Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 48: Buddhism and Taoism


  West Linga Mountain.

   Zhunti has been a little frowning recently, seeing the human fortune condensing and re-distributing, but there is no Buddhism and Taoism.

   He is thinking of Buddhism and Taoism, so he naturally attaches great importance to the human race.

   Although Amitabha and the Lord of Randeng pay much attention to the human race, they are not allowed to mention such a fascination. He always has a feeling that the Buddha and Tao must rely on the human race to prosper.

   But relying on the human race, it is necessary to possess the human luck, but Buddhism and Taoism are not at all related to the human race, how can you occupy the human luck?

   In the future, when the Three Emperors’ merits are consummated, there will not be a single bit of Buddhahood when distributing the luck.

   Although Amitabha Buddha has some decorations in the Human Race, it is a trivial trouble after all. At that time, it is still a matter of whether the human luck can be divided.

   "Brother, are you thinking about Humans again?" Amitabha opened his eyes and looked at Zhunti with a frown.

   "Brother, if I want to prosper in Buddhism and Taoism, I must rely on Human Race, but we don't have a religious tradition among Human Race." Zhunti said helplessly.

   Amitabha has a distressed expression. When it comes to this, how can he not know?

   "Junior Brother, the demon ancestor has said that one of the five emperors is an emperor who belongs to our Buddhism. Although the human luck has been allocated at that time, it is a good start."

   There is no other way. Amitabha Buddha seems to be comforting Zhunti, but Amitabha is actually comforting himself.

   After all, that was just an emperor's teacher, not a human emperor's teacher.

   "Brother, although the demon ancestor has mercy on my Buddhism and Taoism, an emperor can't make me Buddhism and Taoism prosperous." Zhunti was blunt.

   "But what can we do?" Amitabha said helplessly.

   Zhunti was not talking. He was thinking about what to do. Buddhism and Taoism must be prosperous, and Daxing needs Humans.

   Terran is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and any Daxing Taoism must pass through Terran.

  Of course, Xuanmen and Demon Dao don't need to do this, because both Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor can control the human race, so they don't need to care so much.

   But Amitabha, the Buddha, has not yet cultivated to that level, and cannot be compared with the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor, so they still need to rely on Human Race.

   "Let burning lanterns come to the Eight Treasure Merit Pool!" Zhunti suddenly said.

   Amitabha Buddha suddenly had a bad feeling, looked at Zhun Ti, and said solemnly: "Brother, what do you want to do!"

   "Brother, I have a way to speed up the prosperity of Buddhism and Taoism, let the burning lamp come!"

   The Lord of the Lantern Lantern is in Lingjiu Mountain, and Amitabha and Zhunti are both in Linga Mountain, so Zhunti said this.


   Seeing Zhunti persevering, Amitabha did not say any more, but nodded.

   displays the Buddha, Taoism and supernatural powers, the Void Sound Transmission Lingjiu Mountain's Lanlan Master.

   After a while, the Lord of Randeng appeared in the Eight Treasure Merit Pool.

   "What's the matter with the two seniors? Let the younger brother come in such anxiousness." Lan Deng Guru said with a smile.

   Amitabha did not speak, but his face was very serious, which was very different from the past.

   As for Zhunti's face, he was a little helpless and a little determined.

"what's going on?"

   The Lord of Randeng felt that things were not easy.

   Zhunzi said slowly: "Senior brother and younger brother are here, then let me talk about ways to make Buddhism prosperous."

   The Lord of Burning Lantern was taken aback for a moment, with some doubts in his heart. It stands to reason that this should be a happy thing. Why is Amitabha Buddha so serious?

   Thinking of this, the Lord of Randeng felt that this great happiness might have a price.

   "The magic way is strong, the profound door is slightly weaker, I want to transform the way, and I use the air of the profound door to consolidate the luck of the Buddhist Dao, and I can take a part of the air when the human race divides the air!"

   After saying this, Zhunti closed his eyes.

   "No, I don't agree."

   Amitabha directly rejected Zhunti's proposal.

   The Lord of Burning Lantern knew what was going on at this time, and he also said directly: "No, brother Yan can transform the way!"

   Zhunti just closed his eyes and said nothing.

   For a time, the atmosphere of the Eight Treasure Merit Pool became low.

   It's been a long time.

   Zhunti said faintly: "Only with this method, it is possible to make the Buddhism and Taoism fast, and the elder brother can also take this to go further, and in the future may be able to compare the Demon Tao and the Profound Sect!"

   "If it is at the cost of the freedom of the younger brothers, then it doesn't matter if the Buddha does not cultivate!" The Buddha cloud behind Amitabha's head was a little trembling, obviously his mood was a little unstable.

   From this we can see the feelings between Amitabha Buddha and Zhun Ti. How can he watch Zhun Ti be trapped in the mysterious door?

   "I have decided, and needless to say, after Fuxi's merits are completed, it is the time when I transform the Tao."

   After the completion of Fuxi's merits, it is when the saints are most concerned about the human race, and it is also an opportunity to mention it.

   He must not let the saint of the Xuanmen see his strategy, otherwise, he will lose his wife and break the army.

   If people are trapped in Xuanmen, they can’t even share their luck!

   "If the brothers transform the Tao, then in the future, will they be the saints of Xuanmen or the saints of Buddhism and Taoism?" Ran Deng guru looked at Quasi and asked.

   "If I am a Taoist, I am considered a saint of the Xuanmen, but in the future I will not shoot in the land." Zhunti closed his eyes after finishing.

   Both Amitabha Buddha and the Guru of Randeng sighed, Zhunti's obsession was too heavy.

   For the sake of Buddhism and Taoism, I can do it desperately, even the freedom of saints is not necessary.

   Amitabha stood up, glanced at the Guru Landeng, and said, "Third Junior Brother, you can stay in Linga Mountain for a while!"

  " The Lord of Randeng nodded.

   Amitabha turned and disappeared on Linga Mountain.

   He didn't want to let Zhunti go, but when Zhunti just made up his mind, there was even a trace of insanity!

   You must know that Amitabha Buddha has a demon heart. He is very sensitive to demon. Only then did he really feel it.

   At the beginning, the Demon Ancestor planted the Demon Seed in the entire prehistoric land. Even the Dao Ancestor was planted by the Demon Seed, there are no exceptions.

   But Zhunti, who is a saint, has developed magical thoughts because of obsession.

   Amitabha came to Mount Xumi, and the boy of Seven Love came out to greet him, and he took him to the Zizai Palace.

   "The little monk has seen the devil ancestor."

   "Taoists don't need to be polite."

   One is out of respect, the other is out of recognition of the disciples, and the two become polite.

   "The little monk came to Mount Xumi to disturb the devil's ancestor. He asked about something and asked the devil's ancestor for advice." Amitabha Buddha changed back to his distressed expression.

   Luohu did not speak, but made a secret calculation. Of course, he did not calculate the reason why Amitabha Buddha came?

   is an estimation, if it is placed in the previous life at this time, is there any big thing going to happen?

   After some calculations, Luo Hui suddenly looked at Amitabha, and he really calculated a major event.

   In the reign of Emperor, it was the time when Buddhism and Taoism calculated the profound gate!


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