Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 109: Ao Zheng bestows Huang Zhongli

"Big brother."

The Virgin of Turtle Spirit looked at Duobao Demon Lord, with some worry in her eyes. At this time, no quasi-holy came.

This is the last battle, and if they rely solely on them, then this battle will be lost.

Not only the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit is worried, but the other monks are also a little confused.

It stands to reason that there are many quasi-sages in the line of Mount Xumi, why didn’t they appear

Is it possible to give up Xuanyuan?

Thinking of Taishang Demon Ancestor's intervention, many demon monks were relieved.

Perhaps in this battle, Xuanyuan could not have won. The power of Mount Xumi was afraid of the great demon ancestor, so they did not come. Then it is obviously impossible to win by relying on Duobao Demon Lord as a quasi-sage. .

Duobao Mojun glanced at the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit faintly, and said, "Junior Sister, your mood is broken."

The Virgin of the Turtle Spirit was a little speechless. At this time, Duobao Demon even said this, obviously it was not the time.

The war has begun, and the human armies below have already fought together.

Once one side appears defeated, then the next battle is between the monks.

Among the monks in Chi You's camp, the Wu Clan alone has five quasi-sages, and Da Luo Jinxian has dozens of them.

Coupled with other monks from the Great Sect, it can be said that the monks of Chi You's camp are far better than Xuanyuan's side.

Duobao Mojun was also a little panicked, but he knew that he could not panic, at least he could not show it.

At this moment, Kong Xuan appeared in front of Duobao Demon Lord.

"I have seen big brother." Although Duobao Demon Lord is a quasi-sage, he respectfully bowed to Kong Xuan.

After all, Kong Xuan is the second generation chief appointed by the demon ancestor, even if he is as powerful as Xing Tian, ​​he needs to salute when he sees Kong Xuan.

Among Mount Xumi, seniority is higher than cultivation.

"Thank you all fellow Taoists this time," Kong Xuan said.

"What the devil is saying, Xuanyuan is a disciple of the Demon Dao, I am waiting to come to help, it is for the demon Dao righteousness."

"Yes, if Xuanyuan can become a co-lord, this is also the disciple taught by my magic way to strengthen the magic way of energy."

"Hmph, Xuanmen assisted Chi You and opposed my magical way. This time, they must fall here!"

Talking about it, a kind of monk has already begun to talk about the profound door, after all, Dao demon is not at the same time, and above the ordinary times, Dao demon cultivator meets life and death.

Only those disciples of the Great Teacher would not do it directly. After all, they were all saint disciples, and because of the face of the saint, they did not dare to do it first.

This time is different. This is a battle for the hegemony of the human race. This time even if the saint disciple is killed, no saint will dare to say a word!

Above the saint, there is this great ancestor!

A ray of light came from the east, and when she arrived, she turned into a woman with a very good temperament. Few people out of the predicament.

"Princess Yinglong!" Kong Xuan exclaimed when he looked at the people coming.

All the monks were startled, but they didn't expect the dragon Yinglong to come.

You know this is the old quasi-sage, the queen of the ancient heaven.

However, after the Primordial Heavenly Court was decomposed, Ying Long returned to the Dragon Clan and continued to be the eldest princess of the Dragon Clan.

"I have seen the princess." These monks all bowed to Ying Long.

Ying Long's identity is not simple, Long Huang Ao Zheng's sister, this position can be said to be the second in command of the dragon clan.

"Human race and dragon race form an alliance, Xuanyuan occupies the capital of Chen, and lives in the righteousness of human race. Naturally, this palace will come to help and defeat Chiyou." Ying Longyi said righteously.

There must be a reason to come to help, otherwise, joining the war for no reason will enjoy the backlash of killing and robbery.

Once the monks fight, then the war of the human race will evolve into killing and robbery.

And all the monks will become sinners, provoke killing and robbery, if this is the punishment, no one can escape.

But the punishment was evenly distributed to so many monks, and there was no such great power.

Therefore, Ying Long has to play the banner. Once she enjoys the killing and killing back, even the cultivation base of the quasi-sage, I am afraid that she will not be able to survive the killing.

"Kong Xuan thanked the princess in Xuanyuan."

In fact, Kong Xuan's position is higher than Ying Long, whether it is the position of the demon way or the identity of the bird.

Kong Xuan is better than Ying Long.

"The devil is polite." Ying Long didn't dare to push it, and smiled.

Although she is the sister of the Dragon Emperor, Kong Xuan is the second generation chief of the Demon Dao, and the new emperor in the line of birds.

With Ying Long's participation, Xuanyuan's side also had two quasi-sages, and it could barely bring back the situation.

"It's going to be the winner," Duobao Demon said suddenly.


All the monks are looking at the human battlefield.

I saw the Shijue Formation gradually overwhelming the Jiujiudu Tianshensha Formation, covering the entire battlefield.

This situation has become clear, the next step is to swallow the entire Jiuli strong army.

"Please also help fellow daoists!"

Chi You's voice came from the Ten Jue Array.


The cultivators of the Chi You camp moved, especially Feng Boyu, who took the lead in entering the Shijue Array. This scene made the cultivators of the Xuanyuan camp too late to react.


It was just a breathing time, and the ten must be broken.

The powerful army of Nine Li has reappeared on the earth.

"Master Feng Boyu will be dealt with by this palace, you go to deal with other monks." Ying Long stepped out, and his figure had appeared in front of Master Feng Boyu.


There was a dragon chant.

Master Feng Boyu only felt that the true spirit was frozen, and for a while he forgot to use his magical powers.

Ying Long Wanzhang's body rolled, and the Feng Bo Yushi rolled out thousands of miles away.

They are all quasi-sages, so naturally they can't fight here, otherwise, the aftermath of the battle would be enough to destroy all human races.

Duobao Demon King also stepped out in one step, and there was boundless devilish energy behind his head, but this devilish energy was somewhat impure.

Amidst this boundless devilish energy, there was a vague sense of freshness.

This is the Taoism of Xuanmen Taiqing Taoist and Primitive Tianzun!

Duobao Mojun once practiced under the seat of Taiqing Daozu and Primitive Tianzun, and he was considered a fellow practitioner of Daoism.

"Jiufeng, let's take a look at how strong the Wu Clan Great Witch's body is."

After Duobao Mojun said, it turned into a light and disappeared into the sky.

Jiufeng snorted coldly, smiled contemptuously, and followed.

She is a veteran great witch of the Witch clan, and her body is far more powerful than the average quasi-sage.

Since Duobao Demon is looking for death, she will not keep her hands.

But now it is only the Wu Clan, and there are still two quasi-sages. Once these two quasi-sages join the war of cultivators, the cultivators on Xuanyuan will definitely be slaughtered.

At this moment, a stick shadow struck, but Yuan Hong appeared on the battlefield holding a yuan fire stick.

A pair of thunder eyes stared at a great witch of the witch clan, which was a quasi-sage.

Yuan Hong is currently only the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, but in the eyes of this great witch, he is full of fighting spirit.

They just glanced at each other and didn't speak, as if they had a sharp heart, they left the competition together.

"There is also a quasi saint, how should this be good?"

"Yes, once this quasi-sage great witch goes crazy, I am afraid I can only be slaughtered."

"Face to the holy, even in the early days of my Da Luo Jinxian, there is no resistance!"

The monks in the Xuanyuan camp were a little panicked. This was not because they were afraid, but because they knew that they were invincible, and they didn't want to make senseless sacrifices.

Kong Xuan opened his eyes abruptly, looked at the last quasi-sage of the Wu Clan, and said with a cold voice: "This monarch also wants to see how powerful the Wu Clan's body is!"

After speaking, Kong Xuan turned into a peacock, spread its wings, and flew away from the competition.

The quasi-sage witch of the witch clan, showing disdain, stepped out and followed Kong Xuan.

Killing the robbery has already begun, even if he kills Kong Xuan, then the magic way can't say anything.

And he learned from Xing Tian that the Supreme Demon Ancestor would help them this time.

With the great power of Taishang Demon Ancestor, the demon way, he is even more unafraid of the consequences of killing Kong Xuan.

The Chi You camp has no quasi-sage, and the Xuanyuan camp has no quasi-sage.

The highest cultivation base currently is the Great Luo Jinxian peak.

But if you look at the number, there are more monks in the Xuanyuan camp, but in the case of Da Luo Jinxian, there are more in Chi You camp.

The human races below are still in the middle of the war, and the Xuanyuan army suffered heavy losses due to Feng Boyu's breaking the ten outstanding formations.

After all, Shi Jue Formation couldn't be arranged all at once, but the Nine-Nine Capital Celestial Shaman Formation had already been laid out.

In just a short while, Xuanyuan's army had already reached tens of thousands.

And this was caused when the Jiuli Qiang Army had zero casualties.

This shows how important the formation is in this war.

Shi Tianjun's face was extremely ugly, and it was too late to set up a big array.

When they set up a large formation, Xuanyuan's army will all be killed, so there is no need for this.

"The Shijue Formation is broken, and the Jiujiudu Tianshensha Formation cannot be allowed to stay."

Shi Tianjun glanced at each other, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

The ten people sacrificed a magic weapon together.


I saw two flood dragons appear, strangling them towards the Jiujiudu Tianshen evil formation.


The Nine-Nine Capital Tianshen formed a huge array, and was cut by two dragons in an instant.

Great formation, break!

Jin Jiao scissors, this is the magic weapon that Bixiao borrowed when they came.

Fortunately, at the beginning, their ten absolute formations had already suppressed the nine-nine capitals of the gods evil formation, so that this large formation would be destroyed frequently, otherwise, the golden Jiaojian would not be able to break the nine-nine capitals of the gods evil formations.

"Brothers, you can leave the mortal battlefield, help our Wu brothers, and kill those monks." Chi You raised his voice.

At this time, there is no need to use monks to participate in mortal battles.

The eighty-one heavenly witches all nodded, and then rushed to Shi Tianjun, who broke their great formation and had already angered them.

In their hearts, they naturally wanted to kill Shi Tianjun.

Shi Tianjun is a disciple of the Cultivation, although he is not as militant as the Wu Clan, he is not a good one.

All sacrificed magic weapons and fought against the eighty-one sky witches.

For a while, the war between the monks started.

The battlefield of mortals is very clear from the battlefield of monks, separated by a million miles.

After all, the battle between monks is too strong, even if it is aftermath, it is not something mortals can bear.

With a wave of his hand, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, which was already a natural disaster for the human race.

"Xuanyuan child, do you think you can beat me?" Chi You laughed.

How could Xuanyuan defeat him?

Although Chi You hasn't recovered his cultivation at the peak of Dao, he still possesses the strength of Da Luo Jinxian peak.

What about Xuanyuan?

Although the cultivation base is progressing rapidly, it is only the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it has not yet reached the point of Da Luo Jinxian.

Xuanyuan's eyes flashed resolutely, Chi You didn't put Human Race in his eyes, this co-lord absolutely couldn't give Chi You.

Although he was not Chi You's opponent, Xuanyuan still had to fight.

"Xuanyuan child, die!" Chi You waved his hand, and the Tiger Soul Blade appeared in his hand and slashed towards Xuanyuan.

How can Xuanyuan bear the strength of Da Luo Jinxian?

If this blow was hit, Xuanyuan would definitely die miserably.

But just when the Tiger Soul Blade was about to hit Xuanyuan, a figure appeared.



However, Ao Zhengzhan was in front of Xuanyuan, stretched out his hand, and with a light flick, Chi You flew out.

"Dragon Emperor, this is a battle between me and Xuanyuan, you don't have to intervene!" Chi You's face was deep, he knew how powerful the Dragon Emperor was.

Even back to the peak period, he is not Ao Zheng's opponent.

"Hehe, the emperor will not intervene in your fight, but you can wait a moment."

Ao Zheng laughed, looked at Xuanyuan, and said, "You are only the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, so how can you be the opponent of Daluo Jinxian?"

"Please also Dragon Sovereign help." Xuanyuan asked.

Xuanyuan still knew a little bit about Dragon Emperor Ao Zheng, this was the mount of the Demon Ancestor, and it had the title of the first person under the saint.

"Chi You just said that it is inconvenient for the emperor to intervene." Ao Zheng shook his head.

"Ah...! So what should I do?" Xuanyuan was stunned, is it really going to die from Chi You?

Xuanyuan roared wildly in his heart.

If Chi You has a human race in his heart, then it doesn't matter if he loses, but the point is that Chi You basically treats the human race as a pawn, how can he be the co-master!

"But this emperor can make you the pinnacle of Da Luo Jinxian instantly."

As Ao Zheng said, he took out a fruit, and there was Taoism on the fruit, so strange!

Chi You exclaimed: "Huang Zhongli!"

Ao Zheng handed Huang Zhongli to Xuanyuan and let him accept the matter. When the cultivation base was the same as Chi You, then the battle would begin.

The army of both sides rushed past the two coaches, but they seemed to be unable to see the same, they were all staring at each other.

After taking Huang Zhongli, Xuanyuan's cultivation base grew rapidly.

In just a moment, Xuanyuan had already become the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

Ao Zheng nodded in satisfaction when seeing this scene, then disappeared on the battlefield and went to the void.

But Ao Zheng missed one thing, and that was that their bodies were not equal.

Although Chi You's physical body was weakened countless times, it was ultimately stronger than Xuanyuan's!

Chi You saw that Ao Zheng was about to leave, even if he rushed towards Xuanyuan, no one would stop him this time.

With just one blow, Chi You is sure to kill Xuanyuan at the same level!

And no one will come to help Xuanyuan!

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