Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 108: War started

Tai Xuan stood at the door in a daze, looking at Luo Hu who had already entered.

No need to keep your hands?

What do you mean?

In any case, Taishang is his big brother, but now Luo Hui tells him that he doesn't need to keep his hands.

Is this to suppress too much?

Taixuan may not be able to defeat Taishang, but will Taixuan be one?

There are so many saints in the line of Mount Xumi!

Once Luo Hui's words without holding his hands were spread out, there would only be one result, too, and he was suppressed!

Rao is the state of mind of the Supreme Profound Saint, at this time, it is inevitable that there will be a ripple.

"Hey, if the big brother doesn't look back, it can only be so." Tai Xuan sighed and disappeared out of thin air.

Luo Hui sat cross-legged on top of the Twelfth-Rank Destroying Black Lotus, looking uncertain, he couldn't see what his big disciple was going to do.

But Luo Hui had a hunch that Tai Shang would never betray him.

Therefore, Luo Huan made Tai Xuan not have to keep his hands. Before he did not understand what Tai Shang was going to do, Luo Hu could only do so.

It seems that you want to suppress Taishang, but in fact it is to follow Taishang's will.

Although Luo Hu didn't know Taishang's specific plan, Taishang did so many things that were not conducive to Mount Xume, wasn't it just to cause jihad?

That being the case, Luo Hu was just like he wanted.

"The Thirty-sixth Stage Chaos Creation Green Lotus still lacks the Wuyi Apricot and Yellow Flag, and the Western plain cloud border flag. I hope that Taishang's plan will not change my calculations."

Luo Hui had a big plan, which was something he had calculated before he became holy.

The temptation of the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian was too great, he wanted to reconsolidate the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian, and even let Hongjun not know about it.

The twelfth-grade black lotus that destroys the world is in Luohu's hands, and the twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus is in the hands of Amitabha, and can be recovered at any time.

The same is true for the Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus in the hands of the ancestors of the Styx River, which can be recovered at any time.

The twelve-grade good fortune Qinglian is divided into four, in the hands of Siqing, but Luohu can take it back at any time after he has buried his back.

It can be said that the four congenital lotus terraces are all controlled by Luo Hu.

In the innate five-sided flag, three of them were also under Luo Hu's control, and only two were left.

The smashing spear turned by the lotus stem is even more precious in Luohu's hands.

Luo Hui simulated it many times in the sea of ​​consciousness, but he took another big step, and he could already merge the four lotus platforms.

It won't take long before he can go one step further. What is missing now are those two flags.

In Luohu's eyes, there is no human race, only the Taishang Demon Ancestor, and the two flags.

As the supreme power, even if the human race is destroyed, he can recreate the human race.

So next, Luo Hui won't change the general trend easily, he can't attract Hongjun's attention.

In Luo Hui's calculations, if everything goes well, he will be able to fuse the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian within ten thousand years.

That was the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian!

Luo Hu waved his hand, the Kunlun Mirror appeared, and what appeared on it was a picture of the sky above the deer.

Although those saints were hidden deeply, they had nowhere to hide in the Kunlun Mirror.

Because this is the Kunlun mirror offered by Luo Hu.

Luo Hui glanced at the two camps on the competition, and now they have all gathered on the plains of the competition.

The war has begun.

The Xuanyuan camp was a large army of 1.8 million troops, deployed by the Ten Heavenly Kings.

Chi You camp, six hundred and ninety-nine Li Qiang troops, eighty-one sky witches set up a large array.

Both coaches also came to the front.

"Chi You, let me ask you a word, tell the truth." Xuanyuan looked at Chi You on the opposite chariot and said in a loud voice.

"At this point, what else is there to say, Xuanyuan, do you want to beg for mercy?" Chi You laughed loudly.

beg for mercy?

Xuanyuan shook his head, obviously not thinking about this question either.

What he wanted to ask was whether Chi You really put Human Race in his eyes.

"If the human race was destroyed because of this battle, would you still fight?" Xuanyuan asked in a deep voice.

Chi You was silent, and the army was in front. How would he answer?

In Chi You's heart, he naturally despised the Human Race. If the Human Race perished, then the Wu Clan could take advantage of the situation and regain its dominance.

So he longed for the destruction of the human race.

But I can't say this.

Once said, his Jiuli Qiang Army might be unstable.

For a long time, Chi You didn't answer Xuanyuan's words.

A fierce light flashed in Xuanyuan's eyes, he already knew what Chi You was thinking, and he also knew what he should do.

Chi You didn't take Human Race to heart, so Chi You absolutely can't let Chi You be the co-master.

At first, Xuanyuan wanted to quell the war, but now, he doesn't want to, Chi You absolutely can't be the co-master.

"Fight against the rebel Chi You, kill!"

Xuanyuan shouted.

In an instant, the soldiers of the entire Xuanyuan camp rushed towards Chi You's army like a divine arrow with a bow.

"Kill Chiyou..."

"Slash the rebellion..."

There was a rushing sound.

Chi You roared with violent air in his eyes, "The children of Jiuli, kill with me!"

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The powerful army of Nine Li emerged with a powerful murderous aura, I am afraid that the aura enveloped thousands of miles.

The armies of the two sides fought together instantly, and the two large formations also collided.


For an instant.

The endless blood mist gushes out from the nine-nine capital Tianshensha array, covering the entire battlefield, making the Xuanyuan camp's army unable to see what is in front of them.

Taking this opportunity, Chi You gave an order and launched another charge.

Xuanyuan's army suffered nearly 100,000 casualties during this rush.

Xuanyuan of the main line was shocked when he saw this scene, and the blood mist actually fascinated his eyes.

Needless to say, the eyes of those soldiers were completely invisible.

"Bojian, Bojian..." Xuanyuan shouted loudly.

Bai Jian repelled the opposing pair of powerful troops and quickly came to Xuanyuan's side.

"His Majesty."

"Use the guide car quickly," Xuanyuan said quickly.

Before, Xuanyuan had already figured out the magical power of blood fog in the Nine-Nine Capital Tianshen Array, and invented the guide car in advance.

Also think that he is vigilant Otherwise, this magical power alone is enough to wipe out his army.

In an instant, a hundred thousand more guide cars appeared on the battlefield, guiding Xuanyuan's army out of the blood mist formation, and using the characteristics of the Shijue formation, gave Chi You's army a hard blow.

Over the competition, thousands of monks faced each other, and both sides were watching the human race below.

They are the monks of both sides, as long as one side shows signs of defeat, they will provide immediate assistance.

Duobao Demon Lord led the cultivators of the Demon Dao to face the big witch in the square, they did not do anything.

Are waiting for an opportunity.

Moreover, Duobao Demon also knew that now that they do it, they are not dominant, because the quasi-sage witches on the opposite side already have five.

There is only one quasi-sage on their side, not an opponent at all.

Duobao Majun is waiting for his helper.

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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