Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 132: Written out, Cangjie became a holy

Origin Valley!

Chaos God Thunder strikes it down!

The entire prehistoric power is looking towards Origin Valley!

They know that this time the human race is over, it is completely over, even if it is a saint, it is too late!

Chaos God Thunder!

Even if it is a saint, it may not be able to block all of them, because this is not one at all!

The saint blocks one, yes, it takes more effort to block ten, but there are ninety-nine chaotic thunders!

The sage's action will not help!

The demise of the Terran is a foregone conclusion!

The entire grand power has no hope for the human race, nor is there any connection with it.

Since the human race was born, it has received great attention. The merits of that human race can be said to be the race with the most prevalent merits!

But now, the human race is going to perish!

Will there still be that power that has something to do with the human race?

They were all afraid of being implicated, and they all heard the words of Human Race against the sky.

Man will conquer the sky!

A golden dragon of 100,000 feet flew out from the seal of Kongtong, roaring, and rushed to the ninety-nine chaotic thunders!

Rumble! ! !

The entire prehistoric tremor trembled, and billions of trillions of space collapsed over Origin Valley!

However, the aftermath was strong and did not endanger the human race on the ground.

Kongtong Yin blocked this terrifying blow!

The whole prehistoric was shocked!

That's ninety-nine chaotic gods of thunder!

Even a saint can't easily block it, the human race is blocked, and it is not the human race that can make a move, but the countless human races!

Is Human Race really blessed by heaven?

No, Human Race has already turned against Heaven, how can it be favored by Heaven?

at the same time!

In the small courtyard of Cangjie, the light is so bright, a huge figure rises from the ground and turns into billions.

"I am the human race Cangjie. After suffering, with the help of the many human races, I created the human script."

Immediately afterwards, Cangjie held a branch and drew a text in the void.


As soon as the text came out, it was earth-shattering!

Subsequently, one by one words appeared in Cangjie's hands.

A total of 3,000 characters appeared on Honghuang, and these were all human characters.

On the ground, Fuxi, Xuanyuan, Third Patriarch, thirty-six great sages, and countless human races, seeing Cangjie's creation of words, were all very excited!

Everything they did was not in vain, and the human race wrote it out. This is the proof of the human race's immortality!

Congenital Taoism, plus text!

Human race can become an immortal race.

The punishment is gone!

As soon as the Human Race text came out, Heaven Punishment couldn't continue to punish the Human Race. Next, I was afraid that merits would come to the world.

Countless great powers sighed, Human Race actually survived!

The characters actually created by the Human Race are like dreams!

But all this is true.

But there are still some great sneers!

It is believed that the human race has suffered a great loss this time, Xuanyuan’s 50 acres of merit, Fuxi’s 60 acres of merit, and Nüwa’s 150 acres of merit, and the three ancestors also have 50 acres of merit. !

But now?

All these merits are lost because of the human characters!

All the powers of the human race have fallen off the altar, even if the human words appear, what can it be?

Terran has no power!

Terran is abandoned!

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Primitive Tianzun sneered. The Human Race has lost so much merit, I am afraid that there will be three hundred and ten acres of merit!

How many merits of a mere word-making?

This time Terran is about to fall into the abyss.

At this time, the original Tianzun was a little grateful, but fortunately the Taiqing Taoist ancestor had already fallen.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will end up falling into the altar.

West Linga Mountain!

Burning lantern laughed, and Amitabha was puzzled. Shouldn't Burning lantern be furious?

After all, burning a lantern is looking forward to the destruction of the human race!

Perhaps seeing Amitabha’s incomprehension, Burning Lantern said in a cold voice, "What can the human race survive? What can be done with words? Three hundred and ten acres of merit and virtue can be exchanged for how much merit!"

Buddha Amitabha understood why Burning Lantern laughed.

Looking at it in this way, the Human race has suffered a great loss. No matter how much merit is made in making characters, it is estimated that 100 acres of merit will be celebrated!

But what was paid was three hundred and ten acres of merit!

"Junior, your heart is upset." Amitabha said quietly.

"Brother, I just want Buddhism to prosper!" Ran Deng said.

Buddha Amitabha shook his head helplessly, quasi mentioning that for the sake of Buddhism, you can do nothing!

Burning a lantern is even more crazier than Zhunti. He can do anything for the prosperity of Buddhism and Taoism!

Rumble! ! !

Nine days away, a cloud of merit and virtue fell.

All the great powers are waiting to see the jokes of the human race, three hundred and ten acres of merit is celebrated!


The entire prehistoric land was quiet.

The merits and virtues are celebrated in the Valley of Origin!

This is not worth shocking!

But this merit is too much!

Great shock!

One thousand acres of merit and virtue!

The human race just created a text, how could it be a thousand acres of merit, and all the powers are puzzled.

In the chaos, Luo Hui nodded in satisfaction.

Hongjun walked out.

"Friends of Daoist have already come out." Hongjun said.

"I just counted five hundred mu, but I didn't expect 1,000 mu. I was really surprised."

Luo Hu did not allow any gods to intervene, and only let the tribe intervene, just to expand the merits, but he did not expect it to be a thousand acres of merit!

A thousand acres of merit and virtue appear on the Valley of Origin!

All the powers of the human race showed a relieved look!

They are not wrong!

Terra won!

Man will conquer the sky!

"Lady Madonna, have you seen it? Our human race has defeated the way of heaven!"

Countless human races shouted in their hearts.

Nu Wa of Wa Palace cried with joy, and the human race survived!

Thousand acres of merit is celebrated, one is divided into two, one has 800 acres, and the other has 200 acres!

That two hundred acres of merit and virtue fell on Cangjie's body.

In an instant!

Cangjie's mortal body began to change, and instantly became the Daluo Jinxian, the next moment he became the holy!

Immediately after...


The purple gas came to the east for 30,000 li, and there were all kinds of visions in the wild world!

Hongmeng purple qi blends with merit, the soul entrusts heaven, and Cangjie becomes a saint.

At the same time, Cangjie recovered his memory, he was the ancestor of Kunpeng!

At this time Cangjie came to Fuxi, Xuanyuan, Sanzu and other great human races.

"Cangjie, thank you all!"

The Sage of Cangjie bowed down to Fuxi and the others.

If it hadn't been for Fuxi and the others to resist desperately, I'm afraid he would have died, and even his memory would not be restored.

"Cangjie, you are the ancestor of the great and powerful Kunpeng. Now that you have joined the human race, you are the human saint, and you will be the human ancestor from now on.

Fuxi looked at Cangjie and said solemnly.

"From then on, there is no Kunpeng above the prehistoric land, only Human Cangjie!"

Cangjie broke off from his previous life, and from now on, he is the ancestor of the human race!


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