Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 141: The world tree is now prehistoric, human dynasties have changed

Prehistoric, origin valley.

Terran, Xia Dynasty.

There have been no immortals in the world for five hundred years.

Gradually, human races with only a short life are about to completely forget the existence of immortals.

Slowly, the immortal **** has become a kind of spiritual sustenance of the human race, and has become an existence of nothingness.

However, there are records in human writings. In the ancient times, the sky fell to the northwest and the ground fell to the southwest. There was the ancient goddess Nuwa who made five-color stones to repair the sky.

There were also three emperors who made great achievements for the human race, and gained the luck of the human race to become immortals.

As for the other great powers, they have almost been forgotten by the human race.

After all, the written record is limited, and once it is lost, it will become unknown.

Regarding Nuwa's creation of human beings, it has become a legend, not a fact!

In the Xia Dynasty, the king used the belief in immortals to condense his kingship. He called the king, and it was the will of heaven. When all the people respected together, all the princes must respect him as the king!

Although there are monks in the human race, they are all under the heavenly immortals, unable to live forever and have no great supernatural powers.

Used by the royal power and became a tool for the royal power to sanction the princes below.

The Xia Dynasty was established for two hundred years, and these two hundred years can be said to have brought slavery to the extreme.

The entire human race is divided into three classes.

Powerful, civilians, vendors.

I am afraid that the great abilities of the Primordial Kingdom would not have thought that the human race has developed to such an appearance, without the intervention of the fairy gods, the human race has begun to evolve itself.

The evolution of civilization has made people become insatiable and lose their heart.

The original human race was good in nature, but now the human race is evil in nature!

Mount Xume.

Luo Hui slowly opened his eyes.

It's been five hundred years, and the entire five hundred years has been comprehended. For his understanding, this is equivalent to five hundred Yuanhui!

This is not a short time, even for Luo Hu, five hundred yuan will not be short!

Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian peak!

This is the cultivation base!

In these five hundred years, Luo Hu hadn't fully cultivated, he was not comprehending the law, nor was he cultivating the Unbeginning Demon Sutra!

He is evolving Rank 36 Chaos Creation Qinglian!

This is a good opportunity. With five hundred Yuanhui, Luo Hu has completely succeeded in deduction. As long as he is given enough spirit treasure, Luo Hu will be sure to merge into the 36th Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian!

After abandoning five hundred years of cultivation, Luo Hu only wanted a fussy fusion!

Luo Hui hadn't got all the treasures needed for the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian.

So it is a bit redundant to deduct this now. After all, five hundred years of time can almost raise Luo Hu to a great level!

If it were known to outsiders, he would definitely think that Luo Hu was crazy, and his five-hundred-year history would be used to deduce the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian.

"Not bad, Wuyi Xinghuang Flag and Western Plain Cloud Border Flag."

After obtaining these two top-quality innate spirit treasures, Luo Hu can fuse the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian!

The treasure of chaos is more than that!

Today, Luo Hu has some understanding of Pangu Great God's cultivation base, and some knows the gap between Lingbao!

The 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian gave birth to a giant egg from which the Great God Pangu was born, holding a Pangu axe and a jade dish on top of his head!

In other words, Pangu Great God, Pangu Axe, and good fortune jade discs are all conceived by the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian!

Pan Gu Axe and Good Fortune Jade Disc are both chaotic treasures!

So will the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian still be the treasure of Chaos?

Luo Hu thinks that these five hundred years are worthwhile, and although his cultivation level may be inferior to Hongjun, Luo Hu does not regret it.

Luo Hu had already succeeded in the fusion simulation of the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian, and the next step was cultivation.

Now the entire Primordial Land is practicing in retreat, and his disciples are also in retreat, but I don't know what state they have reached.

Has he surpassed his master.

Five hundred years is equivalent to five hundred Yuanhui!

Maybe it is really possible to surpass him.

Luo Hui was a little helpless, but he was pleased that every one of his disciples had a strong talent and understanding.

"It seems that we need to use the world tree to cultivate. Hongjun is not in the prehistoric ancestors. The ancestor of fate did not dare to come. Even if the world tree appeared, who would dare?

Luo Hui's heart moved!

Rumble! ! !

For a time, the whole world trembled, and a giant tree slowly crossed the boundary between the two worlds.

Taking root on Mount Xumi, the world tree obscures the sky, and the entire Xumi Mountain area is covered by the world tree.

Under this world tree, all living creatures' cultivation will get twice the result with half the effort.

Luo Hu sat cross-legged, and the world tree came down and entered Luo Hu's body.

Suddenly, Luo Hu felt that the soul was clear, all obstacles disappeared, and the road was smooth, as if the road was right in front of him.

The world tree has supreme power, even the bodhi tree, a tree of enlightenment, is quite different from the world tree.

Luo Hui fell into practice.

But he had forgotten one existence, that is, Mr. Lu Ya Dao. The whole creatures of the prehistoric people are cultivating, but Mr. Lu Ya Dao is wandering in the predominantly.

He is now a prehistoric creature, but if the opportunity does not show up today, he does not know why there is no monk in the prehistoric.

Originally wanted to go to Buzhou Mountain, looking at the breath left by Pangu, this was not the first time he went.

Every time I go, I can feel a different breath.

But at this time!


Huge aura fluctuations appeared in Mount Xumi in the West, and the aura that attracted hundreds of millions of miles all gathered towards Mount Xumi!

Daojun Lu Ya looked over, and took a look!

A huge tree appeared on Mount Xumi, covering the sky and the sun, and billions of trillions of space were filled by it!

"Ultimate Spirit Root World Tree!" Dao Jun Lu was shocked!

How did the ultimate spiritual root world tree of the ten worlds appear here, and it seems to be obtained by Luo Hu!

This is the spiritual root that connects the heavens and all worlds, and it can assist in enlightenment!

And if a branch of the World Tree is torn off, it can be used as an innate treasure!

Mr. Lu Ya was shocked!

He couldn't imagine that the world tree in front of him appeared in Honghuang!

The ultimate spiritual root world tree that countless great powers in the ten worlds could find was obtained by a native aboriginal.

If this is known by the mighty powers of the Ten Great Worlds, I am afraid that they will vomit blood and even kill them immediately to **** the World Tree!

"This is my seat!"

Rao is the realm of Lu Ya Daojun, at this time, his eyes can't hide the intense greed!

The world tree must be his, even if you don't want this prehistoric, you must get the world tree!

With the World Tree, his Lu Ya is not as simple as getting a prehistoric one, as long as he is willing, he can get the entire heavens and ten thousand realms!

"Luo Hui, save the World Tree with you first, and this seat will definitely take it away!"

"However, when he took out the World Tree, he should have known the power of the World Tree. This opportunity, this seat must not be ignored!"

He could not take the World Tree first, after all, fighting with Luo Huqi at this time would definitely lose both.

Luo Hu is different from Hongjun Daozu, Luo Hu dares to fight, Hongjun Daozu does not dare to fight!

Facing Luohu, Daojun Lu Ya didn't dare to face Hongjun Daozu.

Saying that kind of threatening words in front of Luo Hu, there is no need to think about other things at all, just prepare for the battle.

If you don't do it, Luo Hu will do it too.

So now Lu Ya Daojun is going to Mount Xumi, and he needs to use the World Tree to enlighten Dao.

The world tree that covered the sky, he was below, and Luo Hu wouldn't say anything, unless Luo Hu put away the world tree.

The World Tree not only has the power to help enlightenment and travel through the heavens and worlds, but also the power to recover injuries!

Dao Jun Lu Ya was badly injured, and he couldn't even show his ten percent strength.

With this world tree, Daojun Lu has motivation and hope that he can quickly recover from his injury.

Without thinking about it, Daojun Lu Ya stepped out and appeared on Mount Xumi.

Then I sat down with a branch and started to recover from his injury.

Luo Hui, who was in the midst of cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes and saw Dao Jun Lu on the World Tree. He didn't say anything. Obviously Luo Hu didn't want to take back the World Tree!

At the same time, he was not willing to argue with Lu Ya!

Moreover, Lu Ya in name is still his disciple and grandson. Since disciple-grandson wants to cultivate with the world tree, why would Luo Hui be unwilling?

"Lu Ya, Lu Ya, although you are a great power in the Ten Great Worlds, you are still my disciple-grandson in the prehistoric world. This is a fact and cannot be changed. Back in the Ten Great Worlds, you are also my disciple-grandson."

Luo Hui didn't know whether Lord Lu Ya had recognized the World Tree, but he was able to restrain Lu Ya.

Honghuang, as long as the creatures practice the magic way, they will be restricted by Luo Hu!

It can even be said to be suppressed.

When Lu Ya Daojun first worshipped into the Nuwa Palace, Nuwa passed down the Taishi Demon Sutra, and Lu Ya was still practicing.

Wushi Mojing has an instinctive suppression of Taishi Mojing!

Therefore, he was not afraid of fighting against Daojun Lu Ya, but he could avoid it now, and he would not go to the trouble of Daojun Lu Ya.

Luo Hu didn't want to waste his time.

He has fallen behind Hongjun a lot and cannot be in Luohu.

At this time, Hongjun was afraid that he was refining Heavenly Dao in the Void Sea, and he definitely had to reach the Heavenly Dao realm before Hongjun finished refining the Heavenly Dao.

Otherwise, Luo Hui was really worried about losing to Hongjun Daozu.

As for allowing Nuwa to enter the Void Sea with his breath, it was just to harass Hongjun Daozu.

Luo Hu guessed that Hongjun Daozu defended him for at most one or three years, and at most not more than ten years!

Therefore, Luo Hui is five hundred years behind Hongjun Daozu, he has to feel to catch up, otherwise it is really difficult to catch up.

After thinking about it in his heart, Luo Hu entered the practice.

Void Sea.

Hongjun Daozu's eyes are cold!

The breath on his body was extremely cold, and the entire Void Sea seemed to cool by 100,000 degrees.

"Luo Hui, you are so calculating? You deceived the poor for hundreds of years!"

Finally, Hongjun Daozu no longer thought that Luo Hu was still in the Void Sea. He was always awake. Naturally, things about Mount Xumi could not hide from him!

When he knew that Luo Hui was practicing, Hongjun Daozu almost vomited blood!

What a **** Luo Hu, don't forget to harass him at this time!

Daozu Hongjun found that he was too sensitive, it was just a breath, and he hadn't practiced for hundreds of years!

Otherwise, he has already refined Heavenly Dao by this time.

Hongjun Daozu hates!

If the Heavenly Dao had been refined now, Luo Hui's cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Peak of Hunyuan Daluo wouldn't be enough to kill him!

Now Hongjun Daozu does not plan to go to Xumi Mountain to fight Luohu.

At this time, he was not sure to kill Luo Hu, and the sudden attack would only make Luo Hu vigilant.

"When Poor Dao refines Heavenly Dao, your World Tree will also be Poor Dao!"

Dao Ancestor Hongjun returned to the origin of the order of heaven and sacrificed a jade dish of good fortune. A huge divine mind gushed out, covering the origin of order of heaven, gradually infiltrating into refining.

The entire prehistoric land fell into silence once again.

Quietly, another two hundred years have passed.

Terran, another storm!

The current king of the Xia Dynasty: Jie.

After Jie succeeded to the throne, he was very cruel, and the people could no longer bear it. "It's not moral to hurt the people by force, and the people are frustrated." In order to get rid of the declining situation since Confucius, Jie strengthened his internal rule and resolutely suppressed foreign forces. He beheaded the people like cutting grass and trees.

But the high-handed methods did not achieve its goal, but intensified the people's hatred of him, and the people even vowed to die with him.

While strengthening internal control, Jie continued to conquer the outside world in order to divert people's dissatisfaction and plunder wealth, slaves and beauties.

He first cut down the Shi clan, and the Shi clan was forced to sacrifice his sister to Jie.

He also conquered the Minshan clan, and the Minshan clan was forced to "enroll in the daughter and Yujie."

Of course, these behaviors of Xia Jie will arouse dissatisfaction and resistance from the tribes, and "Pan Xia" is also inevitable.

Obviously, by the time of Xia Jie, the rule of the Xia Dynasty was already in serious domestic and foreign difficulties.

At the same time, the Shang clan that emerged in the East has developed and gradually became stronger. Under the leadership of Shang Tang, it has accumulated the strength of Mie Xia.

Tang is a well-educated leader of the Shang clan. After he became the leader of the Shang clan, he saw that the Xia Dynasty was becoming more and more decayed, and Xia's tyranny had caused the rebellion of the people, so he set out to establish a new dynasty.

In order to prepare for the extermination of Xia, Shang Tang moved the capital of Shang State from Shangqiu to Bo in the fifteenth year of Xia Jie.

Tang built a new capital here in Bo, accumulated food and grass, recruited people, and trained the army to create favorable conditions for the war against Xia.

Finally, in the Xia Dynasty, 462 years.

Shang Tang gathered six hundred princes to discuss the Xia Dynasty. After a year, the Xia Dynasty was destroyed.

After the Xia Dynasty was destroyed, Shangtang had the power of making the world and was loved by the people, so six hundred princes established Shangtang as the new king.

So far, Shang Tang established the Shang Dynasty and became the second dynasty in the history of the human race.

Everything about the human race, all the fairy gods do not know, they are all in retreat ~ This is a great opportunity, as long as it does not endanger their personal interests, there will never be a fairy God is out!

No matter what kind of monk, even if it is a monster, there is no time to come out at this time!

This has also led to the arrogance of the human race, thinking that the human race is the spirit of all races and should be respected by all spirits!

Shang Tang built a huge palace in Hao, which is more noble and gorgeous than the palace of Xia Dynasty.

And Shang Tang claims to be the supreme of all things!

The meaning is obvious, that is, he is the emperor of all races, the king of all souls!

Not just the human race, all races in the world should respect him as king.

However, no matter how Shang Tang is tossing, no other race will come to make trouble, because there is no such idle time to take care of the human race!

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