Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 4 Chapter 155: Zixiao Palace, signed the God List

Luo Hui made up his mind.

Looking at Wang Shu, he said: "I'm sorry, I am afraid I can't give you this grand wedding."

Luo Hui said apologetically, because he said at the beginning that he wanted to give Wang Shu a grand wedding, so that the entire majestic power would attend, and the heavens and spirits would celebrate.

Now, there is something that can't be done.

The great horror is still tens of thousands of years away. Although Luo Hu is selfish, Luo Hu knows that if the primordial beings are stronger, he and Wang Shu have a better chance of surviving.

"No, I just need to be by your side." Wang Shu said blushingly.

She didn't ask too much, she just wanted to be with Luo Hu.

Luo Hu nodded.

There are still ten years to get married, and Luo Hu decided that when that time comes, only disciples from Mount Xumi can come.

As for outsiders, forget it.

However, Wang Shu asked Luo Hui to agree to one thing, that is, she would not give her body to Luo Hui if she didn't cultivate to the pinnacle of the Taoist realm.

Wang Shu hoped that Luo Hu would understand.

Of course, Wang Shu also hoped that Luo Hui could forgive her for her waywardness this time.

How could Luo Hu not know what Wang Shu meant, Wang Shu wanted to use the shortest time to break through to the peak of the Heavenly Dao Stage, and then use his Yuan Yin to help Luo Hu become a Dao Stage.

Wang Shu's comprehension is not the top, so it is somewhat difficult to become the pinnacle of the heavenly realm.

Ten thousand years may not be.

Unless Pangu Great God helps Wang Shu again, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to become the peak of the heavenly realm in ten thousand years.

Wang Shu practiced in retreat.

She didn't want to waste a minute, she wanted to do something for Luo Hui.

When she left the customs this time, Wang Shu was very happy, because her cultivation was in the middle of the Heavenly Dao realm, and she thought she could help Luo Hu.

But she found that the middle stage of the heavenly realm could not help Luo Hui.


In just over a thousand years, the human race has changed tremendously, and it has completely entered the era of slavery. In this era, the life of ordinary people is the darkest.

Because the people in power only need to say things, then ordinary people will do it.

Shang Dynasty.

Luo Hui calculated the time, and now the king of the Xia Dynasty is King Zhou his grandfather. It should be more than 30 years before King Zhou becomes the throne.

Fengshen is about to begin!

For the Conferred God, Luo Hu didn't care, what he cared about was Wuyi Xinghuangqi!

Now Wuyi Xinghuangqi doesn't seem to exist, and none of that power has ever been used.

Although Luo Hui guessed in the hands of Daozu Hongjun, guessing was only a guess after all.

However, Luo Hu knew that after the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods was opened, the Wuyi Apricot and Yellow Flag would appear in Jiang Ziya's hands.

It seems that something needs to be planned.

Conferred gods, Luo Hu doesn't like it, but it doesn't mean it is useless to the magic way.

"Boom boom boom..."

The bell rang, this was the signal that Daozu Hongjun was calling the great power to go to the Purple Cloud Palace.

For example, today the Tao is no longer in charge of the prehistoric, and without the secrets of heaven, many great powers do not know what happened.

But Hongjun Daozu is a great power in the heavenly realm. Who dares not go to his summons?

Luo Hu of Human Race looked at the direction of Chaos.

Hongjun would really pick a time to leave the customs. It seems that this tribulation to the gods is something Hongjun has planned for a long time.

This is a catastrophe against the Demon Dao.

Luo Hui smiled. Since he is targeting the magic way, let's come.

Fighting is always the fastest way to improve your realm.

Of course, it is also a way to eliminate some useless people.

Luo Hu stepped out and entered the chaos, looked at the Purple Cloud Palace, and entered directly.

Above the hall, not only Dao Ancestor Hongjun is here, but there are also two people, Daojun Lu Ya and Destiny Ancestor.

"The two fellow Taoists came very quickly. I don't know if the calculation for me has been completed?" Luo Hui said lightly.

Although the Great Horror is coming soon, it is absolutely impossible to stop the internal fighting because of this.

"Friends of Daoist are laughing, how can I wait for friends of Daoist." Fate Ancestor laughed.

The destiny ancestor is now in the middle of the heavenly realm, but the destiny ancestor exudes a stronger aura than the latter.

"Your gear of destiny seems to have been restored, not bad." Luo Hu said lightly.

"If it were not for the restoration of the gears of destiny, this seat is now the pinnacle of the heavenly realm." The ancestor of destiny laughed.

Luo Hu was not talking, and sat down cross-legged, closing his eyes.

As time shifted, one by one might appear in the Zixiao Palace.

Eight thousand great abilities, gathered in the Zixiao Palace!

The lowest cultivation power is the realm of Hunyuan.

Luo Hui's final calculation was right, the entire prehistoric Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian absolutely exceeded three thousand.

Honghuang has three thousand big worlds, and every big world has a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In some big worlds, there are even more than a dozen.

Xuanmen, Demon Dao, Buddhism Dao, San Xiu, all the powers above Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian have arrived.

Even Wang Shu and the others, who had just retired, came to Zixiao Palace.

Wang Shu's cultivation base made all the great powers tremble in his heart.

The cultivation base in the middle of the Heavenly Dao, what a terrifying cultivation base!

It can already be compared with the four on the cloud bed.

Daozu Hongjun opened his eyes and said faintly: "During the Emperor of Humanity, the disciples of the Demon Dao committed murder and needed to enter the world, so he opened the Conferred God took the charge of the Conferred God List, the Demon Dao disciple After entering the world, Buddhist and Taoist disciples assist Xuanmen."

The words of Dao Ancestor Hongjun were spread in the Zixiao Palace, which caused all the magical powers to change their expressions, and they all looked at Luohu.

This is to openly unite to deal with Demon Dao!

They all hope that Luo Hu can stand up and say something, as long as Luo Hu thinks it is a battle, then let this Zixiao Palace collapse now.

"Great goodness, the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods is opened, and all under the realm of Heavenly Dao are in the midst of Tribulation. The disciples of Demon Dao are waiting for the crusades of Xuanmen, Buddhism, and casual cultivation.

Luo Hui's voice was tenacious and powerful, and it shook the Zixiao Palace.

Luo Hu's remarks can be said to use the power of the magic way to fight against other orthodox unions.

The Conferred God List can be controlled by Xuanmen.

Xuanmen, Buddhism, and casual cultivation can all be combined.

Luo Hu is not afraid, but what Luo Hu asks is to let all the creatures under the heavenly realm be stricken.

This is the countermeasure Luo Hui just came up with.

There are still ten thousand years, if you don't take a fight, then all living things will die.

If the entire prehistoric land enters the war, countless great abilities will be upgraded during the war.

Although many people will die.

But it can be exchanged for an improvement in cultivation base, this trade can be done.

Hongjun, destiny, and Lu Ya all looked at Luo Hu, but he didn't expect Luo Hu to agree so happy.

Daozu Hongjun said lightly: "Heavenly Court needs 3,600 righteous gods and 46,000 deputy gods. Daoists can now sign the list of conferred gods."

With a wave of his hand, a list appeared out of thin air, exuding a mysterious purple light.

Luo Hui sneered and said: "Since all spirits are in the midst of the calamity, then it's up to you whether it is a disciple of the Demon Dao or a power outside the Demon Dao on the list.


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