Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 152: Suzaku

The sacred beasts of the five directions are heaven and earth sacred beasts used by the heavens to suppress the five poles.

They are Southern Suzaku, Eastern Blue Dragon, Northern Xuanwu, Western White Tiger, and Central Kylin.

For example, Dao has been refined by Hongjun Dao ancestor 90% of it today, so it's time for the holy beast of the five directions to be born.

Because the sacred beasts of the five directions, the suppression is not the prehistoric world, but the assistance of the heaven to control the predominant.

If it is really to suppress the world, with the strength of the five-sided holy beast, it is far from enough.

Not to mention the strength of the quasi-sage of the five-sided sacred beast, even the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, is not qualified to suppress the prehistoric world.

The world Pangu opened up is too big.

The prehistoric contains three thousand big worlds, endless small worlds.

"Suzaku is your closest relative, so let's start with Suzaku."

Luo Hui said lightly.

He didn't answer Feng Zu's words directly, but what he meant now, it was obvious that Feng Zu had guessed right.

Luo Hu really did it for the five-sided sacred beast, this was a lot of combat power, and together, it could also lay a battle formation.

Not only that, but their understanding is also very good.

As long as they are given luck in the next ten thousand years, they can completely break through to the heavenly realm.

Luo Hu is not a good person, he will not help others for no reason, but Luo Hu knows that to help others improve now is to give himself a chance to survive.

"Magic Ancestor, Suzaku has also cultivated to the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so other sacred beasts should also be at this level. I can let Suzaku enter the demon way, but I can't control other sacred beasts."

Feng Zu said.

Suzaku has always looked forward to Fengzu's horse, so Suzaku will listen to Fengzu's words, but other holy beasts are different.

"It doesn't matter, other sacred beasts will also enter the magical way."

Luo Hui smiled indifferently, then looked at Kong Xuan: "You already have the foundation to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, go to Da Zi Zai Tian."

Kong Xuan was overjoyed, when even he took the Golden Wing Roc to thank you.

When the demon ancestor of the sky became the realm of heaven, Da Zizaitian also became the great world.

It has become one of the three thousand great worlds within the prehistoric world.

A ray of light shot out from Luo Hui's eyes, and the space in front of him trembled instantly, and a light gate appeared.

Within the Light Gate, there are two passages, one leads to Mount Xumi, and the other leads to the Antarctic world.

Kong Xuan and Jin Wing Dapeng went to Mount Xumi, while Luo Hui and Feng Zu went to the Antarctic World.

The location of the five-sided sacred beasts is a big world, and the Suzaku is in the Antarctic world.

Entering the Antarctic world is like entering another time and space.

This is not the same as Honghuang, in Honghuang is innate aura, no, now it is acquired aura.

But in the Antarctic world, it is the fire element power, the endless fire element power, all the monks here cultivate are fire element power.

In this world, there are even these three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is still not a Suzaku.

Luo Hui's expression changed, and he seemed to have made some mistakes in his judgment.

Heaven could not restrain the prehistoric, and even more could not suppress the three thousand worlds, so Luo Hui did not count the power in the three thousand worlds.

In an Antarctic world, there are three or four Hunyuan Daluojinxian, so what about other great worlds?

Honghuang has three thousand big worlds and countless small worlds.

Luo Hu didn't think about whether there was a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in those small worlds, but in the big world, at least there must be a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

With such a calculation, Luo Hu really hasn't counted the great power!

It's not so much!

The number of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian that Luohu calculated before, I am afraid that there is not even a fraction of the entire amount of the entire prehistoric.

A big thousand world is like one, and these three thousand Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

But how could there be one?

Luo Hu couldn't even guess how much power the prehistoric exploded in these thousand years.

There is no secret in the current prehistoric land, and it is impossible to calculate it.

The only thing we will do in the future is to plan ahead.

"The Antarctic world is no longer suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, but it has also been promoted to the Great Thousand World, which is much larger than before." Feng Zu said with emotion.

The previous Antarctic world was just a small world with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

Now it has become a vast and endless world, with an area that can be compared to the prehistoric continent.

In the next instant, a woman in a red robe appeared, exuding a powerful aura.

"Sister." The red robe woman is Suzaku.

"Come and meet the Demon Ancestor." Feng Zu said.

Although Suzaku has always been in the Antarctic world, she also knows Luo Hu's reputation.

Before the change of the way of heaven, it was possible to calculate the secret of heaven, and everything in the prehistoric world could not be hidden from the holy beast of the five directions.

The Demon Ancestor, one of the two ancestors, how dare Suzaku neglect?

"The White General Demon Ancestor."

Suzaku said respectfully.

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian peak cultivation base, living in a big world, good luck. At first, I was worried about the luck of your five sacred beasts. Now it seems that I have been worried.

Luo Hui looked at Suzaku and nodded, but Suzaku had great luck on his body, and he could fully cultivate himself in the Antarctic world.

"There are Lao Mozu worried."

Suzaku was grateful.

Now that Suzaku has a better place to practice, Luo Hu wouldn't force her to go to Da Zi Zai Tian.

Because I went to the great free sky and practiced under the world tree, it may not be as fast as I practiced in the Antarctic world.

After all, here, Suzaku has the blessing of a great world.

"Suzaku, I ask you, is every holy beast the same as you?" Luo Hu said.

Suzaku shook his head quickly, and said helplessly: "The place where Earth Qilin is, but it is a small world. Although he has also cultivated to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his cultivation speed will slow down in the future."

Luo Hu nodded, and Suzaku was right. Without the blessing of the great world, Tu Qilin could not keep up.

However, Luo Hui was a little puzzled, why the other four sacred beasts have a great world, but the Earth Qilin does not?

Seeing Luo Hu's doubts, Suzaku said hurriedly: "Don't hide from the demon ancestor, the earth unicorn should have a big world, but this big world is already occupied."

"Huh? Who occupied it?" Luo Hui was puzzled.

"Heavenly Court is the Great Central World, but..."

Next Suzaku needless to say, Luo Hu knows everything.

The secret space of Heavenly Court was originally the Great Central World, located on Mount Bu Zhou.

But it was occupied by Dijun and Taiyi.

Squeezed the soil unicorns into a small world.

"Well, I know."

Luo Hui glanced at Feng Zu and said, "Don't stay here any longer. We will see Nanming Volcano later."

After speaking, Luo Hu disappeared.

The reason why Fengzu was asked to go back quickly was because Nanming Volcano might erupt at some point.

This is a big volcano that can destroy the wild.

Have to pay attention.

List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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