Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 147: Luo? Rescue Hongjun

Wang Shu suddenly left the customs and came to Lingga Mountain, which made Amitabha hurriedly a little abnormal.

For Wangshu, Amitabha maintained respect. He was a disciple of Luohu before, so he naturally knew the relationship between Wangshu and Luohu.

Wang Shu's cultivation base shocked him, and his cultivation base in the middle stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm had surpassed him!

Just follow the words just asked by Wangshu.

The Buddha Amitabha was indeed transformed by the lotus heart of the 36th Stage Chaos Creation Qinglian. His understanding can be said to be comparable to that of Luohu and Hongjun!

Even he has only reached the early stage of the heavenly realm, but Wang Shu can reach the middle stage of the heavenly realm!

This is strange!

If Wangshu’s comprehension is excellent, then Amitabha believes it, but if Wangshu’s comprehension is better than himself, it is absolutely impossible.

Amitabha still has confidence in his own heels and feet.

Glancing at Buddha Burning Lantern, Amitabha shook his head a little. For so long, he just broke through to the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

I'm afraid that at this time, the other saints in Honghuang have already reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

Heavenly Dao has been refined by Hongjun Daozu, and there will be no immortal saints in the future.

Some are just realms, and there is no Tao fruit. It can be said that the title of saint is dead in name.

Insufficient cultivation, even those Primordial Saints like them are likely to perish.

The sky has changed, will the future prehistoric nature remain the peaceful prehistoric?

Amitabha thought helplessly.

In the past, even if it was the conflict between the saints, the disciples below would solve it and fight for face, but now?

Will the previous solution be maintained in the future?

Once a fight occurs, the saint will also fall.

Therefore, if it is a small difference, it may be more dangerous in the prehistoric state.

The cultivation base of Burning Lamp Buddha has begun to fall behind. Although Amitabha Buddha is somewhat helpless, he is helpless. After all, this is a question of comprehension, and he cannot help.

"Wait for Daozu to leave the customs, after the great famine, there is no cause and effect, so Junior Brother should be returned."

The quasi-savvy comprehension can be much stronger than the burning lamp Buddha, and now it should have reached the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

After they came back, they had three mixed elements in Buddhism and Taoism. They didn't seek hegemony in the prehistoric land, but sought a foothold!

Void Sea.

The space fluctuated, Luo Hu slowly walked out, a huge divine mind enveloped the entire void sea.

At the same time, Luo Hui also saw where Hongjun Daozu was, and immediately walked over.

In one step, billions of trillions of space passed.

Heavenly realm, a hurdle for countless monks.

In a big world, if you want to surpass, you need to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In this way, it is not under the jurisdiction of the heavenly path, but if you want to break away from the heavenly path and surpass the heavenly path, the most basic thing is to become the heavenly path.

Hun Yuan is free from the body of the ant, and the Heavenly Dao Realm can be regarded as realizing his own way.

Before the origin of the order of heaven.

Hongjun Daozu controls the jade disc of good fortune, and the three thousand laws refine the origin of the order of heaven.

After so many years of hard work, the origin of the order of heaven has been refined by Hongjun Daozu 90%.

Just the last step, you can all refining, by then, the entire prehistoric land will be under his control.

Three thousand big worlds, endless small worlds.

With such a huge background, Hongjun Daozu is sure to go further!

The heavenly realm is not the end, and there is a higher realm above it.

But before, Hongjun Daozu had made a decision in his heart to kill Luo Hu first.

Luo Hu is not dead, he is disturbed!

In particular, Luo Hou's heart was not dead, and he planted a magic seed in his body. If it were not for refining the origin of the heavenly order, Hongjun Daozu would still be unable to discover it.

"Luo Hui, when Pang Dao leaves the customs, it is the day you die!" Hongjun Daozu thought in his heart.

According to the current refining speed, he can leave the customs within a year at most.

In the heart of Hongjun Daozu, Luo Hui only had one year to live.

With the demons in his body, even if Luo Hu escaped, Dao Zu Hongjun could sense it.

The magic seed is double-faced and can make people fascinated, but for the existence of high cultivation base, it can use the magic seed to know about Luo Hu.

At present, Dao Ancestor Hongjun could not use the Demon Seed to know about Luo Hu, but after all the Heavenly Dao was refined, this might not be the case.

But at this time!

Daozu Hongjun only felt his shoulder sink.

Immediately after that, a sound came into the ear.

"Fellow Daoist hasn't finished refining yet?"

Daozu Hongjun was stunned!

This sound is so familiar!


This was Luo Hui's voice, Hongjun Daozu suddenly became nervous, and quickly gathered the mana in his body, but he forgot that this time is the most critical time for him to refine the Heavenly Dao.

The momentary loss of consciousness caused Hongjun Daozu's refining to fail.

It's so short!

Ninety-nine percent of the refining is finished, just a little bit, he can fully refining heaven.

"Luo Hui, Poor Dao will definitely kill you!"

Hongjun Daozu is furious!

Luo Hu ruined him!

If it hadn't been for Luo Hu, he might have gone one step further, but now it is difficult.

Even if it is refining, it is impossible for him to fully refining the Dao of Heaven, because there is only one chance!

Hongjun Daozu is crazy.

Without thinking about the jade dish of good fortune in his hand, he smashed it directly at Luo Huo.

Luo Hui had thought of this scene a long time ago, and he was not nervous, and smashed into the past.

Rumble! ! !

The good fortune jade dish was shot out.

After all, it is only the supreme chaos treasure, how can it be compared with the Great Mill?

Now that there is no heaven, all the spirit treasures have been restored to their original levels!

The Great Mill of Destruction is no longer the innate treasure, but the real chaos treasure.

Of course the good fortune jade disc was also restored.

"Luo Yu, you are ruining my Daoji, even if it is perished, poor Dao will pull you together!"

Daozu Hongjun had never been so angry, and now he hated Luo Hui to an unimaginable level.

Luo Hui looked calm and smiled.

"Friends of Daoist anger, I am here also for your own good. This is a prehistoric created by the Great God Pangu. Your cultivation level has also reached the realm of heaven. I shouldn't need to say more?"

"Refining the whole way of heaven, if you don't leave a ray of life to the prehistoric, you are afraid that you will immediately perish."

Luo Hu's words are true. Pangu is not dead. This is a certainty in Luo Hu's heart.

Therefore, it is better not to have full control over the Dao of Heaven.

Hongjun Daozu calmed down. He was in the realm of heaven and he also saw the vastness of the sea of ​​void is infinite?

At best, it is just a great world, and there are three thousand such great worlds!

What is the realm of Pangu, a pioneering pioneer?

Daozu Hongjun thought with his toes, and he could also think that he was at least two realms, or three realms higher than he is now.

If it weren't for Luo Hu, he might really have fallen!

Thanks Luo Hu?

What a joke, Luo Hu must die!


Dao Zu Hongjun suddenly felt a change in his Dao Heart.

A ray of devilish energy appeared on his Dao Heart!

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