Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 140: The cultivation of the Supreme Devil, the cultivation of Amitabha

Daojun Lu Ya left.

Daozu Hongjun almost didn't vomit blood!

This is a totally uneasy routine!

The fifty acres of merits he gave were given by the origin of the order of the heavens.

This caused Hongjun Daozu, who had occupied half of the origin of the heavenly order, to lose a lot now!

In other words, the original control of one-half has now become two-fifths!

Now the hatred between Hongjun Dao ancestor and Lu Ya Daojun has faintly surpassed the destiny ancestor!

As for surpassing Luo Huo, it is impossible!

For Luo Hui, Hongjun Daozu wanted to eat him raw.

Because if Luo Hu hadn't appeared in the void sea, how could there be so many things!

"Luo Hui, since you want to consume the poor Dao, then the poor Dao will consume you to the end. After the Heavenly Dao is restored, the poor Dao will definitely fight you!"

The voice of Hongjun Daozu resounded throughout the void sea!

In Hongjun Daozu's opinion, Luo Hu should still be in Void Sea now.

I'm afraid Luo Hu couldn't even think of it. He was just calculating Hongjun Daozu to make him uneasy to refine the way of heaven!

But I didn't expect so many things to happen!

It's a coincidence that Lord Lu Ya Taoist came here.

Purple Microstar.

Destiny ancestor took a deep breath.

back to normal!

Really restored, his current cultivation base has reached the realm of the Chaos Period!

Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian's middle stage, that is, the middle stage of the heavenly realm, plus his hole cards, even if it is against the late stage of the heavenly realm, it is not a problem!

"Pangu, this seat was severely injured by you with an axe, now this seat has the strength to pick you up!"

Destiny ancestor said.

Of course, if the ancestor Yang Mei, who is also one of the four demon gods, was here, he would definitely laugh at the ancestor of destiny.

It wasn't Pangu who severely injured the destiny ancestor with a single axe!

At that time, Pangu's axe hit three thousand Chaos Demon God!

Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods fell under an axe, and the fate ancestor was only injured by the aftermath!

Therefore, the words of the destiny ancestor just now are completely gold on his face!

"There is no way of heaven in the entire prehistoric land. If there is another thousand years, this seat will surely become the late stage of heaven!"

"With the power of the law of destiny, once it becomes the late stage of the heavenly realm, even if Hongjun and Luo Hui join forces, they will not be able to take the next blow!"

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

"I hope you don't let this seat down, otherwise, no one in Honghuang will play chess with this seat, isn't it lonely?"

Fate ancestor said quietly!

The next moment, the destiny ancestor entered the state of cultivation again. At this moment, it can be said that a year is worth one Yuanhui!

The great opportunity, the destiny ancestor will not waste, he still thinks about waiting for everyone to clear the customs.

Daozu Hongjun and Luo Hui were shocked when they saw the cultivation of his destined ancestor!


Heavenly Punishment Palace!

This is the dojo of the Supreme Demon Ancestor!

Endless devilish energy enveloped the entire Heavenly Punishment Palace, strands of devilish energy seemed to be alive, and even exuded soul aura!

next moment!

The Supreme Demon Ancestor suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of light shot into the void!

The billions of trillions of space collapsed, and the infinite time and space died in the eyes of the Taishang Demon Ancestor!

Looking at the devil qi exuding soul aura, the Taishang Demon Ancestor opened his mouth and inhaled all the devil qi into his mouth in an instant.

Squeak! ! !

The body of the Supreme Demon Ancestor creaked, obviously refining those devil energy!

A moment.

The aura on the body of Taishang Demon Ancestor stabilized, and the aura of the whole person increased more than ten times!

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian late stage!"

Taishang Demon Ancestor smiled and swallowed Taiqing Dao Ancestor, he turned out to be the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

This is good!


The spirit of the Supreme Demon Ancestor entered the void, and he was stunned by counting in his hands!

The secret is not revealed?

There is no secret, no! It can even be said that there is no natural punishment, he has become a decoration!

Heaven is gone!

How could this be?

How could Heaven's Way disappear? The entire prehistoric land has fallen into a period without Heaven's Way!

"It's no wonder that I refining the soul of Taiqing so quickly, it turned out to be like this."

"I'm afraid that the entire prehistoric monk has fallen into retreat."

I thought in my heart, the spirit of the Supreme Demon Ancestor spread out, enveloped the entire heavenly court, and sure enough, all the gods were in retreat!

Then I took a look at Honghuang!

There are no immortals walking in the wilderness, as for the human race, there is no monk!

All are the existence below the gods.

The great demon ancestor was overjoyed. Without the predominance of heaven, cultivation depends entirely on comprehension. What chance? What luck? That's all secondary!

As long as the savvy is enough, mortals can become a big Luo Jinxian in one year!

For a highly savvy monk, one Yuanhui can be resisted in one year!

Of course, things are relative!

For the kind of extremely poor comprehension, one year is equivalent to ten years!

Taishang Demon Ancestor merged with Taiqing Dao Ancestor, his understanding is not as simple as one plus one!

This is his chance!

Without going out, the Taishang Demon Ancestor entered the retreat directly!

West, Linga Mountain!

Buddha Amitabha slowly opened his eyes, golden light flashed in his eyes, as if everything was in his eyes.

"Is this the realm of ancestors?"

There are two ancestors above the prehistoric ancestors, they are Hongjun Daozu and Demon Zu Luohu!

The reason why they are called ancestors is the ancestors of the prehistoric monks over there.

Amitabha created the Buddhist way!

But this is not the real ancestor, only if the strength reaches the heavenly realm, it is considered an ancestor!

Today, Amitabha has become the ancestor of the prehistoric!

The early days of Heavenly Realm!

In this period of reliance on understanding, Amitabha can definitely rank among the top two of the entire prehistoric!

As for the number one, it is Amitabha Buddha's humility, how much is he?

Not to mention surpassing Hongjun Daozu's comprehension, but Amitabha is confident that his comprehension is stronger than the destiny ancestor.

As for Rahu, Amitabha did not know what to say.

Because Luohu's savvy is a mystery!

Luo Hu's combat power is also a mystery!

At this time, Amitabha knew Luo Hu's cultivation base, Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian peak!

Not even the Heavenly Dao Realm, but it is such a realm that can make Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Destiny Ancestor feel jealous!

If it is said, no matter how strong the quasi-sage is, it is impossible to defeat the saint.

Then Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is absolutely impossible to defeat the heavenly realm!

The Dragon Emperor Aozheng under the seat of can be a quasi-sage as a saint!

This has shocked Hong Huang.

But let the great powers of Honghuang know that Luo Hui uses the cultivation of a saint to fight the way of heaven, and there is more than half of the chance of winning!

I am afraid that I will drop my jaw!

Amitabha glanced at the Taoist priest, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. At this time, the Buddha of the Lantern Festival had fallen behind!

But I don’t blame the Buddha, after all, understanding is hard to say!

In four hundred years, the Burning Lantern Buddha had only cultivated to the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Compared to Amitabha, it's too bad


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