Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 135: Nuwa is worried

Hong Huang is quiet!

Da Zi was in the sky, and Nuwa stood respectfully in front of Luo Hu.

Luo Hui sat on top of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus, looking at Nu Wa, showing satisfaction!

At first, he thought that Nuwa was still that kind of personality, and he didn't dare to bet on himself for the human race. He didn't expect that Nuwa would really bet on himself!

One hundred and fifty acres of merit and virtue!

If the gambling is lost, then Nuwa really has nothing, the saint’s cultivation base is gone, the strong foundation is gone, the superiority is gone, and the super-high understanding will disappear!

However, Nu Wa succeeded in betting!

This should not be said to be a gambling, this is Nuwa's love for the human race, and it can also be regarded as a mother's love for her child!

For the human race, Nuwa would rather sacrifice herself!

Therefore, Nuwa received 300 acres of merit, became the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and became the strongest among the saints!

Even Luo Hui is now just the peak of the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo. Seeing the disciple catch up with him, Luo Hui was speechless for a while.

Is he really going to break through?

But Luo Hu still didn't want to, he felt that he could continue to gain momentum!

But the way of heaven has changed!

This made Luo Hu a little unprepared. With his understanding, his cultivation level would be completely saturated within hundreds of years. If he did not break through, Luo Hu would never be able to break through.

"Nuwa, do you know why your teacher let you enter the Great Free World?" Luo Hui said lightly.

"The disciple doesn't know."

How could Nuwa know Luo Hu's thoughts!

"Do you have any doubts?" Luo Hu asked again.

When these words came out, Nuwa really had a lot of doubts, but if they asked them all, I was afraid that Luohu would be offended.

Since the moment when Luo Hu started preaching on the magic way, the most annoying thing about Luo Hu was being asked questions!

There will never be more than three!

But Nuwa knew that she had more than three problems!

"Let's talk about it." Luo Hui smiled.

"The disciple dared not ask, and once the disciple asked, he couldn't stop."

Nu Wa said.

Luo Hui was startled by Nuwa's words, and was stunned on the spot!

"Ask!" Luo Hui said quietly.

"Master, why do you let all the Demon Dao disciples practice in retreat at this time? We don't need the merits of the five emperors?"

In Nuwa's heart, the human race is her own, and the merits of the five emperors should also be the demon.

How could he be snatched away by Xuanmen, so Nuwa wondered!

Luo Hui smiled and said: "At this time, I am afraid that the entire prehistoric land has begun to retreat. No one cares about the five emperors' merits."

"Why is that?"

Nu Wa asked quickly.

But in Nuwa's heart, silently muttering, is this the second question?

"The way of heaven is the most important thing, this time I took a big somersault from the human race, a thousand acres of merits were celebrated, and my vitality was greatly injured. Now I have fallen into a deep sleep, and the entire prehistoric has entered a period of disorder. A year can be worth a Yuanhui!"

Luo Hu's words, a heavy hammer hit Nu Wa's heart!

"Then why does the master still bring the disciples here?

The disciple is going to practice! "

Nu Wa collapsed, and she felt that her master was not dear.

Do not!

She felt that she was not a real disciple. Why did the second brother, the third brother, and the fourth sister all go to retreat and drag her to Da Zi Zai Tian alone!

Isn't this a waste of time?

One year can be worth a Yuanhui!

Uh! ! !

Luo Hui was completely stunned by Nu Wa's question, but when he saw Nu Wa's anxious appearance, he was relieved.

"As the teacher asked you to come, naturally there are things you want." Luo Hui was speechless.

"Master, what matters is so important for a disciple to enlighten him?"

Nuwa didn't care about asking a few questions, she wanted to go back to retreat and practice now.

Pit apprentice!

Nuwa complained in her heart!

"Am I usually too good to you?"

It's time for Luo Hui to ask questions!

Can this disciple still want it?

What's all this?

Nuwa tried her best to calm herself down, and then said to Luo Hui calmly.

"Master, if you have something, please say quickly, there is still something in the womb to deal with."

Luo Hui stretched out his hand and bounced at Nuwa's forehead.

"What's the hurry, cultivation still cares about this for a while!"

Luo Hu pretended to be angry.

Nuwa said: You are not in a hurry. If you don't say that a year is worth one Yuanhui, the disciples will not be anxious.

Nuwa did not speak, but the expression on her face meant that, obviously, that was to let Luo Hui speak up!

"Three hundred years later, you take this breath into the void sea, and then you can come out again, don't forget!" Luo Hui said seriously, looking at Nuwa.

"The disciple remembered, the disciple retired."

Nu Wa left Da Zi Zai Tian as quickly as possible, and then entered Chao's own Taoist Wa Palace.

I don't even know that I have been behind for a few years, but this is a few Yuanhui!

However, Nuwa still kept Luo Hu's words in mind, and entered the void sea with that breath three hundred years later!

Sitting on top of the Twelfth-Rank Destroying Black Lotus, Luo Hu couldn't help wondering if he was too used to Queen Mother Xi and Nu Wa.

If this were changed to Taishang, Tongtian, and Taixuan, they wouldn't dare to say a word of extra.

But Luo Hui no longer thinks about this, he also has to practice. Since there is no way to suppress the cultivation, then he will break through!

Luo Hu also wanted to see what realm he could break through in one fell swoop!

Am looking forward to!

Of course, there is one more thing, and Luo Hu is also looking forward to it!

"Hongjun, I will give you a good gift this time, I hope you like it, hehe..."



After Xuanyuan proving the Dao, the position of co-master was passed to his grandson Zhuan Xu.

After Zhuan Xu came to power, he also made a lot of achievements, making calendars and setting Kyushu!

It can be said that Zhuan Xu laid the foundation for the future dynasty!

And this Zhuan Xu's teacher was Dao Jun Lu, and without the interference of Hongjun and Luo Hui, it can be said that Dao Jun Lu Ya easily sat on the emperor teacher!

But when Zhuanxu's merits are fulfilled and retired!

Heaven has not given merit!

This made Lu Ya very depressed, and this made Zhuan Xu even more depressed, but he saw his grandfather Xuanyuan's merits complete and became a god, enjoying an endless life!

Now his merits are, but he has no merit at all. Doesn't this indicate that he will die in the future!

Zhuan Xu is unwilling!

In the end it is depressed!

Daoist Lu Ya is unwilling, why is there no merit?

This is absolutely impossible!

But thinking about it again, Daojun Lu Ya also understood clearly, maybe because the merits of the five emperors were finally unified!

But what is there?

It's just getting it early and getting it later, anyway, the five emperors are all made by him.

During this period, Lu Ya was even more puzzled. Why didn't the monks of Demon Dao and Xuanmen appear in Human Race?

However, Lu Ya has been blinded by the five emperors' merits and settled in the prehistoric land!

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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