Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 136: Human 5 emperor, Lu Ya's anger

The Human Race has entered a period of no fairy gods.

Regardless of whether it is a monk from the Primordial Clan, or a monk from the human race, they have already closed down at this time.

Origin Valley, Xuanqing Palace, inform all human monks to practice in retreat.

There are no miracles, no immortals, and in just two hundred years, people will mistakenly believe that there are no immortals in this prehistoric state, let alone any magical powers!

Two hundred years is nothing to a monk, just a blink of an eye, but for the human race, two hundred years can live for three lives!

Starting from Zhuan Xu, the head of the Five Emperors, each of the following co-lords has a hobby, which is to seek immortals, and then get the elixir of immortality!

For that illusory immortality, the co-lord of the human race has gradually deteriorated, and he does not work wholeheartedly for the civilization of the human race!

Instead, they use Terran as a compass in their hands and use a lot of manpower and material resources to find a fairyland!

The two co-owners after Zhuan Xu are destined to be sad. Their endings are the same as Zhuan Xu, they both ended in failure!

Although Daojun Lu Ya was an emperor, Daojun Lu Ya was very puzzled as to why the co-masters of these human races could not practice the Taoism he taught!

It's like a curse in the dark!

The co-lord of the human race can only be a mortal, not a god!

Daojun Lu Ya has the power to match the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor, he wants to become a fairy with the human race, it is easy!

But Daojun Lu Ya didn't want to change this destined thing!

In other words, Lu Ya Daojun worried that after the change, Luo Hu and Hongjun would be brought out. By that time, his five emperor merits would be gone!

For the merits of the five emperors, he has to forbear, settle down in the prehistoric, and then gradually swallow the prehistoric and become his own world!

This allows him to return to the great world and fully climb into the ranks of great power!

The injury hasn't recovered yet, otherwise, Daoist Lu Ya is not afraid of anything at all. What is his cultivation base? What cultivation skills are Luo Hui and Hongjun!

With a pinch, the third co-lord, with a life span of 20 years, Daojun Lu can only continue to ascend the court and become his emperor!

The third co-lord, named Yao, although he has a kind heart, he is obsessed with Xunxian and Wendao!

Yao, who is getting old, has begun his tyrant era!

Dispatched one team after another human race army to various sacred mountains to find fairy and medicine!

Even in this Yao, who has no experience in sailing, let an army of 100,000 people go to the sea on a raft to find the fairy island!

Because there are records in the human writings that in ancient times, there were many fairy gods, even the co-lords of the human race hundreds of years ago became fairy gods!

This made Yao very angry. Both were co-lords. Why could Xuanyuan be a god, and he could be a mortal and enjoy the power of a lifetime!

Yao asked himself whether his achievements were not inferior to Xuanyuan, because Xuanyuan had only cleared up the civil strife!

However, Ta Yao unified the politics of human race.

In the early days of Yao’s administration, there was no basic state system. The country was just a tribal union, which was very loose and was not conducive to the unified management of the country. Therefore, after Yao accumulated a certain amount of administrative experience, he began to establish a national political system. One of the most important ones is Appoint officials according to various government affairs.

It can be said that Yao laid the foundation for the birth of slavery countries.

Also, Yao invented the technique of wine making and perfected the calendar!

This kind of feat made Yao think that he had already overwhelmed the Three Emperors!

Why can't you become a fairy!

Above the court, Yao was over seventy years old, and the elderly Yao had become irritable, without the wise and decisiveness of his youth.

"Di Shi, you said that the widow is a human race all his life, why can't he become a fairy **** in the end?"

Yao looked at His Highness Lu Ya Daojun, his words were full of helplessness.

"The co-lord can definitely become an immortal god, it's just that those soldiers do not work well, and they haven't found the elixir for the co-lord." Daojun Lu Ya said lightly.

Hearing this, Yao felt very reasonable. He was able to overpower the three emperors, and he should become a god!

Immediately, Yao said angrily: "The widow has countless achievements in his life, but he has trained this class of soldiers. It is really angry and widow. Come, go and sacrifice the 100,000 soldiers who came back from the East China Sea!"

Yao's anger, the court shakes!

But Daoist Lu Ya doesn't matter, those are all human races, they are all ants, you just kill them!

As he got older, Yao's temper became more and more grumpy!

It may be God's punishment for Yao, and the Yellow River that runs through the Origin Valley burst its bank!

Half of the human races are in flood.

In desperation, Yao paused Xunxianwenyao to treat the flood first!

Eighty percent of the human race started to move, and after ten years, the flood was resolved and the levee consolidated!

But the good times didn't last long. Every so long, the levee burst again, this time even more fierce than the last time!

The water that bursts the embankment, like a wild beast, swallows it to the human race.

Tens of billions of human races lost their lives in floods!

Yao knew that he had no energy to manage the human race, and there was no way to manage the flood, so he had to abdicate and give to Shun.

The first thing that Shun took over was to publicly behead Yao!

He believes that all the disasters of the human race originate from Yao, so he believes that if Yao is killed, the flood will go away!

It is a pity that things are not as simple as Shun thought. Floods still exist, so he can only lead the human race to control the waters himself.

After 11 years of containment, the flood control was finally completed.

The human race has returned to its original state, but too many people have died in this flood.

Has hurt the vitality of the human race.

In order to seek merits, Shun began to reform the Terran, especially the land. Shun reformed the land use rights of Terran.

Let the human race take another big step towards slavery!

The darkness of civilization broke out completely within the thirty years of Shun's reign.

After doing a lot of feats, Shun began to become like the previous co-lords, and became fascinated by Xunxianwenyao!

This seems to be a curse, there is no escape!

When power reaches a certain height and people begin to grow old, they begin to imagine how good it would be if they could become a fairy god!

Shun was even more violent than the previous co-lords. Millions of troops went down to the sea to find the immortal and ask medicine. This has already made people grumble!

The most unacceptable thing is that after the army returns, if the immortal medicine is not found, it will end up being executed by Shun!

Another ten years have passed!

The Yellow River burst its **** again, and the Terran was once again caught in a flood. At this time, Shun was already old and unable to control the water.

Therefore, Shun asked the Minister Gun to control the water, and Gun also used the previous methods to contain it!

It took six years to solve the flood!

But Gun felt that this was not a long-term occasion, so in the next time, Gun began to study how to completely eliminate the flood!

In the eighth year, the flood once again came to the human race, this time in the eyes of the human race, the entire human race was submerged!

Shun was furious!

He was worried that the human race complained that he angered the gods and caused the flood again. After all, after the flood was cured, he began to seek medicine!

In order to excuse himself, Shun put Gun to death, claiming that it was unfavorable for Gun's control of the water, which led to the destruction of the human race!

But how can Shun, who is nearly 90 years old, manage the flood himself?

So he was above the court and asked who would dominate the human race and manage the flood on his behalf!

On the Chaotang, no one answered!

All worried about the end of a Gun!

But one person found Shun and said that he was going to treat the water, and he also had a plan to treat the water!

This person is the son of Gun, Dayu!

He followed his father to control the water since he was a child, and later he also worked with his father to study how to completely eliminate the flood!

Now his father was beheaded by Shun because he committed the crime for Shun!

Dayu was full of hatred, but Dayu could not see that the people of the human race were in the flood, so he stood up, he wanted to treat the water and eliminate the flood completely!

When Shun saw Dayu coming to ask for orders and knew that his father was Gun, he was immediately overjoyed, because Gun had managed a flood successfully, so Dayu naturally followed his father in water management since he was a child!

Shun let Dayu dominate the human race on his behalf and go to control the water!

But in the second year of water control, Shun died of old age in Chendu!

Dayu could only meet Chen Du and take over as the co-master, and then went on to manage floods everywhere in the human race!

Although he controlled the water, Dayu was even more caring about the people.

Dayu is concerned about the suffering of the people. Once, when he saw a man who was too poor to sell his child, Yu ransomed the child back. Seeing that some people had no food, he asked Hou Ji to distribute the only food to the people.

Wearing tattered clothes, eating poor food, living in a simple tent, and holding Lei's hands in his own hands every day, Yu took the lead in doing the hardest and dirtiest work.

After a few years, the hairs on his legs and arms were stripped off, his palms and soles had thick calluses, his body was dry, and his face was dark.

After thirteen years of hard work, they opened up countless mountains, dredged countless rivers, built countless dams, and made the world's rivers flow to the sea, and finally succeeded in water control.

The flood was cured. The land that had just receded from the flood was too humid, and Yu Rangyi gave the people seeds and taught them to grow rice.

During these thirteen years, Dayu passed through the house three times without entering, and was regarded as a good story by the human race.

After the flood was completely eliminated, Dayu took his wife to Chen Du and shared the joy of family relationships.

But during the twenty-three years of Yu's reign, people from the human race rebelled, and Yu went to conquer.

Although it was a victory, the vitality of the family was hurt again!

In order to consolidate his power, Dayu created the kingdom, perfected the regime, and established the first dynasty in the history of the human race... Xia Dynasty!

Dayu changed its name to Xia Yu!

Proclaim yourself king!

It is even more said.

Is it possible that the land of the king is the shore of the earth in the whole world?

The human race has completely entered the era of slavery. In order to reflect his majesty, Xia Yu built a palace in Chendu.

In order to centralize the political power, Dayu divided the world into Kyushu, all outside Kyushu were barbarians, not orthodox people!

This time, Dayu directly divided the Jiuli tribe out, and was not recognized as an orthodox human race!

Every co-master can't escape that curse in the end!

Every co-owner has an unknown old age.

Xia Yu controls the world, but he can't control the time, and he will get old.

When Xia Yu was seventy years old, he began to search for immortals and medicine, and his actions this time were not necessarily bad!

All the Kyushus in the world sent a large number of soldiers up the mountain to find the immortal medicine in the sea!

Xia Yu wants to live forever, he wants to be an eternal king!

This search is more than 30 years!

Xia Yu knew he was short of time, and if he couldn't find the elixir, he might be the same as the fate of those co-owners before, die of old age!

So Xia Yu gathered the copper of the world, refined Jiuding, and tried to change his fate against the sky!

Of course, this method was handed over by Daojun Lu Ya to Dayu, he was the emperor of every common master!

On the day of Jiuding's refining, heaven will be ominous!

The heavy rain continued for nine days, and Xia Yu died in the heavy rain.

However, Jiuding was suppressed in Kyushu.

If there are immortals going out, you can definitely see that there is a light curtain above Kyushu, which seems to be guarding Kyushu!

After Xia Yu died, his throne was inherited by his son!

Human race has entered the direct inheritance system from the Zen system!

Above the sky, Lord Lu Yi is overjoyed!

The period of the Five Emperors has finally passed, and he has been dormant in the Human Race for three hundred years!

He can finally get the merits of the five emperors, he wants to settle down in Honghuang!

He wants to devour the prehistoric!

He wants to use the prehistoric as a springboard to move the ten worlds!

Looking at the sky, Lu Yadao Jun waited for the merits of the nine heavens to come down!

This wait is one year, but the merits have not been cast down on the nine heavens!

Lu Ya was furious, why did he support the Five Emperors, but didn't give his merits!

The previous human race has a thousand acres of merit and virtue!

Lu Ya didn't ask for more, just 100 acres. He didn't want to be holy, nor was he to become a Hunyuan!

He just wants a hundred acres of merit to celebrate the cloud, and then settle down in Honghuang!

But just for such a request, Heavenly Dao did not lay down merits at all, and naturally it would not satisfy him!

Dao Jun Lu was angry, and his terrifying aura caused the billions of trillions of space to collapse!

He has been giving advice to the Communists in the human race for three hundred years!

As a result, Heaven did not give any merit!

In Lu Ya's rage, he punched through the void, he wanted to enter the void sea to find the way of heaven!

Although he was seriously injured, his strength has dropped a lot, it can be said that his current strength is not as good as one ten thousandth of his peak period!

But his arrogance can't allow God to be so insulted!

But how could Dao Monarch Lu Ya know that the Heavenly Dao is still recovering, and the entire prehistoric land has entered a period of no cause and effect!

Still want merit?

You can't even calculate the secret!

In chaos!

Wa Huangtian, Nu Wa suddenly opened her eyes, pinched fingers and counted, three hundred years have come.

Luo Huran should also do what she did.

Nu Wa smiled. According to Luo Hui, the current Dao Ancestor Hongjun might be facing the Dao in the Void Sea!

Hongjun Taoist ancestor wants to refine the Tao of Heaven to occupy the entire predicament for himself!

And the way of heaven is to the public, naturally will not let the prehistoric become private!

So now it must be deadlocked!

"Master, I didn't expect you to be more and more sinister now."

Nu Wa muttered to herself.

If Luo Hu hears this, I am afraid that a mouthful of old blood will be vomited out, this is what the disciple said!

Have you ever seen such a disciple say Master’s?

However, Luo Hui is destined to be unable to hear him. He is now in deep retreat!

He didn't want to miss this great opportunity, and he wanted to break through his cultivation this time!

I don't know how many years, Luo Hu didn't feel the pleasure of breaking through the cultivation base anymore!

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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