Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 151: Poor Wu Clan (four thousand words big

   Mount Sumeru, Zizai Palace.

   Luo Hui said a word.

   Wang Shu was stunned, Haotian and Yaochi were also shocked, they both looked at Luohu eagerly.

   Hongjun will be in the demon?

   This is a bit cruel!

   That is the Taoist ancestor, the great ancestor of Taoism, the founder of Xuanmen, how could it be enchanted?

   Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other. Although they knew that Luo Huo's words were a bit unreliable, they hoped that Dao Ancestor would also be enchanted.

  According to Luo Hui's words, in this way, they really are not betrayal.

   It's a pity, Hongjun Daozu will not be enchanted.

   Haotian and Yaochi both sighed helplessly.

   "The Demon Ancestor laughed, how can Dao Ancestor be enchanted, but whether or not the ancestor will be enchanted, Yao Chi and I are both people of the devil way.

   Haotian began to correct his position, after all, he had no choice now.

  The Daozu designation means that they can't count on it anymore, and then they will be enchanted. Daozu will not find it now, which does not mean that they will not find it in the future.

   was discovered at that time, I am afraid that the end will not be much better, now if I can take refuge in the seat of the Demon Ancestor, I may still be able to take a life.

   After becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Haotian and Yaochi realized the vastness of the land.

   They know that there is no end to cultivation.

   Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not the pinnacle, but a start from the body of the ant.

   "Since you have entered the magic way, then continue to be the lord of heaven."

   Luo Hui said lightly.

   Haotian and Yaochi are overjoyed, with Luo Hui's words, even if they have another backer.

   When those great powers in the future want to move them, they must consider the people behind them.

   "Also please Mozu to inform Honghuang, from now on I will look forward to Yaochi only Mozu."

   Haotian said respectfully.

   Luo Hui smiled indifferently, without speaking.

   Haotian was stunned, and Yaochi was also stunned. What's the situation? Didn't it mean to accept them?

   If the demon ancestor does not notify the predecessor, doesn't it mean not accepting them?

  Wangshu also didn't understand Luo Huan's meaning, but I said earlier that he would accept them as disciples of the Demon Dao.

   "Now that you are the people of the magic way, what's the use?"

   Luo Hui gave a faint smile.

   Haotian and Yaochi were both taken aback. They are now the people of the magic way, didn't they add strength to the magic way?

   What they say is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, although there are many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian on the land.

   can all add up to only 30 or so.

   The two of them joined, the power of the magic way, wouldn't it increase a bit?


   Haotian thought of something, and looked at the Mozu, he understood the meaning of Luo Hui's words.

  The fact that they are now entering the magical way is really of no use to Luo Hui.

   But after a certain time, if they enter the magic way again, it must be of decisive use.

   "Haotian knows the meaning of Mozu."

   Haotian said respectfully, but his heart was shocked. Unexpectedly, the Demon Ancestor had such a vast layout.

   Now Haotian has a feeling, that is, Luo Huan has already laid out the arrangement. When Hongjun Daozu first preached, he had already arranged it.

   Haotian thought for a while, now there are hundreds of Yuanhui before Hongjun Daozu preaching!

  In other words, the Demon Ancestor began planning today's scene before hundreds of Yuanhui.

   Daozu cannot be compared with it.

   Haotian now feels that Luo Yu's words are more than just talking, probably true.

  Perhaps, Daozu will really be enchanted.

   "Well, yes, a little bit savvy, I will know Heaven." Luo Hui said lightly.

   Haotian nodded, and said respectfully: "Please follow the demon's decree."

   Yaochi didn't know what Mozu meant, but Haotian was forcibly pulled away.

   "Luo Hui, what do you mean with Haotian, why don't I understand?" Wang Shu asked suspiciously.

   "This Haotian has some brains, it will be of great use in the future."

   Luo Hui said lightly.

   Wangshu glared at Luo Hui, because Luo Hui's answer was completely wrong with the bull's head, and it was simply the wrong answer.

   "Because of Hongjun, now is not the time for them to become enchanted." Luo Hui said quickly.

  Wang Shu still didn't understand, but he understood a little bit.

   Such calculations, she doesn't understand and doesn't like it.

   But she deeply feels the power of Luo Hui.

   "In some time, let's get married!"

   Luo Hui said.

   Wang Shu's face blushed instantly, and when he suddenly mentioned the wedding, Wang Shu was a little caught off guard, but he was overjoyed in his heart.

   She has been waiting for Luo Hui to say this for a long time. Now that Luo Hui has said it, how could she be unwilling?

"it is good."

   A simple word, but it expresses endless joy.

   "You stay in the Palace of Freedom to practice, let me make arrangements."

   Luo Hui said, and then left Mount Xumi.

   Out of Mount Xumi, Luo Hui's face instantly deepened, looking at the endless void, full of murderous intent!

   Ten thousand years time?

   As Luo Hui in the late stage of the heavenly realm, he naturally felt that the great terror was about to come.

   Honghuang only has ten thousand years, and within these ten thousand years, what Honghuang can do is to improve!

  Because after ten thousand years, the great horror comes, and all the prehistoric creatures may perish.

   Wang Shu should have felt it too, after all, it was the middle stage of the Heavenly Dao realm, but Wang Shu did not feel as clear as Luo Hui.

   In addition, Luo Hui shielded Wang Shu's six senses, making it impossible for him to feel the coming of the great horror.

   Not because of other things.

   Only because Luo Hui wanted to fulfill his promise and gave Wang Shu a wedding.

   Long ago, he promised Wang Shu that he would marry her and give her a grand wedding.

   But now, Luo Hui knows that the wedding can't be affected by the entire predicament.

   It is not that Luo Hui is unwilling, but that Luo Hui can't do it.

   Many great abilities gathered together, and they were bound to discuss the great horror. Luo Hui did not want Wang Shu to have psychological pressure.

   Since the wedding, it is a good day.

   Above the big wedding, there can be absolutely no depressive things.

   Luo Hui appeared in the Netherworld.

   A round of blood moon hung high, and the whole underworld was filled with the gloomy air of blood evil.

   But the aura of the underworld has become the aura of the day after tomorrow.

   Luohuo's breakthrough spread too much, and the entire prehistoric aura declined.

   the breath radiates.

  In an instant, the power of the entire underworld felt the arrival of Luo Huo.

   In the sea of ​​blood, a blood beam shot up into the sky, and instantly came to Luo Hui's side.

   "The disciples pay respect to Master." The ancestor Styx respectfully bowed to Luohu.

   At this time, the ancestor of the Styx has already broken through to the golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo, and is still the peak of the golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo.

   He listened to what Luo Hui said at the beginning, so he and Ao Zheng are both ready to go.

   However, compared with Ao Zheng's background, the ancestor of Styx is a bit short, so he entered the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   But even so, he has surpassed the veteran saint of Burning Light Buddha.

   is not worse than the original Eastern Prince and others.

   "Well, yes, it is expected to become a realm of heaven."

   Luo Hui said with satisfaction.

   The ancestor of the Styx River was overjoyed, and only after he became the Golden Fairy of Hunyuan Daluo did he realize that there was still a heavenly realm on it.

   Only when it becomes the realm of heaven, above the prehistoric state, can it be regarded as a real power.

   "Master, Amitabha has reached the realm of heaven," said the ancestor of Styx.

   Luohu nodded, and Amitabha became the realm of heaven, which made him not surprising, after all, he already knew the footsteps of Amitabha.

   It's just that Luo Hui hesitated and felt very worried.

   Amitabha is a lotus heart, can you really do it yourself?

   Only by working on the Amitabha Buddha was able to fuse the 36-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian. Facing such a treasure, Luo Hui couldn't say that he was fascinated. It was fake.

   But Amitabha is his disciple.

   Even if he has broken away from the magic way and created the Buddhist way, that is his disciple.

   Let's take one step and count one step, there is not yet all the treasures gathered.

   At this moment, another ten figures appeared beside Luo Hui, it was the Ten Temple Yama of the Underworld.

   "Meet the Demon Ancestor."

   Yama of the Ten Temples is a respectful worship.

   Don’t worship God, don’t respect Hongjun, but don’t be rude to Luohu.

   "Get up, you have fallen behind for more than a thousand years."

   Luo Hui said lightly.

   In the words, there is no contempt, let alone look down.

   Luo Hui was just telling the truth and comforting them.

   Ten Temples Yama is originally an ancestor witch, and he does not cultivate the soul, even if he becomes Yama, he does not cultivate the soul. As far as understanding is concerned, there is no need to think about it.

   Above the primordial lands, there is a creature, all of which are more savvy than their witch races.

   Therefore, for more than a thousand years, the great abilities of the same period have become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   And they are just a big Luo Jinxian.

   The gap here is more than a thousand miles!

   Ten Temple Yama, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, they were helpless and unable.

   Without comprehension, I missed the golden millennium.

   Their cultivation is still Daluo Jinxian, and in the future, this netherworld is not what they say, it will become unknown.

   Suddenly there were so many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian above the Great Wilderness.

  , such a place of great fortune, is bound to become a battleground.

   They are just big Luo Jinxian, how can they hold the underworld?

   "Also, please have mercy from the Demon Ancestor and protect the underworld."

   Yan Luo of the Ten Temples gave up his superior dignity and prayed to Luo Hui.

   But how would they know that Luo Hui can't take action now, nor can he kill those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   Ten thousand years later, a great horror came to the world. The current Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are all highly savvy people.

  Ten thousand years, it should be possible to become a realm of heaven.

   If one counts as one, if there is one more heavenly realm, then the chances of the prehistoric being able to survive will increase slightly.

   So Luo Hui can't kill those Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

   Not only that, Luo Hui also plans to let them all get a little luck, and then work hard.

   "Everything waits for Houtu to come back." Luo Hui said lightly.

   He can't help it now, he doesn't have the ability to improve the Ten Temple Yama.

   Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base is really too low for the current prehistoric.

   I am afraid that the Wu clan will become a wild joke in the future.

   Countless years ago, the Wu clan was a real big clan, but now?

   Without comprehension, the Wu clan is destined to decline.

   "Houtu returns, can we have hope?" Qin Guangwang said helplessly.

   Yan Luo showed a wry smile.

   The small clan that was oppressed by their witch clan at the beginning, now there is a possibility of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the clan.

   Not to mention the most holy and quasi holy.

   Nowadays, the golden fairy is not as good as the dog, and the big Luo walks everywhere.

   Their Ten Temples Yama, they are only the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, placed above the prehistoric, not even a master!

   How sad is this?

   "Devil Ancestor, I have something to ask, and I also ask Demon Ancestor to agree." King Qin Guang said respectfully.

"tell me the story."

   Luo Hui also wanted to hear, what else does King Qin Guang have at this time.

   After taking the two, King Qin Guang knelt down, and the other Yamas also knelt down.

"The witches cannot enlighten the way. Except for Houtu, there are two exceptions. One is Chi You. I don’t ask the Demon Ancestor to let Chi You go. After all, his wolfish ambition, I am afraid that even the witches want to swallow it in his heart. I want to ask Mozu to save Hou Yi, he is the hope of my Wu Clan."

   After King Qin Guang said, he kowtowed at Luohu.

   The other nine Yamas also kowtow quickly.

   King Qin Guang said it was right, then Hou Yi could indeed enlighten the Dao, and the soul had been born.

   In these thousand years, if there are not many things that shocked Luo Huan, but Hou Yi shocked Luo Huo.

   Yuanshen was born, and in just one thousand and one hundred years, his cultivation level was raised to a terrible level.

   Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian peak!

   The physical body can be comparable to Ao Zheng.

   Luo Hui didn't know what great chance Hou Yi met, but why would Luo Hui not pay attention to such a character?

   "It's also time for Hou Yi to leave Lunar Star. I will let him go to Pangu Temple to preside over the overall situation later."

   Luo Hui said lightly.

   Although Houyi's cultivation base is strong now, the shackles in his heart have not been broken, so Houyi cannot leave Lunar Star.

   But if Luo Hui helps then it is different.

   Yama of the Ten Temples are all kowtowing thanks.

   Luo Hui did not continue to stay in the underworld.

   He wants to take advantage of this time to arrange some things quickly, because in the future, he may not be able to take care of the entire predicament.

   As for the ancestor of the Styx River, Luo Hui asked him to go to Mount Xumi, enter the great free sky, and enlighten the Tao under the world tree.

   Now these disciples of his, Luo Hui is able to let them enter the Great Free Heaven, so let them enter the Great Free Heaven.

   Ten thousand years is very urgent for Luo Hui.

next moment.

   Luohui appeared Nanming Volcano.

   This is Fengzu’s site and a place of suppression.

   At the beginning, Fengzu relied on the vow of heaven to survive, and the price he paid was to suppress Nanming Volcano forever.

   This is the largest Hongshan in the prehistoric land. Once it erupts, the entire prehistoric continent will sink.

   "Worship the Demon Ancestor." Feng Zu came to Luo Hui and worshiped respectfully.

   Kong Xuan and the Golden Winged Roc also hurriedly said: "Meet Master (Magic Ancestor)."

   "No need to be polite."

   Fengzu, Kong Xuan and Golden Wing Roc slowly got up, but their expressions were very respectful.

   Although they have all made breakthroughs in these years, they are far inferior to Luo Hui.

   "Fengzu, your cultivation level has also broken through, very good." Luo Hui was immediately happy when he saw Fengzu's cultivation level that he had reached the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   "Magic Ancestor, you are here, it should be for the sacred beasts of the five directions of heaven and earth!" Feng Zu said.


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