Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 150: Hongjun will also be enchanted

"Not afraid of Buddhism?"


   Primal Tianzun's face sank, didn't he see the horror of the heavenly realm?


   Even if the eight of them are tied together, they are not Amitabha’s opponents, and they are not afraid of the Buddha's way? Who gave you the courage to say this?


   Primordial Tianzun is now speechless, and I didn't expect the profound door to fall into such a field now.


   Although the profound sect is not as good as the magical way, it is still behind the Buddhist way.


   Amitabha broke through the barrier, but they were trapped.


What should we do now?


   can only ask Dao ancestors to leave the gate, if there is no Dao ancestor sitting in the town, the profound gate is very likely to be eaten by the devil and the Buddha.


   "Let's go, go to chaos."


   Primitive Tianzun said helplessly.


   Now Taiqing Daozu is merged by Taishang Demon Ancestor, and Primordial Tianzun has become Master Xuanmen.


  Duke Dong nodded.


   The five ancestors also had no objection, after all, they joined afterwards. Although they were five, the original Tianzun was a true disciple after all.


   "Big brother, I won't go there anymore, after leaving the customs, I haven't visited Human Race yet."


   Wenzu Cangjie said awkwardly.


   Primordial Tianzun nodded, he knew that this was no longer the old Kunpeng ancestor, but the human ancestor.


   It is useless to say that it is no longer the same thing as Xuanmen, and I only think of Human Race.


  This kind of person can't walk too close, but they can't be evil.


   So for Wen Zu Cangjie's words, the original Tianzun didn't care too much.


   After Wen Zu Cangjie left, the fifth ancestor complained a little: "This ancestor Kunpeng is a direct disciple of Dao ancestor, so it turned out to be like this!"


   "Don't talk about him, Human Race may still be useful in the future. Cangjie is a good bridge."


   Primitive Tianzun planned the future in his eyes.


   Chaos, Zixiao Palace seems to stand forever.


   Primitive Tianzun and others came to the gate of Zixiao Palace.


   But the Zixiao Palace at this time seemed a bit deserted.


   "Master, disciple see you."


   Yuan Tianzun and others are all respectful worship.


   However, there was no response in the Zixiao Palace.


for a long time.


   Primitive Tianzun and the others are still kneeling here, but the door of Zixiao Palace is open.


   How did they know that Dao Ancestor Hongjun was suppressing the magic seed in his body at this time.


   "Brother, senior brother may have been in deep retreat, let's go back and discuss it again!" Jin Zu said.


  East Prince also nodded, after all, kneeling here is not a long-term solution.


   The most important thing at the moment is how to resist the magical path and the Buddhist path.


   There may be a glimmer of hope in the Buddhist Path, but what about the Magic Path?


   At this moment, two more people appeared in the chaos, it was Haotian and Jade Lake in the Heavenly Court!


   Both of them are now Hunyuan Daluojinxian, and they are still in the middle stage.


   "How many seniors are also asking to see Daozu?" Haotian and Yaochi came to the entrance of Zixiao Palace, saw Primordial Tianzun and others, and couldn't help asking.


   "Junior Brother, is this?" Seeing Haotian and Yaochi's cultivation base, Primordial Tianzun put away his previous lofty expression.


   After all, the current Xuanmen is in a weak position, and if he can win a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he can win one.


   must not be pushed to the side of the magic way and the Buddha way.


   "Heaven's Dao changed drastically, and the entire prehistoric land was in chaos. We are also here to ask Dao Ancestor, what should the Heavenly Court do next." Haotian said.


   "Master should be in retreat at this time, it is not convenient to see us." Dong Wanggong said.


   Immediately, the Eastern Prince stood up, and the fifth ancestor also stood up.


   Primitive Tianzun saw that they all stood up, feeling helpless, so they had to stand up.


   "Since the Taoist ancestor is in retreat, then we will also go back. Heavenly Court still has many things to do."


   Haotian politely bid farewell to the original Tianzun.


   Back to the Heavenly Court, Yao Chi looked towards Haotian, and solemnly asked: "Your Majesty, Dao Ancestor retreats, Heavenly Court does not have the shelter of the Heavenly Dao Realm, I am afraid it will not last long, what shall we do?


   How can Haotian not know the meaning of Yaochi? Nowadays, there are a lot of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian above the prehistoric land. Who wants to be under the jurisdiction of the heaven.


   I am afraid that it will not be long before the heaven will become a target of public criticism.


   "Go to Mount Xumi." Haotian thought for a while and finally said.


   Yaochi nodded, she had no opinion, because now she can only seek the Demon Ancestor.


   Daozu is obviously not reliable anymore.


   Sumi Mountain, the holy land of the magic way.


   Now, as the boy of the Taoist ancestor, the great Heavenly Lord, Haotian and Yaochi have come to Mount Xumi.


   "Haotian (Yaochi) asks to see the Demon Ancestor, and also invites the Demon Ancestor to see."


   The voice was loud and loud, and he didn't worry about the great power on Honghuang knowing that they had come to Mount Xumi.


  Since he is here, he must be sincere and say to the entire prehistoric land that the two of them are going to take refuge in the magic way.


   did not leave the slightest retreat for himself, I have to say that both of them are decisive.


   A avenue appeared at their feet, leading directly to the Palace of Freedom.


   Haotian, Yaochi was all overjoyed, and quickly walked up.


   When they came to Zizai Palace, Haotian and Yaochi were very respectful.


   Seeing Luo Hui and Wang Shu in the seat above, the two hurriedly bowed down.


   "Worship the demon ancestor and meet the empress."


   Haotian and Yaochi were both horrified, because they felt that Wangshu had broken through that barrier.


   Heavenly realm!


   They wish they could achieve it, this is a sting!


   "You are Hongjun's boy, what's the matter from your palace?" Luo Hui said lightly.


   "Although the disciple is the boy of the Dao ancestor, but the disciple is a monk of the Demon Dao, so naturally he will come to visit the Dao Zu."


   Haotian said, without covering up, the monstrous demonic energy gushed from Haotian's body.


   The magic seed in his body has sprouted, he is already a member of the magic way, but he concealed it very well, even Yaochi didn't know.


   "Haotian, you unexpectedly!" Yaochi was shocked.


   I didn't expect that Haotian was already a member of the magic way!


   Luo Hui and Wang Shu looked at each other, and did not speak.


   Haotian looked at Yaochi and said apologetically: "Yaochi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it."


   "Haotian, you don't need to do this, in fact, I also kept you from it."


   After Yao Chi finished speaking, he also burst into a monstrous devilish energy. If you talk about the thickness of the devilish energy, I am afraid that Yaochi's will be slightly better than Haotian!


   It can be seen from this that Yaochi was in a demon, after all, Haotian was earlier.




   Haotian was shocked, unexpectedly!


   Both husband and wife are both members of the magic way, and they are both Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of the magic way!


   Luo Hui preached the entire prehistoric, as long as it is a prehistoric creature, every creature has a magic seed in its heart.


   Even the Daojun Lu, who had just settled in the prehistoric land, could not expect that a magic seed appeared in his heart.


   "No wonder the Demon Ancestor didn't compete with Dao Ancestor for the Heavenly Court. It turns out that the Demon Ancestor had already calculated."


   Haotian felt a deep weakness, is this the strength of the Demon Ancestor?


   It's a deep calculation, I'm afraid that the entire prehistoric land is in the calculation of the devil ancestor.


   Luo Hui gave a faint smile.


   "You are not betraying Hongjun, one day you will find that Hongjun is also insane."

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