Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 107: On the eve of the battle

Xuanyuan was very excited. The sage of the human race, the Huang Lieshan clan, was in the form of a dragon soul and paid such a heavy price. Isn't it just to prevent the saints from interfering with the human race?

But now Kong Xuan said that in this competition, a saint has already arrived.

As Kong Xuan said, didn't the death of the Lieshan clan of Dihuang Huang become worthless?

Xuanyuan didn't believe it, he couldn't believe it, and didn't want to believe it!

Seeing Kong Xuan not speaking, Xuanyuan's heart sank, he had already guessed something.

"Master, is the Human Race really inevitable?" Xuanyuan felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He is a human race after all, even if he cultivates, he is too weak, especially for those powerful, he is just an ant.

No matter how high the status is, what about?

It's not that Human Race can't be protected.

"The Lieshan clan is true to being a dragon soul, and it is not wrong to prevent the saint from interfering with the human race."

"But the Lieshan clan counts the saint with the body of an ant, which is disrespectful. For the saint, face is especially important in the endless life."

Kong Xuan said, looking at Xuanyuan, he wanted to let Xuanyuan know that there are ants under the saint, and the body of the ants counts the saint. Once discovered, death cannot resolve the cause and effect.

The Dragon Soul of the Lieshan clan did not stop the saint from intervening. The most important point, Kong Xuan did not say, because it involved the saint.

The crazy actions of the Lieshan clan not only calculated the saints, but also calculated the demon ancestors and dao ancestors.

"The moment before the start of the war, you face Mount Xume and ask the Demon Ancestor, maybe the Human Race can be exempt from this disaster."

After Kong Xuan said this, he turned around and entered the camp, obviously not wanting to say more.

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan was immediately overjoyed, as long as there is hope.

Back to the main camp, Xuanyuan called all the generals and the heavenly generals who came to help.

The war is about to start, and he is about to start arranging.

In a short time, all the generals came to the main camp, and even some monks walked in.

Xuanyuan sat in the seat of the coach with a serious expression, looking at the nearly a hundred generals and hundreds of monks below.

"The war is on, Xuanyuan has gotten rid of you." Xuanyuan said solemnly, arching his hand at the people present.

No one spoke, and no one expressed his opinion.

This battle is very important, not a time to be silly, but a real one.

Even if you said that the sky is falling in disorder, it has no effect at all, and it is not as good as killing the enemy on the battlefield.

"The Yellow Emperor, when will the troops be dispatched?" said the Nine Sky Profound Girl.

"Early tomorrow morning, I will fight against Chi You's army." Xuanyuan said majesticly.

"Your Majesty, the minister would like to ask, during the battle, will the Ten Heavenly Monarchs fight against the monks, or will they be in the army?" a human general asked.

There was only one reason why Chi You was able to defeat Chi You's army last time, and that was the ten outstanding formations laid down by the Ten Heavenly Kings.

If not, the Xuanyuan camp would still be defeated in the last battle.

Xuanyuan looked at Shi Tianjun of Jiejiao, these were his uncles, he was not qualified to send them.

But at this moment, Duobao Demon sitting in the first place opened his eyes and said faintly: "Xuanyuan, Master Yuan Hong’s decree, all the demon monks who come to help will obey your dispatch, so... you Don't worry about anything."

All the monks were shocked. In this way, Xuanyuan could not only command the human army, but also mobilize the monks.

Although Xuanyuan's status is very high, his cultivation level is not good. Without Yuan Hong, I am afraid that few would really listen to Xuanyuan's dispatch.

However, after thinking about it carefully, these demon cultivators are also relieved. Since they are here to help Xuanyuan, what's the harm in following the orders?

"If this is the case, the nephew has arrogated." Xuanyuan nodded, and then said: "Four uncles of the heavenly monarchs, in this war, please arrange your troops in the army, and you will definitely help the army break the strong army of Jiuli! "

"It's a little thing." Shi Tianjun gave a faint smile.

Obviously, Shi Tianjun didn't pay attention to those army, even the eighty-one heaven witches, they didn't pay attention to it.

"As for the other fellow daoists, the monks in Chi You's camp will have trouble for you." Xuanyuan made a series of the monks.

How dare these monks accept this gift, if Xuanyuan wins, then Xuanyuan is the co-master.

This status is equivalent to a saint.

"Don't worry, the cultivators of Chi You's camp will never cross the competition." Duobao Demon Lord said firmly.

Taking the race as the line, leaving the race to the west, then this means that Chi You has won.

Chen Du is in the West.

Therefore, Duobao Demon Lord and some cultivators will definitely block those cultivators from Chi You's camp in the competition.

The Xuanyuan camp began to prepare to deal with tomorrow's battle. This was the last battle.

Whether it is life or death depends on this battle.

And those monks also know that whether they can get merit depends on this battle.

They are Xuanyuan who helped each other, and only if Xuanyuan wins, they will get merit.

If Xuanyuan was defeated.

They have a 90% chance of....perish!

Chi You camp.

Chi You also summoned all the generals and the monks who came to help.

Eighty-one sky witches will not participate in the battle between the monks tomorrow, they will be deployed in the army.

In the battle of the human race, the victory or defeat of the monks is second, and the victory of the army is the most important.

The monk is to fight against the army.

One day's time, soon, in the blink of an eye!

After Xuanyuan got up, the first thing was to bow down to Mount Xumi.

"The disciple Xuanyuan asked the Demon Ancestor to avoid the human disaster, and all the disasters, the disciple is willing to bear it." Xuanyuan said, kowtow.

Luo in Chen Capital could naturally feel Xuanyuan's request, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Human race is not important now, what is important is what the Supreme Demon Ancestor will do.

Luo Hui had no idea what his disciple was going to do now.

Betray the magic way?

This is obviously not tender. Although the Supreme Demon Ancestor has entered the ruthless robbery, he is not a fool.

If it is this time to betray, and lead to the collapse of Mo Dao Qi Luck.

Then there is only one end, and that is vanishing.

Even relying on Hongjun is nothing more than this end.

Moreover, Hongjun would not accept the Supreme Demon Ancestor, because Luohu's anger would cause the whole world to collapse.

"Ao Zheng, the battle is together, you let the saint go to the chaos, and you can't fight in the prehistoric." Luo Hui said calmly.

"The master agreed to Xuanyuan's request?" Ao Zheng was a little surprised.

Knowing that this calamity was due to the sin of the human race, the Lieshan clan calculated the second ancestor of the Great and Wild, this was a big cause and effect.

Luo Hui did not speak.

Ao Zheng didn't dare to ask more, and disappeared into Chen Du instantly.

After Ao Zheng left, Tai Xuan came to Luo Hu's side and said respectfully: "Master, the disciple is going to compete."

"Go, you don't have to keep your hands." Luo Hui stopped, turned and entered the room.

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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