Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 127: Fuxi descends on the human race

The great powers are all shocked!

What happened to Terran?

It turned out to be a punishment!

Hundreds of thousands of miles of heaven's punishment enveloped the entire human race, and the terrifying pressure fell on the human race, but it was blocked by the pale yellow sky curtain.

Fifty acres of merits and virtues celebrate the clouds, and support the human race's sky.

But those great powers don't think so, they feel that something big must happen to the human race.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to use fifty acres of merit to celebrate the clouds as a canopy, blocking the punishment of heaven?

You must know that fifty acres of merit and virtue can make a monk the most holy!

The sage does not come out, the most holy controls the prehistoric!

Terran is such a big hand!

In Huoyundong, Fuxi's eyes flickered. He knew what had happened, so he just used gossip to calculate.

Human characters are about to be born, but under heaven, no eternal race is allowed!

Therefore, human characters must not appear on the prehistoric!

You can only use other clan characters, Fuxi is not reconciled, so he wants to go to human clan and fight side by side with everyone!

"The Emperor, stay!"

Suiren stopped the Emperor Fuxi.

Seeing that it was the Suiren clan, the Chao clan and the Jianyi clan, Fuxi hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Why are you three ancestors out?"

Today's three ancestors have also become quasi-sages, but it is only in the early stage of quasi-sages that they can be regarded as a great power above the prey.

"Fuxi, you stay, the three of us will go, the human race can't sit without the strong!" Sui Renshi solemnly said.

Fuxi shook his head, and said, "Three Patriarchs, you are wrong. Now it is not whether there are any strong people in charge, but it is time for the life and death of Human Race!"

"We go to Chendu, even if we divide all the merits, we must resist the coming of Heaven's punishment, Fuxi, you are the real power of the human race, and the human race needs you after the catastrophe!" said the Han Yi clan!

Fuxi knew what they meant, but did Fuxi really not go?

As the emperor of the human race and the head of the three emperors, the Lieshan clan of the earth emperor sacrificed himself for the human race and turned into a dragon soul!

Now the emperor has sacrificed all his merits for the human race, just to buy time for Cangjie!

As the emperor, he is indifferent, can he do it?

Fuxi looked at the three ancestors and solemnly said: "Three ancestors, you are the spiritual support of the human race. If you stay, the human race will have hope. The human race will never die, and the human race will not die!"

After speaking, Fu Xi waved his hand to imprison the three ancestors, and then sealed the Huoyun Cave.

The third ancestor struggled, but couldn't move, so he could only watch Fuxi leave.

"Brother, do you really want to go?"

When Fuxi heard the voice behind her, her figure trembled, her face changed, and finally her eyes were firm.

Turning around, looking at Nu Wa, respectfully bowed.

"Terran catastrophe, as the emperor, I must take the lead and stand in the forefront of the human race. I also ask the Virgin to take care of the human race after the disaster."

From now on, Fuxi didn't plan to come back alive, even if he sacrificed his life, he still had to buy time for Cangjie!

"Do you know that Cangjie is the reincarnation of Kunpeng ancestor?" Nuwa said.

Fuxi only frowned slightly, and then said: "What I see is the continuation of human civilization. As for who Cangjie is, I don't care!"

Nuwa closed her eyes and didn't say anything. She knew that she couldn't stop Fuxi at all!

At this time, regardless of whose reincarnation Cangjie was, even if it was the reincarnation of the ancestor witch of the Wu clan, Fuxi would go there.

Because what Cangjie created was the human characters, it was the continuation of human civilization!

This is enough for him to give his life to guard.


Above the sky, the robbery clouds are filled with thunder, and all human races feel the pressure!

There was a depressive atmosphere everywhere.

"What's going on? Is it because God wants to destroy our human race?"

"Why is it like this? Is my human triumph coming?"

"Heaven will punish, what did my human race do wrong?"

Among the human race, the great sages everywhere, the monks are roaring up to the sky!

Since their human race was born, they have guarded the land around Origin Valley, dare not provoke any race, nor do they dare to do things against the sky!

But why are their human races so troubled!

Rumble! ! !

The endless **** thunder rolled among the robbery clouds.


Divine thunder struck one after another, but it was blocked by the light yellow sky.

But the pale yellow sky was dimmed.

The great sages in the city of Chen, seeing this scene, instantly understood what happened in their hearts!

All this is for making characters!

this moment!

They all began to ask themselves, are words really that important to the human race?

Even at the cost of death?

The pale yellow sky curtain should be Xuanyuan's merits, their co-lord sacrificed all the merits in a secret room in obscurity!

Is this Xuanyuan in their mouths?

Is that Xuanyuan who focuses on merit?

They were wrong, they blamed their co-owner!

At this time, they finally realized how wrong they were.

Human characters are the continuation of Human civilization and their eternal and immortal support!

Above the sky, a series of divine thunders smashed down and was dissolved by the pale yellow sky.

On the ground, all thirty-six great sages entered Xuanyuan's palace, and they wanted to meet Xuanyuan!

However, he was stopped by guards and Xuanyuan was in retreat, and no one was seen.

Thirty-six great sages went to Cangjie again, heavily guarded, unable to enter the courtyard!

At this time, they understood that Xuanyuan had already arranged everything, and he wanted to bear the punishment of the Heavenly Dao on the Human Race himself!

Thirty-six great sages suddenly burst into tears. They did not expect that they would have wronged their co-owner when they entered the meeting to this point.

The co-lord cares about human race more than anyone!

At this time, I don't know how chilling the Communist Party is, even the 36 of them don't understand him!

Thirty-six great sages are upset in their hearts, they hate themselves!

At this moment, the light flashed, and a majestic young man walked out of the void slowly!

this is....

Emperor Fuxi!

The statue of Emperor Fuxi has always been in the center of Chendu, and it looks like a young man. They naturally recognized Emperor Fuxi.

Thirty-six great sages and all the guards bowed down to to meet His Majesty the Emperor. "

"Get up all, this emperor will take a look at Cangjie, the birth of human characters is unstoppable, even the way of heaven can't do it!"

In the first half of the sentence, Fu Xi said softly to everyone, but in the second half, he looked at the sky!

Entering the courtyard, Fuxi saw Cangjie's thin body, creating characters on the ground.

"Human race is an eternal and immortal race with words, so why don't you give up your life for this?" Fuxi disappeared into the courtyard and turned into a ray of light to go to Xuanyuanxing Palace.

Thirty-six great sages heard what Fuxi said, and tears fell in their eyes!

Do their co-lords have to sacrifice to buy time for Cangjie?

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