Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 92: Xuanmen preparations

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

The Twelve Golden Immortals, except for the real person Huanglong, were all confused for a while, but they understood a little now.

That was the gathering of Yuxu Palace this time because of the real Huanglong.

"Junior Brother Huang Long, please tell me something soon." Guang Chengzi said in a deep voice.

Primitive Tianzun looks down on the generation who wears a lin and armor, and Huanglong is such a person, so Huanglong is very unwelcome in explaining and teaching.

And Guang Chengzi seemed to be deeply impressed by the character of the original Tianzun, and he didn't value the generation with lin and armor, so he didn't have a good word for Huang Long.

"Master, don't be anxious, it's better for Master to say." Huang Long is not stupid, he wouldn't say it.

If the original Tianzun said, then this is the decree, and other brothers must abide by it, but what he said, then most of them will refuse.

Real Huang Long knew what these brothers looked like.

If it is because of helping him get merits, it is impossible. Not only that, they will try their best to prevent the real Huanglong from gaining merits.

Especially Guang Chengzi, he is the head of the twelve golden immortals, with the highest cultivation base, how can he see Huanglong surpassing himself?

Primitive Tianzun looked at Huang Long at this time, only to see Huang Long asking for help.

At this time, the Primitive Tianzun was a little regretful, why did he send the Huanglong real person to go? If it is to send Guangchengzi.

Now that Chi You really has the posture of becoming a co-lord. With his help in explaining and teaching, and the help of the Wu clan, there is great hope for becoming a co-lord.

The most important thing is that even the Supreme Demon Ancestor of Demon Dao helped Chi You. It can be said that 80% of the people are Chi You.

"Huang Long means that I want you to wait to go to Human Race, help Chi You, defeat Xuanyuan, and then get the position of co-lord." Primordial Tianzun helped Zhenren Huang Long to speak.

For a time, Guangchengzi, Taiyi, Yuding, Cihangdao... the faces of the eleven golden immortals were extremely ugly.

They have long been paying attention to the current conflict of co-lord of the human race, whether it is Chi You or Xuanyuan, it is possible to be co-lord.

Unexpectedly, Huang Long actually accepted Chi You as a disciple. In this way, when Chi You becomes a co-lord, Huang Long shares in the emperor's merits, wouldn't it be necessary to become a quasi saint!

Thinking of this, Guang Chengzi's face instantly became gloomy. He is a senior brother, how can he be surpassed by the juniors below, especially this worthless junior!

"Then Xuanyuan occupied Chen Capital and held high the banner of justice. Chi You wanted to overcome it, fearing it would be difficult," Guang Chengzi said.

True person Huang Long knew in his heart that Guang Chengzi didn't want to help, and Dang even said: "It is precisely because of difficulties that I want to ask the big brother to come out. With the ability of the big brother, he can definitely help Chi You become a co-lord!"

I have to say that Huang Long's real man is an excellent flatterer, which makes Guang Chengzi very cool.

"But if I wait for all the twelve golden immortals to be dispatched, Chi You will surely be able to sit down as a co-master." Guang Chengzi said again.

As for the fact that Huang Long enjoys the merits of the king and becomes a quasi-sage, Guang Chengzi sneered in his heart, when he had his own way to let Huang Long play the bamboo basket.

The original Tianzun saw Guang Chengzi agree, and then looked at the other disciples, seeing that they were all looking forward to Guang Chengzi's horse, and nodded, very satisfied.

After all, in the heart of Primordial Tianzun, he still loves Guangchengzi the most.

"If this is the case, then Guangchengzi will lead you to compete in the human race." Primitive Tian said with majesty.

"The disciples receive the decree." Guang Chengzi respectfully worshiped.

The rest of the disciples also bowed down quickly.

Primitive Tianzun stretched out his hand and saw a colorful auspicious cloud appearing in his hand, the auspicious cloud hanging down with a clear breath, exuding ten thousand streams of light.

"This is Qingyun from the heavens, Guangchengzi, don't lose the face of Chanjiao." Primordial Tianzun said.

"The disciple will definitely live up to the master's expectations." Guangchengzi was overjoyed. With this heavenly Qingyun, he was more confident to help Chi You get the position of co-master.

Qingyun of the heavens is the treasure of defense, the best innate spirit treasure!

Guangchengzi led the Kunlun Mountains under the twelve golden immortals to the Yellow River Valley of Origin Valley.

The original Tianzun disappeared in Yuxu Palace, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the Bajing Palace in Shouyang Mountain.

"Second master, please come in." The two boys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao, invited the Primitive Tianzun in.

"Big brother, you can see that the chaos of the magic way is approaching, and the time of my Xuanmen Daxing has arrived!" The original Tianzun said in a loud voice as soon as he entered the Bajing Palace.

Taiqing Daozu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with divine light, he didn't know that the time for Xuanmen to rejoice had arrived.

You must know that above the primordial land, the magic way has always pressed the side of the profound door, but now the chaos of the magic way has appeared, and it is very likely that there will be civil disturbances. Once the civil war is time, then the profound door can take advantage of the chaos and seal the magic way saint!

At that time, their profound sect's luck will overwhelm the demon way, and by then, it will be difficult to reverse the situation with the demon ancestor alone.

"I need to go to the Zixiao Palace to tell Master about this matter. Too high has entered a ruthless robbery, but it is really ruthless, even his brothers have begun to calculate." Taiqing Daozu sneered repeatedly.

Primitive Tianzun smiled and said, "I'm here to go to the Purple Cloud Palace with the big brother."

"Well, go together." Taiqing Daozu nodded.

For their saints could only go to the Purple Cloud Palace in just a moment, when they arrived at the Purple Cloud Palace.

It was discovered that there was one person standing at the gate of the palace.

"Two seniors are here." Dong Wanggong smiled.

"Junior Brother, where did this come from?" Taiqing Daozu asked.

"Naturally, the purpose of the brother is the same." Dong Wanggong nodded and said.

Taiqing Daozu and Primordial Tianzun are relieved, they can know the movement of Taishang Demon Ancestor, so the Eastern Prince will naturally know too.

But this is the best way. When the time comes, you can shoot together, and you can definitely seal a few demon saints.

"Why didn't Junior Brother enter the palace? Isn't the Master not there?" Taiqing Daozu was puzzled.

Depending on the situation, the Eastern Prince seems to have been here for a while, but why didn't he enter the palace?

Is it possible that waiting for him and the original Tianzun here, if this is the case, this Eastern Prince's heart is really deep enough.

"I also just arrived. Since the two seniors are here, I will wait to ask the teacher for instructions." Dong Wanggong said.

Say it!

The Duke of the East made a series of the Purple Cloud Palace, and said respectfully: "The disciple, please see the teacher."

Taiqing Daozu and Primordial Tianzun also gave such a ceremony, and then said: "The disciple asks to see Master."

At this time, in the Purple Cloud Palace, Hongjun Daozu's face was gloomy and sunny, and a jade disc of good fortune appeared behind his head, with all the phenomena of the sky in it.

"Heaven Dao Xuan'ao, I never thought it was so powerful, and it won't take long before Heaven Dao can advance again."

Thinking of Heavenly Dao's advancement, Hongjun Daozu's heart is extremely happy. If Heavenly Dao advances again, he will reach the Great Perfection of Heavenly Dao Realm!

And his Hongjun Daozu can directly become the middle stage of the Heavenly Dao realm by virtue of his identity as the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao.

As long as it is a little trick, it is possible to become the late stage of the heavenly realm.

For Luohu, Hongjun Daozu in the early stage of the Heavenly Dao Stage was not sure to kill him, but if it was in the middle or even later stage of the Heavenly Dao Stage, Hongjun Daozu would be sure to kill Luo Huo.

Once the realm is reached, Hongjun Daozu will take the first shot to kill Luo Hui!

As long as Luo Hu is beheaded, it is equivalent to eliminating the source of all evil above the prehistoric!


Dao Zu Hongjun heard the voice outside, opened his eyes, pinched his fingers and calculated, he knew everything in his heart.

It seems that the sky is about to die.

Tai Shang actually started to calculate those senior brothers, Hongjun Dao Zu had to sigh, the ruthless robbery was terrible.

He actually changed a saint, the thought of a saint, completely controlled by the ruthless robbery!

The door of Zixiao Palace opened slowly.

The Taiqing Daozu outside, the Primitive Tianzun, and the Eastern Princes all understood that this was Daozu Hongjun let them in.

Immediately, one by one walked into the palace and saw Hongjun Daozu on the cloud bed.

However, the hearts of all three of them were shocked, because they could not feel the breath of Hongjun Daozu at all.

Although he couldn't feel the breath, he could see Hongjun Daozu right in front of them.

It was terrible, they were all wondering how much Hongjun Daozu was stronger than them!

Is the gap between the saints really so huge?

Thinking of this, the three of them all bowed down.

"Meet Master (Teacher)."

"Get up." Hongjun Daozu said lightly, without any aura fluctuations.

It seems that the Dao Ancestor of Hongjun at this time is like the Tao of Heaven, unfathomable, but with a mystery.

"Master, the Demon Dao Taishang has fallen into a ruthless calamity, and now it may cause great chaos in the Demon Dao. My Profound Sect can take this opportunity to seal the demon Dao saint in one fell swoop!" Taiqing Daozu said slowly.

"Master, the senior brother is right, but there is a factor of instability. Master will be asked to take action at that time." Primitive Tianzun said.

Needless to say, this unstable factor is known to be Luo Huo, after all, Luo Huo intervened, and these saints were all blind.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun is so terrible, so Luo Hu, who is similar to Dao Ancestor Hongjun, is not inferior in comparison.

"There is a sign of decline in the magic way, and then the poor way will trap Luo Hui and help you get a chance." Hongjun Daozu said lightly.

Hearing this, Taiqing Taoist ancestors were very happy. It seems that the day of their Xuanmen prosperous has really arrived.

Hongjun Daozu is the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, and he would not easily say such firm words.

"Teacher, the disciple has a doubt, I don't know whether to talk about it or not?" The Eastern Prince hesitated at this time.

"If you have any doubts, let's talk about it."

"The disciples are a little worried that this is a puzzle created by the magic way, just to get my Profound Sect Saint to take action." Dong Wanggong said.

"Haha..." Taiqing Daozu and Primordial Tianzun both laughed. They both looked at the Eastern Prince with contempt in their eyes.

At first, they saw that the Eastern Prince came earlier than them, and thought that the Eastern Prince was very scheming. They never thought about it, but were worried about this unnecessary worry.

Isn't this just worrying?

The magic way wants to calculate the profound door, does it need this?

Modao now has seven saints, and they only have three authentic saints from the Profound Sect.

It can be said that the demon way crushes the profound door, it is not necessary to calculate at all, if it is not because of the abnormal kind of Taishang Demon Ancestor that has fallen into a ruthless robbery.

I am afraid that the current Xuanmen has been suppressed in a disastrous manner.

I remember that when the saints had not yet proclaimed the Dao, the Supreme Demon Ancestor had not yet entered the ruthless robbery, and led the Xumishan line to suppress the Xuanmen everywhere.

During that period of time, the people who suppressed Xuanmen couldn't lift their heads.

If the Taishang Demon Ancestor hadn't entered the ruthless robbery now, Xuanmen would definitely not develop to this point.

"Junior Brother, this worry is unnecessary. Do you think that the magic way needs such calculations?" Primitive Tianzun mocked.

"Second brother, this statement is wrong, if the demon ancestor is to calculate the teacher, maybe it is really possible." The Eastern Prince said cautiously.

After speaking, the Eastern Prince still glanced at Hongjun Daozu.

Finding that Hongjun Daozu was not angry, he was relieved.

"Nonsense, Junior Brother, you worry too much." Taiqing Daozu said.

At this time, Hongjun Daozu also looked at the Eastern Prince and said faintly: "Luo Hui will not abandon his big disciple because of his calculations."

Regarding Luohu, Hongjun Daozu asked himself, he still knew that Luohu had a lot of affection, and that the Taishang Demonzu was a big disciple, and Luohu would not die of the Taishang Demonzu.

Entering the ruthless calamity, and wanting to come out, it is difficult, it is absolutely impossible to enter the ruthless calamity for calculating someone!

In this case, the price is too great.

The Eastern Prince nodded, he hoped he was too worried.

"Wait, wait for the opportunity. Once the Demon Dao is in chaos, the thunder will be required to seal the Demon Dao's saints with lightning speed!" Hongjun Daozu said lightly.

Taiqing Taoist ancestors, Primitive Tianzun, and Eastern Princes all received decrees.


In the Yellow River Basin, there is no more people from the Zhulu tribe, and they have all moved.

Now there are only 800,000 troops of the Jiuli tribe, and Xuanyuan's 3 million troops.

Three days ago, Xuanyuan led an army of three million to the Chalu tribe.

And one day ago the two sides fought for the first time, Chi You dispatched 30,000 troops and Xuanyuan dispatched 100,000 troops.

But it turned out to be regardless of the outcome, each with its own injuries.

Even so, the victory in the first battle was divided, 30,000 to 100,000, and a tie was made. This was clearly Chi You's victory.

But Xuanyuan's army, not only did not have low morale, but after Xuanyuan's speech in the army, the morale was increased.

Chen Du's army is a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, who came to fight against Chi You, and Chi You is rebellious and evil is invincible!

"Bo Jian, you go to the Jiuli camp and tell Chi You that it's too late to capture now, otherwise, I will personally control the next battle, and there will be no chance." Xuanyuan looked benevolent, as if he was letting Chi You capture it. It gave Chi You a great honor.

Bai Jian was startled. If he went to the Jiuli camp and said these words, wouldn't he be looking for death?

But Xuanyuan's words, he didn't dare to defy, he could only bite the bullet and said: "I'm going now, Your Majesty is waiting for good news!"

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