Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 117: So big calculations, so deep plans

In the chaos, the war continues!

Within the Zhuxian Sword Array, the Lord Tongtian and Taixuan used the benefits of the Zhuxian Sword Array to deal with the Taishang Demon Ancestor, Taiqing Daozu and the Burning Buddha.

But as time moves, the Master Tongtian feels inadequate, and if this continues, the Zhuxian Sword Formation will be defeated!

Holding the Qingping sword, a sword flew the attacking Si Demon Seal.

The look in his eyes was solemn.

The Supreme Demon Ancestor and others are wondering why the Primordial Heavenly Lord has not yet entered the battle, and the Master Tongtian is also thinking about why the Primitive Heavenly Lord has not yet entered the battle.

Ao Zheng helped him stop the Primordial Heavenly Venerable, but Ao Zheng is just a holy after all, how could he be the opponent of Primitive Heavenly Venerable?

After such a long time, I don't know what happened to Ao Zheng.

Of course, the Lord Tongtian never thought that Ao Zheng would fall, and at best be sealed.

But why hasn't the Primordial Celestial Lord entered the battle yet?

Is it to help the Eastern Prince and Nuwa fight?

If this is the case, now Nu Wa is afraid that it is too bad, if even Nu Wa is sealed, then the magic way will really fall.

At that time, I am afraid that the Profound Gate above the prehistoric land will be the only one.

But now he is constrained by Taishang Demon Ancestor and Taiqing Daozu, and he can't observe the battle between Primitive Tianzun and Ao Zheng.

"Are you still distracted at this time?"

Taishang Demon Ancestor gave a cold snort, and the Si Demon Seal in his hand let go.


This time, Master Tongtian wanted to resist, but it was too late, and the Si Demon Seal was directly written on him.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, and the entire Zhuxian Sword Formation trembled.

Master Tongtian was severely injured by the Great Demon Ancestor.

"Second Brother!" Tai Xuan shouted, and the Star Demon Sky in his hand enveloped the Taishang Demon Ancestor.

"Small way!"

Taishang Demon Ancestor scorned, and something appeared behind his head, it was the Supreme Innate Lingbao Purple Gourd.

A huge suction power confronts the Star Magic Sky Map.

The Star Demon Sky also exudes terrifying suction, and wants to **** the Supreme Demon Ancestor into the picture.

The purple gold gourd blocked the star demon sky map, the Supreme Demon Ancestor's heart moved, the first demon seal was sacrificed, and once again smashed at the Tongtian leader.

As the chief of Demon Dao, he naturally has the ability to restrict Demon Dao monks.

In itself, the aura of the Taishang Demon Ancestor can suppress the Master Tongtian and Taixuan, and now coupled with the Taiqing Dao Ancestor and Burning Lamp Buddha, the advantage is even greater.

Although Taiqing Dao ancestors could not bear it, the Master of the Heavens was a magic way after all, and for the sake of Xuanmen's great prosperity, he could only be cruel!

The Tai Chi picture turned and pressed on the head of Master Tongtian.

The power of yin and yang appeared, imprisoning the spirit of the Supreme Master!

However, the beginning of the magic seal fell again, but it hit the head of the leader of the sky, causing the leader of the sky to appear blank in an instant.

The time is short, but in a flash.

But this is enough for the saint!

The Taishang Mozu and Taiqing Daozu jointly urged 36 Ding Haizhu to break through the Zhuxian sword formation!


The Zhuxian sword array broke open, and all four divine swords fell into the hands of the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

The huge movement attracted the attention of the saints of other wars.

Primitive Tianzun and Eastern Princes are all overjoyed, the Zhuxian Sword Formation has been broken, and the next step is to seal the Master of Heaven.

Taiqing Daozu was overjoyed, took a look at Taishang Demonzu, and said: "Friends of Taoism, quickly seal the sky!"

After all, the Taiqing Taoist ancestor was running the Taiji diagram with all his strength. At this time, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to seal the Master Tongtian and then Taixuan.

The Primitive Tianzun, the Eastern Prince, the Burning Buddha, and the Fifth Patriarch were all shocked at this time, because they knew that after today, the magic way will completely decline!


Taixuan, Queen Mother Xi, Nuwa, and Ao Zheng all had anger in their eyes. The Master Tongtian was sealed, which means that their magical way has fallen!

Because next, I am afraid that they will not escape the fate of being sealed!

The eyes of the Taishang Demon Ancestor were cold, but he still shot, and the thirty-six Dinghaizhu turned into thirty-six heavens, and pressed down on the Master Tongtian.

"Haha..." Primitive Tianzun smiled.

From now on, the magic way has fallen, and the profound door is the sole master!



Chi Chi Chi...

At this moment, it seems that time has stopped, and the chaos is quiet and terrible.

The closed eyes of the Lord Tongtian opened. He had already accepted his fate. After all, he could not fight the Taishang Demon Ancestor and Taiqing Dao Ancestor.

All the saints stopped fighting and watched this scene in shock.




Taiqing Daozu looked unbelievable, lowered his head and looked at his chest with the tip of the gun exposed, the divine light in his eyes began to fade.

Kill the gun!

Under heaven, the saint is immortal, even if he is injured, he can recover instantly!

But after being injured by a treasure, it is more difficult to recover, and it may even be damaged!

"All these are your calculations!" Taiqing Daozu looked at the Taishang Demon Zu who was holding a sharp gun.

The look is proud, his eyes are cold.

"How can it be like this!" the original Tianzun roared.

Don’t you want to seal the Master of Heaven?

Isn't the Supreme Demon Ancestor caught in a ruthless robbery?

Taishang Mozu is not a betrayal.

How could this be? Taiqing Taoist ancestor was pierced through the heart by the Great Killer Spear, sealing the mana, and even the power of the heavens could not be attracted.

The Eastern Prince was also stunned.

Is all this calculation?

Too ruthlessly demon ancestor, for the sake of his own calculations, he did not hesitate to pit all the powers of the demon way, I am afraid that even the demon ancestor was kept in the dark.

When Burning Lamp Buddha saw this scene, he didn't say anything, but left directly.

Don't stay here for long!

The escape of Burning Lamp Buddha did not let the demon saints chase after them, because they were all stunned. The calculations of the demon ancestor were too deep and they deceived them miserably.

"If you have a cause, you will have an effect. You were separated from this seat, but now the time has come and you should merge into one." The Supreme Demon Ancestor said lightly.

After all, Taishang Demon Ancestor wanted to shake the Gunkiller, so that Taiqing Dao Ancestor would dissipate and re-turn into Pangu Yuanshen into his body.


A huge pressure came, and all the saints trembled at this time.

This breath is too strong.

A glimmer of life flashed in Taiqing Daozu's eyes, Daozu came, and he was saved!

"This seat is just a matter of cause and the Daozu want to stop it?" Taishang Mozu said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Too great, this time you have already won. You deceived the entire prehistoric land, including the poor Dao, but you can't kill the Taiqing Daozu!" Hongjun Daozu said lightly.

There is undoubted majesty in the tone.

It seems that as soon as this is said, the Supreme Demon Ancestor will obey and obey!

"This seat has planned countless years, concealed the sky and crossed the sea, deceived all the mighty, even my teacher, and finally achieved results, but the Taoist ancestor let this seat give up, ridiculous..."

Taishang Mozu laughed.

Daozu Hongjun didn't say anything, a jade disc of good fortune appeared behind his head, and a ray of light shot out, wanting to imprison the demon ancestor too.

"It's better to watch the show."

Luo Hui's playful voice sounded.

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