Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 41: Fuxi Acts 8 Hexagrams

   "This happened!" Fu Xi was surprised.

   Fuxi, who has been over a hundred years old, is no longer a mortal who knows nothing. He knows that there are countless great abilities above this prehistoric state, and he also knows what this rune represents.

   "Can the old man tell lies?" Luo Hui asked rhetorically.

   "Haha, my brother, I'll take one step away." Fuxi laughed and walked away.

   If it is as the old man said, then his last step is likely to be reached.

   Walking up the Wei River, Fu Xi dare not miss any place.

   This is related to the survival of the human race, once his deduction method is perfect, then the human race can get rid of natural disasters.

   Luohu suddenly changed, and then disappeared into the void. It was time for Fuxi to prove the Tao, and then the new co-lord was born.

   Hongjun didn't listen to him, but he still wanted to control a human emperor, which is really crazy.

   Since Luo Hui said that the three human emperors all belong to the magic way, then these three human emperors will definitely not have a profound door.

   After making a calculation, Luo Hui's eyes flashed with brilliance. He is a descendant and has a lot of information for the next Emperor.

   Hongjun can't calculate things, but Luo Hui is definitely not in trouble. This is the first opportunity. As long as he seizes the first opportunity, what will Hongjun earn?

   "It hasn't been born yet, it seems it will take a few years."

   Luo Hui calculated that the next emperor had not yet arrived.

   When Luo Hui estimated, Fuxi had already reached the upper reaches, and he really saw the scene Luo Hui said.

   A dragon tortoise swam slowly, Fuxi hurried forward, but saw the magical rune on the tortoise shell.

   is very similar to the runes he painted, but they are different.

   "Haha, that old man didn't lie, it really is a strange thing!"

   Fuxi has a feeling that as long as he gets this turtle shell, he can definitely perfect his deduction method.

   "The human race is suffering from natural disasters, and a large number of human races die every year. I also ask the turtle to have mercy and grant me a solution!" Fuxi bowed to the dragon turtle.


   The dragon tortoise turned into a ray of light and fell into Fuxi's hands, becoming a tortoise shell with a three-inch square.

   Fuxi was overjoyed, sitting cross-legged, holding the shell of the tortoise and starting to study it, the runes on it were of great use to him!

   After some research, Fuxi was overjoyed. This almost made up for his shortcomings!

   Fuxi is not a monk, unable to produce divine consciousness, so he can't comprehend the world, and can't truly understand the laws of nature.

   This tortoise shell can actually allow Fuxi to enter the natural laws of nature and feel everything around him with his heart.

  Heaven, earth, sun, moon, star, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and Fuxi can all be clearly felt.

   "That's it, that's it!"

   Fuxi stood up, pinched his fingers, then took out three stones from the cloth bag and threw them on the ground.

   A mysterious rune appeared, Fu Xi's eyes appeared a ray of light, the plain stone, in his eyes was different.

   "My way is complete, Human Race is saved!"

   Fuxi was overjoyed, the gossip deduction method he studied was successful, he just tried it, and indeed the gossip rune he imagined appeared!

   Dry three consecutive lines, Kun six breaks, shakes up the bowl, Gen covers the bowl, leaves the center empty, the ridge is full, the upper is missing, the sun is broken.

   Gannan, Kunbei, Lidong, Kanxi, Duidongnan, Zhendongbei, Xunnan, and Genbei

   Tai Chi is easy to have. Liangyi produces four elephants, and four elephants produce gossip.

   Fuxi realized the gossip phenomenon. The first thing is not to return to Chendu, but to travel through every tribe and teach his gossip deduction to the human race.

   But there is something Fuxi takes for granted. Although he created the gossip, he ignored that not everyone can learn the gossip.

   Fuxi spent ten years traveling to eight tribes, and in each tribe, there were three or two human races who could learn gossip.

   And beginners are not so accurate in deducing everything, everything needs to be deepened.

   Even so, he has made a significant contribution to resisting natural disasters.

   At least these years, fewer and fewer human races have died in natural disasters. Every time the human race can be moved in advance, and neighboring tribes will also provide assistance in advance.

   Fuxi returned to Chendu. After researching, he understood that this gossip is easy to learn and difficult to understand, and it is difficult to master it.

   So Fuxi went back to Chendu to teach a group of people, and then asked these people to go to other tribes to teach the gossip.

   Another ten years have passed. In the Valley of Origin, every tribe has prophets, and these prophets have learned the innate gossip.

   Xiantian gossip is also called Fuxi gossip by the human race. It can deduce the things of the week and the meaning, within the week, there is nothing impossible to calculate!

  The human race has become less afraid of natural disasters, and the human race who died under the natural disasters can be said to be very few.

   All human races are praising Fuxi's merits, if there is no Fuxi, the human race is still living under natural disasters.

   This made Fuxi's reputation instantly rise among the Human Race, and the Human Race's luck also began to undergo tremendous changes.

  The human race is actually recovering all the air luck. The air luck that was originally mastered by Nuwa and Taiqing Taoist ancestors has begun to recover.

   Not only that, but the luck of the third ancestor of the human race is also recovering.

   A huge golden dragon of luck has formed in the Valley of Origins, and now the luck of the human race has become uncontrollable.

   Kongtong seal broke away from Fuxi's hand and flew into the sky above Origin Valley, suppressing human luck.

   This movement shocked the entire prehistoric!

   Nuwa and Taiqing both hurriedly arrived at Origin Valley, and the human luck they controlled had disappeared.

  Look at the human luck golden dragon, it has reached ten thousand meters!

   What is this concept?

   If someone swallows the golden dragon of luck now, they can definitely become holy right away!

   But no one did that.

   More and more powers appear in the sky above Origin Valley.

   The sages of the wild are all here.

   Demon Path: Taishang Demon Ancestor, Tongtian Guru, Taixuan Guru, Xi Wangmu, Nuwa Empress.

  Xuanmen: Taiqing Daozu, Primitive Tianzun, Xianzu Dongwang Duke.

  Buddha Tao: Amitabha, Zhunti Buddha, the master of Randeng.

   There are also those powers that are second only to the saints, and they have also come to the Valley of Origin. The human luck is so involved, it can be seen that it is not available in any race before.

   "It must be the ghost of this Fuxi, fellow Daoist Nuwa, I hope you can give a reasonable explanation to the poor Dao!" Taiqing Daozu's face was pale.

   How the Taiqing Daozu was not angry, the human luck he had got out of his body, all returned to the sky above Origin Valley.

   Nuwa snorted coldly. She is also a victim now, and her human luck has also disappeared.

   "This palace is not anxious for being the Mother of Human Race, what are you anxious for!"

   Queen Mother West walked to Nuwa's side at this time, and the voice transmission asked: "What happened to my sister?"

   "Four Sisters, the human luck that I controlled has disappeared." Nuwa said helplessly.

   You don’t have to think about it, all those qi luck have poured into the golden dragon of qi luck.

   "Tai Qing, you use Human Race to prove the truth, now that your luck is gone, it is reasonable." Tai Xuan said lightly.

   "Hmph, my big brother is the leader of the human education, and he is in charge of the human luck. This golden dragon of luck belongs to my big brother!"

   The original Tianzun waved his hand as he said, and the heavens Qingyun appeared, trying to take away the golden dragon of luck.

  The shot was so fast, there was no sign at all, so it was too late for other saints to stop.

   can only watch the heavens Qingyun envelop the golden dragon of Qi Luck, of course, they are not without measures, they all sacrificed magic weapons to attack the original Tianzun.



   When the heavens Qingyun was about to cover the Qiyun Golden Dragon, I saw that Qiyun Golden Dragon wobbled its tail, forcibly blasting the Heavens Qingyun out of the Valley of Origin!

   This scene shocked all the powers present. This is the magical power of a saint, even if it is a casual magical power, it has no attack power, and it does not mean that you can resist it!

   The Primitive Tianzun was stunned. If he hadn't watched it with his own eyes, he would have thought it was a saint manipulating the golden dragon of luck!

   Taiqing Daozu's brows frowned. This Qi Luck Golden Dragon seemed to have gathered all the Qi Luck of the Human Race, including the Qi Luck in the Kongtong Seal.

   The ordinary magical powers can't take them away. It seems that this human race is about to undergo a major change.

   What happened over the Valley of Origin, the human race below did not know anything, what to do or what to do.

   But Fuxi in Chendu was a little uneasy and agitated.

   took out three stones, and Fu Xi calculated a hexagram for himself.


   Good luck and bad luck.

   "How can such a strange trigram appear?"

   Fuxi began to calculate in his heart that good luck should be a sign that his merits and virtues will be fulfilled in twenty years.

   But what is the big culprit?

   Fuxi now knows about his future. He has created gossip, which can be regarded as perfection. There are still twenty years when he will ascend.

   "Isn't it me that the big culprit is? It's that the human race has an ominous omen!"

   Fuxi is nervous, if he has a bad omen, then he does not care, but it affects the entire human race...

   "Come, go and invite Master Xuandu!" Fuxi gave an order quickly.

   The guard outside hurriedly went to Xuanqing Palace to invite Xuandu.

   Xuan Du has also been in the Human Race for decades. In these decades, he has not only corrected the cultivation method of the Human Race, but also has a deep understanding of the Golden Core Avenue.

   In just a few decades, Xuan Du can be said to have made rapid progress, and his cultivation is close to Da Luo Jinxian!

   You must know that when Xuandu came to the human race, it was only in the realm of the golden immortal. Now it is the peak of the Taiyi golden immortal. Such a speed of progress is probably the only one!

   Within a moment, Xuan Du came to Fuxi's palace.

   "Xuan Du has seen the co-master." Xuan Du bowed and saluted Fuxi.

  Although he is the Taiyi Golden Immortal and the Great Master of the Human Race, in the face of the co-lord, Xuandu still has to do the courtesy of the emperor, after all, he is also a Human Race!

   "The great mage doesn't need to be polite, I just divined a hexagram, the hexagram ...

   Fuxi hurriedly recounted what happened just now, as well as the meaning of the hexagrams.

  "The ascension of the co-lord is a good luck, but what is the big evil omen? The natural disaster has passed, and it stands to reason that there is no disaster in the Human race." Xuan Du used the Taiqing method to calculate that there is no disaster in the Human race!



   Fuxi vomited blood out, and the whole person fell backward.

  :. :

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