Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 154: Luo lays an array to change the prehistoric

Amidst the chaos, Luo Hu stood there, letting the endless chaotic air rush through, Luo Hu didn't move at all.

Although these chaotic air currents were violent, to Luo Hu, they were no different from innate spiritual energy.

The current Primordial Land is full of acquired auras, and being in chaos is more comfortable than Primordial Land.

Luo Hui was lost in thought.

Bai Hu's words shocked Luo Hu a little, but also a little helpless, because the future Bai Hu saw may be true.

In the top ten worlds, Luo Hu didn't know how powerful the power in this world was, but Luo Hu could be sure.

In the ten worlds, there is absolutely great power in the great realm.

Dao realm, that is, the realm above the heavenly realm.

Of course, there is another name, this realm is Hun Yuan Immortal Immortal Da Luo Jinxian.

Luo Hu also knew why Suzaku didn't tell him this. Obviously, Suzaku was worried that Luo Hu was angry and destroyed the Antarctic world.

But how could she know that Luo Hu had already foreseen the great horror, and also knew the power of the ten worlds.

Lu Pressure is the power of the Ten Worlds. Luo Yu can be sure that when Lu Pressure is at its peak, it is definitely in the Great Realm.

As for the early stage of the Great Dao Realm, or the middle stage, Luo Hu was uncertain.

As for the late stage or the peak, that is absolutely impossible.

Because after becoming a great realm, every small realm is equivalent to a big realm.

In the Ten Great Worlds, as long as it descends into a great realm, it is a great terror for today's prehistoric!

The sum of the entire prehistoric famine is not enough for the great power of a great realm.

Luo Hui is in the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm and can deal with the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, but he is powerless for the Dao Realm.

"The future Baihu sees has eight great abilities to refine me, and they should all be great abilities in the great realm."

Luo Hui said to himself.

He knows that the only way to resolve the crisis is for him to become a great realm, but how easy is it to become a great realm?

In today's prehistoric times, although the way of heaven cannot constrain all spirits, breaking through the great realm also requires huge blessings of gas and time accumulation.

Luo Hu has good luck and strong understanding, the only thing he lacks is time.

This is the first time Luo Hu feels the scarcity of time.

You must know that in the time of Taikoo, Luo Huo's random retreat was a Yuanhui.

Now if Luo Hu is given a Yuanhui, Luo Hu is sure to become the middle or even later stage of the Great Dao.

But, where to find the time for this Yuanhui?

What Honghuang lacks most now is time.

A magical light rose up behind his head, and a pagoda appeared in the chaos, vast and exuding vast coercion.

This is Luohu's treasure, the Nine Magic Towers.

This pagoda is refined from the **** roots of good fortune, and has supreme power.

This time, Luo Hu came here to transform the chaotic air currents into innate auras.

The level of Primordial Aura is too low, just acquired aura, which has great disadvantages for the Primordial Monk to improve his strength.

He didn't have the innate aura of the prehistoric, so he would naturally return to the world of the prehistoric aura.

It's just that with Luo Hu's cultivation strength, he can at most only fill Hong Huang with innate aura. As for the three thousand worlds, Luo Hu can do nothing.


Infinite mana gushed from Luohu's body, and a large formation was instantly deployed.

The Spirit Gathering Formation was a very simple formation, but after Luo Hui arranged it, it affected the entire chaotic flow of chaos.

Infinite chaotic air currents gather here.


There was a sound of air burst.

These are all chaotic air currents!

Now that they are gathered together, unimaginable things will happen naturally.

The violent chaotic air currents merged and then upgraded, and the original gray chaos became lavender.

"From the big array, chaotic innate!"

Luo Hui shouted loudly.

The Nine Magic Towers suppressed the great formation and became the core. Under the transformation of the Nine Magic Towers, the endless chaotic airflow became a strong innate aura.

Luo Hui opened up a passage with great supernatural powers to draw innate aura into the prehistoric state.

at this time.

There was a huge storm and mountain torrents on the land, which changed the aura of the land once again.

However, this transformation takes time. With the speed of the current acquired aura changing to the innate aura, it will take a hundred years to complete the transformation.

Luo Hui finished all this and returned to the prehistoric state.

The Nine Demon Pagodas were suppressed in the Spirit Gathering Array, and Luo Hu was not afraid of being taken away.

The entire prehistoric creature felt it, and the aura gradually became richer.

But I don't know why, why, so that the aura has become a little bit of a tone.

Returning to Mount Xumi, seeing Wang Shu, Luo Hui's heart trembled, Bai Hu said the future, but all the souls died, and he was the only one left.

This means that Wang Shu will also fall.

Luo Hui hesitated a bit. Before, although he thought of the power of great terror, he still thought of being able to resist.

At least the chance of resistance is 50%.

Now, Luo Hu doesn't think there will be 50%. He thinks that the chance of Honghuang's survival is less than Are you worried? "

In the palace, Wang Shu looked at Luo Hu. When he saw Luo Hu's brows furrowed, Wang Shu felt a pain in his heart inexplicably.

"This world is going to change."

Luo Hu said helplessly, at this time, Luo Hu didn't want to hide Wang Shu anymore.

Because of the future results, even Luo Hu was not sure about it.

He is not qualified to hide Wang Shu, this should let Wang Shu know.

Thinking in his heart, Luo Hui withdrew his mana and opened Wang Shu's six senses.


Wang Shu's body trembled, and he looked at Luo Hui in shock.

She knew what Luo Hu was talking about, just now, she felt that a great horror was coming in the dark, and the predicament might be destroyed in time.

The creatures above the prehistoric will all perish.

"Is this true?" Wang Shu looked at Luo Wei blankly.

"It's true, ten thousand years."

Luo Hui was a little funny. What he didn't like was time before, but now he feels that there is too little time.

This is not enough!

Even if it was time to give Luo Hu a Yuanhui, Luo Hu wouldn't worry about the arrival of the Ten Great Worlds.

"Even if the land is destroyed, I will be with you."

Wang Shu feels that as long as Luo Hu is by his side, what's the matter with life and death?

Luo Hui looked at Wang Shu.

This is the woman he wants to protect.

Because of this woman, he will also become a great realm.

And those disciples, those respectful disciples, these are Luo Hu's motivation!

For his own woman, for his own disciple, Luo Hu felt that he would not be able to break through!

He can die, but the person he wants to protect cannot die.

"We married Wang Shu ten years later, and went to the World Tree to find a breakthrough opportunity."


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