Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 134: The "sky" fell

Master Tongtian, Taixuan, and Queen Mother Xi all returned to their dojo.

They didn't dare not listen to Luo Hu's words, and they vaguely heard that this period of time was not easy.

Otherwise, Luo Hu wouldn't let them retreat directly for a short time!

Taixuan's heart was the most shocked, he knew what Luo Hu's purpose was for him!

At the beginning, Luo Hu let him stay in the human race, looking for opportunities, let the magic way into the human race, and gradually let the human race become the demons!

This can be said to be the top priority of Demon Dao and the top priority of Demon Dao!

But now?

Luo Hui actually asked him to put aside this matter and go to retreat. If there is no great opportunity in this, how could Tai Xuan believe it.

After returning to Penglai Island, Tai Xuan's first thing was to let the Antarctic Demon Lord and Yun Zhongzi come back, and then they all practiced in isolation.

Later, Chuanyin gave the Master Tongtian to tell him the importance of this retreat!

Taixuan's words, Master Tongtian is convinced that both are in the East China Sea, and they usually walk around. It can be said that the relationship between the brothers is excellent.

Master Tongtian has issued a decree in Jiejiao, so that all the disciples of Jiejiao can't get out, and wait for his notice to walk around!

This seems to be avoiding catastrophe, but in fact it is great luck!

However, the good and the bad are uneven in the cut-off teaching, and some named disciples also violated the decree of the Master Tongtian.

Zixiao Palace.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun showed a shocked look, and just now, Tiandao sent a very shocking news!

In the next few hundred years, the way of heaven will fall into a deep sleep, that is to say, there will be a period of disorder for hundreds of years in the entire prehistoric land!

What does this mean?

Honghuang has no God's punishment, and Honghuang has no merit!

At the same time, Honghuang has no cause and effect. During this period, no matter who is killed, it will not be contaminated with cause and effect!

More importantly, during this period, without the checks and balances of heaven, the primordial monks can truly understand the laws!


Daozu Hongjun felt the opportunity, his opportunity came!

This time Tiandao dealt with the human race, it has already hurt the vitality, this is an opportunity for Hongjun Daozu, as long as he can control the heaven, then this great famine will become his final decision!

What can even Luo Hu do?

At that time, I still have to listen to him!

Heart moved!

Dao Ancestor Hongjun had never been so excited before. Heavenly Dao's vitality was injured. He had a chance and had a chance to swallow Heavenly Dao!

Even if he swallows Heavenly Dao now, for him, he can't increase his cultivation base, but he can gain absolute control of the prehistoric.

The ancestors of Hongjun Dao have transmitted the voice of the original Tianzun, as well as the Eastern Prince and the fifth ancestor, so that they will retreat during this period and don't leave their dojo!

How could Daozu Hongjun not tell his disciples about this kind of thing that can improve their strength.

Moreover, Hongjun Daozu believed that Luo Hu probably had received the news.

What Hongjun is worried about now is whether Luo Hu will come to disturb him!

Thinking of Luo Yu, Hongjun Daozu's teeth tickled with anger, and this servant wanted to make him insane!

"You want poor Dao to enchant you, but poor Dao wants to destroy you!" Hongjun Dao Zu felt the haze on his head dispersed.

The chance to kill Luo Hu is here!

A golden opportunity!

On Linga Mountain in the west, Amitabha Buddha opened his eyes, looked at the burning lamp Buddha, and said excitedly: "Master, let all the disciples of Buddhism come back, and then retreat!"

"Great chance! Great chance!"

Buddha Amitabha was overjoyed, but Buddha Burning Lantern didn't know what happened, but looking at the look of Buddha Amitabha, it should be a great opportunity!

Without delay, the disciples of the Buddha and Taoism of the burning lamp will go to their own dojo to practice!

"Brother, what happened and why are you so excited?"

The Buddha Burning Lantern was puzzled. After all, they were all saints, and their happiness and anger were self-explanatory, but Amitabha was too excited.

"The real opportunity for Buddhism and Taoism is here, and it depends on who can seize the opportunity in these hundreds of years!" Amitabha said excitedly.

"What's the opportunity?" Burning Lantern Buddha asked quickly.

"Cultivation first opportunity, these hundreds of years of competition are not luck, chance, nor good fortune, but comprehension!"

Amitabha is the Buddha, the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas, he naturally knows what happened to the way of heaven!

This is indeed an opportunity for Buddhism and Taoism!

"Junior Brother, I am going to retreat. Within 800 years, I will not leave the customs. You have to practice hard!"

Buddha Amitabha is not about burning the lamp to say anything more, he no longer wants to waste a bit of time, a second slower, it may be behind other saints!

For a time!

The entire primordial land has changed. First, the disciples of Mount Xumi returned to their dojo.

After that, the disciples of various great teachers returned to the dojo.

The entire prehistoric land became quiet.

Those who can see the magic way, the profound gate, and the Buddhist way are all like this, and they are puzzled, but they all return to their dojo, for fear of being calculated!

No one knew what happened, and Hong Huang was quiet.

The destiny ancestor in the starry sky, he is not the true ancestor of the prehistoric, so he can't know all this, but he feels very puzzled!

Luo Hu's disciples and Hongjun's disciples were not active anymore, and even their disciples were closed.

The ancestor of destiny wanted to go to the Zixiao Palace, but could not find the location of the Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun is in retreat!

This is what fate thought of!

When I came to Mount Xumi, I couldn't feel the breath of Luo Hu!

"What happened?"

The destiny ancestor was completely trapped, as if the entire predecessor monk had been closed overnight!

Human race still has these five emperors, and the five emperor teachers have a lot of merit!

Why is there no one to grab it!

Destiny ancestor is depressed!

The monks of Mount Xumi no longer pay attention to the merits of the human race.

You know, Kong Xuan didn't even ask for the merits of the emperor's teacher, but gave it to Xuanyuan!

The ancestor of destiny is not a fool, he found the strangeness, how could he wander around outside.

He also hurriedly returned to his dojo and retreated!

Both Hongjun and Luo Hui were in retreat, and he followed the retreat to practice. This can't be wrong!

Sometimes you can't go wrong with the public. The ancestors of fate are on this bus!

The bad luck is on Daojun Lu Ya!

The entire primordial monk was The monk in his bones from the outside world had no idea what had happened!

"Hongjun, you snatched the fifth ancestor, then the five emperors of the human race should die and be poor!"

Daojun Lu Ya came to the Human Race, he had not thought about Luo Hui, because in Lu Ya's subconscious, Hongjun was the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven!

Then the division of the Five Emperors should be mastered by Hongjun!

Of course, Lord Lu Ya will also be on guard against Luo Hu!

However, how could Daojun Lu Ya know that Luo Hu would never rob him of the merits of the Five Emperors!

Buddhism and Taoism will not rob, neither will Xuanmen!

Lu Ya wanted to gather the merits of the five emperors, and then settle down in the prehistoric land!

Develop Honghuang into his own world!

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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