Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 95: Cut to teach

The Xuanyuan camp and Chi You camp faced each other for the first time. The first battle ended with the victory of the Xuanyuan camp. This greatly increased the momentum of the Xuanyuan camp, and the luck of the Xuanyuan camp increased a lot.

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu led the rest of the army and Yuan Hong back to the camp. First of all, she took Yuan Hong to see Xuanyuan.

Hearing that this Yuan Hongnai was the second disciple under the seat of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, Xuanyuan didn't dare to neglect, so he bowed down and bowed to the ceremony.

"The disciple meets the uncle master." Xuanyuan bowed respectfully.

Yuan Hong quickly jumped to the side and said with a smile: "You will be the co-leader of the human race in the future. I can't afford to be your gift."

"Thank you very much for the help of Uncle Master. If not, Senior Uncle Xuannv might have been injured by the hookworm." Xuanyuan thanked.

"The same line of Xumi, why do you need to be more polite." Yuan Hong said with a smile.

First of all, the demon path is the line of Mount Xumi, then it is divided into the line of Luohu and Cangtian, and the next is the Dajiao under Mount Xume.

For example, Jiejiao, Mojiao, these are all great religions under Mount Xumi.

"With the help of our uncle, we can definitely defeat Chi You and completely eliminate rebellion." Xuanyuan Yang said.

All of a sudden, the generals of the human race in the camp rose up.

What Xuanyuan wanted was this kind of effect. The generals had momentum, and the soldiers below had morale.

"This time, the hookworm took the Heavenly Devil Pill to become the peak of the Golden Immortal of Da Luo. If it is not for the mysterious girl, I am unwilling to take action. From now on, I will sit here. If it is not for the quasi holy attack, I will never Shot." Yuan Hong said lightly.

Xuanyuan was startled. He wanted to say something, but was stopped by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. He looked at Yuan Hong and said, "Uncle Master, we don’t have a few Great Luo Jinxians here. If those eighty-one Heavenly Witches are taking Heaven Devil Pill , So what?"

"Haha.... How can I not think of this in the line of Mount Sumeru? It won't be long before there will be reinforcements."

After Yuan Hong said, he walked out of the camp. Seeing this, Xuanyuan quickly ordered someone to arrange a place for Yuan Hong.

Xuanyuan looked at Jiutian Profound Girl and asked uncertainly, "Uncle Shi, will there really be reinforcements?"

"Xumi Mountain has the second master's interception teaching and the third master's magic teaching. You are not afraid of the Xuanmen elucidation. You don't need to worry. Since Master Yuan Hong has said it, the reinforcements will naturally come."

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was thinking about Yuan Hong's words at this time, and she could feel that Yuan Hong was now in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and had not yet become a quasi saint.

But Yuan Hong said that if the quasi-sage does not come out, he will not move. Is this going to fight the quasi-sage with the realm of Da Luo?

Sure enough, what Yuan Hong said was not wrong.

A few days later, Duobao Demon Lord and Turtle Spirit Mother came to Xuanyuan camp with Shitianjun.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl and Xuanyuan came forward to greet them, but didn't make a big fight. From the mouth of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, I learned that Duobao Demon Lord didn't like the fun.

"I have seen Senior Brother Duobao, Senior Sister Guiling, and fellow juniors." The Nine Heavens Profound Girl saluted slowly.

Xuanyuan also hurriedly saw the ceremony.

However, Duobao and others, like Yuan Hong, avoided Xuanyuan’s courtesy. In their hearts, Xuanyuan was the co-master, because this was the confidence of their magic way!

"You don't need to be polite. This time I am waiting to help Xuanyuan on the order of the master, and it is also to prove the power of my magic way." There is great majesty in the words of Duobao Demon Lord.

Xuanyuan already knew that Duobao Demon Lord was a quasi-sage power, and he was even more respectful in his heart.

"Uncle Yuan Hong is also in the camp." Jiutian Xuannv said.

Duobao Mojun was taken aback first, and then he said, "Since Uncle Master is here, I will naturally go and see him first."

Under the leadership of Jiutian Xuannv, Duobao Demon Lord, Turtle Spirit Mother, and Ten Heavenly Lord came to Yuan Hong's camp.

Feeling a dozen auras outside, Yuan Hong waved his hand and the door of the camp opened.

Duobao Demon Lord and a group of people walked in and bowed to Yuan Hong: "The disciple pays homage to the uncle."

Yuan Hong nodded and let everyone get up.

Although Duobao Demon Lord has a higher cultivation base than Yuan Hong, Yuan Hong is a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor and has a higher generation than Duobao Demon Lord.

The Xumi Mountain line is not about strength, but about seniority. This is the rule set by Luo Hu.

When you meet your elders, you don’t say respectful salutes, but there must be no disobedience.

It was precisely because of this that Duobao Demon Lord Quasi-Sage's cultivation level saw Yuan Hong kneel down respectfully.

"Duobao, I didn't expect you to be a quasi saint. I'm still the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, ah~~~"

Yuan Hong sighed helplessly.

Duobao Demon Lord smiled and said: "Uncle Master is overly modest, if it weren't for Master Uncle to cultivate the physical body, and if you want to cultivate the Ninth Grade, I'm afraid you would have attained the quasi-sage.

However, even if Shishu is now Daluo Jinxian, I am afraid that the ordinary quasi-sage is not Shishu's opponent. "

"Hey, this time I went down the mountain to meet the quasi-sage of the Wu clan for a while, to see if my body is strong or theirs is strong!" Yuan Hong said, a war intent came out of his body.

Duobao Demon Lord, Turtle Spirit Mother, Ten Heavenly Lord, and Nine Heaven Profound Girl all curled their lips, and the two disciples under the seat of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, each one were fighting frenzy.

They are all cultivating physical bodies, and they are all capable of close combat.

Yuan Hong is okay, after all, only the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian is available, but Sun Yuan is different.

The disciples of the Xumi Mountain line know that some time ago, Sun Yuan and Xiong Ba were in the Xumi Mountain to fight against each other with their bodies.

This shows that Sun Yuan's physical strength is absolutely at the forefront of the prehistoric.

"Uncle Master, the disciple heard what Xuannv said, that Senior Brother Xingtian appeared on the battlefield." Duobao Mojun asked knowingly.

Wasn't the reason why he was sent by the Lord Tongtian because the Demon Ancestor was too involved?

The reason for asking, Duobao Demon Lord wanted to know Yuan Hong's views.

After all, from the current point of view, Yuan Hong has the highest seniority in the entire battlefield. Since he has come to the battlefield, all the disciples of the Xumi line must obey Yuan Hong.

Unless there is another person from Yuan Hong's generation because Yuan Hong is considered to be the smallest of the Xumi's generation of disciples.

You can think of it with your toes, and it will never come again!

Among the disciples of this generation, except Yuan Hong, none of them is not a top-notch power, the unsanctified Xiong Ba, the ancestor of Styx, and Sun Yuan, are impossible to come.

If they arrive, as long as the saint does not come out, they can decide the battle.

"I'm here, but I didn't show up. It seems that Senior Brother Taishang didn't do too much." Yuan Hong said.

If Xing Tian showed up at that time, then this would be a blatant opposition to the Demon Dao, this is the crime of treason!

"Uncle Shi, do you think that this battle should be decided quickly, or slowly and gradually." The Holy Mother of the Turtle asked.

"Quick battle is absolutely impossible. The monks on both sides have not been fully in place. It is estimated that it will take a long time to fight. Haha, I hope this is the case.

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