Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Primitive Tianzun's actions

   Primitive Tianzun came out of Shouyang Mountain dissatisfied and went to Kunlun Mountain, although he also knew that Taiqing Daozu did his best.

   But the Primitive Tianzun complained that Taiqing Taoist ancestor shouldn't count so much, otherwise he wouldn't let Lieshan clan worship Yunzhongzi as his teacher.

   Especially this Yunzhongzi, Primordial Tianzun was very unhappy. In his heart, since Yunzhongzi had no chance to worship under his sect, he was also a Xuanmen monk.

   now actually worshipped in the demon sect, this is betrayal!

   Back to Yuxu Palace, Primordial Tianzun's face was deep, and Guang Chengzi returned every time.

   "Master is the master for the disciples!" Guang Chengzi burst into tears as soon as he entered the Yuxu Palace.

   originally wanted to punish Guang Chengzi, after all, it was too embarrassing, he was scared away, and lost the position of an emperor for nothing.


   Seeing the appearance of Guang Chengzi, the original Tianzun shifted all the responsibilities to Taiqing Daozu and Xuantu.

   If it wasn't for them to think about calculations, and for the other to be slow, this scene would not happen.

   "Get up." Primitive Tianzun said helplessly.

   Guangcheng Zi was overjoyed, but he was naturally a little happy without being punished.

   "Master, the demon sect sent Yunzhongzi to grab my disciple to teach me, this should let Dao Zu know, after all, the teacher of the emperor was given by Dao Zu." Guang Chengzi said.

   Primordial Tianzun nodded, even if Guang Chengzi didn't say it, he would go to the Zixiao Palace.

  Since Dao Zu had promised, he should have thought of this. Now that the disciple has been robbed, he has to see what Dao Zu said.

   "You return to Kongtong Mountain to practice hard, and strive to break through Da Luo as soon as possible. This is three drops of Sanguang Divine Water, which can help you cultivate and make good use of it." Primordial Tianzun said, and gave three drops of Sanguang Divine Water.

   Guang Chengzi took it quickly, and then verbally thanked him.

   I have to say that the original Tianzun loves his disciple as a child, and Guang Chengzi did not do things well. Not only was he not punished, he was also rewarded.

   After Guang Chengzi left, Primordial Tianzun entered the chaos instantly, and he was going to meet Daozu.

   The unchanging chaos, that quaint palace is located in an endless stream of chaos.

   Wherever the original Tianzun passed, the flow of chaos was automatically dispersed, forming a channel.

   The door of the Purple Heaven Palace slowly opened, and the Primitive Tianzun was taken aback for a moment, and then he knew that Dao Ancestor knew he was coming.

   Without hesitation, the original Tianzun walked in.

   Looking at the Taoist ancestor on the cloud bed, the Primitive Tianzun respectfully bowed.

   "The disciples pay respect to Master."

   Daozu closed his eyes slightly, indifferent to the visit of the original Tianzun, as if he was comprehending the truth of heaven.

   Primitive Tianzun was not in a hurry either, and stood there quietly. Since he entered the Zixiao Palace, there was no need to be anxious.

   Daozu will definitely give him an explanation.

   Just as Primordial Tianzun thought this way, Daozu Hongjun's eyes opened.


   Daozu wanted to say something, but he stopped again, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

   This Lieshan was supposed to be a disciple of Chanjiao, but because of Guangchengzi's retreat, he handed over to the Mojiao.

   Originally, Daozu was still a little happy, let's see how Luo Hu broke, after all, the human master Xuandu has come forward, and Lieshan must not be able to run!

   But, who would have thought that Guang Chengzi was so afraid of death.

   is only three breaths away. As long as he is delaying three breaths, Guang Chengzi can meet Xuandu.

   But, it's too late to say anything, even if he scolds Primordial Heavenly Lord, what can he do?

   Everything is irretrievable.

   "The disciple is here." Yuan Tianzun listened to Daozu's tone not very well, his heart tightened, and his posture became more respectful.

   "Well, don't worry, even if the Emperor Guang Chengzi accepts it, he can't teach him."

   Hongjun can only be so safe for himself now, otherwise what else can be done.

   "Master, there should be a teacher of the emperor of the emperor, and now the three emperors have appeared and the second emperor, I wonder if the last emperor of the emperor should be under the emperor of the emperor?" the original Tianzun asked nervously.

   After all, this is related to the great prosperity of elucidation and teaching in the human race, and the original Tianzun also knows that it is not the time to ask this, but he can't say nothing.

   For the disciple sitting there, Primordial Tianzun bit his head and said it.

   As long as Guang Chengzi can be a teacher of the emperor, and with his help, he can definitely prove the quasi-sage!

   This is a big event for elucidating education. In the future, the competition between the major religions and the great prosperity will not only rely on calculations between the saints, but also the strength of the disciples.

   Looking at the disciples currently under the seat of saints, only the disciples of the Supreme Demon Ancestor are quasi saints, and the rest are at most Da Luo Jinxian.

   Therefore, as long as there is a quasi-sage from the school of interpretation, then he can definitely take the lead in the human race.

   Hongjun's face changed again and again, and he felt a little unhappy. Primordial Tianzun was forcing him to promise.

   Once the disciples under his school were unable to accept disciples, then all the responsibilities would become Hongjun's.

  In Hongjun's heart, I really want to let Chanjiao accept a human emperor, but the disciple under the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign seat is too disappointed.

   This made Hongjun dare not make a promise, because he had no bottom in his heart.

   "The three emperors of the human race, the emperor is the real beginning of the human civilization, the earth emperor is the transition of the human civilization, and the human emperor will be the dispute of the human civilization. It is also the most uncertain. The teacher of the human emperor is hard to say."

   Hongjun didn't want his majesty to be damaged in any way. Once he promised now, he would not be able to receive disciples in the future. He was the first person whose majesty was damaged.

   "Master, where was the third emperor born?" Primitive Tianzun asked.

   In Primordial Tianzun's heart, he already complained against Dao Ancestor, after all, he didn't even give a promise.

   And last time, Daozu clearly stated that the second emperor's teacher was predestined to explain and teach, but now he has no disciples.

   "On the side of the Yellow River of Human Race, there is a bear tribe."

   After saying this, Daozu Hongjun closed his eyes, not looking at the original Tianzun.

   After receiving this sentence, Primordial Tianzun didn't think of anything else anymore, and he also understood that Daozu Hongjun had already started to evict his guests.

   "The disciples don't bother Master Qingxiu anymore."

   Primitive Tianzun left the Zixiao Palace.

   Back to Yuxu Palace, the first thing the original Tianzun did was to let Guang Chengzi who had returned come back again.

   He wants to arrange something for Guang Chengzi.

   Daozu said that there are variables in the third emperor's teacher, so he must be fully prepared.

   has obtained the position of the third emperor, so he can only let Guang Chengzi go in advance.

   Even if it is a thousand-year guard, Guang Chengzi must guard this emperor.

   "Guang Chengzi, you have a bear tribe on the side of the Yellow River of the human race. The third emperor will be born in this tribe in the future."

   Primordial Tianzun looked at Guang Chengzi with expectations in his eyes. This was his most important disciple.

   Among the twelve disciples, Primordial Tianzun is least optimistic about Huanglong, because Huanglong is a generation who wears a lin and armor, if it had not passed the formation he set up.

   Primordial Tianzun will never accept a man who wears a lin and an armour as a disciple. The one he looks down on most in his life is the one who wears a lin and armour.

   "The disciple must not accept the teacher's respect this time, and must accept the third emperor!"

   After Guang Chengzi finished speaking, he left Kunlun Mountain and headed for the bear tribe on the side of the Human Race Yellow River. This time, Guang Chengzi had made up his mind to keep the Human Emperor under his door even if he stayed for ten thousand years.

  Xumeshan, Luo Hu didn't know that Hongjun had already made the first move. Even if he knew it, Luo Hu wouldn't be anxious.

   There are variables in the third emperor. Who will do it? Isn't it sure?

   "Master, Sixth Sister is here." Qiqing said respectfully.

   "Let her come in." Luo Hui nodded.

   Nuwa walked into the main hall, gave a respectful salute to Luo Hui, and then said.

   "Master, my disciples always feel that Fuxi has a little flaw."

   "What is the defect?"

   "Satisfaction of merit, I am afraid that it is impossible to prove Tao Hunyuan."

   Luo Hui was a little speechless, Nuwa thought the human race too strong, although the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, but it is still unable to directly create three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"If Fuxi realizes the innate gossip on her own, then it is not a problem to prove Dao Hunyuan, but with the help of Hetu Luoshu, this has ruined his chance. Although there is still a chance to prove Dao Hunyuan in the future, it is difficult to go. extremely."

   Luo Hui told Fuxi's original fate.

   Nuwa was shocked when she heard this, and then she began to regret again.

   "It's all the disciple's fault. If the disciple hadn't obtained the Hetu Luoshu Fuxi would definitely prove Hunyuan." Nuwa blamed herself.

   Luo Hui shook his head and said: "If you don't retrieve the Hetu Luoshu, then Fuxi won't even be able to do this, let alone Hunyuan."

   At the beginning, Luo Hu watched Fuxi perform gossip with his own eyes. He asked Fuxi to try to rely on his own strength, but Fuxi failed.

   Nuwa This is better.

   "Master, the human luck has gathered on the Valley of Origin, and there is no luck in the Kongtong seal. When the emperor is pardoned, I am afraid that the merits cannot be directly reduced." Nuwa said with some worry.

   "It's okay, then the merits will be lowered. You can decide for yourself about the pardon, can find Ao Zheng who wants several dragons to provide the Three Emperors' foot strength."

   "The disciples thank you, Master."

   Nuwa is overjoyed, she actually came to Mount Xume, and there are three things. The first thing is Hunyuan, the second thing is this merit, and the third thing is the strength of the three emperors.

   The three emperors are the testimony of human civilization, and if their feet are natural beasts.

   The dragon and the phoenix are the most suitable, but the three emperors are all male, and the phoenix is ​​a bit wrong, so only the dragon is the only one.

   And Long Huangao of the dragon clan is a tough lord. Although he is not a saint, he is Luo Huan's mount. Even a saint dare not use his power to suppress others.

   Nuwa left the Zizai Palace and headed to the East China Sea. Ao Zheng has not been in Mount Xumi for a long time. Luo Hui has nothing important to do, and he does not need his feet.

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