Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 96: Xuanyuan camp is losing

Yuan Hong is not a fool. Although his cultivation base is low, he is far less powerful than the Supreme Demon Ancestor, but he can guess that the calculation in the heart of the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

Want to use Chi You and Xuanyuan's fight to suppress the other saints of Mount Xumi, this can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Perhaps the junior disciple didn't dare to make such a bold guess, but Yuan Hong was different. He was a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, a disciple of the Xumi Mountain lineage.

Even the youngest disciple is a generation of disciples.

The status in Mount Xumi is far more important than the cultivation base.

Hearing Yuan Hong's words, Duobao Mojun felt low in his heart. As long as Yuan Hong had the meaning of dealing with the Supreme Demon Ancestor, then he didn't have to worry about not fulfilling the task assigned by Master.

When Duobao Demon Lord and others came to their camp, they all smiled, and what Yuan Hong said was consistent with what they thought.

"Big Brother, with Senior Uncle Yuan Hong helping Xuanyuan, Senior Brother Xingtian didn't dare to go too far." said Mother Gui Ling.

Xing Tian's strength is obvious to all in the entire prehistoric land, and there is no one of the top witches among the Witch tribe.

Above the primordial world, the absolute quasi-sage, among all the quasi-sages, Xing Tian can definitely rank in the top ten.

So for Xing Tian, ​​Duo Bao and others were still jealous, but now there is Yuan Hong here, even if Xing Tian is helping Chi You, he does not dare to do it himself.

It is disrespectful to shoot Yuan Hong, even the Taishang Demon Ancestor will be implicated.

"That said, if Senior Uncle Yuan Hong is restrained by Senior Brother Xingtian, then we will be passive." Duobao Demon Lord said helplessly.

In the final analysis, they still have a low cultivation base, otherwise, there is no need to worry like this.

Now, the Xuanyuan camp won its first victory, which greatly improved morale, as well as the luck of the Xuanyuan camp, which was of great help to the final battle.

In the Chen Capital, Luo Hu, Tai Xuan, and Kong Xuan gathered together. Luo Hu's expression was flat, Tai Xuan was a little nervous, and Kong Xuan was overly nervous, walking back and forth.

For nothing else, it was just because Luo Hui used great supernatural powers to paint a scene in the future, which made both of them a little unable to sit still.

The fall of the magic way and the profound gate, the rise of the Buddha way, this is a scene in the future.

"Master, this is impossible.

Although Buddha Amitabha betrayed my magic way, he is still your disciple, and his cultivation is far inferior to yours. How could it make the Buddha's way flourish and even surpass the magic way? "

Tai Xuan didn't believe in that scene of the future. After all, in front of all of this, the magic way was prosperous, and the Buddha way could only survive in the magic way and the mysterious door.

Kong Xuan couldn't believe it even more, because he saw that in the future, he would take refuge in Buddhism and become a Buddhist mother of Buddhism. How could this be possible!

"Master, this...this..." Kong Xuan was a little speechless, this is too appalling, this is incredible!

His dignified second-generation chief of the Demon Dao, going to the Buddhism Dao to be a Buddhist mother is absolutely impossible.

"Everything is possible in the future, maybe even I may become a Buddha?" Luo Hu said with a smile.

This is the first time Tai Xuan and Kong Xuan have seen the future, otherwise, with their strength, it would be impossible to see the future.

Even if it is a calculation, it can only calculate the prevalence, but not the future.

Luo Hu's this is very direct, directly showing the picture of the future, everything is so real, even if he doesn't believe it in his heart, there is a feeling of fact.

"Master, who is that Great Sun Tathagata?" Tai Xuan asked.

In the scene just in the future, there is a powerful Buddha. Although his status is not as good as Amitabha and Burning Buddha, the pressure on his body exceeds the two.

You must know that Amitabha Buddha and Burning Lamp Buddha are saints, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Beyond the two of them, he must be a saint, or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and now there is no hidden power in this prehistoric state!

At least, Tai Xuan didn't know that there was such a great power hidden above the prehistoric land.

"Don't tell, you can be known by the other party if you talk about him." Luo Hui said solemnly.

"Couldn't even Shizu be able to escape the other's perception?" Kong Xuan said in shock.

In Kong Xuan's heart, Luo Hu is the omnipotent being, the sovereign of all things and the master of everything.

Luo Hui did not speak, but shook his head.

Both Tai Xuan and Kong Xuan were shocked. They knew such a big secret all day, it was really hard to accept.

"Kong Xuan, you go to the East China Sea and let Ao Zheng come to help Xuanyuan." Luo Hui gave a light command.

Kong Xuan was surprised, Ao Zheng was the first person under the saint, let him come, don't need it!

But seeing Luo Hu's expression, Kong Xuan felt it was necessary to take this trip. Without hesitation, he went to the East China Sea.

After Kong Xuan left, Tai Xuan asked in a low voice: "Master, you can give your disciples a bottom line. What is your cultivation level?"

"It's the same as you," Luo Hu said.

"Master, don't break with your disciple." Tai Xuan curled his lips, obviously not believing it.

Luo Hui was speechless, but he was telling the truth, he was Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

There is nothing wrong with this, but Luo Hui is the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, while Taixuan is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's early stage.

If it is a gap, this is a gap!

But after all, he was still in a realm.

"It's no rules." Luo Hui knocked Taixuan.

Taixuan laughed and chuckled. He knew that Luo Hu was not angry, because he knew that in Luo Hu's heart, as long as he didn't violate the rules of Mount Xumi, he would still like to see him.

Heavenly Court.

Taishang Mozu's face was deep, he didn't expect Yuan Hong to appear in the competition, and knew that Xingtian's actions were ordered by him, but he still intervened!

This is not putting him in the eyes.

"Yuan Hong? Hmph! Now that the uncle is not in Honghuang, do you think I dare not move you!" Taishang Mozu's face was deep and watery.

At this time, the two boys on the side looked hesitant in their eyes, as if there was something they wanted to say, but they were afraid to say it.

What kind of cultivation base the Taishang Demon Ancestor can naturally discover, and immediately said: "What do you want to say?"

"Master, the disciple is reckless, there is one thing I have to say, and I ask the master to forgive me." The boy said respectfully.

"Say." The Supreme Demon Ancestor was puzzled, what can a little boy say?

"The master wants to move Master Yuan Hong, but he has to think about the rules of Mount Xumi. This was set by the demon ancestor himself." After the boy said, he knelt down.

A boy can’t be regarded as a disciple, and he’s even inferior to his disciple-grandson’s status, so even if he knows something, he can’t tell it. This is disrespectful!

"Get up." Supreme Demon Ancestor said lightly.

A trace of emotion flashed in his eyes, which was a vision for the ruthless Taishang.

Because, since Taishang entered the ruthless robbery, emotion has not appeared in his eyes again, but this time, because of the words of a boy, emotion has appeared in his eyes again!

If Luo Hu saw this, he would surely be able to find something from it, but he was destined to be unable to see it. After all, he could not always pay attention to Taishang Demon Ancestor.

The emotion in his eyes flashed by, and the ruthless color was restored.

"Such words, don't want to say it again, otherwise, it will be wiped out under the punishment of heaven." The voice of the Supreme Demon Ancestor was extremely cold.

The two boys were trembling when they heard this, and they both bowed down.

The Supreme Demon Ancestor stood up and looked in the direction of the human race. Which side of Chi You and Xuanyuan won the first victory has nothing to do with him.

What he wants is the fear of his younger brothers and sisters!

The appearance of Yuan Hong caught Taishang somewhat off guard, because Xing Tian didn't dare to attack Yuan Hong!

If it is a peer, it can be said by comparison, but to fight Yuan Hong, this is rebellion.

Want a way to contain Yuan Hong, or to draw Yuan Hong away.

Explain teaching!

This is the only way the Taishang Demon Ancestor can think of. If the Wu Clan comes forward, this is obviously a game. As long as Yuan Hong is not stupid, it is impossible to take the bait.

But the disciples of Shanjiao are different.

Thinking of this, the Supreme Demon Ancestor's heart moved, and a ray of light sank into the void.

Suddenly the voice of Taishang Demon Ancestor sounded in Xingtian's mind during the competition, and he immediately knew what to do next.

A few days later, the twelve golden immortals from the interpretation came to Chi You and led the eighty-one heavenly witches to greet him.

As for Xing Tian still did not appear, hiding in the dark.

It is impossible for him to come forward and cooperate with the people of Xuanmen.

Xing Tian only needs to give the plan to Chi You, then everything is done.

Chiyou City Mansion is extremely deep, far better than Xingtian.

When the twelve golden immortals arrived, Chi You bowed down and worshiped, met the twelve golden immortals, bowed down and worshiped, this is to say that he will respect the teacher and respect the way to the fullest!

Because Chi You was an ancestral witch in his previous life!

You must know that the ancestor witch does not respect the way of heaven, does not worship Hongjun, but only respects Pangu, and now he actually bowed to twelve of them.

What glory is this?

The real Huanglong looked proud, and when he looked at these brothers, he suddenly burst into pride.

This is the ancestor witch!

Only worship Pangu, do not respect Hongjun, even Daozu does not kneel down, but today because of me Huanglong, you kneel down and worship your eleven Taiyi Golden Immortals.

All of this is because of me Huanglong, so you can enjoy such glory.

The faces of Zhenren Yuding and the others were all overjoyed, they all hurriedly stepped forward to help Chi You up. This is glory, nothing is fake!

However, Guang Chengzi's face was not good, because this was supposed to be his disciple, but now he has become the disciple of Huang Long Zhenren, a trash disciple.

How could Guang Chengzi be happy?

Thinking of this, Guang Chengzi complained a little bit about the original Tianzun, if it wasn't for the original Tianzun to suddenly change the real person Huanglong out of the mountain, then Chi You's master should be his Guangcheng son!

And from the current point of view, Chi You has a high chance of becoming a co-lord, after all, even the Supreme Demon Ancestor of Demon Dao is helping Chi You!

This shows that Demon Dao is not one-hearted, but their Profound Sect is one-on-one, and they will definitely let Chi You be the co-master!

"Chi You, what do you think of the current situation?" Huang Long said.

Chi You looked respectful and said, "Please also Master for advice."

The more respectful Chi You showed, the stronger Guang Chengzi's hatred towards Huang Long, because it should belong to him.

Thinking of this, Guang Chengzi said: "Junior Brother Huanglong has lived deep in the mountains for a long time to cultivate the Tao. Where did he know the strategy of the human race for hegemony, Chi You, you are the leader of Jiuli, and you are also the responsibility of the human race to open up the frontiers and expand the land. Take control of the war."

Real Huang Long's face is not good-looking, Chi You is respecting him, what does Guang Chengzi mean, this is to say that he is useless!

However, Guangchengzi is a big brother and the favorite disciple of Primordial Tianzun, so he can't offend him.

"Big brother is right, Chi You, you can arrange this battle, and you can arrange for the teacher and your uncles and uncles." Huang Long said.

As soon as these words came out, the other educated golden immortals looked ugly, after all, this was to order them to do something!

This is to take orders from Chi You, how can they be willing.

But at this time, Chi You immediately said: "Then follow the arrangements of the master, the disciple will be in charge of this battle, but the master should be able to supervise the army."

This sentence can be said to lift Guang Chengzi to the sky.

Guang Chengzi was overjoyed, and even said, "Dear brothers, Chi You is my disciple of my interpretation. This time it is bound to make Chi You a co-master, so in this battle, you must follow Chi You's arrangements.

Guang Chengzi's words are much more useful than Huang Long.

The real Huanglong is the body of a natural yellow dragon, a man with a lin and armour, and he is not pleased by the original Tianzun.

Therefore, there is no Jinxian who put Huanglong in his eyes, but Guangchengzi is different, not only the big disciple, but also the favorite disciple of Primordial Tianzun.

The power of the army of the Jiuli camp truly fell into Chi You's hands. You must know that this includes all the monks who come in the future and must obey Chi You.

The arrival of the twelve golden immortals caused Chi You to launch a war once again, dispatching a powerful army of 100,000, and Guang Chengzi was in charge to fight the Xuanyuan camp.

This wins.

Immediately afterwards, Chi You sent another 100,000 strong army, led by Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

This battle was won again.

Without stopping, three consecutive battles within a year, all Chi You camp won.

Xuanyuan's army was three million, and more than two hundred thousand had been damaged.

Although he did not move his muscles and bones, it also lowered the morale of the Xuanyuan camp.

The morale of the first big victory completely disappeared.

In the past three years, the Chi You camp has fought against the Xuanyuan camp no less than ten But out of ten times, the Xuanyuan camp only won once!

The entire predecessor was optimistic about Chi You, thinking that Chi You was the next co-lord of the human race. After all, he won nine out of ten, which has shown everything.

Three more years, no more, no more, still ten battles, in these ten battles, the Xuanyuan camp has not won once.

It can be said that the defeat is set, and the Xuanyuan camp has three million troops, and now only less than two million are left.

And the 800,000 strong army of Chi You camp still has 600,000 army!

It can be said that during the past six years, the Xuanyuan camp has been consuming the army, while the Chi You camp has been consuming very little.

The defeats in the wars made the soldiers of the Xuanyuan camp have a lifeless spirit.

Even the monks are depressed.

"The Yellow Emperor, if this has been the case, I am afraid that our army will be consumed by Chi You's rebellion!" said a great sage of the human race.

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