Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 42: Terran Luck


  Xuan saw this scene, instantly dumbfounded, and quickly stepped forward to support Fuxi, but at this time Fuxi's breathing was already very weak.

   "Co-master, co-master..."

   Xuan all whispered a few times.

   Fuxi's eyes were slightly closed, his expression was a bit painful, and his breathing was a little weak, which was obviously a sign of the arrival of the end.

   "Could it be that the end of the co-lord has come?" Xuantu thought in his heart, and immediately, Xuantu threw this idea aside.

  He is not an ordinary monk, he is the great disciple of Taiqing Taoist ancestor, and he knows many secrets. This Fuxi is the co-lord of heaven and the head of the three emperors.

   In the future, the merits will be fulfilled, and the achievement will definitely be above the quasi-sage.

   Suddenly, Xuandu thought of the hexagrams that Fuxi had just mentioned. There was a big evil sign in it. Now Fuxi fainted inexplicably, and this situation was very dangerous.

   The guards outside also heard the voice of Xuantu, feeling that something was wrong inside, and they all rushed in. What they saw was that Fuxi fainted in Xuantu's arms.

   "Archmage, what's wrong with the co-lord?" the guard leader asked quickly.

   "I don't know the poor way, the co-lord suddenly fainted, you hurry up to bring the co-lord to the bedroom." Xuan Du gave an order.

   These guards quickly took their orders.

   Xuan Du was anxious, he was a monk, and he had just observed Fu Xi with his mind. The appearance of breathing difficulties is basically a sign of the imminent end.

  Rao is the strength of his current Taiyi Golden Immortal peak, and he cannot help Fuxi either.

   "It seems that I need to go to Shouyang Mountain once." Xuantu thought in his heart, and walked out of Fuxi's palace.

   But as soon as he walked out, he found earth-shattering changes in the sky above Origin Valley.

   A mortal cannot see the golden dragon of luck, but he can see the golden dragon of luck. This is the golden dragon of human luck, but how can it suddenly become so great?

   In the past, when Xuan Du watched it, this golden dragon of luck was only a thousand feet, not a thousand feet.

   A light fell, it was Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy.

   "Xuan Du has seen the Great Immortal Zhenyuan." Xuan Du hastily gave a salute.

   "Well, Xuandu, what's going on with Fuxi." Zhen Yuanzi stared at Xuandu and asked nervously.

   He suddenly felt that Fuxi's breath was unstable before he came.

   "The co-master fortune-tells a divination, and he faints afterwards," Xuandu said truthfully.

   "Are you going to Shouyang Mountain?" Zhen Yuanzi nodded, and then looked at Xuandu with a nervous look, as he knew it in his heart.

   "Exactly, the co-owner is in danger and fears that the human race will not be able to resolve it, so Xuan Du wants to go to Shouyang Mountain to find the master.

   "You don't have to go to Shouyang Mountain. All the saints gather in the sky above Origin Valley. Go ahead."

   After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, he entered the palace, and he felt that Dao Fuxi's breath was getting weaker and weaker.

   Fuxi was his disciple, and he absolutely couldn't let Fuxi have something to do. Another point was that Fuxi was a bridge between him and Mount Xumi.

  With Fuxi, his relationship with Nuwa will get better and better. In the future, Xumi will settle accounts after the fall, and he will also have a helper to intercede.

   When his master Yang Mei ancestor participated in the siege of the demon ancestor, Zhen Yuanzi still can't let go. After all, Yang Mei ancestor is not there and he is in danger at any time.

   Although the Demon Ancestor said that he will not be blamed, but the Demon Ancestor's disciples have not said such things. They are all saints!

   Zhenyuanzi walked in. The guards all bowed respectfully, Zhenyuanzi told them to retreat.

   walked to Fuxi's side, and looked at the law, but he saw the scene of Fuxi Yang's end of life.

   "The end is coming? This is impossible. There will never be Fuxi's name in the book of life and death."

   Zhen Yuanzi is sure that Fuxi’s name will not be in the book of life and death. As the head of the three emperors of the human race, Fuxi inherits the fate of heaven, this fate is the devil ancestor!

   The real body of the Book of Life and Death is in the hands of the demon ancestor, and those powers of the underworld are only copies.

   "Prosperity and decline seem to have something to do with the golden dragon of human luck." Zhen Yuanzi muttered to himself.

   has something to do with Qiyun Jinlong, he has no choice but to let Nuwa think of a solution.

   Zhen Yuanzi communicated the matter here to Nuwa in the sky. After all, this was a struggle between saints, and he was not qualified to intervene.

   Above the Valley of Origin, Xuandu flew up. Just as Zhen Yuanzi said, the saints are here.

   "Meet Master."

   "I have seen Master Uncle."

   Xuandu respectfully salutes.

   "Look at your nervousness, what happened?" Taiqing Dao Zu said blankly.

   "Master, the co-lord of the human race, Fuxi, suddenly fainted, as if the deadline is approaching, please master to give me a rescue method!" Xuan Du said quickly.

   Fuxi's life and death are related to the life and death of the human race, he is the co-lord of the human race, and he has so much luck in him!

  Xuandu's words were not only heard by Taiqing Daozu, but also by other saints and quasi-sage powers.

   The powers of each one were calculated by fingertips, a major change occurred in the luck of the human race, and the co-lord of the human race Fuxi fainted suddenly, which must be related to this matter.

"not good!"

   Primal Tianzun’s face sank, and at the same time, the other saints also had ugly faces.

   "How could this happen, a mere mortal, unexpectedly changed the layout of human luck, can not let him fall." Taiqing Daozu was angry and helpless.

   Fuxi absolutely cannot die now, otherwise, the human luck will collapse. This is not an ordinary collapse, but the entire human luck will dissipate.

   is accompanied by the demise of the human race.

   "Nuwa, the devil ancestor is in control of life and death, I am afraid that the devil ancestor will take action." Primordial Tianzun looked at Nuwa.

"Fuxi's name is not in the midst of life and death. Even if the master comes forward, it will not help. His deadline is approaching. This is caused by the strong human luck." Xi Wangmu held down Nu Wa's jade hand, slowly Said.

   Now that these saints jointly calculate, it can be regarded as clear why this happened.

   Fuxi integrates the luck of the human race and the dragon race, and is in charge of the Kongtong Yin vs. Ghost Car, which brings all the luck of the human race together in the Valley of Origin.

   And these luck all belong to Fuxi alone.

  If Fuxi is a saint, then this situation will definitely enable Fuxi to quickly improve his cultivation, which is an excellent advantage!

Do not!

   Even if Fuxi is a quasi-sage, or a big Luo Jinxian, this will make Fuxi directly sanctified!

   But Fuxi is just a mortal, which has become a deadly poison.

   Of course, these saints would not watch the human luck be monopolized by Fuxi alone.

   Nuwa is willing in her heart, but Taiqing Taoist ancestors are not willing, and those saints who want to benefit from the human race are not willing to see this scene.

   "Humph!" Primal Tianzun snorted coldly.

   This situation is very difficult to handle now. If you want to get the luck of the human race, you must resolve Fuxi's crisis.

   But they were worried that Fuxi's crisis would be resolved, and this human luck became Fuxi alone.

   If this is the case, they would even make Fuxi wedding dresses.

   Of course, they also have a bigger concern, that is, they are worried that Fuxi will climb on their heads.

   The human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth. This is no longer a secret. Once Fuxi gets all the luck, he will definitely come from behind and stand on his head.

   Now this prehistoric has three people standing on the heads of their saints, they really don’t want to appear in one again!

   Unless it is themselves.

How to do?

   All the saints are thinking of a way, watching the tumbling golden dragon if they don't want it, it's absolutely fake.

   As long as they master all the human luck, then they will surpass other saints.

   "Master, before the co-lord fainted, it seems that this matter has been calculated." Xuandu said with some uncertainty.


   "You said that a mortal figured the scene that happened now!" Kunpeng ancestor looked at Xuandu in shock.

   "Uncle Master, the co-master did not calculate to this scene. The co-master had previously divined a hexagram, schemed hexagram, and fainted." Xuantu respectfully said to the ancestor Kunpeng.

   Even so, these great abilities are all surprised. It is incredible that mortals can actually calculate the secrets of heaven.

   "The only way now is to let Fuxi upgrade his cultivation base, empower him, and make him become a big Luo Jinxian in an instant." Nuwa said lightly.

   "Friends of Daoist are really good calculations, let Fuxi monopolize the luck of the human race, does he have the background to enjoy it?" Xianzu Dongwang sneered.

   Immortal Dao has begun to integrate into the human race, and it will not take long for him to get the luck of the human race, naturally it is impossible for Nuwa's conspiracy to succeed!

   "Although Fuxi is the co-owner of the human, after all, it is a mortal, not suitable for monopolizing the luck of the human race, kind and kind." The Lord of the lantern said compassionately.

   "If it's about footing, Fuxi is the demon emperor of the demon clan. If the human clan now knows Fuxi's true identity, I am afraid he will not get any luck!"

   Nuwa's words directly drew opposition voices one by one, how could they let Fuxi pick up such a big bargain?

   threatens one's own interests, even a saint can't sit still.

   The sage is not inaction, nor is it empty of everything. The sage is more greedy than the ants.

   Nuwa looked at her senior brothers, and she found that even her senior brothers did not support her much in this matter.

   It seems impossible for Fuxi to monopolize the human luck.

   It’s no wonder that the superior people don’t support Nuwa, because the human race is ultimately the magic way, and they can’t let one person take charge of the human luck, otherwise, the human race will become uncontrollable.

   Just when they were arguing about Fuxi, Zhen Yuanzi returned, looked at the saints and said with a cold voice, "Everyone, there is still time for the three sticks of incense in Fuxi."

   The Book of Life and Death did not have Fuxi's name, so after Fuxi fell this time, his true spirit would dissipate, and there would be no chance of reincarnation.

   "It's better to ask Mozu and Daozu to decide!"

   The voice sounded.

   All powers are looking at Buddha Amitabha.

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