Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 133: Changes in the way of heaven, hard to find opportunities

Cangjie became a holy, all souls bow down!

At the same time, there are eight hundred acres of merit and virtue in the sky above Origin Valley!

Above the predecessors, countless mighty eyes are fiery, and they all want to get these merits!

This can make eight saints!

The two hundred acres of merits and virtues celebrated the cloud, directly allowing Cangjie's cultivation to reach the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and among the saints, it also belongs to the upper reaches.


The 800 acres of merit celebration cloud once again split into two parts, one for 300 acres of merit celebration cloud, and the other for 500 acres of merit celebration cloud!

Among them, 300 acres of merits and Qingyun flew to the imperial palace in the chaos!

All the saints in the wild are shocked!

Three hundred acres of merit Qingyun was absorbed by one person, who dares to say that meritorious deeds have fallen behind?

Three hundred acres of merits celebrated the cloud into the body, Nu Wa's injury instantly improved, and her cultivation base rose rapidly.

One breath returned to the realm of saints!

The next moment!

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian mid stage.... Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian late stage!

Breaking through to the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop, Nu Wa became the most powerful existence among the saints!

All this is because of Human Race!

Countless great powers regret it, if they take action when the human race is in distress, they may also be able to get merit!

Not to mention becoming a saint, proving Dao Hunyuan!

Even if it is to become a holy!

In Kunlun Mountains, Primitive Tianzun's face was deep, but he couldn't say anything.

His face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood came out!

The Linga Mountain in the west, burning the lamp eagerly to attack the heart, also vomited a mouthful of blood!

They did not expect that it would be a thousand acres of merit, and Nuwa would become the most powerful existence among the saints!

At this moment, the five hundred acres of merit and Qingyun split again.

All the mighty powers above the prehistoric land are staring closely, wishing to swallow the five hundred acres of merit in one bite!

They were all wondering whether they had swallowed the five hundred acres of merit!

It has become the most powerful existence in Honghuang!

This time it was divided into several pieces.

Fuxi received a hundred acres of merit, and he became the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo directly, but without the grandeur and purple energy, he could not be sanctified and could not attract the vision of heaven and earth!

Xuanyuan received a hundred acres of merit, and, like Fuxi, became a golden immortal of Hunyuan Daluo!

The three ancestors each received 50 acres of merit, and they all became the holiest!

There are also 150 acres of merits and virtues scattered across the human race, becoming the heritage of the human race!

Thousand acres of merits and virtues are divided in a blink of an eye!

Human Race is happy.

Those great powers are depressed!

After this time, who would dare to underestimate the human race above the prehistoric?

Today's human race, there are the first among the saints Nuwa, as well as the saints of Cangjie, and the two Hunyuan Daluojinxians of Fuxi Xuanyuan!

Terran instantly became the most powerful race above the prehistoric!

Not weaker than any major force!

Xuanyuan arranged some things for the Human Race, and then left the Human Race and returned to Huoyun Cave with Fuxi and the Third Ancestor.

As for the thirty-six great sages, they all shared some merits, became quasi saints, and followed Fuxi to the Huoyun Cave.

The next merit of Human Race was inherited by Zhuan Xu, a grandson of Xuanyuan.

Cangjie, the human ancestor of the human race, went to the chaos. Although he became a human race, the Taoist ancestor is still his master.

It is not Kunpeng, but it does not mean to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor.

Before arriving at the Zixiao Palace, they saw Luohu and Hongjun in the chaos.

Cangjie hurriedly arrived.

"Disciples pay respect to Master." Cangjie first respectfully bowed to Taoist ancestor.

After that, he bowed to Luohu: "Worship the Demon Ancestor."

Looking at Cangjie, Hongjun nodded in satisfaction. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's mid-term is very good.

Luo Hui smiled and said, "Hongjun, Cangjie, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the middle stage, has a contribution to me. Don't you thank me?"

Hongjun cast a glance at Luo Hui.

"Cangjie followed the poor road to the Purple Cloud Palace."

Obviously, Hongjun was reluctant to talk to Luohu.

He was afraid of being vomited by Luo Huo again, and even doubted his life!

Last time, Hongjun Daozu doubted his Dao, but calmed down, he knew that everything was Luo Hu's calculation.

So now Hongjun, if he doesn't talk to Luo Hui, he will try not to talk too much!

Luo Hu's mouth... is poisonous!

More cruel than the innate treasure hit!

Luo Hui looked at Hongjun's leaving back and smiled. This Hongjun has gradually fallen into the trap.

The net has been cast down, and now we must slowly wait for the time to close it.

Whenever the net was closed, when Hongjun entered the magic way.

Luo Hu turned around and disappeared into the chaos.

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun looked at Cangjie with satisfaction, and smiled: "You have already become the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, or you are at the peak. Poor Dao will make you the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible."

Cangjie's eyes lit up!

Isn't it a realm with the Mother of God to become the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

In this way, he can cooperate with the Mother Lady to protect the human race!

Two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the late stage, should be able to protect the human race!

If Hongjun knew what Cangjie was thinking, he might be able to spew out a mouthful of old blood.

"Thank you Master, the disciples will not let Master down!"

But I silently added another sentence in my heart, it will definitely not disappoint the race!

Human Race is a big dyeing vat. No matter what character you were in your previous life, after you arrive Human Race, you can become another person!

For example, Fuxi and Cangjie, these are the best examples!

And Nuwa is now demonized by the human race.

The human race seems to have a special magic power that can attract any reincarnated human race's power.

Wa Palace!

Luo Hui appeared.

Master Tongtian, Taixuan, Queen Mother Xi, and Nuwa all hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"All get up!" Luo Hui said lightly.

Master Tongtian, Taixuan, and Queen Mother Xi all stood up, but Nu Wa knelt on the ground and did not get up.

"Thank you, Master, for fighting for so much luck for Human Race!"

"This is the fate of the human race. If the human race does not work together and the human race perishes, I will not act."

Luo Hui said lightly, but he was telling the truth.

Nuwa knew what Luo Hu meant, so she didn't say anything.

"You have become the late Hunyuan Daluo and follow as a teacher to practice in the great freedom."

Luo Hui looked at the Master Tongtian and others.

Said: "This time because of the human race, the way of heaven will change, and the law will be better understood. You all go back to retreat and practice. As for the matters of the Five Emperors, don't worry about it."

Luo Hui is reminding them!

Now is the time when the Heavenly Dao has consumed too much and can no longer restrict the law, if you can grasp this gap and practice well!

One year can be worth one Yuanhui!

Thousand acres of merits and virtues celebrate the clouds, but it has made the way of heaven hurt.

At this time, Heaven's Path has to swallow a large amount of chaotic airflow to recover. How long does it take to recover?

But one thing is certain, grasping the opportunity, you can break through to a higher level!

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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