Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 5 Chapter 2: The Man of Destiny Appears (Part 1)

Mount Xume.

Freedom Palace.

Nearly a thousand powerful people gathered here, each of them looked a little helpless, but their eyes were very firm.

After coming to Zizai Palace, these great abilities all felt a kind of nostalgia. They had heard the words in Zizai Palace before.

At that time, they were nothing but Taiyi Golden Immortal, or Daluo Golden Immortal.

At that time, the magic way taught to them by the demon ancestor allowed the cultivation method to go further.

Now, after returning to Zizai Palace, they have all become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Before the countless Yuanhui, some of the three thousand great abilities sitting here were lost, and some were still ants.

The eight hundred of them became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Give the grace of the Tao, repay your life and death!

How about dying to maintain the dignity of the magic way?

Above the cloud bed, Luo Hu sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus, looking at the nearly thousand Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian below.

Seeing their nervous expressions, Luo Hu knew why.

After all, let them deal with more than 7,000 Hunyuan Daluojin, which is no different from sending death.

"Are you afraid? You can withdraw now." Luo Hu said with a smile.

Seeing Luo Hu's joking look, these magic powers also laughed.

"What the devil ancestor said, I will listen to you in your seat. All of them are people of the demon way. Now the majesty of the demon way is damaged, and people like us must maintain the majesty of the demon way."

"Yes, isn't it the Xuanmen? Are there any casual cultivators in Buddhism? Why are they afraid?

Seeing the powerful words of the Demon Dao powers one by one, Luo Hui did not laugh at them, because Luo Huo knew that these great powers were all paying for the Demon Dao.

"Don't be so pessimistic, in the battle of conferring the gods, it is not always certain who wins and loses." Luo Hu said with a smile.

At this time, a Demon Dao great power said: "The Demon Ancestor, it is not that the disciple is afraid, nor is it that the disciple disturbs the military's mind. The disciple wants to ask the Demon Ancestor if there is any successor? After all, it is more than 7,000 Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, we people It's all going to die."

As soon as these words came out, all the powers nodded their heads, including all of Luo Hu's disciples, because they were right!

This is simply a battle for death.

"There is no back-up. There is only one sentence I can help you. There are still thirty-five years to unlock the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods. In these thirty-five years, you will cultivate hard and strive to break through to another level."

Luo Hu's words left everyone speechless.

However, even so, they are determined to die and guard the majesty of the magic way.

Because they believe that if they don’t die now, they will die ten thousand years later.

The great horror after ten thousand years has been spread, and all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian knows about it, and after ten thousand years, there will be a great horror.

And in the Zixiao Palace, Luo Hui said the great horror himself.

Therefore, they have no choice. Since they are all dead, it is better to have a bone to die.

Luo Hu told them all to return to his dojo, practice hard, and wait for the conquest of God 35 years later.

When these powers leave.

All of Luo Hu's disciples asked what they thought.

"Master, what should I do next?"

In their hearts, they all believed that Luo Hu had a calculation, and with Luo Hu's calculation, he could definitely defeat the heavens.

"What should I do? Go back and practice." Luo Hui said lightly.

Luo Hu didn't have a way to win, so there was nothing to say, only to fight in the future.


These disciples were stunned, this is not like Luo Hu's person!

With Luo Hu's character, isn't it only when he holds the winning ticket?

"Well, one drop of Pangu bone marrow can increase combat power as much as possible."

After Luo Hui finished speaking, he took out Pangu bone marrow and gave it to these disciples.


Linga Mountain.

Amitabha's face was extremely ugly.

"Hong Jun is really a good calculation, and the battle with the devil's way is even linked to the Buddhist way!"

Amitabha Buddha's complexion seemed to be able to drip out of water and fight the magic way. Didn't this let him face Luo Hu directly?

"Brother, you don't have to worry about anything in the battle against Demon Dao. In the Zixiao Palace, you have also seen that there are more than 7,000 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and more than 800 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This is a win."

"Moreover, the Demon Ancestor also angered Dao Ancestor, Destiny Ancestor, and Lu Ya. At that time, the Demon Ancestor may not be able to protect himself."

Zhun Ti and Ran Deng said.

Amitabha took a look at his two younger brothers, and then said: "The Lord of the Buddha's Way of the Eight Hundred Worlds, without my decree, you cannot participate in the battle."

"Brother, why is this?"

Buddhism and Tao are in charge of eight hundred worlds. It can be said that this is the final balance of heaven.

However, in the eight hundred worlds of Buddhism and Taoism, there is only one Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in each world. Even so, Buddhism and Taoism also have eight hundred Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Hongjun wants to take advantage of Buddhism and Devildom to lose both. Can't you tell?"

Amitabha gave a deep cry.

In fact, Amitabha knew that Hongjun Daozu didn't think that way, Hongjun Daozu really wanted to gather all the powers ~ to destroy the magic way.

But how could Amitabha Buddha attack the magic way, there are his masters, and the brothers and sisters!

Both Zhunti and Randeng believed Amitabha's words, and said nothing more.

At this time, Primordial Heavenly Sovereign came out of Zixiao Palace, holding a list of conferred gods and beating the whip.

Primitive Tianzun is now the only true disciple of Hongjun Daozu, and this deity is naturally in the hands of Primordial Tianzun.

As for the ancestor of Kunpeng?

Now and as Wenzu Cangjie, although he is still a direct disciple of Hongjun Daozu, his heart is no longer in Xuanmen.

If Xuanmen had something to endanger the human race, then Wenzu Cangjie would definitely not hesitate to attack Xuanmen.

This disciple, and became a nominal disciple.

"Master said, there are flying bears and black panthers in the Conferred God. As long as they are under the sect, they can destroy the devil's way."

Primitive Tianzun thought of Hongjun Daozu's words in his heart.

At this time, at Mount Xume, Luo Hu called Tai Xuan to his side.

"You go to Kunlun Mountain and accept these two as disciples!"

Luo Hui waved his hand, and a picture suddenly appeared, and the two came to Kunlun Mountain together, with a pious look on their faces.

"Do these two people want to worship Kunlun Mountain for the truth?" Tai Xuan saw the thoughts of these two people at a glance.

"If I go, wouldn't I just grab the disciple of Primordial Celestial Venerable? The war is afraid that it will start in advance." Tai Xuan said, but there was no fear, but a little eager.

Fight directly, better!

"If the Primitive Tianzun appears, then you can come back." Luo Hui said calmly.

"What is the disciple going to do?" Tai Xuan didn't understand Luo Hui's meaning.

Since letting it go, why didn't it let it compete with the original Tianzun?


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