Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 27: Dragon King eating grass

The Xinhuo tribe drove Hua Xu out of the tribe, which allowed Hua Xu to return to the place where she had been playing for a while.

On the way, Hua Xu didn't know how many times he cried. The original good life was ruined by the unknown fetus in his belly.

But Hua Xu didn't blame the fetus in her belly, she just wanted to find out the reason, so she came here.

On the side of the Wei River, Hua Xu walked around the place before, and she wanted to see what harmed herself.


Hua Xu saw that huge footprint, and he was afraid that it was ten feet long, and it was absolutely impossible for Human Race to have such a huge footprint.

Hua Xu recalled that she seemed to have used her feet to measure the huge footprints at the beginning. It may be because of these footprints that she was inexplicably pregnant!

"Is it really this footprint? But who would believe it?"

Hua Xu was very disappointed. She looked at the Weihe River in front of her, trying to understand herself, but she thought of the fetus in her womb again.

No matter what, the fetus is innocent, she can't commit suicide like this, she must give birth to the child anyway.

What if this child is not a demon? At that time, she can return to the Fire Fire Tribe again.

In the void, a dragon of ten thousand feet hovered around, and it was Ao Zheng, the emperor of the dragon clan.

Now the dragon clan is the largest clan in the entire prehistoric clan, the monster clan and the witch clan have already fallen.

However, Ao Zheng didn't have a heart for hegemony. Of course, it was not that Ao Zheng did not have this idea, but was suppressed by Luo Huisheng.

As Luo Hu's mount, Ao Zheng understands one thing, that is, Luo Hu is very optimistic about Human Race, and believes that Human Race is the protagonist of the future world!

If the dragon race wants to compete with the human race for the protagonist of the world, it is bound to confront Luo Huo.

In Ao Zheng's heart, the position of the Dragon clan is far inferior to that of Luo Hu, and Ao Zheng will not pit against Luo Hu for the benefit of the dragon clan.

"Master, is Fuxi in that woman's belly?" Ao Zheng said respectfully.

Above Ao Zheng's dragon body, Luo Hu sat cross-legged. He has been above Origin Valley for a long time.

Even if Zhen Yuanzi didn't make a move, Luo Hu would make a move. Under the destiny, this Hua Xu shouldn't die.

"In the next ten years, you will stay in the Weihe River to take care of Huaxu, which is good for you and the Dragon Clan." Luo Hu said quietly.

"Master meant to connect the Dragon Race and Human Race one after another?" Ao Zheng asked.

Luo Hui didn't speak, but just nodded.

Although Ao Zheng looked down on Human Race, after all, this Human Race was too weak, but he understood that perhaps the future Human Race would be very strong.

Since Luo Hu asked him to guard Huaxu here, he did not dare to have any objections.

Ao Zhenglong swung his body and transformed into a dark horse, but there were two dragon horns on the horse's head.

Afterwards, it came to the side of the Weihe River, like an uncivilized horse, drinking water by the river.

Hua Xu saw Ao Zheng and walked over slowly, very curious, because the horse had horns on its head.

Pure Huaxu thought that this horse might have been driven out by his own ethnic group because of its special nature.

"Ma'er, were you also driven out?" Hua Xu stroked the horse's neck.


The dignified Dragon Sovereign actually learned how to call a horse now. This is also Luo Hu's decree. Otherwise, even if he died, he would not be like this. It would simply insult his Dragon Sovereign majesty.

"I was also kicked out. It's okay. From now on, the two of us will depend on each other and take care of each other." Hua Xu said as he went to weed for Ao Zheng.

Luo Hu, who was hiding in the void, showed a smile, this time I was afraid that Ao was about to suffer.

Fortunately, just to temper his mood.

Luo Huo is also just right for Ao. As long as he is hooked with the human race, then the dragon race can at least keep the race indestructible in the future.

As long as the dragon can do the same step in Luohu's previous life and become the totem of the human race, then the dragon will go further.

Zhen Yuanzi rushed to the Weihe River at this time, and he figured it out, always feeling that Hua Xu might be Fuxi.

It happened to see a scene that shocked him.

"Dragon King~~grazing!"

Zhen Yuanzi was stunned. The scene in front of him was that Hua Xu was feeding Long Huangao grazing.

Although Ao Zheng has become a dragon horse, Zhen Yuanzi's cultivation is not weak. Even if he can't beat Ao Zheng, it is still possible to see through Ao Zheng's body.

After the shock, Zhen Yuanzi now firmly believes that the Hua Xu in front of him must be Fuxi, and the Dragon Emperor may have been sent by the Demon Ancestor to take care of Hua Xu.

There is only this reason that can strengthen the scene in front of him, otherwise, who can make Longhuang Ao Zheng become a dragon horse?

And still eat grass here with relish!

Originally, Zhen Yuanzi was a little worried about Huaxu's future safety. After all, she was pregnant, and the more inconvenience she got, the more inconveniences she would have, and there were many monsters and beasts in the prehistoric world, let alone a pregnant woman.

Even the immortal masters of the human race could die miserably at any time.

Now Zhen Yuanzi didn't worry anymore. With the protection of Longhuang Ao Zheng, even if the most powerful existence of the monster race came, it would be fine.

I don't know that Ao Zheng didn't find Zhen Yuanzi, but Zhen Yuanzi hid directly into the void and left here quickly.

Presumably Ao Zheng didn't want others to see this scene either, Zhen Yuanzi didn't want to cause other troubles, especially the trouble with Ao Zheng, so she could only pretend not to see it.

Zhen Yuanzi walked in front, and Nuwa appeared on the Weihe River on her hind foot. She also saw this scene. She was surprised at first and then relieved.

"Ao is here, Master should be around too." Nu Wa thought in her heart.

But Luo Hu didn't take the initiative to call her, and Nuwa would naturally not look for Luo Hu.

Now Fuxi in Huaxu's belly is protected by Ao Zheng, Nuwa is relieved, she is a saint and cannot protect Huaxu every day.

At first she was going to let Jinfeng come, but now she doesn't seem to need it anymore.

There is no need for this Valley of Origin to stay here. As a saint, staying in the human race is a bit bad.

Human women are pregnant, and they are basically pregnant in October, but Huaxu's pregnancy is ten years. At this time, even Huaxu himself feels whether he is really pregnant with a baby!

Otherwise, he should have given birth long ago.

"Xiao Hei, did you say that I was really pregnant with a demon?" Hua Xu looked at Ao Zheng sadly.

"Well~~" Ao was continuing to eat grass.

For ten years, Ao Zheng has become accustomed to eating grass, and also accustomed to everything about Fanma. He felt that if he kept on like this, he would forget that he was the superior Dragon King.

Listening to Hua Xu's words, Ao Zheng's abdomen was slandered. How could this be pregnant with a demon fetus, this was the emperor who was pregnant with the demon clan.

This is much better than the demon fetus!

Hua Xu was very disappointed. She grew up listening to various myths and legends. She had also heard stories about the human race being slaughtered by the demons and almost extinct in the ancient times.

Therefore, when he felt that he was pregnant with a demon fetus, Hua Xu was deeply saddened.

During this period of time, Hua Xu had committed suicide more than once. If it hadn't been for Ao Zheng, Hua Xu would have killed himself.

As a human race, even if you die, you can't give birth to a demon fetus.

The oath of humans and demons is not equal, this is passed down from generation to generation by the ancestors of the human race.

"I hope you don't be a demon fetus, otherwise, when you are born, even if I die, I will die with you!"

Hua Xu looked at her stomach, she was afraid and worried. She was really afraid that her child was a fetus.

Suddenly 1

Hua Xu only felt a pain in his belly, which made Hua Xu directly sit on the ground.


Hua Xu's face changed, covering his stomach with both hands, and screamed.

Ao Zheng, who was eating grass, realized that Hua Xu was about to give birth, and let out a deep sigh. His tormenting days are finally over.



The sky has changed.

There appeared colorful auspicious clouds in the sky, and there was the sound of thunder in the clouds, as if to convey auspicious vocal music.

This scene naturally alarmed the human race of the Xinhuo tribe, after all, the Weihe River was beside the Xinhuo tribe.

All the human races looked up at the sky, but saw the golden light shining from the colorful clouds.

And this Jin Guangwei's location seems to be the Weihe River, which makes people rush to the Weihe River.

At this time, even the immortal master of the Xinhuo tribe couldn't sit still, it seemed like a scene of the birth of a strange treasure.

When these human races came to the Weihe River, they discovered that Hua Xu was giving birth to a child with a dragon horse guarding him.

Ao Zheng blocked the human race who came, and even the three immortal masters of the Xinhuo tribe were stopped by Ao Zheng.

At this time, the three immortal masters were puzzled, and they couldn't move.

Then there was a violent tremor in the heart, this should be the power around.


This was Hua Xu's cry, heart-piercing, which caused all the human races to talk.

"It's been ten years, isn't Hua Xu just going to have children?"

"Ten years of pregnancy, how is this possible?"

"Demon fetus, this must be a demon fetus, no one in our human race has been pregnant for ten years!"

The Human Race started talking, and when talking about the demon fetus, each Human Race showed hatred.


There was a cry of a baby, as if the whole world was quiet.

Lucky from the sky.

Suddenly, various auspicious and divine beasts appeared in the sky, and there was even a dance of heavenly women, and the earth of spiritual rain and blessing fell.


At this time a phoenix flew over, hovering over Huaxu, and called to Huaxu several times, as if to congratulate Huaxu on the birth of his son.

Afterwards, another auspicious beast unicorn stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds, which seemed to congratulate Huaxu on the birth of his son.

This shocked the human race on the side of the Wei River, especially the three immortal masters!

This is a wild beast!

Each one can destroy their human race.

"What kind of child did Hua Xu give birth?"

This is something that all races are puzzled. This is too earth-shattering and has attracted countless beasts to congratulate.

Ao Zheng withdrew his mana, allowing those human races to move.

In an instant, Huaxu's mother rushed out first and ran to Huaxu.


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