Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 73: Dragon Emperor descends to Chendu

Latest website: Lieshan didn't say anything. He didn't want the sanctions from Xuandu and Chiyou, but the attitude of the Dragon King of East China Sea.

Ao Guang and Ao Bing in the sky were angry when they heard the words of the following two people. Where did this put the majesty of the dragon clan?

But thinking about it again, now they are here to plead, and in front of the Lieshan clan, there must be no disrespect.

Although Ao Guang is the Dragon King, he is not equal to the Lieshan clan.

"When he came, His Majesty Dragon Sovereign gave Zhan Long Gu!" After Ao Guang finished speaking, a golden light flashed and Zhan Long Gu appeared in front of the Lieshan clan.

"My son has committed the law of heaven, let the emperor handle it!"

Ao Guang understood this very clearly. The Dragon Slasher had already taken out, even with the body of a mortal, he could kill the dragon clan.

The Lieshan clan walked to the side of Zhanlong Gu, looked at the Zhanlong Gu, which was about ten feet high and three feet wide, and nodded.

"Common Master, this guillotine is rumored to be made by the Dragon Emperor himself. Even the quasi-sage dragon clan can be killed with this guillotine!" Xuan Du said next to the Lieshan clan.

"Yeah." Lie Shan nodded, and then went on.

Ao Guang and Ao Bing both turned into human bodies and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Ao Guang's heart was very nervous. If the Lieshan Clan really wanted to kill Ao Bing, then he couldn't say a word.

When he came, Ao Zheng had already expressed his attitude, that is, no matter what the Lieshan clan does, he must follow the requirements of the Lieshan clan.

Ao Guang has many sons, but this Ao Bing is a son he loves very much.

"Dragon King is really willing to let me deal with his son?" Lieshan clan looked at Ao Guang with cold eyes.

"Ao Bing made a big mistake, so he should be dealt with by the emperor. No matter how he handles it, the emperor will not complain." Ao Guang also had no choice.

If he resists, then the next thing will be serious, it is very likely that his line will be killed by Ao Zhengci.

Ao Bing killed the daughter of the Lieshan clan this time. This was the princess of the human race. This could cause conflicts with the patriarch.

Lieshan nodded and looked at the dragon-cutting guillotine, a huge door frame with an axe hanging on it, without axe handle, as long as he said a word, Ao Bing had to lie down obediently.

When the axe fell, even the dragons in the quasi-sage realm would be executed.

"Why the co-lord should hesitate? Please avenge the little princess!" Some of the great sages of the human race all raised their voices, with hatred in their eyes.

At this moment, the anger in Lieshan's heart diminished a lot, and he couldn't help but think of a picture in his heart.

Before Emperor Fuxi's merits and virtues were completed, the Great Sage Ghost Chariot of the Monster Race came to make chaos, and wanted to kill all the races, but the Dragon King took action.

The human race was saved, and an equal contract was made with Emperor Fuxi forever, and the dragon race became the totem of the human race.

If it hadn't been shot by the Dragon Emperor, I'm afraid that the current human race would no longer exist.

Although I haven't seen that scene with my own eyes, this matter will always spread in the human race.

Friendship with the dragon clan was a strategy set during the Emperor Fuxi period. Now his daughter was killed by the third dragon clan.

Lieshan wanted to avenge Ao Bing for the little girl, but he couldn't do it.

The human race needs a strong ally.

In addition, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, brought Ao Bing to apologize. The Dragon King seemed to know about this and brought Dragon Slasher.

If the Dragon clan is indifferent, then the Lieshan clan will launch a clan war without hesitation, but at this time, he hesitated.

The Lieshan clan is not a hostile person. Once the clan fights, countless people will die.

The girl is dead, and Lieshan does not want more people to die because of the girl.

Furthermore, the Dragon Race has already come to apologize.

"This is need to be!" Lieshan clan said with a sigh.

The nervous Ao Guang and Ao Bing breathed a sigh of relief. As Long Prince, Ao Bing naturally didn't want to die.

But he made a big mistake, and even his father could not save him.

Now that the Lieshan clan looses its mouth, Ao Bing feels like he is reborn.

"Why don't you thank the Emperor!" Ao Guang scolded.

Ao Bing knelt down quickly and kowtow to Lieshan.

"Thank you for not killing the Emperor." Ao Bing offered salutes one after another.

"Common Lord, why let this evil dragon be spared? Isn't the little princess's revenge not reported?"

"The co-master, can't let this dragon go!"

"The co-lord doesn't need to worry about anything. As long as the co-lord gives an order, why don't I wait for death?"

"My Terran cultivator is ready to die, please also the co-master to order!"

"The one hundred thousand strong army of Jiuli tribe is on standby, please order from the master!"

A great individual, Xuandu and Chi You all said loudly.

It is related to the dignity of the human race. They will never step back because of death!

Ao Bing's heart sank. He was now very worried about the Lieshan Clan's change of mind, and Ao Guang beside him became nervous.

Who could have imagined that in the face of death, Human Race should behave so tough!

You know, once the clan wars, then the mortals of the human race will be the first to perish.

"His Majesty the Emperor and the Dragon Emperor have made an equal contract. The human race and the dragon race will have a relationship forever. The third prince of the East China Sea, Ao Bing, killed the baby girl. He is punishable by the crime. Nian wants to come to Chen Du to confess his guilt on his own initiative to avoid his death penalty, but the living sin cannot escape! "

Lieshan said so, but silently muttered in his heart: My son, I am sorry for my father and cannot avenge you!

For the sake of the human race, the Lieshan clan can only do this.

Hearing the words of the Lieshan clan, the great sages, Xuandu and Chi You all calmed down, but there was still anger in their hearts.

"Well, the emperor is right, this living crime really cannot escape!"

At this time, a voice sounded from above Chen Du.

Ao Guang and Ao Bing trembled when they heard this voice. It was the Dragon Emperor who had come and bowed down to greet them.

I saw a cloud of colorful clouds flying above the sky, and Ao stood with both hands and fell in front of the Lieshan clan.

Seeing Ao Zheng, Lie Shan nodded, and said, "But I didn't want it, so he attracted the Dragon Emperor himself."

"This is a major event, and this emperor can't come." Ao Zheng said.

Both Xuandu and Chi You are a little They are both monks above the primordial land, and they still have heard of Ao Zheng's deeds, especially Chi You!

This dragon emperor is the first person under the sage alongside the emperor Taiyi!

Its strength is so strong that if you do it now, you can destroy all the human races before the saint arrives.

"Human Emperor, is the baby girl's body still there?" Ao Zheng asked.

Lieshan looked at Ao Zheng and asked for some reason, but still said, "The baby girl's body is still in the palace, what does Dragon Emperor want to do?"

The so-called fans of the authorities, Xuan Du and Chi You both have a feeling that the Dragon Emperor is afraid that he is going to save the girl, but they do not believe it.

No matter how strong the Dragon King is, is it possible that there is still a strong saint?

"The emperor should also lift the baby girl out, and the emperor may save her!"


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