Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 91: The powerful fairy court

The human race war, all forces are arranging, it seems that the war is not the human race, but them.

Tension is not only reflected in the Human Race, but also those monks who want to gain merit in the Human Race.

Abbot’s Island, drifting in the four seas, is uncertain.

Maybe you see Abbots Island in the East China Sea these ten thousand years, and maybe ten thousand years later, you will find that Abbots Island is in the South China Sea.

From the outside, Fangzhang Island is only ten feet in size, like a drop in the ocean, completely negligible.

But when I arrived on Abbot’s Island, I didn’t know how big the real Abbot’s Island was, just like a small predator!

Fang Zhang Island is where Xian Ting is located, which is the dojo of Xian Zu Dong Wang Duke.

Xian Ting is not the same as Tian Ting. Although it is called Xian Ting, it is actually Tao Ting. The Eastern Prince is a named disciple of Hongjun Daozu, but he always calls himself a direct disciple.

Of course, the Eastern Prince also called himself a direct disciple of the ancestors of destiny, so thick-skinned, even the quasi-burning lanterns would be inferior.

The Zhengxuan Hall is like the Lingxiao Hall of the Heavenly Court. The Immortal Ancestor East Prince is sitting on it, and the Immortal Official of the Immortal Court sits below.

If there is Primordial Power here, you will definitely find that there are many Primordial Powers in the fairy garden.

Withered wood ancestor, the existence of the pinnacle of quasi-sage, never thought that the Eastern Prince would be dragged into the fairy garden!

The ancestors of Tianfeng, the ancestors of Hongman... and so on, some of the ancient powers are actually here.

They are all quasi holy cultivation bases!

The capital is that Mount Xumi is powerful, but how many quasi-sages of Mount Xumi add up?

Xiong Ba, Styx ancestor, Sun Yuan, Xing Tian, ​​Duobao Demon Lord.

This is the quasi-sage of the whole line of Mount Xumi. If you look at the Xuanmen, there are eight quasi-sages in Xianting alone!

There are so many quasi-sages, which one of the prehistoric forces can match.

But above the predecessors, who really paid attention to this fairy garden?

I feel that there are only a few big Luojinxians in the fairy garden, how can there be a quasi-sage?

But such an unconcerned fairy garden has eight quasi-sages, I am afraid that even Taiqing and Yuanyuan don't know.

"Xianzu, the human race is in chaos, assisting one party, can gain merit, do I have a kick in Xianting?" Withered Old Ancestor said.

In the words, neither humble nor overbearing, as if sitting on an equal footing with the Eastern King.

In fact, it is true. In order to let Old Ancestor Withered Wood join the fairy court, the Eastern Prince had sealed the position of Old Ancestor withered Wood.

There are two immortal ancestors in the entire Xian Ting, namely the Eastern Prince and the Withered Old Ancestor, so the status of the two is at a glance.

"What do you think?" Dong Wanggong said.

"I can send a quasi-sage to gain his merits and improve a small realm. It can be regarded as my Xian Ting once again enhance the strength." Withered Wood Old Ancestor said.

Hearing this, the Eastern Prince shook his head and quit.

Send quasi saints? Are you kidding me, who knows that Xianting has a quasi-sage?

Must not be exposed.

"No, the quasi-sage is too eye-catching, and the merits of the emperor are divided by so many people, and there is not much to be divided, there is no need to send the quasi-sage." Dong Wanggong said immediately.

At this time, the ancestor of Tianfeng said: "Xianzu, there is a recommendation from poor Dao, or you can go to Human Race."

"Who?" Eastern Prince said.

There are two immortal ancestors in Xian Ting, and seven immortal ancestors. This ancestor of Tianfeng is the first of the seven immortal ancestors, and his status is only under that of the ancestor of the dead wood of the east king.

Three thousand hairs are as white as snow, hovering up, holding a hairpin, eyebrows three feet down, and the snow-white beard, showing the bones of fairy style.

The ancestor of Tianfeng said, "Pan Dao has a disciple, and now at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, he can become a quasi-sage with only one step. If he can become a quasi-sage by virtue of his merits, there will be an additional one under the seat of Xianzu. Xianjun."

The Eastern King was very satisfied when he heard this. Daluo Jinxian went there. This was okay, and if the few merits could help him create a quasi-sage, this would be a surprise.

Nine quasi saints by then!

Isn't he the weakened version of the demon ancestor?

I remember that the Demon Ancestor had nine disciples at the beginning, and every disciple had a posture of sanctification!

Under his seat of the Eastern Prince, there are nine quasi-sages, all of which will be revealed in the future, which will also be a good story in Honghuang.

"Call up, see you by poor Dao." Eastern Prince said lightly.

The ancestors of Tianfeng led the way.

At this time, the dead wood ancestor did not say anything, he understood what the Eastern Prince meant, and did not want to expose his strength so early.

After a while, a young man, wearing a creamy white robe with a purple sword hanging from his waist, came to the Zhengxuan Hall.

"Innocent, see the ancestor."

This man is the disciple of Tianfeng ancestor Tongzhen, and his cultivation has reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian just as Tianfeng ancestor said.

The Eastern Prince nodded, very satisfied, such a cultivation base, as long as he gains merit, he will definitely become a quasi saint.

At that time, there will be an additional quasi-sage under his seat. Thinking of this, the corner of Dong Wang's mouth shows a smile.

"Okay, Tong Zhen, you go to Origin Valley, help Xuanyuan, and break the Chiyou army!" The Eastern Prince said majesticly.

"Get the decree!" Tongzhen received the decree, and then left the Zhengxuan Hall.

Withered wood ancestors, Tianfeng ancestors and some of the immortal great powers, they are all puzzled whether the Eastern Prince said something wrong.

How did you help Xuanyuan? Instead of helping Chi You?

It stands to reason that Chi You is a member of Xuan Clan, and Xuanyuan is a member of Demon Dao!

"Xianzu, Xuanyuan is a disciple of Kong Xuan, are you sure you want to help him?" Tianfeng Ancestor said hurriedly.

"In this battle, Chi You will definitely lose. Since we are going for merit, we naturally have to help Xuanyuan." Dong Wanggong smiled.

"Chi You must be defeated, how can you see it?" Withered Wood Ancestor asked.

"Because Chi You is a witch." The Eastern Prince said inexplicably.

"Xianzu, Fuxi is still a demon!" said Hongman Ancestor.

"Fuxi has no memory of reincarnation, but Chi especially has. Fuxi is centered on the human race, but Chi You is centered on the witch race. How could it be the same?

As for your worries, it is nothing more than worrying about Taiqing and primitive This point, but the poor Dao tells you, this time the battle for the co-master of the human race is determined by heaven! "

Of course, in his heart, the Eastern Prince secretly added that it was this day, not the way of heaven.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

All the twelve golden immortals arrived, Guang Chengzi looked at Real Huang Long with a bad expression, but he did not expect that this time Real Huang Long picked up a big deal.

"Huanglong, these brothers of yours are here, you can say anything if you have anything."

The primitive sky above the cloud bed said with majesty.

True person Huanglong respectfully saluted the original Tianzun, and then said: "The disciple dare not speak arrogantly in front of the brothers, so please let the master say!

True person Huanglong is not a fool. Since Guang Chengzi just entered the door, he has opinions about him. Once he tells that the twelve golden immortals come out to help Chi You, Guang Chengzi will definitely give him problems.


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