Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 137: A short-lived Luo? breath

Void Sea!

The most mysterious place in the wilderness is also the place where the creatures escape in the wilderness!

The cultivation base of the quasi-sage can enter the void sea, if the saint is offended above the prehistoric sage, or the powerful quasi-sage can hide in the void sea!

Because in the void sea, it is impossible to calculate the specific location, it is the only place for Honghuang to hide from the enemy!

The evil demon was hiding in the void sea!

Daozu Hongjun sat cross-legged, with a jade disc of good fortune on top of his head, and three thousand clean energy hung down, attracting three thousand laws into Hongjun Daozu's body!

In just three hundred years, Hongjun Daozu's cultivation base broke through again!

The late heavenly realm!

This is a realm that I didn't even dare to think about before. You must know that it took Hongjun Daozu countless years to become the middle stage of the heavenly realm!

But now it took him three hundred years to reach the late stage of the heavenly realm!

This is a terrible practice speed!

The terrifying coercion swept across the entire void sea, making billions of trillions of space tremble!

In the depths of the Void Sea, the Order of Heaven is absorbing the chaotic air currents, restoring the Three Thousand Rule!

Thousand acres of merits and virtues celebrated the clouds, which made the order of the heavens disorderly, resulting in the inability to control the prehistoric and the inability to prevent the monks from directly comprehending the avenue!

It can be said that in the past three hundred years, the way of heaven has not recovered much, but the monks above the prehistoric level have made tremendous progress.

Daozu Hongjun opened his eyes and looked towards the void!

boom! ! !

The billions of trillions of space collapsed, and a huge black hole appeared in front of Hongjun Daozu!

The color of hesitation flashed in his eyes, one step forward is a choice!

Either life or death!

Daozu Hongjun hesitated!

His current cultivation base in the later stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm is already certain to refine the Heavenly Dao, and it is still a time when the Heavenly Dao is chaotic!

This is of even greater help to Dao Ancestor Hongjun in refining Heavenly Dao!

As long as Hongjun Daozu is willing, he can appear in front of the origin of the order of heaven, as long as that origin is refined, from now on, Honghuang should respect him!

What Luohu?

What destiny ancestor!

Nothing Lu Ya Daojun will be his opponent, he is invincible above the prehistoric existence!

But if it fails, then it means death!

Dao Ancestor Hongjun hesitated, he himself had an endless life, and he had reached the late stage of the heavenly realm!

Even if the way of heaven recovers, it can't restrict him!

Therefore, Hongjun Daozu can be said to be a real happy fairy above the prehistoric!

Dao Ancestor Hongjun can continue to practice, as long as he reaches the peak of the heavenly realm, then he can completely refine the heavenly realm!

And will not suffer any backlash.

To become the pinnacle of the heavenly realm, there may be ten Yuanhui, or it may be 100 Yuanhui!

But if it were to refine the origin of the Tao of Heaven, Hongjun Daozu would bear the risk!

This is the real reason for his hesitation.

The look in his eyes sank!

An aura gushes from the aura of Hongjun Daozu!

Give me someone!

Hongjun Daozu didn't want to wait any longer, he didn't want to see Luo Hui's arrogant appearance, he wanted to kill Luo Hui!

Want him to be enchanted?

So good, let the poor road fall!

After making up his mind, Hongjun Daozu stepped out and entered the black hole!

When he reappeared, he came to the depths of the void sea, in the gray space, the purple origin of the size of a radius floated!

The endless flow of chaos pours into the purple origin!

This is the origin of the order of heaven!

Heaven is the most common, there is no will, and some are just the origin of the order of heaven, the origin of the three thousand laws!

This is the way of heaven that manages the wilderness!

Horror, ancient aura exuded, if there is a saint here, he will definitely be crushed to the ground by this aura immediately!

In normal times, the general trend emanating from the origin of the order of the heavens is conveyed by Hongjun Daozu to all souls!

Even the origin of the order of heaven can be separated into a trace, occupying the body of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, turning into heavenly way Hongjun, and enlightening the predecessor!

However, this does not mean that God has the will.

"Pan Dao has been controlled for so many years, now it's time for Pang Dao to control you!"

Hongjun Daozu muttered to himself!

The jade saucer of good fortune flew out, and three thousand fresh breaths poured down, covering the origin of the order of heaven!

Rumble! ! !

The Infinite Chaos God Thunder suddenly appeared, blasting at those Qing Qi!

Feeling the danger at the origin of the order of heaven, it has begun to urge the forces of heaven and earth to resist.

But the current Hongjun Daozu is no longer the original Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the late Heavenly Dao Stage!

A existence that can cover the endless prehistoric!

A ray of light shot out in his eyes, and the infinite chaos **** Thunder Tribulation cloud dispersed.


Daozu Hongjun sneered, if he hadn't prepared, how dare he come here.

The jade dish of good fortune enveloped the origin of the order of heaven!

The aura of terror surging out, Hongjun Daozu's divine mind entered the source.

Forcibly refining!

Layers of barriers keep Hongjun Daozu out, but this is nothing to Hongjun Daozu, but it takes some time, and within a moment, he can completely conquer the origin of the order of heaven!

Originally, the cultivation base of the Primal Heavenly Dao was equivalent to the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, but after the chaos, it was only equivalent to the middle of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Hongjun Taoist ancestor was in the late stage of the heavenly realm, and he was still very familiar with the existence of the source of the heavenly realm.

Therefore, Hongjun Daozu had many ways to deal with the origin of the Tao of Heaven.

The only thing he worried about was the backlash of the Heavenly Dao. Once backlash, he would definitely be injured. At this time, Dao Zu Hongjun needed to worry about Luo Hu and the destiny ancestor.


Dao Ancestor Hongjun's terrifying mind turned into a heavenly sword, smashing on the barriers.

In an instant, the final defense of the origin of the heavenly order was broken by Hongjun Daozu!

Without the slightest hesitation, Dao Ancestor Hongjun wants to refine the origin of the heavenly order at the fastest speed!

Chi Zesheng changed, Hongjun Daozu still knew this truth!

He must dare to refine the origin of the order of the heavens before Luo Hu and the destiny ancestors know about it, and not be backlashed by the heavens!

The terrifying spirituality enveloped the origin of the order of heaven.

The fire of the soul is ignited, and Hongjun Daozu refines the origin of the order of heaven!

I don’t know if one year has passed, or ten thousand years have passed!


Dao Ancestor Hongjun awakened from the refining, looked at a place in the void sea, his face turned pale!

"Coming so fast!"

That is Luo Hu's breath!

Feeling the breath of Luo Hu, the first thing Hongjun Daozu did was to cut off the connection with the origin of the heavenly order!

Can't be refining Otherwise, when Luo Hu arrives, I am afraid that he can be killed with a single blow!

As for whether Luohu can find the origin of the heavenly order, Hongjun Daozu really doesn't think about it!

How can Hongjun Daozu know what kind of strength Luohu is? I am afraid that the moment Luohu entered the void sea, he felt the aura of Hongjun Daozu.


what happened!

Daozu Hongjun was shocked!

Luo Hu's breath disappeared again!

Just like a flash in the pan, there was a breathing time and it disappeared!

As if Luo Hu passed through the void sea!

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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