Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Hit 3

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Xuan Du looked at Ao Zheng with a little disdain. It wasn't that he looked down on Ao Zheng, it was because he had spoken to Taiqing Daozu, and Taiqing Daozu directly stated that the girl could not be saved by a saint who said to save her.

A girl can't even be saved by a saint, so why can Ao Zheng be able to save her life?

Xuandu walked behind the Lieshan clan and whispered: "Common Master, the Dragon Emperor is one of the great powers in the predecessors, and perhaps it can save the little princess."

The Lieshan clan was overjoyed, as long as he said that he could save the baby girl, the Lieshan clan would choose to believe it, because he had no choice.

If it is not saved, then the girl will die, and if it is rescued, there may be a chance for the girl.

Immediately, the Lieshan clan sent someone to lift the body of the baby girl out.

A little girl who is only five or six years old, has turned pale and stiff.

But this is not a big problem for the fairy gods.

But the problem is that the soul of the girl has turned into a guardian bird, and this is the most important thing.

Otherwise, any big Luo Jinxian can save the baby girl.

"Please also Dragon Emperor to help." Lieshan's salute slightly.

For his daughter, the Lieshan clan still gave Ao Zheng a half courtesy, otherwise, the Lieshan clan would not be able to bow to Ao Zheng.

Above the primordial land, their status is equal, and they also have an equal contract set by Emperor Fuxi.

Ao Zheng looked at the girl in front of him with a smile in his eyes. After turning for a week, he turned his hand, and there was a drop of three-light divine water in the palm of his hand.

Ao Zheng has a lot of three-light divine water, not because Ao Zheng doesn't want to use it more, but because of a mortal body like a girl, using more will only hurt the root.


The three-light divine water poured into the girl's body, and the girl's body was instantly wrapped in soft light. Under the nourishment of the three-light divine water, the girl's body became soft.

The little face turned out to be ruddy, this scene made the Lieshan clan excited.

But Xuantu was not so optimistic, because it was easy to do this, and so could he.

The hard part is how to infuse the girl's soul into it. You must know that the Jingwei Bird is the incarnation of resentment. Even the saints cannot easily resolve the resentment.

"Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, the girl's soul is in Xiaodonghai, how to bring her back to life?" Xuandu asked.

Ao Zheng glanced at Xuan Du and chuckled lightly, "If he didn't get his soul, how could the emperor make a move?"

Say it!

Ao Zheng waved his hand, and saw the light suddenly appear, and a phantom appeared, which was the soul of the girl.

"Tianma Dafa, don't wake up at this time, but when will you wait!"

Ao Zheng yelled, and the girl's soul was enveloped by a mysterious and mysterious power and injected into the girl's body.


The girl who had already died suddenly coughed heavily and exhaled her sullen air.


"My little girl." The Lieshan clan hurriedly picked up the girl, tears cried for a while.

"Father, I blamed the girl for being bad, she ran away secretly." Seeing Lieshan cried, the girl cried instantly.

"Don't blame the girl, it's the father's fault." The Lieshan clan held the girl tightly.

The rest of the human races were also happy, the little princess was resurrected, they were naturally happy, and the anger in their hearts disappeared immediately.

"His Majesty Dragon Emperor is really supernatural!" Xuan Du said quickly.

Ao Zheng naturally knew what Cai Xuan had just thought, just want to see him joke, but only a junior, there is no need to care.

"It is important to know that this emperor may not be unable to do things that the saints cannot do in this prehistoric state." Ao Zheng said proudly.

Xuan Du was thoroughly embarrassed by Ao Zheng.

After a long time, the Lieshan clan put down Nuwa and gave a full gift to Ao Zhengyu, but was stopped by Ao Zheng.

"Disciple, thank you Master for your kindness in rebuilding!" The girl, like a little adult, gave a respectful apprenticeship to Ao Zheng.

A great teacher apprenticeship, three prayers and nine knocks, and a cup of tea, but Ao Zheng was extremely happy for the baby girl's young teacher apprenticeship.

"Okay, okay, okay, you will be the emperor's disciple from now on." Ao Zheng laughed.

"This is?" The Lieshan clan is a little unclear, so why did the girl suddenly become a teacher?

Xuan Du seemed to understand what was going on at this time, and it seemed that Ao Zheng had already saved the baby girl in advance.

"Congratulations to the co-master, the little princess worshipped Dragon Emperor as a teacher, and she will become a great weapon in the future!" Chi You directly congratulated the Lieshan clan.

Other human races also quickly congratulated.

Ao Guang and Ao Bing were a little worried. Now Ao Bing can be said to be in no danger of life, but the punishment that follows is probably not related to the Lieshan Clan.

But the more so, the more frightened the two of them.

The girl became the disciple of the Dragon King, which was not only the princess of the human race, but also the princess of the dragon race, and the status of this princess was comparable to that of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and was much more noble than those of the Prince of the Four Seas.

"I have seen the princess." Ao Guang arched his hand at the girl, half polite.

Ao Bing knelt down and bowed and bowed: "Ao Bing paid his respects to the princess, and Ao Bing made a big mistake beforehand, and he asked her to punish her."

As soon as these words came out, the people present undoubtedly did not have a new perspective on Ao Bing, this is a real way to survive!

When he said this, even if he took the initiative to ask for a crime, the Dragon Emperor couldn't punish him.

"Hmph, you evil dragon is unreasonable, you drag me into the sea, if it is not for the master to save me, I am afraid that I will never see my father, I will beat you three times in the palm of your hand." The little girl said solemnly.


This is a dragon!

Don't say hitting the palm of the hand three times, even if it is a hundred or ten thousand hits, there will be no pain.

Ao Bing was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed down to be grateful: "Thank you, Princess, for forgiveness."

The girl picked up a branch from the ground and came to Ao Bing's body. The meaning was simple and clear, and she wanted to beat her palms.

But at this time, a ruler suddenly appeared in Ao Zheng's hand.

This made Ao Zheng stunned, even if he realized This is the Hongmeng measuring ruler, and it is the treasure of Xumi Mountain's oppressive luck!

Now that the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler suddenly appeared in his hand, it was obvious that Luo Hui already knew about this matter, and it was very likely that he was paying attention at this time.

"Little girl, if you hit him with that branch, you won't change him. Come on, use this."

As Ao Zheng said, he waved the Hongmeng Ruler in his hand.

The girl nodded obediently, walked over, and took the Hongmeng measuring ruler.

Ao Bing's expression changed at this time. It seemed that the suffering of flesh and blood was inevitable, and the treasure given by the Dragon Emperor hit him, which was obviously inevitable.

In a courtyard in Chendu, Tai Xuan said with a speechless expression: "Master, use your ruler to hit three times. I am afraid that the third prince will be disabled if he is not dead."

"It's better to be disabled than to die in the future, hehe, he is the Dragon Clan guardian in the future, so he can't die." Luo Hui smiled.

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