Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 106: Human danger

  Rao is the realm of the Eastern Prince's Saint, and this time is also a little speechless, this is not shameless, but shameless.

   can really say anything, regardless of the face of his saint.

   promised others Daoxuangu, but he forgot in a blink of an eye.

   "The two senior brothers are extremely correct, but if they don't give them an explanation, they won't try their best to help me in the Profound Gate even if they want to come to Tuzu." Dong Wanggong said.

   "Earth Ancestor is just the most holy. In your and my eyes, it is just an ant. If we don't talk about Zixiao Palace, how can he know that Dao Ancestor does not guide them." Primordial Tianzun said.

  East Prince is dumb.

   There was a secret voice in my heart.

   He knew that Dao Ancestor didn't know how to channel Xuan Gu's affairs. He didn't expect it to be the case. He was just trying to use the words of Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, and he actually did it.

   The Eastern Prince was not sure about Daozu's attitude, but now he knows it.

  Although the Eastern Prince and the fifth ancestor of Daoxuan Valley have a good relationship, the Eastern Prince will not disclose the news.

   He also thought about using Daoxuan Valley to fight for his luck in the Xuanmen in the future.

   If it were to say the original Tianzun, I am afraid that the five ancestors will go to the Western Demon Dao next, and by that time, he will lose a big help.

   "The second brother said that, according to what the second brother said, first solve the matter of the magic way."

  East Prince also wanted to see how much trouble the Taishang Demon Ancestor could make.

   If the Supreme Demon Ancestor can contain the four demon saints, then they have the opportunity to suppress two or three demon saints.

   When they are sealed off, the mysterious door's luck will increase dramatically. At that time, their profound door will completely suppress the magic way.

   The three sages of Xuanmen went to compete...

   On top of the competition, the helping hands of both camps have almost arrived.

   After all, in the final battle, the cards that can be displayed don't need to be hidden.

   Chiyou camp, Huang Long’s return, which surprised everyone, secretly said Huang Long has no backbone.

   However, the real Huanglong brought one person, but it shocked them all.

   The Da Luo Jinxian peak of Xian Ting is innocent, and it is the kind of Da Luo Jinxian peak that can become a quasi-sage at any time.

   This is definitely a good helper for the current Chi You camp.

   Chi You may not need the Taiyi Golden Immortal Huanglong Real Man, but a great Luo Jinxian peak has already made Chi You attach great importance to it.

   With the arrival of innocence, Huang Long also received the courtesy. The only change is that his disciple Chi You now calls him Uncle Shi.

   Xuanyuan camp also has a lot of great abilities, most of them are monks of the magic way.

   After all, Xuanyuan is a disciple of Kong Xuan, and the people who helped him were naturally from the magic way.

   Kong Xuan has already come to the Xuanyuan camp. His arrival has greatly increased the morale of the monks of the Demon Dao, because Kong Xuan's position in the Demon Dao is very high.

  The second-generation chief of Mount Sumi, appointed by the demon ancestor, is already on the same level as the predecessor.

  Although Kong Xuan's cultivation base was still Da Luo Jinxian, no monk looked at Kong Xuan. They all knew that Kong Xuan's combat power did not match his realm.

   The second wave of assistance from Heavenly Court also arrived, and they all obeyed Xuanyuan's orders. It can be said that Heavenly Court spared no effort to help Xuanyuan this time.

   This move made Xuanmen almost vomit blood with anger.

   You must know that Emperor Haotian is a Dao ancestor boy, not his demon ancestor's boy. He didn't want to help Xuanmen, but went to help Demon Dao instead.

   Isn't this going against the entire mysterious door?

   The three saints of the Xuanmen who were already in the race saw the second wave of assistance from the heavenly court, and almost didn't hold back to kill the heavenly court.

   This is just a face slap!

   I was thinking that after this battle, I would go to the Purple Cloud Palace anyway, and report the matter to Daozu Ming. This emperor is about to change hands.

   Xuanyuan camp.

   Xuanyuan hurriedly walked into Kong Xuan's camp and saw that Kong Xuan was discussing something with the many monks in the magic way.

   "Master, the disciple has something to ask." Xuanyuan's face was not very good, and a hint of anger could be vaguely seen in his eyes.

  The demon monks in the camp were all startled, looking at Xuanyuan, they all saw the expression in Xuanyuan's eyes.

   I wondered, what kind of nerves did Xuanyuan make?

   Xuanyuan is the future co-lord of the Human Race after all, and is also a human emperor. Their status is different. Even if they are cultivated as Da Luo Jinxian, they can't match it.

   "Since Xuanyuan Huangdi has something to discuss with the Great Demon Lord, then I will leave first."

   A group of demon monks left the camp one after another.

   After a while, Kong Xuan and Xuanyuan were left.

   "What's the matter?" Kong Xuan said.

"Master, the disciple asked Bojian to make divination, and found that the human race was facing catastrophe and frequent extinction, all of which started from this war. The disciple would like to ask Master to make divination to see if what Baijian said is true." Xuanyuan said. Kneeled down.

   "No need to extrapolate, what Baijian said is good." Kong Xuan said directly.

   "It's true! How can it be, but how does the war between millions of soldiers affect the entire human race?"

   Xuanyuan felt that he didn't have a trace of strength on his body, and he lay down on the ground. He only felt that there was a mighty force on his body.

  If this war caused the human race to be extinct frequently, then he was the culprit!

   "Because this battle is not only a battle of human race, but also a battle of Dao Demon, do you know the spread of Demon War?"

   Without waiting for Xuanyuan to say anything, Kong Xuan said again: "The last Dao Devil battle, the entire prehistoric land was affected more than 90% of the massacred and injured."

   Xuanyuan's face was as gray as death, what he thought in his heart was just to fight Chi You and become the co-lord of the human race.

   But he didn't think of any Dao Demon battle, nor did he think that the human race would be extinct.

  If this is the case, what is the use of Xuanyuan as a co-master?

   How can he have the face to be the co-master?

   Because of his selfish desires, he can't make the entire human race pay for him.

   "Master...the disciples don't want to fight anymore, the position of co-lord gives way to Chi You." Xuanyuan had no intention to fight anymore.

   The safety of the human race is more important than his lust.

   "It's late." Kong Xuan said lightly.

   "How come?" Xuanyuan said immediately.

   As long as he withdraws his troops and gives up the position of co-master, he withdraws from Chen Du, even if he refuses to do so.

   Doesn't this directly end the battle?

   Why is it late?

   Xuanyuan didn't understand, he looked at Kong Xuan, wanting to get an answer.

   Kong Xuan stood up, came to Xuanyuan's side, patted him on the shoulder, then walked out of the camp, Xuanyuan followed closely behind.

   Standing outside, Kong Xuan looked towards the sky, as if he could see through the endless void.

   "Because the saints have already come, they won't let this battle end like this, neither will the saints of the magic way, nor the saints of the Xuanmen." Kong Xuan felt weak. .

  Unsanctified will end up as ants.

   "No, the Earth Emperor Lieshan's body has turned into a dragon soul, so that the saints cannot intervene in human affairs, how can there be saints?" Xuanyuan said.

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