Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 146: Prehistoric in the eyes of Tiandao Jing

Freedom Palace.

Luo Hu and Wang Shu embraced, and separated after a long time.

I haven't seen each other for many years, and they both have deep thoughts in each other's hearts, but now it's fine, they will be difficult to separate in the future, Wang Shu's cultivation level exceeded Luo Hui's expectations.

At the beginning, Luo Hu thought that Wangshu could break through to the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

After the great change of heaven, Luo Huo believed that it should not be a problem to become the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with Wangshu's understanding.

But afterwards, Luo Hu felt that Wang Shu seemed likely to become the early stage of the heavenly realm.

But now that Wang Shu is out of the gate, Luo Hu saw Wang Shu's cultivation level and was stunned on the spot. He didn't expect Wang Shu to become the middle stage of the heavenly realm!

This is more powerful than his ready to go!

After all, after suppressing the cultivation base for such a long time, Luo Hu is only the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, breaking through to the late Heavenly Dao realm.

Wangshu is awesome!

The most sacred realm retreats, but it is in the middle of the heavenly realm when it leaves the customs. What is this leap?

This is a two-level improvement!

Even if it is a great change in the way of heaven, I am afraid it is impossible to have such a big improvement!

Luo Hui looked at Wangshu, and asked suspiciously, "Wangshu, when you were practicing, did you encounter a great opportunity?"

If it were the usual comprehension, Luo Hui would not believe that Wang Shu could make such a breakthrough, even if the way of heaven had changed dramatically!

This is no longer worth one yuan meeting a year, but two yuan meeting or three yuan meeting a year!

Wang Shu's comprehension was good, but he was on the same level as the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, and was still quite different from Luohu Hongjun's generation.

Wang Shu smiled softly: "I can't hide anything from you."

Luo Yu was taken aback. Seeing that there should be a big opportunity, he hurriedly looked at Wang Shu, wanting to learn about the chance.

"Heavenly Dao Realm can already see the true face of the great wilderness, three thousand big worlds, countless small worlds, guarding the great wilderness, this is the world opened by the great **** Pangu."

Wang Shu said, Luo Hu didn't interrupt, he could guess that this matter should have something to do with Pangu.

Only now did Luo Hu know that Pangu had fallen?

Lie to the ghost!

Primordial is a great world?

Are you kidding me?

There are only three thousand big worlds in the great world. As for the middle and small worlds, there are countless great worlds.

It can be said that the Great God Pangu, with a single axe, opened up three thousand great worlds.

Luo Hui vaguely guessed at what kind of cultivation level Pangu God was, and that was the case, Luo Hu was sure that Pangu God would be hard to die!

At that level, I am afraid that the avenue will be difficult to calculate!

Wang said slowly: "During the great change of heaven, the chaos period appeared in my mind, and the scene of the Great God Pangu opening the world.

When the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian was about to shatter, a drop of dew fell on the center of my eyebrows from the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian.

It is precisely because of this that I directly broke through to the heavenly realm. "

Luo Hui took a deep breath.

Pan Gu, the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian, everything touched Luo Hu's heart.


Luo Hui thought of one thing and said quickly: "You saw the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian shattered. Have you ever seen the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian give birth to spiritual wisdom?"

"There should be, maybe it's useless, I'm not sure if that mysterious thing is the spirit of the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian."

Wang Shu thought about the situation at the time, but still did not see clearly.

Luo Hu nodded, he had a big plan in his mind, that was to merge the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian.

And there is one thing Luo Hu can get, and he will never get it!

Without this thing, I am afraid it will be difficult to integrate successfully.

In Luohu's expectation, as long as he had obtained the twelfth-rank black lotus, the twelfth-rank meritorious golden lotus, the twelfth-rank industry fire red lotus, and the twelfth-rank good fortune green lotus.

As well as the Xuanyuan water control flag, the Western plain cloud border flag, the Wuyi apricot yellow flag, the green lotus color flag, the southern off-ground flame flag and the Killing Spear, you can merge with the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian!

Now he is wrong, because there is still something missing, the lotus heart, which can also be called the lotus soul!

This thing has already transformed into a prehistoric state, and it may be his disciple, take it!

Now that the lead has become Amitabha, Luo Hu will not take Amitabha's life for a treasure.

Therefore, he wanted to confirm whether the Thirty-sixth Stage Chaos Creation Qinglian had any wisdom.

"Are you thinking about whether Amitabha Buddha is lotus heart, right?" Wang Shu asked.

After the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian shattered, a group of mysterious things flew to the west, Wang Shu could think of it with just a little thought.

Luo Hu nodded, there was nothing to hide from Wang Shu.

"Since you want to know, don't you know if you go to the west and ask?" Wang Shu said calmly.

Luo Hu smiled bitterly. Although his words were light, he was no longer a master and a disciple after all.

"You are afraid of affecting your disciples, but I can go and ask." Wang Shu said.

Being able to solve Luo Hu's worries is what Wang Shu has always wanted to do.

Thinking about it, Luo Hu felt feasible, he couldn't go, but Wang Shu could go.

Wang Shu is not a member of the magic way, she is the star of the moon in the starry sky, and now in the starry sky, without Emperor Jun Taiyi, Wang Shu is the lord of the starry sky.


Wang Shu went to Lingjia Mountain.

Luo Hui went to Void Sea, he wanted to watch Hongjun Dao Ancestor refining Heavenly Dao.

If Luo Hui didn't guess wrong, now Hongjun Daozu has reached the last step, and he wants to leave a deep memory for Hongjun Daozu.

Promote the fluffy of the magic seed.

Linga Mountain!

Buddha Amitabha slowly opened his eyes, and sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade merit gold lotus, looking into the distance.

next moment.

There was another figure beside the Eight Treasure Merit Pool that exuded golden light, it was Wang Shu.

"I don't know why the Lunar Star King came to our Taoist place?" Amitabha said solemnly.

When I saw Wang Shu again, Amitabha was horrified, Wang Shu's cultivation base was stronger than him!

He is now in the early stage of the heavenly realm, which means that Wang Shu has become the middle stage of the heavenly realm!

"Is it because of the demon ancestor's help?

Impossible, the devil ancestor itself is at best the heavenly realm, how can he help others? "

Amitabha thought in his heart.

"I want to ask you one Shu's beautiful face, cold and frosty, exudes the majesty of Lunar Star Lord.

The soft side was left to Luo Hu by Wang Shu.

"Lord Taiyin, please speak." Amitabha said quietly.

"You are the lotus heart, or lotus soul, of the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian."

Speaking directly, without the slightest inflection.


Amitabha answered more directly.

Wang Shu's face changed, he didn't say anything, and turned and left Linga Mountain.

After seeing Wang Shu leaving, Amitabha murmured to himself: "It should be the demon ancestor who wants to ask, why do you want to ask?"

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