Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Yuan Hong's arrival

Hiding in the void, Xing Tian was a little surprised to see the progress of the hookworm's cultivation, but he was not too worried.

It was just a great Luo Jinxian peak, he could suppress it at any time.

Although Xing Tian gave the hookworm pill to let the hookworm defeat the Jiutian Profound Girl, he would not let the hookworm harm the Jiutian Profound Girl.

The status and status of the two are not at the same level at all. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl is a disciple of a saint, and is still a descendant of Mount Xumi.

Hookworms are just ordinary sky witches of the witch clan, how can they compare to it?

However, Hookworm took the Heavenly Demon Pill and turned out to be the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, which made Xing Tian look a little different.

Such an aptitude, becoming a great witch in the future, is already a certainty.

There are many witches in the sky, but not many great witches. Every great witch is a treasure of the witches.

Now that there is a potential person who can become a great witch, Xing Tian will naturally value it.

In Xing Tian's thoughts, Hookworm had already fought with Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, although Jiu Tian Xuan Nu had a high-grade innate spirit treasure.

However, in the battle against the hookworm, it was still somewhat invincible. After all, the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Peak of the Great Luo was also a witch clan, and the flesh was powerful, not just to talk about it.

The body of the Wu Clan is the most prestigious among the prehistoric, even the body of the Dragon Clan is incomparable!

Xing Tian's eyes were staring at the two fighting closely. As long as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl showed signs of death, Xing Tian would instantly stop the hookworm!

Once the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is killed, this matter will be serious, and this battle will directly rise to the level of a saint!

Thousands of feet, holding a huge stick, swept towards the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, and under one blow, there were vague signs of spatial tremor.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl knew that this blow could not be resisted, and she shook her hand with Ling Ling, ready to withdraw, but he underestimated the speed of the hookworm.

Serving the Heaven Demon Pill, this is equivalent to demonization, its strength is far superior to the ordinary Daluo Jinxian peak.


The giant stick smashed on Piaoling, and then it hit the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Feeling a huge force coming, the internal organs seem to have shifted.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the face of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl turned pale, she was three small levels away, and it was really difficult to fight!

Fortunately, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had a strong background, and when she turned her hand, a wind spirit fruit appeared. After taking it, her injury was more than half healed.

Without hesitation, the floating Ling in his hand slipped out, like a spirit snake, quickly wrapped around the hookworm.

Knowing that she would not be able to take the blow, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu could only use her injury as a bait to restrain the hookworm with the floating silk.

"Xuannv, do you think that just a mere piaoling can trap me?" Hookworm laughed.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was unmoved, the hookworm had already been restrained, and it was impossible to get rid of it. This was a high-grade innate spirit treasure.

Xing Tian, ​​who was hiding in the void, shook her head helplessly. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was too confident, she didn't even know the details of the hookworm.

This hookworm is the heavenly witch of the Dijiang tribe, and its talented supernatural power is space.

Want to use the restraint to trap him, unless it is the realm of the quasi-sage, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is still far behind.

Sure enough, just as Xing Tian had guessed, the hookworm displayed space magical powers, although it did not move instantaneously.

However, he used the power of space to fix the surrounding space, and then transformed himself into three feet, like a golden cicada out of his shell, and escaped from the shackles of Piao Ling.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was shocked, she knew the carelessly, never thought that this hookworm's supernatural power was space!

Thinking of this, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl wanted to retreat, but it was too late, and the hookworm’s giant stick had already been smashed down.

There was no way to stop it, and it was too late to dodge.

Xing Tian, ​​who was hiding in the void, saw this scene and did not do anything. Under this stick, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl would be seriously injured, but there was no danger of her life.

As long as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is not in danger of life, then there is no need to act.

Seeing the giant stick smashed down, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl displayed magical powers and placed barriers in front of her.

Under the giant stick, these barriers are too fragile, and with a click, they are all broken.

It just hit the Jiutian Profound Girl's body.

At this moment, a ray of light flew quickly, blocking the front of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, and knocking the giant stick into the air.

When the light dissipated, it was a stick with the power of wind and fire on it, and it had great power.

"This is?" Jiu Tian Xuan Nu was delighted, this stick was a bit familiar.

Xing Tian, ​​who was hiding in the void, saw this stick and instantly recognized it. Isn't this Yuan Hong's one-yuan wind fire stick!

The next moment, a monkey appeared on the battlefield.

"Thank you, Master Uncle, for helping me." Jiu Tian Xuannv quickly bowed to the monkey.

This monkey is not someone else, but Yuan Hong, the second disciple of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor.

"Hey, little things, little things." Yuan Hong smiled, stretched out his hand to probe, and clasped the one-yuan wind fire stick.

Afterwards, Yuan Hong looked at the hookworm, the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian Peak, but depending on the aura, it seemed to be upgraded with the Heaven Demon Pill.

"Hey, since you have taken the Heavenly Devil Pill of Senior Brother, don't waste it." Yuan Hong smiled and looked at the hookworm.

Waving this yuan wind fire stick in his hand, he hit the hookworm.

Hookworm didn't know Yuan Hong, nor did he know how powerful Yuan Hong was. It just felt that Yuan Hong was also the pinnacle of the Golden Fairy of Da Luo.

At the same level, he was not afraid of Yuan Hong, and greeted him with the big stick in his hand.


The one yuan wind fire stick and the giant stick hit together, instantly producing a huge air burst, and the air waves visible to the naked eye surged around.

Yuan Hong and the hookworm fought together in a radius of a vast radius, forming a spiritual vortex.

Both are cultivating physical bodies, you come and go, clubs and clubs collide, and the surrounding mountains collapsed by the waves of air.

Fortunately, the army of those human races has already withdrawn from the battlefield, otherwise, under the battle of the Daluo Jinxian peak, there will be no bones.

Xing Tian's brows frowned. This time he was afraid that the Jiuli army was about to lose. Yuan Hong's arrival was completely uncalculated.

Xing Tian is the ancestor of wizards. He calculated that Yuan Hong was not seen in this battle, but now that Yuan Hong is here, it is obvious that someone has hidden the secret.

Fighting for ten The hookworm was knocked out, and the giant stick in his hand also came out. The whole person has no resistance.

Yuan Hongyue jumped up, holding a one-yuan wind-fire stick, with wind-fire rules. For a time, the wind and fire moved violently and smashed the hookworm with infinite power!

If this blow is hit, the hookworm will undoubtedly die, even if it is physically strong, it will not work!

The one-yuan wind fire stick was a magic weapon made by the demon ancestor Luo Hu himself, and its power was unimaginable.


The space fluctuated for a while, the hookworm that was flying upside down disappeared, and Yuan Hong's attack smashed into the air.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Hong was not surprised, but shrugged instead.

"Uncle Master, this is someone who rescued the hookworm." said Jiu Tian Xuannv.

"Hookworm has the Heavenly Devil Pill, naturally Xing Tian is here." Yuan Hong said calmly.

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