will be born with visions.

Of course, reincarnating from other channels may also have a vision.

"Senior Sister, just put the true spirit of Taoist Fuxi in it," said the ancestor of Styx.

Nu Wa nodded, took out a magic weapon that looked like a teapot, muttered the magic trick silently in her mouth, and a ray of golden light flew out.

Turned into the figure of Fuxi, the virtual figure, the expression was muddled.

"Brother, my younger sister will definitely pick you up in the future." Nuwa was a little sentimental, sending Fuxi's true spirit into the channel of reincarnation.

"Senior Sister is here for the first time, please go to the blood sea to have a comment, so that the younger brother will have a good reception." Old Ancestor Styx smiled.

Nu Wa shook her head, and said, "This time I will avoid it, and I will visit my younger brother later."

"Never mind, Senior Sister can do her best if she has anything to do."

Nu Wa nodded, turned around and disappeared into the underworld.

For Fuxi's reincarnation, she naturally wanted to go and watch, and the ancestors of the Styx River opened a special channel. On the day of her birth, there must be auspiciousness.

The Origin Valley of Human Race, the human race has now been tribalized, even Origin Valley is divided into several tribes.

Xinhuo Tribe is a larger tribe of Human Race, but a strange thing happened in this tribe.

The daughter of the tribe leader, Huaxu, went out to play, but when she returned, she was pregnant.

With pregnancy, this is not a big deal. The key is that the fetus in the womb has no father, which attracted the attention of the fairy master in the tribe.

And this matter became more and more widespread, causing the entire Xinhuao tribe to learn about Hua Xu's strange pregnancy.

On this day, Zhen Yuanzi turned into a mortal to travel through the human race, and came to the Xinhuo tribe, only to find a ten-foot-high altar with a bed of firewood piled up.

On this wood bed, there is a young girl lying.

Zhen Yuanzi first calculated the reason.

But what shocked him was that he could not calculate anything at all, even the identity of the girl.

Zhen Yuanzi could only ask an old man next to him, "Brother, what happened?"

"The leader's daughter, Huaxu, traveled to Lei Ze, but she was pregnant after returning. But Huaxu is still Yunying's daughter. How could she be pregnant?" The old man sighed.

The middle-aged woman on the side continued: "Who said no! How could a daughter of Yunying become pregnant? The fairy judged that Hua Xu must be pregnant with a demon."

With the words of this middle-aged woman, there was a lot of discussion around her instantly.

"It is rumored that our human race was almost destroyed by the demon race. How can this Huaxu be pregnant with a demon?"

"Yes, our human race is incompatible with the monster race. Alas, what a wonderful girl Hua Xu is, how can we do such a thing!"

"Perhaps Hua Xu was also forced. I heard that each of the monster races has great magic power. How can we mortals be able to resist it."

"That is, didn't the old people in the tribe say that there was a big demon infested more than ten years ago, and they ate us a fairy master!"


After hearing these words, Zhen Yuanzi understood a little. It turned out that it was this Huaxu girl who was pregnant.

Suddenly, at this time, the immortal master on the altar spoke, which caused the following discussion to cease, all looking at the altar.

"Hua Xu, as a human race, you actually had a demon fetus. You know you are guilty!" The fairy cried out.

"Master, I am not pregnant with a demon." Hua Xu was trapped on the wood bed, unable to move.

The leader on the side could only watch his daughter suffer, and could not step forward to help, because this was a pregnant fetus, an enemy of the Human Race!

"Since it's not a demon fetus, then you can tell who owns the fetus in the womb?" The fairy asked coldly.

"I don't know, I went out to play, and it looked like this when I came back."

Hua Xu whimpered, tears left in her eyes, but she was only sixteen. How could she have seen such a posture?

"Chief, what should you do?" The immortal teacher looked at Hua Xu's father, the leader of the Xinhuo tribe.

Although it is the leader, each tribe has a fairy master, or multiple fairy masters.

These leaders are all elected by the immortal master, so the power of the leader is lower than that of the immortal master.

The first lead of the Xinhuo tribe was a glance at Hua Xu, his eyes were full of guilt, but then he became determined.

If Hua Xu had a demon fetus in his belly, then even a hundred deaths would not be enough.

"All follow the arrangement of the fairy master." The leader of the Xinhuo tribe said respectfully.

The fairy snorted, nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and looked at the sky.

"The Mother Mother Nuwa Empress, the third ancestor of the human race is on the top, today the Huaxu tribe with the fire fire is pregnant with the demon fetus, this is a traitor of the human race, please lower the sacred fire and destroy the demon fetus!

The prayers of the immortal master can be heard clearly within a hundred miles.

Hua Xu, lying on the wood bed, heard this, his face pale, and his silver teeth bit his mouth tightly.

"Ms. Nuwa, third ancestor, Huaxu really didn't have a demon fetus~~~" Huaxu said in fear.

Suddenly, the gods fired, and the wood bed instantly burned.

Seeing this scene, all the human races bowed down and bowed down. This is the Virgin and the Three Patriarchs!

Zhen Yuanzi can see clearly from below, this is not the sacred fire that Empress Nuwa and the third ancestor of the human race descended at all, but the method used by this fairy master.

This immortal master is only in the realm of Xuanxian, can he conceal his actions from Zhen Yuanzi?

With a thought in his heart, the sky will hold Xuan Yu and put out the flame.

This scene stunned all the human races, and only then did the divine fire burn Huaxu and the demon fetus to death? Why did you put out the fire?

This immortal master hurriedly looked around, but with his cultivation, it was naturally impossible to spot Zhen Yuanzi.

"Heaven will use the water to extinguish the flames. Isn't the Virgin Mary forbidden to kill Huaxu? Isn't the baby in her belly?"

Zhen Yuanzi said loudly.

For a while, the surrounding human races also believed Zhen Yuanzi's words, and they all began to discuss.

Seeing more and more human races questioning, the leader of the Xinhuo tribe seemed to have confidence, so he naturally did not want to watch his daughter burned to death.

"Master, do you think this is the mother of mercy, not killing Huaxu."

The immortal master is also very puzzled now, don't know if it's really the Virgin Mary's manifestation, but he knows that the sacred fire just now is his own magical power.

"The sky fire and the **** rain will come down together to avoid Huaxu's death, but the fetus in Huaxu's belly is of unknown origin and must not be expelled immediately in the living tribe!" The fairy said coldly.

This immortal master did not have an opinion on Huaxu, but hated the Yaozu, because the immortal master who was devoured more than ten years ago was his wife!

Zhen Yuanzi opened his eyes to watch the fetus in Huaxu's belly, but found that there were mysterious runes blocking his vision.

"This fetus has a long history. Could it be Fuxi's reincarnation?"

Thinking in his mind, Zhen Yuanzi quickly calculated the time.

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