Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 142: Dapeng was born, Luo? Breakthrough (four thousand words

Mount Xume.

A world tree obscures the sky and the sun, and its branches stretch into the trillions of trillions of space, towering and protruding beyond the predicament, submerged in chaos.

The disciples on Mount Xumi suddenly felt that the law of comprehension had become much clearer, nearly doubled!

In the six hundredth year when the Way of Heaven did not exist, Luo Hu's fifth disciple Xiong Ba left.

The cultivation base has entered Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, feeling the powerful power in his body, Xiong Ba is eager to fight the saint.

But at this time it seemed that all the monks were in retreat.

Looking up at the world tree of unknown size, Xiong Ba felt the clarity of his own battle rules.

As if Tao is right in front of you.

The way he cultivated requires battle, but now he can't fight and can only retreat.

Hunyuan nine turns.

The seventh turn, the body of Hunyuan.

Xiong Ba has reached it and his cultivation base has broken through. The only downside is that he needs to fight to improve.

Even in retreat, it is difficult for him to comprehend anything, the law of war, he has realized the highest point he can comprehend in this realm.


waste time.

Are you going to travel?

Not a monk, travel a fart!

To the human race?

Too weak and boring.

Xiong Ba feels bored by the prevalence of today, and he can't sit still.

Climb the tree!

A thought suddenly appeared in Xiong Ba's mind.

The World Tree is too big and too high. The Xiong Ba in the Golden Fairy Realm of Hunyuan Daluo has mobilized his entire body of mana, but he can't see the end!

Perhaps this is a way to pass the time.

Xiong Ba thought of it and did it.

Step out and start climbing the world tree.

When he reached the height of ten thousand meters, Xiong Ba saw a figure, cultivating on the World Tree.

"A disciple of Junior Sister Six?"

This person is Lu Ya.

Xiong Ba wondered, why could he not see Lu Ya's existence with his spiritual mind, but he could see it with his eyes instead?

Xiong Ba is not the kind of person who thinks carefully, Lu Ya is his own magic way, so he should cultivate here, and then Xiong Ba continued to climb the World Tree.

Luo Hu who was cultivating naturally didn't know that Xiong Ba would climb the World Tree at this time.

Of course, even if he knew it, Luo Hu wouldn't say anything, instead he would approve of Xiong Ba's climbing the World Tree.

Because this can not only hone the physical body, but also hone the primordial spirit, which is very beneficial to the bear tyrant at this time.

After all, at this time, Xiong Ba couldn't find anyone to discuss.

Since you can't learn from each other, this method is the most suitable way to consolidate your cultivation base.

No one noticed that there was a bird's nest on the World Tree, and I am afraid that even Lu Qian didn't know it.

This bird's nest was built by Luo Hu for Dapengdan.

At the beginning, Luo Hu wanted Kong Xuan to take the Dapeng Egg and deliver it to Nanming Volcano so that Feng Zu could repair the origin of the Dapeng Egg.

However, Kong Xuan repeatedly pleaded with Luo Hu for help. In desperation, Luo Hu could only use the World Tree to help the Dapeng Egg repair its origin.

Originally it would take ten thousand years, but the way of heaven did not exist, and Honghuang's understanding of the law went straight to the road, which led to the complete restoration of the roots of the Dapeng egg.


Crisp sound.

A crack appeared in the Dapeng Egg, which gradually spread to the entire dome.

The ten-foot-high dome was covered with dense cracks at this time.


The dome shattered, and a big Peng bird appeared.

Spread its wings, soar for nine days, and turn into a great roc.

A soft cry.

Dapeng Bird turned into a human body.

Da Luo Jinxian peak cultivation base!

Transformation is the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, which is much stronger than the great powers of the prehistoric.

Of course, it's also because it's a time when the way of heaven doesn't exist, otherwise, it would be good to be able to transform into a golden immortal.

Inheritance of innate memory.

Coupled with staying in Mount Xume for so many years, Dapeng also knows a few things.

Seeing the world tree, a young man sitting on top of the twelfth-grade extinction black lotus enlightened the way.

Dapeng's eyes showed respect, and he knew that he was able to emerge because of this person.

Dapeng respectfully worshipped Luo Hu for three times, and then he found a place under the world tree to start practicing.

If it were normal, the Dapeng would be transformed into a lively event, but now, no one knows that he will be transformed.

The eight hundredth year when the way of heaven does not exist.

The vast majority of the monks in the predecessor have raised a realm.

Although a year can be worth one Yuanhui, it requires understanding.

For the ordinary and mediocre generation, not to mention that it is worth a Yuanhui, not even ten years.

Some people with slightly better savvy will be able to last a hundred years.

The first Yuanhui in a year is the existence of Luo Hu and Hongjun.

But even so, Honghuang also showed a big picture!

Nowadays, golden immortals are inferior to dogs, and big Luo walks everywhere, absolutely not an exaggeration.

However, no monk has come out to walk!

This is a great opportunity, to be able to improve a little bit of cultivation, even if there is a capital to settle down in the land.

A thousand years without heaven.

Under the world tree, the endless aura formed a vortex of billions of meters, and the entire West, not the entire prehistoric aura, flooded towards Mount Xumi.

Even the chaotic air currents in the chaos were involved.

Those violent chaotic air currents could not be directly absorbed, but Luo Hu didn't care about it, he was not afraid of it, and accepted it all.

If it weren't for the entire prehistoric monk to retreat, I am afraid they would be shocked by this scene!

The entire prehistoric innate aura was swallowed by Luo Hu at that moment.

In other words, in the entire prehistoric land, in that breath, there is no innate aura, there is an innate aura fault.

Not only that, but a chaotic air storm was set off in the chaos.

The aura that Luo Hu needs is too huge.

Spit and suck.

The prehistoric innate aura has once again been faulted.

It can be said that at this time of the flood, there will be a fault every other breath.

This situation lasted for a hundred years.

One thousand and one hundred years without heaven.

Huge changes have taken place in the entire Primordial Land, and there is no innate aura above the Primordial Land.

All innate auras degenerate and become acquired auras.

All this is only because of Luo Hu's practice.

As the person involved, Luo Hui was still cultivating at this time, and he was breathing endless spiritual energy.

Slowly, a huge phantom appeared behind Luo Hu's head, and a sky sword suddenly appeared.

next moment!


An avatar appeared in front of Luo Hu.

Luo Hui once again cut out an incarnation of **** desire, and his cultivation reached the early stage of the heavenly realm.

But this is not Luo Hu's background!

He has been gaining momentum for many years, but now he has made a breakthrough!

How can Luo Hu meet the initial cultivation level of the Heavenly Dao Realm?

Heavenly sword reappears!

It's another cut!

An **** incarnation appears.

After cutting two **** incarnations, Luo Hui's face was pale, without the slightest blood.

Obviously, Luo Hu's background has been fully displayed.

At this time, Luo Hu's cultivation base began to advance by leaps and bounds!

The peak of the early stage of the heavenly realm...The middle stage of the heavenly realm...

The peak of the middle stage of the heavenly realm...the late stage of the heavenly realm!

At the cost of the entire prehistoric innate aura, Luo Hu finally broke through to the heavenly realm.

And cut out two **** incarnations in one fell swoop, becoming the late stage of the heavenly realm.

After breaking through his cultivation, Luo Hu didn't open his eyes, but continued to practice.

However, his body slowly flew up, and the Twelfth-Rank Destroyed Black Lotus carried Luo Hu into the chaos.

Open your mouth and suck.

The billions of trillions of chaotic air currents entered Luohu's body and turned into the mana in Luohu's body.

At this time, Luo Hui slowly opened his eyes.

Rumble! ! !

The entire chaos began to tremble.

The power of the later stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm can already cover the eternal chaos.

"Has the heavenly realm?"

Luo Hui said lightly.

No joy, no disappointment.

In the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm, to be honest, it wasn't Luo Hui's goal, if there was no such thing.

Luo Hui will make a breakthrough only if he gains momentum to reach the peak of the realm of heaven and realm!

But now we can only break through in advance.

But now it is difficult for him to further his cultivation base. Even if the heavenly path does not exist, Luo Hu will not be able to make a breakthrough without ten thousand years.

Also, will Hongjun give him ten thousand years?

If Luo Hu didn't make a mistake, Hongjun had reached the final stage by this time, and he was about to refine Heavenly Dao.

Hongjun from the future can be regarded as the real way of heaven!


Hongjun is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is not Hongjun.

from now on.

Hongjun is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is also Hongjun.

In the later stage of the Heavenly Dao Stage, even if Hongjun refined the Heavenly Dao, what about?

Luo Hu still didn't fear him.

The reason why he didn't go to Void Sea to interrupt Hong Jun now was because Luo Hui didn't want him to die!

What Luo Hu wants is a lively Hongjun, a Hongjun who helps him preach.

He wants to save Hongjun!

Let Hongjun convert to the magic way.

The prehistoric heaven has changed, but this is even better. Without the shackles of the heavens, the prehistoric world has entered the real world!

In the future, powerful existences will emerge in endlessly.

As long as the savvy is good, it is not a dream to become immortal in one year and Da Luo in seven years!

Luo Huo had already cultivated to the second half of the Wu Shi Mo Jing, which was not inherited from the Dao Dao.

Now he has cut out three **** incarnations, and only four **** incarnations, he can reach the peak of the avenue!

Before, Luo Hu didn't dare to guess the realm of Pangu.

Now Luo Hu dare, he can guess that Pangu's realm should be Dao realm.

The origin of everything, Tao!

Luo Hu also had a comprehensive understanding of what kind of world Honghuang was.

From the chaos to the prehistoric!

The sky is round!

In Luohu's eyes, the prehistoric land is only a hundred meters in size, but the vast land of a hundred meters in size extends infinite space and becomes a huge world.

The void sea, the four seas, and the starry sky are all infinite.

Only the Primordial Continent has scope.

This is prehistoric!

What Pangu Great God opened up was not a great world, but an innumerable great world.

Because the prehistoric contains three thousand great worlds.

At the very least, in Luo Hui's eyes, he saw the three thousand great worlds within the prehistoric world.

In the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm, Luo Hu could see many things in the prehistoric state.

In the wild north, a heart is beating, and every beat is accompanied by the pulse of the wild land.

Pangu Temple is indeed the heart of Pangu.

And the court!

Pangu's head.

Luo Hui knew all this, but he was not surprised at all, because he had guessed it a long time ago, and now it is only an increase in the realm, which has been confirmed.

Step out.

Luo Huo appeared in Mount Xumi.

At this time, all the disciples of Mount Xumi were cultivating, and even Lu Ya was also cultivating.

"Oh, the way of heaven has changed greatly, but it has given you a chance."

Luo Hui looked at the Dapeng Bird.

This creature, who should have no connection with the Demon Dao, came to Mount Xumi because of Kong Xuan.

The yin and yang origin is restored, and the comprehension is excellent, but it is also a manufacturable material. It is also okay to stay in Mount Xumi as a protector.

"Fellow Daoist, wake up." Luo Hui's voice reached Lord Lu Ya's ears.

This caused Lu Ya who was practicing, suddenly woke up and looked at Luo Hu angrily!

When he saw Luo Hui's repair base, Mr. Lu Ya was a little surprised!

More than a thousand years ago, Luo Hu was only the peak of the golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo, and now he has become the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

Isn't this placed in the heavens and worlds at the late stage of the Dao Realm!

What a fast training speed!

Fortunately, Lu Ya did not recover slowly, and he also reached the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Stage.

"Luo Hui, you are about to die, did you know?" Daojun Lu Nian said while looking at Luo Hui.

Luo Hu smiled and looked at Mr. Lu Nian, he knew the origin of Mr. Lu Nian.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you should know this world tree."

"You would say that Piff is innocent and guilty."

"You would say, let me hand over the world tree."

"You would say that only you are qualified to own the World Tree."

Luo Hui watched Lu Ya Daojun, smiled and said what Lu Ya said next.

Daojun Lu Ya had a serious expression with a solemn expression, and said quietly, "You are right."

Now that Luo Hui had guessed it, there was no need for Lu Ya to tell lies. What Luo Hui said just now was what he wanted to say.

"Let's talk about it, about the ten worlds, about the world tree, about you."

Luo Hui said quietly.

Lu Ya nodded. Although he looked down on the natives, Luo Hu surprised him, and Luo Hu's cultivation level was recognized by him.

Luo Hu is different from Hongjun. In Lu Ya's eyes, Luo Hu relies on his own practice.

And Hongjun relied on Heavenly Dao to cultivate, and finally swallowed Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, compared with the two, Lu Ya valued Luo Hu more. Without any external force, Luo Hu could obviously cultivate to a higher level.

For example, let Hongjun and Luo Hu enter the top ten worlds, then Luo Hu's survivability is much stronger than Hongjun.

"The ten great worlds have existed since ancient times, and there is nothing to say. If you have to say anything, it is that the ten great worlds are the center of the ten thousand realms and the gathering place of countless powers. The heavenly realm is also the realm of proof. Supreme power, but in the Ten Great Worlds, Zen Dao Realm is only a master of one is not a power."

"About the world tree, it's hard to say, because I don't know much about it. The world tree is the first spiritual root of the top ten worlds and has unlimited power."

"As for this seat, hehe, what do you want to know, Luo Hu? Does this seat have the cultivation base before the serious injury?"

Daojun Lu Ya slowly answered Luo Hui's three questions.

Luo Hui shook his head. He didn't want to know what Taoist Lu Ya had cultivated before, he only wanted to know the status of Daoist Lu Ya in the top ten worlds.

But now, Luo Hu didn't even want to know this.

Because Daojun Lu Ya said, Zheng Daojing can barely be counted as a master.

The more you know, the greater the loss.

Originally, I was a little happy about the breakthrough, but now he was not at all in the mood to be rectified by Dao Jun Lu.

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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