Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 118: The tough Hongjun Daozu

Luo Hu in Chendu couldn't sit still.

No reason.

It was just because he was too stunned by the Mozu!

Sure enough!

Just when the saints were heading to the battle of chaos, Luo Hui had a little thought about the Supreme Demon Ancestor in his heart.

Ruthless Jie should be an illusion!

If the Taishang Demon Ancestor really entered the ruthless robbery, then it would not be like this, not to mention betraying him, even the devil dare not betray!

Because people who fall into a ruthless robbery can only think of their own interests.

Such people are also most afraid of death.

Luo Hui has said more than once that as long as he is in the same family, he will definitely kill the perpetrator!

Therefore, the Supreme Demon Ancestor is probably not caught in the ruthless robbery, but has his own plan, and counts the entire prehistoric state.

Including his master!

Luo Hui's eyes were filled with gratification, and the Taishang Mozu did not let him down!

Very good, since Taishang Mozu calculated Taiqing Daozu and succeeded, then let's leave the next thing to be a teacher!

Luo Hui thought in his heart.

In chaos!

Luohu's figure slowly walked out, and the violent chaotic air current did not dare to get close to Luohu within three feet.

A magic light shot out from his eyes, shattering the imprisoning power of the jade disc.

Taishang Demon Ancestor, Tongtian Guru, Taixuan, Queen Mother Xi, Nu Wa, and Ao Zheng, they all hurriedly paid homage when they saw Luo Hui appear.

Daozu Hongjun's face was deep, he looked at Luo Hui, and said in a deep voice: "Tell your conditions, Taiqing can't kill!"

Luo Hui didn't control Hongjun, but looked at Taishang Demon Ancestor and nodded.

The latter knows, and the sharp gun in his hand moves.


Taiqing Daozu's body collapsed.

The Taiqing Taoist ancestor who suppressed the prehistoric times for countless years was beheaded and killed by the Taishang Demon ancestor today.

After the Taiqing Taoist ancestor fell, two percent of the primordial spirit belonging to Pangu appeared, as well as some treasures such as this Taiji diagram.

The Supreme Demon Ancestor opened his mouth and sucked, and in an instant, the 20% of the original spirit was absorbed by the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

"Huh, Luo Hu, you are going to tear your face!"

Daozu Hongjun was furious, the jade disc of good fortune sprinkled three thousand blue light, gathered the immeasurable sword, and cut it to Luohu.

Cut out with one sword, the world opened.

In the chaos, as if reopening the world, the terrifying power, the uncomfortable pressure of these saints, all quickly withdrew from a million miles.

Luo Hui quietly watched the attacking sword. He didn't use his hands, but a huge grinding disc appeared on his head!

Destroying the world has the power to destroy the world and destroy the chaos!


The Immeasurable Divine Sword slashed above the Great Moment of Destroying the World without causing any waves.

"Friends of Taoist still think about how to fill the vacancy of Taiqing, and then fight with me." Luo Hui said lightly.

After speaking, Luo Hui took back the Great Mill of Destruction and disappeared into the chaos.

Dao Zu Hongjun was stunned on the spot, Luo Hui said rightly, the urgent task is to find someone who fills the empty vacancy immediately, otherwise, the decline of Xuanmen is inevitable!

The original Tianzun, the Eastern Prince, and the soon-to-be-sanctified Kunpeng ancestor could not hold up the Xuanmen.

With a big wave of his hand, all the treasures belonging to Taiqing Taoist ancestors fell into Hongjun's hands.

Luo Hui didn't collect those treasures, otherwise Hongjun might really go crazy.

Just now, Luo Hu just pretended to be calm.

Without the devil ancestor of the sky, he is not Hongjun's opponent, unless he is not in the suppression realm, and breaks directly!

But if this is the case, then everything he has done in so many years will be completely abandoned.

Taishang Demon Ancestor, Master Tongtian, Taixuan, Queen Mother Xi, Nu Wa, Ao Zheng saw Luo Yu leave, and quickly followed him to leave Chaos.

Primitive Tianzun and the Eastern Prince all came to Hongjun, with anger in their eyes.

"Master, why don't you kill Taishang to avenge the big brother?" Primitive Tianzun asked.

If it were before, Primordial Heavenly Venerable would definitely not dare to speak like this, but now, Primitive Heavenly Venerable could not take care of that much, Taiqing would have died.

If Demon Dao takes any action, he may be the next one to die!

The longer you live, the higher your cultivation level, the more you are afraid of death. This is an eternal law!

Hongjun's face instantly became cold, and the chaos of hundreds of millions of miles became cold.

"Are you questioning the decision to become a teacher?" Dao Zu Hongjun looked at Primordial Heavenly Sovereign and said with a cold voice.

Primitive Tianzun's body trembled and came to his senses.


Demon Dao can jointly kill him, and Hongjun Daozu can also kill him instantly!

"The disciple is rude, please forgive me." Primordial Tianzun bowed to the ground and said respectfully, panicking in his heart.

Hongjun was not taking care of the original Tianzun. Luo Hu's words were right. The most urgent task now is to find someone to replace Taiqing.

Looking at the five ancestors of Taoxuan Valley, Hong Jun already had a calculation in his heart.

"You follow the poor road to the Purple Heaven Palace." Hongjun looked at the fifth ancestor and said majesticly.

The heart of the fifth ancestor is like a mirror, knowing what Hongjun Dao ancestor is doing, and he is extremely happy.

"Follow the decree of the Taoist ancestors." The fifth ancestor responded respectfully.

At this time, Lu Ya Daojun appeared.

Looking at the five ancestors with cold eyes, they all shuddered involuntarily.

"Hongjun, they are already disciples of this seat." Daojun Lu Ya said in a deep voice.

Dao Zu Hongjun smiled and looked at Dao Jun Lu Ya. He knew that Dao Jun Lu Ya was not a great power, and he also knew that Dao Jun Lu Ya was powerful.

But it's not that there is no way he can restrain Daojun Lu Ya.

Step out.

"If you don't want to die in the prehistoric land, you can put your tail in a man's life." Hongjun Daozu said murderously.

Lu Ya was furious. Among the ten worlds, how many people would dare to talk to him like this?

This Hongjun is a big tone!

He Lu Jian was angry, and it seemed that he didn't want to use any tricks in the land. These natives really thought that he was a silver-rod wax gun head!

But at this moment, Hongjun Daozu's body burst into a powerful breath.

A strong and regular atmosphere, this is the...

Lu Ya was silent!

Watching Hongjun Daozu take away the fifth ancestor.


Daojun Lu Ya punched out in a hurry, shaking in chaos, unable to calm down for a long time!

Mount Luohu sat under the gourd stand, looking at the disciples in front of him, his eyes were filled with relief.

"The disciple hurts the junior and is guilty, so please master to punish!" Taishang Mozu bowed down.

Luo Hui didn't say anything yet, the Master Tongtian immediately knelt down and pleaded with the Taishang Demon Ancestor: "Don't blame the big brother, I just hope that the disciples are dull and can't see the calculations of the big brother."

At this time, the great powers present were all sighed in their hearts, I am afraid that no one could see the calculations of the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

They all thought it was too ruthless, but all this was just a calculation.

The big brother who had taken care of them has always been there, and has not changed.

"I don't know if you are dull, even being a teacher is dull!"

Luo Hu laughed loudly, he had indeed wronged Tai Shang Mozu!

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