Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 153: Baihu sees the future

Bu Zhou Mountain, this wild spine, has now fallen.

Broken in half, but still the sacred mountain in the prehistoric.

Luo Hu slowly walked out of the void in a place a million miles in Shandong Province.

The small world where the earth unicorn is located is here.

Unexpectedly, other sacred beasts have a big world, and this tragedy of this earth unicorn has only one small world.

The cultivation base may be equal now, but after a while, there will be a gap in cultivation base.

Because in the future, cultivation depends not only on understanding, but also on luck.

Without luck, it would be impossible to break through to the heavenly realm just by understanding.

Luo Hu didn't know what the great horror would be after ten thousand years, but Luo Hu knew that at that time, only the heavenly realm could help.

The figure disappeared.

Luo Hui entered this small world, but it was a space of hundreds of millions of miles around, and the magic eye could perceive everything.

Perhaps because of the earth unicorn, this world uses this rich earth law.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor."

Tu Qilin appeared beside Luo Hu and bowed respectfully.

"At the beginning, Emperor Jun Taiyi occupied the heavenly court, and Heavenly Dao settled you here. After so many years, it's hard for you."

Luo Hui said calmly.

"Thank you Mozu for comfort, I'm just a little unicorn, I'm already satisfied with a place to stay."

Tu Qilin said indifferently.

He is Shi Qilin's own younger brother, but he doesn't like to fight, and he is a kind of indifferent character when he does things.

"After ten thousand years, the great calamity of the great and wild, all souls are in it, no matter mortal or cultivation base like me, they are all in the calamity, there will be disasters, you have a very good understanding, and I will let you go to the great freedom. Practice, are you willing?"

Luo Hu said.

In fact, Luo Hui said so much to stimulate Tu Qilin's fighting spirit. After all, if you don't want to die, you have to practice hard.

Tu Qilin didn't have a big reaction, and said flatly: "Even the Demon Ancestor is in the robbery. Even if I am practicing, I will die. It's better to enjoy these ten thousand years."

Tu Qilin said this.

Luo Hui was dumbfounded. It is truly amazing in the world. People with this personality can still live to this day. I have to say that this is a miracle.

But thinking about it again, people with this personality really live a long time, and at least there will be no disaster.

Luohu's demon eyes opened, and he looked at the magic seed in the earth unicorn. Luo Hu found that the demon seed had not changed at all, that is to say, the possibility of the earth unicorn getting into the demon was zero!

This shocked Luo Hu once again.

This is probably the most weird existence of the prehistoric.

Even Hongjun could be enchanted, this earth unicorn has no desires and desires, and there is no possibility of enchantment!

"Uh, let's go! There are many fellows in Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​you can still discuss the Tao and practice together." Luo Hu said.

Luo Hui is also helpless, for such a person, there is really no good way.

Even if you are confused by the illusion, you can't be confused, because people have no desires and desires, and are not afraid of death. What can you do?

Is it possible that he really killed him?

Luo Hui was here to help him cultivate, not to kill.

"Since the Demon Ancestor said so, then I will go to Da Zi Zai Tian."

Tu Qilin doesn't matter, it doesn't matter where you practice.

Now that there is no restriction from the way of heaven, he can go anywhere in the land.

Luo Hu left and headed to the West Pole World, where the White Tiger was.

Luo Hui valued Bai Hu very much. Although he was not a disciple, Luo Hu had already identified Bai Hu as a disciple.

The West Polar World is similar to the Antarctic World, the only difference is that the West Polar World seems to be stronger!

The eight Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian stunned Luo Hu.

These are eight Hunyuan Daluojinxians!

Luo Hui initially thought that there were only more than 30 Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals in Honghuang, but he did not expect that there would be Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals in a great world!

"Magic Ancestor!"

The white tiger who was cultivating suddenly felt Luo Hu's breath, and immediately awakened, and arrived in front of Luo Hu with the fastest speed.

"Disciple Baihu, meet the demon ancestor!"

Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian peak cultivation base, but facing Luo Hu, he was still respectful, and he didn't dare to neglect the slightest.

For the devil ancestor, the white tiger is a kind of inner worship and respect.

"The Dao of Heaven is weak, and three thousand great worlds appear in the prehistoric land. You are in charge of a great world, and you live in a great world. In the future, your practice will be smooth, and I will not let you go to the great freedom to practice."

Luo Hui said lightly.

"Magic Ancestor, the disciple wants to go to Mount Xumi to practice."

Bai Hu said awkwardly.

I don't know how many years, Bai Hu also missed his good brother Ao Zheng.

"Cultivate hard, there are so many opportunities to meet in the future." Luo Hui did not say anything terrifying.

Sometimes, giving a little pressure can become motivation, and sometimes giving a little pressure can become a burden!

"This is the bone marrow of Pangu, which can improve your physical body and your understanding.

Baihu, I will see you become the realm of heaven within a thousand years. "

For the White Tiger, Luo Hu has great sustenance.

Pangu bone marrow, although only a drop, can benefit the white tiger endlessly.

"Magic Ancestor, I don't know if there is something wrong with the disciple?" Bai Hu took Pangu's bone marrow, his face was full of surprise, but when he thought of another thing, his face became hesitant.


Bai Hu pondered for a moment, and said: "After leaving the customs, our five-party sacred beasts joined hands to watch the future, but we found that the wilderness was shattered and all souls died.

Luo Hui was shocked!

Looking at Baihu, his face was solemn, and he said, "You are telling the truth, can you five see the future?"

"It's just a coincidence. When we want to watch, we can't see the future." Bai Hu said helplessly.

Luo Hui felt a little dissatisfied, because Suzaku didn't tell him about this!

Why doesn't Suzaku say?

There must be something bigger in the future than the fragmentation of the empire and the annihilation of all souls.

"Specifically, what did you see?" Luo Hui asked.

"Don't dare to deceive the Demon Ancestor. In the future, the disciples don't know whether it is ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years.

Endless outside creatures trampled on the land at will.

The disciple also saw..."

When talking about this Baihu paused, obviously he didn't dare to continue.


Luo Hui's face was deep, because he knew that Bai Hu must have seen something big!

"The disciples saw... saw the eight external powers, trapped the demon ancestor in a large formation, refining..."

Bai Hu knelt down with a plop.

Luo Hui was lost in thought.

What Baihu sees should be the future.

The primordial land was shattered and all spirits died, leaving him alone in the entire primordial land.

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List of chapters of the high-speed text hand-type prehistoric Luohu asked questions

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