Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 143: Kong Xuan breakthrough, Dapeng chance

Mount Xume.

Luo Hui sent Lord Lu Ya away, this guy was a little disappointed.

The World Tree was taken away by Luo Hu, and now Luo Hu took away the World Tree, which can be said to be calm.

The void is in turmoil, and the world tree has entered the great freedom.

There are still many disciples cultivating on Mount Xumi, but Luo Hu still put away the World Tree, not that Luo Hu didn't want them to use the power of the World Tree.

But the world is about to change drastically.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun should be born soon. After Dao Ancestor Hongjun was born, it would be difficult to take back the World Tree.

This primordial land became the personal belongings of Daozu Hongjun, if Daozu Hongjun strongly prevented Luo Hu from taking back the World Tree.

There must be a hundred responses.

The destiny ancestor and Lu Ya Daojun will join Hongjun Daozu's camp. When the time comes, Luo Hui is not sure.

Hongjun was alive.

This is Luo Hu's idea.

Hongjun had planted a magic seed deep in his heart, waiting for the magic seed to germinate.

Luo Hui doesn't want to give up all his previous efforts, Hongjun is a good helper.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor is very good, but it is far worse than Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

If one day, Luo Hu preached to the heavens, and Hongjun could take on the important task whether he was a pioneer or presided over the overall situation in the rear.

But the Heavenly Demon Ancestor couldn't.

More than a thousand years later, Luo Hu looked at Zizai Palace, which was his palace, but Luo Hu didn't go in for a long time.

Wang Shu enlightened Dao in it, more than a thousand years, and still under the world tree, Wang Shu should be able to break through Dao Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian!

After Wang Shu leaves the customs, what shall I do?

Delivering on promises and marrying Wangshu?

Luo Hu nodded, it was time. After so many years, they should have a result.

Sitting cross-legged by the Sanguangshen pool, Luo Hu was waiting, waiting for the disciples of Mount Xumi to wake up.

This time, the great opportunity should bring some great abilities to Mount Xumi!

Heaven does not exist!

Even if it is a breakthrough, there is no vision of heaven and earth.

Kong Xuan opened his eyes slowly. He never thought that he could break through to this state.

The quasi-sage is already his peak!

But, now it seems that he thinks of himself too weakly, the quasi-sage is not his peak, Hunyuan is just the beginning!

After the Xiong Ba, Kong Xuan became the second Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although it is only the initial stage, it is the realm of Hunyuan.

Standing up, there was no momentum and no Hunyuan coercion. He knew that many disciples on Mount Xumi were practicing at this time, for fear of disturbing others.

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not as embarrassing to my master, but also fulfilling the mother's expectations of me." Kong Xuan's heart trembled, obviously excited.

Walking out of the palace, Kong Xuan was stunned!

What he saw at first glance turned out to be a young man in a black robe, sitting cross-legged in front of him, practicing.

In front of this black robe youth, he felt a touch of intimacy.

Blood dissolves in water, and the intimacy becomes strong.


Kong Xuan lost his voice.

This is his second brother!

Kong Xuan was grateful to Luo Huo in his heart. At this time, the Golden Wing Roc could be born, and he had caught up with this great opportunity!

It must be Luo Hu's credit.

In fact, Luo Hu didn't do anything, just let the Golden Wing Roc on the World Tree.

Of course this is a great opportunity.

The incarnation of yin and yang origin is born as the peak of the golden fairy of Da Luo.

The Golden Winged Roc has been born for hundreds of years, but in these hundreds of years, the Golden Winged Roc has not made any progress at all!

If it is said that the understanding of the Golden Wing Roc is insufficient, it is impossible to specify. Although the understanding of the Golden Wing Roc is not as good as Kong Xuan, it is not much worse.

Under this great opportunity, the Golden Winged Roc will not be said to be the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, at least it should be the early stage of the quasi-sage!

How could it be Da Luo Jinxian?



Kong Xuan thought of Luo Hui's words!

If the Golden Wing Roc stayed at Mount Xumi, he could only be a protector!

What kind of exercises does the protector of Mount Xumi cultivate?

First is the Nine Turns Magic Skill, then the Hunyuan Nine Turns!

This is the best body-refining exercise above the prehistoric level. Kong Xuan remembered that his fifth master uncle seemed to practice Hunyuan Ninth Rank.

And Master Yuan Hong, it seems the same!

Those who were able to practice the Ninth Rank of Hunyuan were all the protectors of Mount Xumi, and the Golden Winged Roc could not break through the cultivation, so Luo Hu must have placed the restriction.

Great opportunity.

Kong Xuan smiled. It was definitely a great opportunity to be the protector of Mount Xumi.

When he walked to the Golden Wing Roc, Kong Xuan awakened the Golden Wing Roc. After all, he couldn't break through without practicing Nine Ranks Magic Power, or Hunyuan Nine Ranks.

Suddenly he was awakened, but Jin Wing Dapeng didn't have the slightest anger on his face.

He knows where it is, this is the dojo of the Demon Ancestor.

Those who can cultivate here are all disciples of Mount Xumi, he is just an outsider.

Although his elder brother is the second-generation chief, the Golden Wing Roc does not seem to cause trouble for his elder brother.

However, as soon as he opened his eyes, it was a man who was as rich as a jade.

And the intimacy from blood.


Golden Wing Roc blurted out.

"Dapeng, your mother will be very happy when you were born." Kong Xuan said happily.

"Thank you, brother." The Golden Winged Dapeng bowed down to Kong Xuan.

He knew how could he be in Mount Xumi without Kong Xuan?

How could Mozu help him?

All this is because of Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan pulled him up.

"Second brother, although you are not a disciple of Mount Xumi, you are a member of the demon way. Go to Houshan with your brother to ask for great opportunities."

Kong Xuan said.

"Brother, what's the chance?"

The Golden Wing Roc had a meal, somewhat puzzled.

"You know when you arrive."

Back mountain, Sanguangshen pool.

Luo Hui looked at the dragon carp swimming around in the pond, thinking that he had also ordered two small fishes.

Let them enter the prehistoric experience, and now I am afraid that they have mixed up with a little fame. After all, Xumi Mountain walked out, even if it is an ordinary spirit, it is lucky.

"Here," Luo Hui said lightly.

Kong Xuan and the Golden Winged Dapeng had already arrived behind Luo Hui and bowed down respectfully.

Kong Xuan is nothing, but the Golden Wing Roc is nervous.

"Meet Master (Devil Ancestor Kong Xuan and the Golden Winged Dapeng both respectfully worship.

"Your reason for I already know, be a second-generation disciple, practice Nine Ranks magic skills, break through to the quasi-sage, transfer to Hunyuan Nine Ranks, and be a protector."

After saying this, Luo Hu stopped and motioned them to retreat.

Kong Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly took the Golden Wing Roc and kowtowed his head to thank you, and left the mountain respectfully.

Two long rainbows left Xumi Mountain and flew towards Nanming Volcano.

"Brother, am I also a disciple of Mount Xumi now?" Jin Wing Dapeng said excitedly.

Kong Xuan nodded, but this was not a chance, the real chance was the chance to be a protector of the magic way!

The cultivator is Hunyuan Ninth Rank!

"Second brother, you must practice the Nine Ranks magic skills well, and if you break through to the quasi-sage, you are qualified to be a protector!" Kong Xuanyu said earnestly.

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