Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 128: Hongjun exploded

Mount Xume.

Nuwa looked at Luo Hu, and there was hesitation in her beautiful eyes, she didn't know what to say.

Seeing Fuxi heading to the Human Race, Nuwa went directly to Mount Xumi, wanting Luo Huo to help the Human Race through this disaster!

But Luo Hui once said that the immortal gods should not intervene in the matter of the human race. If she let Luo Hui take action, wouldn't it be the case for Luo Hui to go against her?

Then in the future, who will follow Luo Hu's decree?

"Are you here for human affairs?"

Luo Hui could see the hesitation in Nuwa's eyes. In order not to let Nuwa continue to be embarrassed here, Luo Hui took the initiative.

"Pray for Master to save the human race." Nu Wa knelt down and bowed.

"You don't need to worry about human affairs, they resolve it by themselves, so that they can maximize their merits!" Luo Hui smiled.

Nu Wa is anxious!

Don't worry, the human race is afraid that it will be punished by heaven!

The Heavenly Punishment above the Human Race is not controlled by the Supreme Demon Ancestor, but by the decline of the Heavenly Dao.

Did not pass Hongjun Daozu and Taishang Mozu!

How can Nuwa not worry?

"Master, Fuxi and Xuanyuan must sacrifice merit to gain that short period of time. This is simply unrealistic. If the Heavenly Dao imposes a punishment from the heavens, even merit will be unstoppable!"

Nuwa was anxious to Fuxi, after all, Fuxi had already died once, she didn't want Fuxi to die again, and after this time, she would never be able to resurrect.

"If the human race is so fragile, then destroy the race!"

Luo Hui said lightly.

Nuwa was startled, but Luo Yu did not expect to say such a thing.

You must know that Luo Hu values ​​the human race very much. Could it be that the human race that he has been caring for is suddenly extinct, and there will be no ripples in Luo Hui's heart?

Luo Hu can be calm, but she can't face it calmly, because the human race is hers.

No matter what, the human race will respectfully call her the Virgin!

She did not take action the last time a human genocide crisis occurred, but this time, she had to take action!

She is the virgin of the human race, the patron saint of the human race, what she has to do is to stand in front of the human race!

Instead of standing behind the human race, enjoying the glory and great luck brought by the human race!

"Master, the disciple retired."

"Well, go!"

Seeing Nu Wa leaving, Luo Hu knew what Nu Wa was thinking, but he wouldn't stop it. To some extent, Nu Wa was also a human race.

Luo Hu didn't care about matters within the human race, but Luo Hu wouldn't allow it if a foreign race was able to help the human race.

It seems that we need to take a trip to Zixiao Palace.

Luo Hui knew that if he didn't make a move, it didn't mean that Hongjun wouldn't make a move!

That ancestor Kunpeng is his disciple after all, how can he be smashed to death by heaven's punishment now when he is preaching?

Therefore, the probability of Hongjun Daozu's shot is very high, Luo Hui is not relieved, he wants to let the family face independently, and will never allow Hongjun to help!

And after this calamity, Human Race can be regarded as real growth.

If it is said that the previous human races were babies, children!

Then after this calamity, the human race is an adult!

Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun is about to make a move. He can't wait any longer. He is worried that Heaven Punishment will smash down and smash the ancestor Kunpeng to death!

The saint has not reached it, and if he loses his life, it is not worth it.

But just after leaving the Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun saw Luohu tasting wine in the chaos.

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, after all, because of Luo Hu, the Taiqing Dao ancestor fell!

"Friends of Taoism, what are you going to do? Why not sit down and taste wine together, this is my latest brew." Luo Huo said, took a sip, closed the sample and started tasting.

How can Hongjun fail to see Luo Yu's thoughts, this is to block the way.

"You are most optimistic about Human Race, why don't you take action?" Hongjun Daozu asked.

Luo Hui made a please gesture, then gave Hongjun a gourd, and said: "You have always been my opponent, and I didn't see me kill you!"

Hongjun, who just took a sip, squirted out, looked at Luohu and said angrily: "Rahhu, what do you want!"

"Friends of Taoist look angry, sit down quickly." Luo Hu said quickly.

When Hongjun Taoist ancestor's anger almost subsided, Luo Hui slowly said, "Farther Daoist, do you know why I didn't kill you?"

Hongjun snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, "Can you kill the poor road?"

Hongjun sneered in his heart. Luo Hu wanted to kill him. This was impossible. Even with the addition of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, it would only be a tie at best!

If it is a deadly battle, then both will die!

But Luo Hui did not take Hongjun's words to heart, but continued: "Because I want to save you, save you ashore, and cultivate the right way!"

Meticulous, solemn and serious!

Hongjun Daozu stood up. He knew that Luo Hui was here to block the door, but he didn't expect Luo Hui to be so bold!

Can you still chat well?

Luo Hui said his purpose, and felt a lot more relaxed.

"Luo Hui, if you want to do one, be with you!" Hongjun was furious!

Luo Hui shook his head and said, "Friends of the Taoist priest, you have taken a picture. I have already said that if you want to save you, there is no guarantee that I will not make another move."

Seeing Luo Hui's serious expression, Hongjun Daozu's heart was full of anger. How could he bear such ridicule by Luo Hui.

"Friends of Taoism, in fact, in your heart, a demon seed has been born, which means that you have a destiny with the demon way. If you don't believe it, you can use the jade disc of good fortune to claim your own cultivation and watch where the gods hide!"

Luo Hu said.

Daozu Hongjun snorted coldly, turned around and entered the Zixiao Palace.

If he continues to talk to Luo Hu, I am afraid that he will be enchanted.

Fighting and not playing, serious chatting, no way!

Daozu Hongjun could only go back to Zixiao Palace to continue meditating.

But Hongjun Daozu, who calmed down, recalled Luo Hui's words.

"Does Pindao really give birth to a demon seed? Look at Luohu's expression, it doesn't seem to be fake!"

Daozu Hongjun is close to a devil, and has already begun to believe Luo Hui's words.

But it didn't sacrifice the good fortune jade disc seal repair to watch the gods!

Luo Hui was outside the Zixiao Palace, drinking a small wine, and looking at the picture of Origin Valley, he was very uncomfortable.

Of course, Luo Hu didn't think that his words would have such a profound influence on Daozu Hongjun, he had already begun to doubt the self!

In Xuanyuan Xing Palace, in a secret room, Fu Xi suddenly appeared, which shocked Xuanyuan, and he was about to give a courtesy!

But Fuxi stopped him and said: "You don't need to be polite, the civilization of the human race continues, causing catastrophe, you shouldn't carry it alone."

Xuanyuan was shocked, and quickly said, "The emperor is not allowed. If you lose your merits and fall into the altar, you will surely make my human race into a place where no one can recover!"

Fuxi shook his head and said, "You know that if the emperor does not take action, the human race will be destroyed. The fifty acres of merit will not offset the punishment, even if the emperor's merit is added, it will not work!"

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